
Election Impact Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"It's not about who wins this election that matters. It's the fact of how we actually revive our missing national identity."
"Our democracy has become so fragile, the loss of one of the last guardians of common sense and decency in government less than two months before a pivotal election, has put our civil and reproductive rights in danger like never before."
"It's going to be a god emperor landslide absolute Trump victory. Greenland pledges allegiance to the United States under Donald Trump and don't you forget it."
"This is proven out by social scientific data... 25 percent of American college students are suffering symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder from the 2016 election."
"This election was more or less maybe more a referendum on who can handle COVID well than anything else."
"If we see a rate hike before the election I think Biden is toast."
"As we think about what's going to be really interesting because turnout was so high on both sides, is was this the last election of the Trump era or was it the first election of the post-Trump era?"
"The Obama IRS abuse is the epitome of election interference."
"Any trial of this action during a pending presidential election will impact the outcome."
"This next election is existential especially for the latino community."
"This plan is likely increasing in pace because in 2020 Sandu won Moldova's presidential election against the pro-Russian incumbent."
"Vote, vote, vote... because you will determine the outcome of this election."
"This is going to be a total and complete wave election."
"I think part of what happened in the Trump election was that the level of general distrust in American society rose substantially because of political polarization."
"I'm leaning more towards Trump now because of how he performed."
"Black voters make up 13% of the national electorate, up from 11.5% just two in 2000."
"If Donald Trump wins 15 of the black vote in 2024 it is game over Democrats."
"This is the most important election of your lifetime."
"Elizabeth Warren staying in the race hurt Bernie Sanders, orchestrated pre-Super Tuesday turn."
"First time ever in my life as a lifelong conservative I've ever voted for a Democrat for president."
"When I saw all that was going on in this country, especially after the election of Donald Trump, I was tired of being restricted."
"If we don't have a Democrat in the White House and we have Trump or a Trump 2.0, we have real serious problems."
"This election has a revolutionary aspect to it, an expression of the rejection of a patriarchal society."
"The best way we can stop that is to win elections."
"The Tea Party movement happened because the president forgot that while he was elected by a majority of the population, it was a relatively narrow majority."
"I think that this election once and for all settles the question of like is fascism here..."
"Every piece of this, every bit of volunteering, every donation, it mattered in these close places, it made the difference."
"Those of us on the left, and I include members of the GOP who are left of the alt-right, recognize that the efforts of the alt-right and their myth creation have directly aided in the election of a corrupt, unstable individual to the White House."
"This whole election and this whole political cycle has just overcharged every issue so personally for me I'm voting because everything's at stake."
"My goal during the entire 2020 race was to get Trump out of office."
"The impact of voter suppression can be significant in the outcome of our elections when it goes unchecked."
"I think this will not hurt Democrats. It will hurt Trump because it just makes him seem extraordinarily chaotic."
"If people are optimistic and hopeful about the future... that will be a factor in a very good election."
"We saw what happened with Liv's trust when she was pulling a different direction from banking, with obviously eventually she got booted out and this time it might be a general election." - Co-director of Positive Money Fran Boait
"The elections this November will have consequences because the rights of a hundred million women are now on the ballot."
"This is the most important election in the modern history of this country."
"Trump is tainting their names, hurting the GOP's chances in Georgia."
"This will be one of the most important elections of our life."
"What happens here in this election impacts our kids for future generations and the entire planet."
"He certainly energized the population come out and vote on his side now on the other side too um they increased their turnout uh overwhelmingly from 26 is like 10 points higher than it was in 2016."
"One of the biggest issues that Michigan, other than that most people go, is this election."
"A vote for Biden is a vote to completely eradicate your auto industry."
"Real change is coming. This election is a once-in-a-generation chance to transform our country."
"This election is about so much more than people think it is."
"If he can pass a stimulus check before the election then it is going to definitely get him a lot more votes."
"The election matters a lot... this midterm is probably going to be just as important as the election that we had."
"Do I think that the Democrats have a better chance of winning if he's the nominee? I do."
"Women came out record numbers in the primaries they said you'll be lucky to get one candidate we now have 12."
"Remember just 11 days before the election FBI director James Comey announced that the agency was reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton."
"Life always continues, right? People always think that, 'Oh, there's an election, everything is going to change now.' There's always another stage."
"A narrowed bill would very likely be political suicide for Republicans it would create such a massive rallying cry for Democrats especially right before an election that would help so many people..."
"This is the most consequential election in US history because it will change the direction of our country."
"Brandon has developed the tip of the spear of a movement that can and will impact elections."
"This election is a choice between the American dream and a socialist nightmare."
"This election may prove as, if not more, important to the future of American democracy."
"Nearly everyone thinks that truthful coverage of Hunter Biden's laptop would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election."
"A brand new political movement that in as I say, a month goes from not existing to topping the polls in a national election."
"This election is going to be swayed with gas prices, food prices, inflation, and security."
"If you were to actually just grab a few non-voters and convert them into voters, that could be decisive for a general election."
"Utah, which surprisingly enough...Evan McMullin's endorsement, Joe Biden is expected to gain 13-14 percent more support than what Hillary Clinton received."
"Kamala Harris will definitely improve states such as North Carolina and Georgia."
"There's so many seats that go uncontested, like by Republicans, that like, it's, it's amazing how much people can transform things on a local level."
"The only thing standing between us and a complete fascist takeover of America is electing Democrats up and down the ballot in the midterm elections."
"59% who are supporting Nikki Haley say they will not go on to support Donald Trump in the general election."
"It's going to be chaos for the midterms. If there was chaos before, now it's palpable."
"The reality is that if Trump is pushed out in this election that's by no means the end of what could very well be an upswell a populist movement in America."
"Democrats may have just sealed their fate with this."
"I feel we should get stimulus even if the president loses. This is something he has promised to us."
"I think the 2020 election... the senate's actually becoming a more moderate place."
"Every election is the most important election."
"I think Mark Zuckerberg was probably like the one person who made the biggest difference in the 2020 election that like people aren't focusing on with like the zuckerbucks thing."
"If y'all have ever wondered if your local elections matter more than your president does then I've told you guys this is where it counts."
"There's one major factor that needs to be known, and that is who wins the presidential election this year."
"This election can be a turning point, a changing of the mind."
"Elections have consequences, they have radical consequences."
"China is desperate for Biden to win because if Biden wins, China wins, and if China wins, China will own America."
"We will never recover if we're still dealing with Donald Trump."
"Most people here are pretty upset and pretty sad because of the election. As an immigrant and a refugee, I certainly find this election deeply offensive." - Sergey Brin
"This election is going to determine what kind of country Andrea Baden and millions of other American children are going to grow up in."
"Performance in the media and a positive profile in the media seems to be enormously important in terms of election performance."