
Disaster Relief Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"Thoughts, prayers, resources all need to go toward the people who are directly in the path of this thing."
"World Central Kitchen...goes to where disasters are and feed people."
"A robust and timely federal response, including through supplemental programs and funding, will be required to ensure that sufficient resources are provided to rebuild critical infrastructure and public services capacity, and to assist our fellow Floridians in rebuilding their lives."
"We're here to help Hurricane Harvey. You guys are acting like animals. Everyone calm down. This isn't, we're not here for a meet and greet. We're here to get supplies to the people in Hurricane Harvey."
"Please support the people of Maui. There are ways to do it. The Hawaii Community Foundation, for example, has set up a fund. Millions of dollars have already poured in, but as you can tell, thousands of individuals are going to have great need."
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Hawaii. Not just our prayers, every asset they need will be there for them."
"The president has signed the federal emergency disaster declaration."
"We've been helping with disaster relief just came from a funeral."
"People come together when natural disasters wipe them out."
"Donate whatever you can. This is going to affect everybody."
"We are determined to do all that we can to help those affected by these earthquakes."
"Cooperation can make all the difference; the people need you to rescue survivors and give them a home."
"Every year the humanitarian arm of the church provides supplies for disaster relief to countless people around the world."
"We're going to stay as long as it takes to help them."
"Carriers are used for disaster relief and soft power operations."
"In the midst of the rubble, the church is showing up."
"It's literally to apply for disaster relief; you need to sign a pledge saying you will not boycott Israel."
"The disaster relief fund is the nucleus of our efforts to assist communities in recovering from natural disasters."
"It's all fun. Nobody ever expected us to get this far. We've done so much to raise public awareness about what happened in Puerto Rico and raised a lot of money. Had a good time and showed that the industry cares. So, this is all a win."
"Thank you for encouraging me to talk about that and thank you to anyone who can donate or spread the word to get more help because it's absolutely devastating what has happened over there."
"Mr. Beast feeds hundreds of hurricane ida survivors."
"This is why we need a government... so that when Florida is devastated, they get every bit of help they need."
"Tesla releases high battery capacity and free supercharging to help evacuate hurricane victims."
"The JSDF played a pivotal role in disaster relief operations and civil engineering projects."
"We have an obligation to help people when they've been victimized by these severe weather conditions."
"A hundred percent of the profits are gonna go to donating to the flood victims here."
"Major Pan cyborg cockroach coming to a disaster area near you."
"We should never sentence the flood survivors to one more night on the suicidal floodplain."
"Sending out a lot of positive thoughts towards the Bahamas."
"...unites to meet the needs after a disaster."
"Since then, we've housed 300,000 people during natural disasters."
"Just good people, lots of trucks, and they've been doing this kind of stuff with us ever since hurricane Harvey down in Texas in 2017."
"Overnight, the American Red Cross opened up 10 shelters to house over 600 people."
"Karge embarked on a humanitarian role, delivering aid after typhoon Vera."
"According to the story Luffy's crew landed in komamoto they saw all the damage and decided to help out."
"More than anything, I think I would want you all to be relief for the surrounding area and surrounding villages if anything disastrous were to happen."
"Initially when we saw the towers come down, I turned to my boss and said, 'We better start getting heavy equipment together because they're gonna be calling for us to go over there.'"
"If I am gifted ten thousand dollars at the end of the year, it is all going to them, hurricane relief."
"Anytime that we have a disaster, the church has developed the ability to organize very quickly."
"Donate where it needs, donate to one of these charities or shelters down in the Gulf or like I said up here in the northeast where the devastation was bad"
"The TPC has worked for decades to fight art crime, safeguarding works in the region struck by natural disaster."
"It was amazing to see the effort put forth to help people that had lost everything. I'm sure a lot of us thought that this was the worst it could get. I wish that had been true."
"I hope you can donate and I hope you have the means to do so to help these people out because it's just been a terrible thing."
"...people that lost everything: their businesses, their homes, in the floods and the fires. So this is a nice direct way that we can help our friends and neighbors and give back."
"They made a collection, and everybody donated to the event disaster fund."
"Welfare measures were put in place to help those affected by the Great Fire."
"We were there for every other major disaster, you name it, from Hurricane Sandy to September 11th to the blackout."
"Sakamoto Days Creator: 'Thoughts and prayers to everyone suffering due to the disaster. I pray things will return to normal as soon as possible.'"
"Cipher Academy: 'Thank you to everybody who participated in the cipher exam project. I'm sending this issue's PID to the Noto Peninsula earthquake recovery fund.'"
"Scientology in society: disaster relief."
"I hope for the best for everyone in this disaster."
"Take money from others, to relieve people of disasters."
"Satellites have become indispensable helpers for disasters of all kinds."
"It's amazing, the outpouring of love and support."
"Your support to humanitarian assistance and disaster response efforts... has saved very many lives."
"Can I give this to our brothers affected by the hurricane? Of course, you can."
"If anybody ever needed help, it was those people down in Louisiana and neighboring states."
"Other countries sent aid in the form of food, fresh water, and medical supplies."
