
Public Desire Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Having some certainty and having some real governance are the things that I believe that Americans are looking for."
"People love... actual jobs... what they want more than anything else is jobs."
"Imagine that, actually legislating. Creating laws that the people of our fine country would want to actually happen."
"People aren't looking for more of the same, they're looking for change."
"What Americans want, they want Law and Order and they want the laws of our country enforced."
"People don't want propaganda, they want the truth."
"The country wants to be open, people want it to be open and they're raring to go."
"People want their places open. They want to get back to their lives."
"People want their schools open. They want to get back to their lives."
"The best campaigns are when the true essence of the candidate is what the electorate is thirsting for."
"People really want new ideas, new senses, new meaning."
"People are craving for consistency, for integrity, for truth, and for people caring about people."
"The people want authenticity; they want someone they can connect with and understand on a personal level."
"When you have the disparity between the desire of the people and the actions of the government, something's broken."
"Our country wants to go back, they want to go back to work."
"There's also a pandemic, nothing makes you yearn for a competent government like a global pandemic."
"People are desperate for non-politically charged sources."
"We want to get back to work, and the people want to get back."
"People are hungry for authentic politics so much."
"People actually do want something new and original."
"It almost feels like people want someone to fight for them."
"That's what people want, they want it to go back to being good."
"America first on every single level, I totally agree with you on that and I think that's what the American people want."
"I'm gonna give the people what they wanted, not just what they needed."
"We're all really tired of clickbait politics. We want people who are in Congress to work, not to get Twitter celebrity."
"There will be peace when the people of the world want it so badly that their governments will have no choice but to give it to them."
"They want a release, they want some relief, they want something good. And they deserve something good."
"People are hungry for something else, they want to see something genuine."
"You gotta give the people what they want. It's Christmas. Christmas is here."
"The vast majority of people in this country just want that action to be settled and for us to move on."
"We want big rob. We want the man who actually won't sell us out."
"At the end of the day I think people just want someone who's normal, honest, practical, and capable."
"People just want someone who's normal, honest, practical, and capable that's what they want."
"The American people do not want to go backwards."
"Bernie's movement showed that there's an appetite amongst a ton of people in this country for a really dramatic change in course."
"People are hungry for this kind of leadership."
"Americans want safe cities, affordable gas, and freedom."
"We have a desperate hunger for an alternative."
"People want to see people together. They want to know that you have a human interaction."
"The American people want to see the rule of law established."
"People want to be taken care of; they want Medicare for all."
"Canada deserves a common sense prime minister."
"Most of us wish politicians were more like you."
"He could have really stepped up and been the leader that the people want him to be."
"People want change, they want to see a positive world."
"Americans want competence, not praise for failed authoritarians."
"People are starved for that because all the fiction that's coming out right now is love triangle or trumped up things that don't matter."
"People want to know who won the election on Election Day or election night."
"It's a good point that's raised, but essentially we have to be honest with ourselves, people want to see honesty, people want to see genuineness."
"I don't want high approval ratings for this... I want our life back again... I want the world to get rid of this."
"It's about the people, man. They want me to do it."
"People want to see it, and it happens. And I think that's a good thing."
"We have to give the people what they want."
"What the American people want is simply a president who has the right values and point of view."
"What the people want is simple, they want a country as good as its promise."
"People are craving a little mystery."
"They want compromise. They want action."
"If it's what the people want, then okay."
"American people want the truth. That's what they want more than anything."
"People want art, but they want it bright and happy."
"People crave music with structure, melody, and instruments."
"They want honesty first and foremost."
"I feel like people are hungry for a new rock band."
"It's all about flavor, it's about bringing flavor to the people, that's what the people want."
"I think people are hungry for it."
"What our nation needs, what the American people want, is a humane economy."
"People want to see folks who are going to get stuff done for them."
"That's what people want; they want honesty, they want transparency, and they want the truth."
"If that's what the people want, you gotta give it to the people."
"There's a mass of people who simply want competent and good government."