
Motives Quotes

There are 339 quotes

"The moral worth of an action depends on the motive for which it's done."
"I pray to God that God allows me to do this for the right reasons."
"People are not loyal to you. They are loyal to what they want from you."
"The subjectivity of morality doesn't lie at the level of the action; it lies at the level of the motive."
"Sometimes fighting is just business, but sometimes it's a whole lot more."
"I'm not comfortable with lacing our friendship with ulterior motives."
"When you have people themselves giving motive and saying this is why I do it and it fits the data, that's a really strong case."
"There's a lot of people who get into it wanting to be famous, which I think is the worst reason to start doing political commentary."
"Why did they put her in the spotlight?" - Questioning motives behind decisions.
"This isn't our first time in the game fighting other Light bearers, but it is the first time that we'll be facing other Light bearers that have much more relentless motives."
"Did they end the war with humanity out of altruism or is there something more nefarious at play?"
"It was significant in taking people with bad motives off the street."
"There was no jealousy, or passion whatsoever in Salvatore's motives for selling us out... it was just business."
"Praying with wrong motives won't get you anywhere."
"The term voter suppression — embedded in that word is the very question of what the motivation is for these kinds of laws and procedures."
"Why is this happening? Why would anyone, no matter how many guns he has available to him, want to do that in the first place?"
"At the end of the day, everyone wants attention. It's just whether we agree or disagree with what they're saying to get the attention is when we're like, well, that's you're just doing that to get attention."
"We don't make them out of hate, we make them out of love."
"To be honest, Cody is really looking to relocate back to Vegas."
"There's some Financial motives here that aren't just about the cost of the house."
"That whole situation was more about ego than it was protecting the black woman."
"As long as you know you gave and defended them with the right motives, your conscience should be clean."
"There's a bunch of folks who are just saying things because they want to get you to click on it. It's just straight up fraudulent."
"Why are they doing it is what interests me the most."
"The truth is this raid wasn't about documents."
"If your practice doesn't begin and end with love, you're practicing for the wrong reasons."
"Mrs. Loomis's motive for revenge was intelligently crafted."
"It's kind of like his personality to do that, you can't does it just out of spite more than anything else."
"That's the most important question. What was the reason? What would be the benefit of it? What would change after he was killed?"
"They would not have to open this impeachment proceeding because they're intent on impeaching the President."
"Interracial [ __ ] cool, but do it because you love them, not because you have an agenda." - Lord Jamar
"He's not lying for the sake of lying. The things he chooses to lie about are important." - David Robinson
"The whole conflict was always about regime changing Putin."
"He's trying to spite me. I don't know why, like he's evil."
"Your rationality kicked in and went, 'No, no, you're playing this for a reason that you shouldn't be playing it.'"
"Sometimes you fight for the sake of fighting."
"Terrorism isn't just violence, terrorism is violence committed within the ultimate ends."
"I'm doing X because we're trying to achieve Y but in politics there's a lot of doing X just for X's sake."
"Was it for power, influence, or just money? So without further ado, let's get to it."
"It's in the season of serving that motives are revealed."
"Your motive isn't the relationship, your motive is happiness."
"All because of lust and sex and love and hatred."
"Whenever you look at any sort of Hollywood flex and virtue signal, there's usually some ulterior motive."
"Never judge someone's character based on words of another. Instead, study the motives behind the words of the person casting the bad soozee chasm."
"I'm just a simple tool to be used by that person, therefore that person would have the strongest motive."
"We're not interested in the money. It was really knowing that Jim was a perpetrator."
"There's a thin line between speaking out for the people and seeking revenge."
"Thanos, wiping out half of all life to impress Mistress Death."
"We're going to find out what happened. Why would they do something like that?"
"Are they doing it for views because it's popular or do they really want to make a difference?"
"No matter how kind and sweet people seem, pay attention to their motives."
"I think the mental health factors, especially the personality factors, really were a significant part of the motive."
"This wasn't about helping the sons, it was about making money."
"I think that he was absolutely there for politics."
"They may feel like you just returned because of financial insecurity."
"We all want to understand why this happened and what drove someone to do this."
"Follow the money, go back to the money, that appears to be the only genuine, sincere motive in any of this quite frankly."
