
Societal Healing Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Will America be a place where faith is about healing and not exclusion?"
"Gaia offers a platform for awakening to new truths and new ways of being, to discuss what it would mean to heal ourselves and our society."
"Reconciliation is not possible without justice."
"A Truth and Reconciliation approach to the ugliest parts of our history is important."
"We're all trying to find a way to come together right now."
"Acknowledgment is the first step toward reconciliation."
"In a time when we are talking about a national divorce we can be talking about something more enlightening about bringing this Union back together."
"There does have to be forgiveness and reconciliation on a mass level."
"There's a real way this country can come together, can unify."
"That's how we rebuild trust in this country and until then I don't have a lot of patience to play the games."
"We belong together. Our society needs us to bring this healing to our inner life and each other."
"This is the biggest challenge we face as a people: healing the divisions and the wounds in our country."
"We're going to go from dark to light. That's what this moment is all about."
"We should try to bridge the divide right now and come together."
"I believe this is a moment that the country can use to get united."
"We have to somehow find our way back as a culture to a place where conversations can be had without hate and without name calling."
"I think that in a society that's so fractured... we need a way to handle put a hand out to someone else."
"This is a nation that still has enough business Foundation to allow us to find each other again."
"I think it's just sort of the weight off their shoulders and this sort of healing moment."
"Love your enemies: How decent people can save America."
"Unity is the antidote to the Divide, but it's also the antidote to the conquer."
"Reparations has nothing to do with taking anything from anyone but it's about repairing and making wrongs that are right."
"UFO research has the potential to heal a long divide."
"The healing of America comes from the forgiveness of the sin of the church."
"Racism is a scab on our history, it will never heal by picking it."
"This country, there's a lot of healing that needs to happen. There are elements that are really pushing polarization for political ends, and I'm concerned about where it's leading."
"And I think that's really the only path to healing and to really reconstructing society around more equitable lines."
"It's going to take us a very long time to heal from that polarization."
"We have to look back on historical injustices. That's why sunlight is the best disinfectant."
"Reparations would give us the ability to be whole and fully American."
"A big dose of forgiveness would fix America."
"As the church acknowledges its wrongs, perhaps those scarred by years of slavery and injustice can find peace."
"We need leaders now that are back to calling us to address that pain with a united purpose."
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. That will actually solve the fractured relationships that people have with each other in our society currently."
"The people who can see past it and still bring love, healing, and abundance regardless of background will have incredible abundance during this time."
"We're just healing society by doing it, what the end result will be magnificent but the process, the journey to doing that helps to heal what we are fundamentally a bit of a sick society overall."
"Forget the radical agendas out there and forget the rioters. Let's prove something by walking together in love and honesty."
"While everyone has surface-level differences like race, gender, wealth, beliefs, whatever, we are all united in suffering. Everybody hurts, and the sooner we can get that through our heads, the sooner we can all heal together."
"It's gotten so mean and ugly and divisive that I just think with him gone there's a chance to renew life."
"Unity and healing must begin with understanding and truth, not ignorance and lies."
"It's all about pushing you toward activism. It's not promoting healing, it's not promoting unity, it's not promoting real progress."
"Accountability is impossible without reconciliation."
"This week the collective consciousness is committing to feeling better."
"We've suffered enough let's just try to be human for each other again."
"In a time of such hate and conspiracy, we need to rid our societies of these horrible ideologies."
"This is a wound that we are actively choosing not to heal."
"We need to heal, don't we? It's we couldn't have a greater collection of people yelling [expletive] you at the same time then we have from the conservative right to the liberal left saying let's just let's all work together now."
"When we redefine justice for it to mean things like healing, repair, and safety, that requires us to deal with issues of trauma."
"It takes conversation to mend all the issues we have in society today."
"This moment calls for restoring trust within our country and with each other."
"Ultimately the goal is, what are we going to do about it? Are we going to try to find ways to work together to heal the community?"
"Political books are healing the soul of America and the politics of love."
"Reparation is the country acknowledging that there were people who were not treated well."
"This is going to make the medical field more powerful and we're going to heal things together, heal the Mind, heal the body, heal our society in our world."
"We've got to learn how to love each other in this country again."
"This world needs more healing, it needs to be healed, people need to be healed."
"I've also decided to stick with love, but I know that love is ultimately the only answer to mankind's problems."
"I want to dedicate my life to One Singular question now: how do we heal this country?"
"We are wide to connect and I think the therapy rooms for the next decades will be filled with the losses the injuries the wounds from knockdown."
"There's even more that can help heal the divides that have persisted for centuries."
"Reconciliation isn't about taking revenge for past tragedies. It's about finding a way to chart a path forward."
"I feel they're willing to embrace the chaos. They want to figure out how we can heal things and move forward."
"This moment calls for healing and reconciliation."
"The only way we will ever come together is in love."
"In order to move forward, we must go back. We must go back to the past we're healing."
"Reparations for slavery is a way to deal with the long-lasting consequences of slavery and its impact on the African-American community in the United States."
"The real [expletive] is love and it sounds cheesy but it's really love thy brother, love thy sister."
"It's time to replenish. We need a replenishment after the empty well of lies and extremism."
"Implementing reparative measures can contribute to bringing the divides that have long plagued our society."
"There's something happening culturally, you look at Birth regeneration, the world itself needing healing, all of those things emblematic of the Mother character in myth."
"There is now less evil in the world. God has brought pure justice for all those Joseph Duncan has hurt." - Marcos
"We have a choice as South Africans to reclaim our humanity. Both apartheid and colonization dehumanized us all."
"It's less about the candidate and more about just fixing the country you know like we've clearly seen what type of leadership we get now and it's hurting us."
"Now is the time for this government to start bringing people back together."
"We'll press forward with speed and urgency, for we have much to do in this winter of peril and significant possibilities. Much to repair, much to restore, much to heal, much to build, and much to gain."
"Societies we know are not made up to encourage vulnerability, we collectively can heal together if we share our stories."
"Nobody wants to get over slavery more than black folks."
"We need to heal, we need to join together because we have got to protect our right to own firearms."
"We must come together if we're to save this nation."
"Kindness is contagious and provided the light to reclaim ground lost to evil and darkness."
"I think patriots should advocate for that debt to be paid and for this healing process to start."
"We've not closed the chapter... done some kind of healthy truth and reconciliation around the topic of slavery."
"No amount of money could fix the horrors of the past. Us black folk need to learn to forgive and move on."
"We will choose healing. Do we move forward together or do we let politicians like Rand Paul forever hold us back and drive us apart?"
"We have the opportunity to lead the charge to choose to heal those wounds, to heal those divides."
"Hopefully this will be one step towards the healing for that city, for this country, perhaps anyone around the world."
"We are basically using society in the world to try and heal a piece of ourselves."
"A great American renaissance that would follow years of COVID censorship and political divisiveness."
"Let's focus on togetherness and brotherhood and solving divisions in this country."
"Truth and Reconciliation are absolutely two sides of the same coin."
"Justice... wasn't just about the outcome of a lawsuit; it was about recognition and reconciliation."
"It's going to take professionally trained counselors to do the things necessary to get us where we're going."
"This time demands healing, transformation, and liberation."
"All of America should watch this piece, I think that this piece could be kind of a healing for society."
"If we all healed, if we all felt for each other, if we all had empathy, this place would be a much better place."