
Breakdown Quotes

There are 292 quotes

"Watching it to enjoy, I'm watching it because I'm trying to break it down."
"Spiritual awakenings can feel like a complete breakdown."
"When one party to a relationship says the relationship isn't working, then it's not working. By definition, it's not working."
"Narcissistic abuse is when someone hurries you endlessly and when you finally stand up for yourself they tell you you're having a breakdown."
"The scene where he finally breaks is another one of those iconic quotable Star Trek moments."
"This is going to be so catatonic and completely broken, like, shattered, mind-break completely."
"A breakdown is always the door to a breakthrough."
"When something is unstable it comes apart and comes apart for different reasons."
"International Trade had broken down completely."
"Trust is broken down in every aspect of society."
"We really do wreck it as soon as we get into a fight."
"There are so many layers to this thing that I had to split this video into layers too."
"The ultimate problem is that of societal collapse, societal breakdown."
"But no amount of Botox can give somebody that kind of energy."
"The purpose of duality is to break things down into comprehensible parts."
"We're gonna break this down into multiple categories."
"You're gonna experience a breakdown of your reality."
"The breakdown is the easy part, it happens so fast. The waiting for the repair is the hardest part."
"We really are seeing a breakdown of a lot of the infrastructure and the systems that have worked for us for the last decades."
"Fern starts having a total existential crisis and goes a little bit crazy."
"It's not sustainable anymore. So all of those elements of the kind of post-modern social justice movement... has now just completely broken through."
"Just calm down calm down let's calm down calm down yeah I [] I have [] it here I've completely [] it I [] it I'm sorry I've lost it I'm embarrassed I am in bat I'm going to go take a [__]."
"The acid helps break down the gelatin in bone broth."
"We took the pen to the paper. We broke everything down for you guys in an easy digestible way."
"I have no idea how I didn't have a breakdown."
"I'm burnt out today, I'm breaking down."
"Everything you can break it down into logical thinking."
"This is one of the world's most expensive details. In this video, I'll break down the six major steps involved in carrying out a five-figure 11-day detail. Let's get started."
"The modes of learning how to cook have basically completely broken down."
"Civil culture might actually start to break down, because people no longer trust big institutions."
"Literally losing all semblance of self-control."
"You've got to break down to break through."
"We shared so many incredible moments together, and it's heartbreaking to see how our friendship crumbled."
"This process of breaking everything down."
"She's gonna break it down for you she's got a neuroscience PhD and now she's gonna break down it's a break down she's gonna break it down."
"Anybody can make a small block Chevy run. The starter saga has continued. This one has died of a broken nose."
"The important thing about any fish breakdown is sharpening the knives."
"...there was a point where I like I shut myself off from the world in this very dramatic way I didn't talk to anyone I didn't want to see anyone I'd uh I fell apart..."
"Look at that, you can see it's not hot anymore it's not steaming so it's finished it's rapid breakdown so now the microorganisms are inside the biochar."
"Every time I break down, I have the energy, the treasure, the numinous psychological energy that I've been previously alienated from becomes available to me."
"So, here's a breakdown, if you will, of the top five, again, in the United States. For those users who are watching this from another country, you know, you may find... I'll be interested if you could get some feedback here."
"He was a broken man physically, mentally, and politically."
"I have been the closest I've ever been to having a mental breakdown."
"It's time to present to the client and this can be broken down into two parts."
"My entire life has fallen apart in a matter of days."
"...just a guy who reached his breaking point one day and just kind of lost it."
"She broke down with crocodile tears."
"So hopefully you guys got something out of this breakdown again I know I went off on a couple of tangents but I'm trying to make this as educational as possible."
"I had this breakdown. I was full of rage. I fought against the people offering me treatment. I don't want all of you to do the same because we need to accept mental illness, and that's been very courageous."
"I thought I was going to win. Johnny felt he totally let himself down which triggered a breakdown."
"At the peak of his career, in front of millions watching on BBC and a couple of thousand in the arena, D snapped and the rage took over."
"Perfect Patty has officially snapped."
"Crazy-eyed Quentin absolutely loses it and tries to take Leaven and leave everyone else behind."
"Jeremy and Melissa provided a breakdown of their initial expenses and saved costs by being self-sustainable."
"She's gonna break it down. She's got a neuroscience PhD or two. It's Miami's breakdown."