"This person in particular fooled the entire internet for fame, fortune, and deep ulterior motives."
"It's greed. He wanted all of it." - Unknown speaker
"Compromising comes from a place of what they're getting out of the relationship."
"The mountain man is a different type of killer, he doesn't just do it for fun."
"I believe they're just saying that because they want to have the easy way out on this."
"It should be you're giving freely, not because you want a title."
"To try to make that into something unsavory is, to my view, just reflects a motive that is totally evil."
"I think I'm taking this person for the right reasons."
"Fired by hatred, motivated by greed, and doomed by incompetence."
"Every decision that's ever made in a boardroom you can fake like it's about money alone but it's not just about money alone it's about control."
"This is not a laughing matter, and I think that some people are using this recent situation that has transpired and trying to use it as their motive or their rationale behind the actions."
"You cannot say the right things with the wrong motives."
"I want this Broly to be at least more thoughtful. Maybe he has his own motive."
"They feel like you don't change for all the right reasons."
"Most people that are punching up are just looking for somebody to punch."
"I think it's easy to say he's a charlatan or he's this or that but you know I think they do it because of genuine reasons."
"Is he nice for the sake of being nice or is he nice because he has a motive?"
"Step back from everything you're being told and ask why am I being told it, who is telling it to me, and what is their incentive."
"He had never wronged me, he had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire."
"He needs to punish you for the transgressions, motive number one restore grandiosity, motive number two punish her."
"Questions uncover motives and hidden agendas."
"The motive, however, is as old as mankind itself."
"Assuming ill motives almost instantly cuts us off from truly understanding why someone does and believes as they do."
"You don't have because you don't ask... And when you ask, you ask with wrong motives."
"We don't have any ulterior motives here... we can be brutally honest."
"You're going to always have to watch your friends and who you keep around you because you don't know who's around you really for motive."
"Why do people go to war? Out of fear, honor, and interest."
"We're taking off the rose-colored glasses and we're seeing people for who they really are; we're seeing people's true motivations."
"Seo-Hyun explains that Jung-Yi never wanted to be a hero, she only joined the war as a mercenary to pay for Seo-Hyun's treatments."
"Extraordinary actions require extraordinary motives which in turn require extraordinary justification."
"They're finding out that they're really the ones obsessed with you. They're finding out that there's ulterior motives."
"She ain't keeping this baby to be with this [__] she keeping this baby because she wants a baby she wants a baby girl she needs a check and she wants a certain aesthetic and he has gay rumors that he's trying to cover up so it's right on time."
"Once you understand somebody's motives, you're less subject to the power of their words."
"You are not wrong to reject the invitation. It was given with an ulterior motive, had nothing to do with fixing anything."
"Lucius wanted to accomplish by expelling or eliminating Dumbledore from the equation."
"Both them were fighting for the wrong reasons but have their own personal."
"The defense contended that Lynn gave Jesse the money because Lynn knew she was going to end her own life."
"Our methods are different, our motives are the same."
"The Lord's light penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive."
"When we pray for the gifts of the Spirit—and we should—one for which I pray is that I might have pure motives, to want what He wants for our Father’s children and for me and to feel, as well as to say, that what I want is His will to be done."
"Boromir's motives were likely mixed, with elements of stubbornness, pride, and patriotism."
"People are murdered for gain, for fear, or for love. One takes one's choice, but one has to have a starting point."
"People do, good people who realize more clearly than ever did before that the motives which would go into such a situation are so important."
"I think also one thing that's always been interesting to me since I've been sober is people's motives behind why they do something."
"He's not condemning prayer in public, he's condemning prayer in public that has bad motives."
"A truly great villain has motives and morals that guide their actions in a way that we as the audience can understand and sometimes even relate to."
"I am concerned sometimes that they're after my money while my body."
"It's not about patriotism at all, it's about revenge."
"Now, again, you know, the unknown here is his motives, right? That's the um, yes, you know, he finds himself in contact with uh, his younger brother now, right, who has the Founding Titan and he happens to be uh, the Beast Titan of, you know, royal lineage, uh?"
"Motives matter; what you desire most is the epicenter of your heart."
"People often start relationships for all of the wrong reasons."
