
Political Courage Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Love makes my marriage real, but political courage made it possible."
"This is one of the moments when one has to be willing to maybe go beyond your own political base and decide what is right and what is wrong."
"Those brave enough to stand up to Putin and against this war are my new heroes."
"AOC, God bless her for saying it, because it's amazing. She's the only one brave enough to say it out loud."
"The issue we're dealing with is will the democratic party... have the courage to address the crises facing the american people?"
"If you're not willing to stand up to your own side now and every now and again there's really no point in having this job."
"I give Kevin McCarthy a lot of credit for doing what he did. He went against that MAGA base and he did the right thing for America."
"Her present vote... will be looked back upon as a true Profile in Courage."
"The progressive space hasn't had that courage since Bernie Sanders popped up on the scene."
"Many of the potential candidates and many other people in the party are starting to have the courage to stand up."
"Kathy Bernier stood up for the truth on Monday, the Republican chair of the state senate elections committee knows that it may lead to vile threats against her and almost certainly will come at a political cost. She did it anyway. That's courage."
"Zelensky has reminded us of what political courage looks like and what freedom means."
"Romney showed a level of moral courage that validated the founders' faith in self-governance."
"Imagine if a Democrat had the balls to say this and actually follow through on it."
"It's about time we got some backbone in our government and people stood up to the abuses of power and defended the American people and the Constitution."
"We're not doing this because it's politically easy; we're doing it because it's the right thing to do."
"Not afraid of standing up to the NRA, he's done it multiple times and won on background checks and a range of issues."
"Republicans finding a spine, and boy is it enjoyable when Republicans actually have a spine."
"This has taken real political courage... but this is a big, big day for, I think, stability in the Balkans as well."
"The times you stand alone against your party... prove to yourself that you have what it takes."
"We need more people that aren't cowards, at least in the Republican Party."
"Seeing this strong woman stand up on the house floor and make a strong statement, that's true." - Commentator
"It's not rocket science, it's not higher math, it's not brain surgery, it's just courage and the will to go fight for your constituents."
"Maybe just maybe, we should have the courage to take on powerful special interests."
"Don't be so terrified to put something out there because you're afraid of what the political impact is going to be like. That's not your job to worry about that."
"He's the only president who had the courage to do something."
"Why are they so afraid to say those couple of words yet yet they're okay pissing off the oil industry?"
"America needs leaders who are not afraid to do what's right regardless of the political fallout."
"We had a lot of really courageous Republican insiders who came forward... and put principle over party."
"Nobody had the courage to stand up to the Chinese like President Donald Trump."
"They dared to expose communist subversion in a media environment where many have bowed down."
"Jim Jordan and Barry Loudermilk have shown commendable courage in exposing this scandalous collusion. Their Relentless Pursuit Of Truth is a testament to their dedication to Justice and the American way."
"Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was courageous."
"We have got to have the courage to take on corporate greed."
"We got to give it up to Senator Rubio for coming forward, one of the senators that actually has the guts to talk about the UFO phenomenon happening around the world."
"Now is not the time for Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley and President Trump and anyone who supported President Trump to just shrink in and hide behind a corner or hide under a rock."
"At the very moment when our entire democracy hung in the balance, probably because of fear for his own life, he finally did the right thing and stopped Trump."
"This government needs much more gumption and guts... to go after some of these big bandicoots."
"We should not be afraid as members of parliament to speak clearly and forthrightly."
"People are losing their fear as well because usually people keep their mouths shut in these places when they support Republicans but with Trump, you get this kind of courage."
"A determined political act can only be arrested by an equally determined and courageous judiciary."
"I appreciate your courage to come out as a conservative, to make that transition, and to join the walkaway movement."
"There is no greater failure of statesmanship than to lack the courage to do the right thing."
"Just introduce your bill, live and die by it."
"We have to stop being so afraid of doing politics. People, we gotta not be afraid of whatever you can't talk about."
"Barbara Lee has taken some very courageous stances."
"Isn't it finally time for the Democrats to find a bit of courage?"
"I think just somebody standing their ground and saying, actually, this is the situation, Mr. President, by comparison, that person seems like a hero."
"No one has the courage to stand up in Washington or London and tell the truth. This must end."
"Democratic party needs a spine... stand up for fundamental economic reform."
"Biden's decision to stand tall against the immense onslaught by the media and the forever war industrial complex and more is courageous."
"We have to rebuild a People's Movement from the ground up that will force politicians to become brave."
"I think the Vice President did the courageous thing."
"If we summon the political courage to do what is truly necessary, difficult though it may be, to fight for the British people, we will regain their trust."
"We have to show courage and our constituents need us to show courage on these matters."
"She stood up to the DNC, is against the broader Democratic Party, is willing to be independent-minded and break ranks with them in order to do the right thing."
"I don't care about the political and personal consequences, we will face them together."