"This is emergency disaster relief for people who don't have jobs through no fault of their own."
"We donated all the money to Puerto Rico relief with the show."
"We will provide assistance for repairs and lost valuables."
"Canadians were helping each other, coming up with shelters and how to feed the community."
"We are very, very grateful that our president has now authorized FEMA support."
"For 10 bucks, you just bought 100 blankets for disaster relief allocated in Africa."
"We will go anywhere, anywhere the disaster strikes, whether it be a great fire, an earthquake, a flood, or a plane crash."
"They've been known to participate, specifically in disaster relief efforts."
"She was heavily involved with relief efforts for Typhoon Yolanda via Red Cross, which had affected parts of her hometown."
"We're gonna head down to Florida I think, help out Thomas because a hurricane just came through there."
"I donated to Hurricane Harvey this week."
"All proceeds go to the bushfire relief."
"This 18-year-old donated hundreds of books to children following a hurricane in the Bahamas."
"Wind link can turn you into somebody who can go into a natural disaster and be very helpful and get the word out of what kind of supplies are needed or who's injured and what kind of help is needed."
"It's a big step forward and another way that we're going to allow your dollar to stretch farther whenever we help people that get impacted by severe weather."
"The benefits of a translator app in a post-disaster world could be life-saving."
"It was amazing to see all the stories of how people were coming together locally and nationally to support those affected by the tornado."
"If you want to help financially or if you have time to volunteer, actually on site, we'll put some information on the screen where you can donate or where you can get in contact with people that are organizing the disaster relief."
"I'm sending so much love if you guys were impacted by the hurricane."
"Our hearts literally go out to all the people who were severely affected by this hurricane."
"Through her charitable foundations and support for disaster relief efforts, she has touched the lives of countless individuals and inspired others to join her in making a difference."
"Ironically, the very river that had brought decades of disaster could also provide salvation."
"Amidst the chaos and devastation on Earth, it was a relief to save a few human lives from the ashes."
"For every person that does this challenge, we will donate five dollars to the relief for hurricane Ida."
"Remember if you can help someone out from Hurricane Ian who's gone through some really bad times, please do it."
"Thank you for doing all of this... decided to answer the call and help people out whose lives have been turned upside down."
"We wanted to send out our thoughts and our prayers to the people of Houston Texas who have been affected by hurricane Harvey."
"We good, shout out and my prayers go out to everybody that lost their homes."
"We pray for all of you that are in Florida, even the surrounding states that have been affected by Hurricane Ian."
"We're raising money for the Turkey Syria earthquake appeal."
"All 100% of the proceeds go towards the Syria and Turkey earthquake aid."
"That's fifty point five billion dollars in disaster relief, so that's good news for families and for businesses that need the help right now."
"We help people in disasters, and we are also looking for people who are lost."
"$10 isn't all that much, I think everybody can at least afford to give $10 to something this catastrophic."
"It can be said that it's very fortunate no life was taken given the scale of the attack."
"Our mission is pretty simple: it's to help people before, during, and after disasters."
"Whatever you can do to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy would be deeply appreciated."
"Wherever there's a disaster in the world, he's there trying to help."
"First thing I want to do is say prayers for everybody who's been affected by the tornado."
"If you can donate to disaster responder assets Network and Feeding America."
"They need drinking water, food, clothes; they've lost everything."
"All ad revenue goes to help those affected by the floods."
"It's a nationwide sponsored run at raising money for those affected by the earthquake."
"I'm also going to drop off all of those supplies to one of the drop-off points down there for all of the people who were affected by the tragic fires in New South Wales."
"One of the cool things I've got to be part of is going on disaster relief trips."
"We're doing a drive here for Power 105, collecting donations for the victims of Hurricane Sandy."
"We are doing a drive here for Power 105, collecting donations for the victims of Hurricane Sandy."
"It's great to see that New Zealand Rugby, Sky New Zealand super teens wanted Majora are teaming up to raise funds for the Red Cross disaster relief."
"We urgently need additional funding to help more than 5 million people affected by the earthquakes in Turkey."
"When the earthquake struck Nepal, millions of users got online... they helped to build their lives because of the internet."
"Help victims of Hurricane Katrina and thousands of other disasters."
"It's a good thing to set up a porridge kitchen for disaster relief."
"Robots for disaster relief scenarios going into unfamiliar environments and reacting intelligently to unexpected events."
"We can use AI to help our doctors, to help our disaster relief workers, to help decision makers."
"I feel very proud of the kind of work we did at Infosys Foundation in all the disasters, including the last one, COVID."
"More than one million meals have been shipped to Texas."
"We're not near it at all, but sending all the good vibes and thoughts and prayers to the people in the hurricane right now."
"I hope you guys are doing well and I hope all of my people from Florida, Puerto Rico, or wherever you are, if you've been affected by all these natural disasters, I hope you're OK."
"When disasters strike, there's no red state or blue state; they're just communities and families looking for help."
"Just imagine if you were in a hurricane-torn area or tornado devastated area and you can make pancakes for the people that are helping clean up the area."