"If you say no and he keeps going, that lets you know everything you need to know right there. He's got one motive and it ain't to make you happy."
"There's a prevailing concern that this match is merely a cash grab exploiting the moment."
"Men who pretend to be friends with girls are just trying to get laid."
"They are doing this out of their own insecurities too."
"I think if you're getting a little kick out of her viewing your profile, you're obviously looking for something out of it."
"God's growing us up. If you are at this church for any reason connected to flesh, I promise you, you won't last. You can't be here for the wrong reason, for the wrong motives, because time is going to reveal."
"Most people problem in life, you don't even realize that them people only around you because they see a business."
"They're having a hard time trusting your motives, they feel like you have selfish motives which is causing them to really pick you apart."
"He both understands and accepts our motives and righteous desires."
"The goal of real teaching is unselfish actions from pure motives."
"If you didn't get anything else, I hope you'll at least remember this: you're not going to be judged for your sins. You're going to be judged for your service, your motives, your intents."
"The decision to kill Bugsy Seagull was a multifaceted one driven by a complex interplay of financial disputes, power struggles, personal extravagance, broken promises, and the fear of potential informants."
"If a man proposes out of the blue, he's hiding something."
"In healthy people, these are inhibitory motives. In people with cluster B personality disorders, they are the driving force."
"Sure, I'm defensive... because it always comes down to an accusation that you're just in it for the money. Nobody likes to be told they're just in it for the money."
"It is very different than reality TV now, people have an agenda going on a show, and they want to be famous, that's the only reason they're doing it."
"A relationship never is satisfying if the motive of one person is only about their agenda and not yours."
"People try to impress you to get you interested in them."
"...because somebody's outer veneer--are they friendly? Are they warm? Are they welcoming? Are they polite?--is totally different from their inner motives."
"People date for the wrong reasons."
"The truth about his wartime flight to Britain, the cost of his incarceration being a living symbol of Nazism and providing Russia with a legitimate presence in the west—all of these have been put forward as motives for wanting Hess gone."
"Motives are often unclear in these cases, with many attributed simply to mental illness or to people with unspecified grudges against society."
"If a girl does that, she's using you for what you can provide, and that's it."
"If a guy buys you a random dog, something's going on."
"According to him, Spears' team only flipped out because the two hadn't signed a prenup, but he also claimed he wasn't in it for the money."
"When that was the end goal because it was just an excuse, you know? Would love to say my motives were altruistic, and that's certainly what I presented, but you don't feel like they were altruistic to begin with."
"People are getting into relationships for the wrong reasons."
"A lot of people might be your friend for various reasons."
"All men are fueled by motives, by desires. Revenge is a deep-seated motive we all have buried inside of us."
"The motives of intelligent beings though they may at times appear obscure or simple compared to the complex workings of the natural Universe."
"Oprah's association with such figures raises questions about her true motives."
"A man kills either in order to obtain what the other man possesses, either by theft or inheritance, or to stop the other man from acting in some way."
"You'll be a legend. Well now you're a legend too but in a different sense. That does their things for their own reasons, so I'm not knocking it."
"Lord Brownlow acted for altruistic and philanthropic motives."
"Seeing through people's manipulations allows you to get a greater sense of their motives, of what they really want."
"I'm not saying therapy is a bad thing. I'm saying that whenever for-profit comes into the conclusion or into the circumstance, you must consider the motives of the human that's speaking to you, yeah, right?"
"Amazo begins to question Luther's motives and why he wants the league gone."
"They're afraid that you think there are underlying motives. Their only motive is you."
"Only God knows what's going on inside, only God knows what motives are behind what we do."
"Most people get married because they're just so consumed with the possibility of getting what they can get from this individual upon whom they've set their affections."
"If it's not about money, then they're just flat out evil."
"Yeah, and everything's going to be judged in the end, including our motives — why we do what we do."
"Some people have kids to solve a lot of, sometimes people will have kids to solve relationship issues, sometimes people have a kid because they feel like they need something, sometimes people have a kid so they try to avoid jail time."
"For all kinds of reasons and motives we do what we do because there are single moms out there that are trying to feed their children there are girls out there who grew up with their fathers there are girls out there who came from abusive homes."
"In New York, it's kind of like motives. Ain't nobody doing no random killings like every day in the Bronx."