"Trust can only arise in a dualistic reality. So, trust then breaks down or doesn't break down because it can only live in that dualistic energy."
"Have you had any moments in the past couple of years where you felt like the wall's coming down, the ceiling's coming down with you?"
"Pushing them to a point where eventually they start to just break down."
"And then he just gets broken down. By the end of it, he's like laughing with a chainsaw."
"A lot of people know me as Nene who's laughing and talking a lot. Don't know me as Nene who would break down. I actually had a real breakdown."
"The aim of this mini lecture series is to break it down into its constituent parts to enable you to learn it more efficiently."
"When clocks break down, then what happens is you can imagine there are traffic jam and a big pile-up."
"In today's video we will be breaking down the 10 most powerful villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thus far."
"If there's an utter character breakdown, no organization will be able to sustain that."
"...just kind of put those in there I had to break this down there."
"The more you break your goal down, the more likely it is you will achieve it."
"The Man Demetrius Johnson Mighty Mouse oh what a breakdown that was that was incredible that was incredible and how about two daughters appearing on today's program."
"You've just witnessed breakthrough from breakdown."
"I had a complete mental breakdown."
"War is, hey, we might be flexing all night, we might be flexing all year, who knows, and that uncertainty in a lot of people breaks people down."
"I was having a mental breakdown every single day and bawling my eyes out in December."
"That's two broken pistons, fastest one I've ever seen blow up."
"It was obvious there was a massive Communication Breakdown."
"Communication Breakdown: a classic track I guess you'd call it."
"My truck was dead, deader than dead. No ding, no lights, no clicking noise, nothing."
"It felt like order had broken down and anything could happen. Order hadn't broken down of course, that would come later and it would come hard."
"The relationship breakdown, that's when the relationship started to become negative."
"I finally had a mental breakdown on a Friday afternoon after she yelled at me for something trivial about scheduling a meeting."
"Megan Chase, victim of a nervous breakdown the day before she turned 16."
"I'm not having a breakdown, I'm having a breakthrough."
"When you reach that point of mistrust, the relationship is already over."
"Everything fell apart in an age of chaos."
"...every politician of both sides recognizes that the system is breaking down."
"It takes 10 times longer to put yourself back together than it does to fall apart."
"This is someone who's having a complete breakdown and is trying their hardest to contain it through screaming and shouting, almost as a form of catharsis in the middle of a gunfight."
"That's how you actually break down won the simulation you know which was like really interesting."
"What I'll do is I'll break it all down... and very easy explanation."
"I was saved by the breakdown in technology."
"There was never a large-scale breakdown of public morale during the Second World War."
"When you saw have the initial idea of building something like this, it is quite intimidating when you look at it built and constructed, but when you break it down, it's just a bunch of parts that talk to each other and fit together."
"You're so busy trying not to have a breakdown, you're missing your breakthrough."
"Raa is eventually unable to hold back the tears and breaks down in front of her friends."
"Despite all her hopes of going to New York being dependent on him, she breaks down."
"He's having a whole ass breakdown!"
"Family relationships have broken down and babies are not experiencing this loving acceptance."
"Communication is always the breakdown if something's failing."
"In today's holiday installment of Christmas breakdown clip breakdown."
"What's happening on the planet today is a kind of whole-system's breakdown that we've got on our hands."
"When that structure breaks down, society breaks down."
"Stickley, I've had a breakthrough and a breakdown. I'm smarter, I'm a genius, know several geniuses, a flock of freakin' Freud's!"
"If people know why they're doing what they're doing, they will have much less of a chance of breaking down."
"This is literally phenomenal, I love how they broke down a lot of things."
"I'll be fuming if the internet broke down."
"The Weeknd had a breakdown while performing at Coachella."
"If there's ever such thing as a good breakdown, I had a very good breakdown."
"No mud, no Lotus, meaning the lotus flower needs to go through the dirt and the mud and the, just all of that murkiness, because that nourishes the beautiful flower that ends up on top, so who are we to say don't have your breakdown?"
"I'm gonna break this down exactly how I see it."
"Breaking it down into those more manageable pieces."
"Break it down to five things and keep breaking those five things down until there's nothing left to break down."
"Sometimes you got to break down to build all the way."
"Hydrolysis reactions break down polymers into individual monomers with the addition of water."