"The motives in this killing are as old as murder: passion and greed."
"Women have affairs to trade up, escape a lower mate value relationship, or exit a costly relationship."
"I'm just all about the experiences. God gives us things to test our motives and see how we manage them."
"People might just have hidden agendas."
"From the looks of it, users seem to believe that Jew's lawsuit was just one giant cash grab, and for many, his motives were now in question."
"I like villains that are just doing villainous things just because they can."
"The hardest part is people's motives, okay? And dating, because you never know what they want from you."
"So I think the hardest part is people's motives, okay? And dating, because you never know what they want from you."
"What is your motive for wanting to be seen?"
"The reasons why people engage in espionage, whether it's against foreign governments or our own, are as broad as human psychology."
"The liar one seems most improbable... think of the sheer malevolence involved if Jesus is just lying. What would the motive for that be, for him, especially when he's getting crucified for it?"
"Stinky Pete wants to be immortalized in a Toy Museum. We can empathize with his reasons—they're clearly a result of his desire to finally be seen."
"When are acts of charity genuine? I mean, how do you judge your own motives?"
"Do you think that I gave Cal an inch because I was lonesome?"
"Why did you lie? Because they did have resemblance to his family."
"When I stole people's identities, I wasn't doing it for any kind of financial gain. I was just using it so that when I went to go do my dirt, people didn't know who I was."
"Others do not necessarily love them only for money or for the power or for the beauty they have."
"The very motives that drive them, those motives are inside you as well."
"Love is the motive for everything we do. The problem with love is that we learn to love the same way like everybody else loves, and this is conditional love."
"A love triangle could be an even stronger motive for murder than money."
"We know he's at least cordial with the robbers there, but he also hasn't gone back for a reason."
"Someone is not being true to themselves or to you. Someone's acting shady with hidden motives."
"He killed her out of jealousy. He killed her because he couldn't have her."
"There's only a few people that love you for you and many people want to be your friend just for what they want to get from you."
"Why are you really with me? Is it because you wanna be famous too or like you trying to get on or you just want the light? What is it?"
"He might win the MVP and this is I'm not doing this for a clip."
"One of the things that I've always thought was I'm not going to call it a superpower but something that I've been glad that I have for myself is my motives are always apparent to me even when they're ugly and petty."
"So now that makes me feel like you're just supporting me because you have ulterior motives. You can't come up off of nobody else. I mean, I personally, I feel like a lot of people, that's what their motive is, you know what I mean?"
"If buying a company with a high ESG score solves your conscience, then do it. But don't do it because you think you're going to get a higher return."
"The sooner we stop lying about what the real motives are, the more honest the discussion will become."
"Rescuing can become very dark and it can be loaded with dark intentions, private intentions, the reason one's rescuing someone is not actually positive motives."
"The whole thing feels self-serving...who is benefiting the most from this partnership between Global Artisans and US-based MLM Huns?"
"I don't want to be accused of being a mercenary, of just being after the people's money."
"Jesus was keenly aware that people were following him because of the free stuff."
"If you can't have a female as a friend and you have other motives for that person, that's not your friend."
"...before my Father, He knows my heart, He knows my motives..."
"Every character is a gray area. I'd say maybe besides Silver, besides Kreese. Like, no one is just bad or just good, you know? Like, there's motives behind everything."
"It is in 'our motives for the things we do . . . where the sin is manifest.'"
"It's very likely that your motive will not be a hundred percent pure. There will be a mix."
"As you read their lives and the impact of their lives for good, it will stir in you a desire to have those same motives."
"Every character has motive, most get questioned by the police, and this group continues to protect one of their own, even if that means getting away with murder."
"Women cheat with the possible replacement."
"The wars for what? To cover up their own dirty businesses, their 'cestine' things, and to acquire more land."
"It's not that these criminal Heroes are doing it only for money. Just because someone is a hero, that doesn't mean they're all doing it for the exact same reason."
"There's a misconception that when people are on reality TV they're thirsty to be on TV or they want to be seen and this and that, and that's not the case."
"We kind of talked about people hanging out at studio sessions, acting like they're friends. It's like y'all really just trying to get hot."
"Men don't go out with women unless we're trying to have sex. That's the difference."