"We're going to break down the nitty-gritty of Word 365."
"A lot of relationships don't just break down, you have people who cheat."
"A marriage is going to disintegrate once people stop talking completely."
"They're just kind of fall apart, you know what I mean?"
"Classics, they break down all the time." But that is completely and totally a myth.
"Now, that's 101 streams of income if I want to break it down like that."
"Please help me pass the NCLEX. I love the way you break it down."
"If you're in a breakdown state, the first thing that goes is lean mass."
"We hear a noise. Smoke. The car won't drive forward. It's smoking everywhere. Breaks down in the middle of the freaking mountains."
"...the whole thing was smoking. It feels like the engine just blew up, basically."
"We made it like six hours back and we're still three hours from home. And all of a sudden, in the middle of the Pennsylvania Turnpike... not the best place to break down."
"That definitely sent me into a breakdown for like a solid 36 hours."
"The family model has broken down. It's shattered. It's absolutely shattered."
"Give me a little break down on that two and a half million uh it's about 1.8 in a 401k private sharing a couple hundred in roth in cash and then the rest is real estate."
"Society is not in control of itself."
"Breakdown complex strategies into obtainable pieces to ensure learning."
"The work breakdown structure represents all of the work that is going to be delivered but it is broken down into smaller tinier pieces."
"...this was where it all fell apart..."
"We pay a hundred and two pound per year, so break that down it's only eight pound fifty a month."
"Let's break this down, okay? Let's start with an average service price of forty dollars."
"Marriage breakdown is a heartbreaking process for everyone."
"I just sat there and I spooled it up and then all of a sudden something just snapped."
"Someone's about to have a breakdown, a nervous breakdown from what's about to take place."
"It's this literal breakdown that we're watching."
"If no one is sharing and the stick is missing everything in the forest is going to fall apart"
"She was having some sort of breakdown."
"Cross sections offer a detailed breakdown of specific areas of the building."
"When the fuel runs low, everything starts to sputter and break down."
"So let's take a look at the breakdown of the chest, the head, and the two arms for this action."
"That truck is a beast, she's a 530 V8 twin tag as well. The collection video was eventful, we broke down twice, it was a nightmare."
"Communication only breaks down when two things happen."
"But then it's like if that ever crumbles, you're just a complete mess underneath."
"Nobody's perfect, we'll talk about it when we break down on the side of the road."
"When the family unit breaks down, it affects the society."
"There was a moment when I thought I was going to go insane I remember looking at this the corner of the room could have small room I was looking at the corner and I thought I'm actually about to flip I am actually about to lose my mind"
"Selfishness will build walls in your relationships."
"Things never quite settled out and most interactions broke down and oftentimes even got violent."
"I remember ringing him, I was like, 'I'm gonna kill myself.' And I'd said it a few times before, and you know what, I felt like I had a nervous breakdown. This is the first time in my whole life I've had a nervous breakdown."
"At some point, shit's going to fall apart."
"The easiest way to learn this is to break these down into the how, the when, and the where."
"I'm going through a different kind of breakdown."
"This is where we break down the things that make us break down."
"I'm always happy when information can be broken down into bite-sized digestible chunks."
"Lee had a miscarriage and fell into a horrible depressive spiral and breakdown filled with public outbursts."
"All you need is a nervous breakdown or two...to put things in perspective."
"Here's the breakdown: 487 carbs, 113 fats, 229 protein."
"He yanked one prop after another out of his trunk faster and faster and louder and louder, eventually he had a complete breakdown."
"It's easy to see why he would soon crack."
"Fun fact, I was having a bit of a breakdown before this."
"The grand total for this job including the additional incidentals if you would like the bolts and spark plugs and the other stuff it was two thousand three hundred and thirty dollars."
"I straight up had a breakdown. I came apart. I could have stopped then, not for finding something, but I felt broken."
"Cigar guy really broke down the Leo and Danny Show Patreon."
"Professor Regina breaks down the content like no other."
"I felt it have you ever like been through something like going through something and like you feel the the like the energy of coming on you that you feel a breakdown like you're finna cry that's that's literally how I felt today."
"We're good, bad times sometimes. We had a communication breakdown, but now you're climbing a Stairway to Heaven."
"I feel like I'm gonna have a breakdown."
"I honestly believe this breakdown will help a lot of you have amazing breakthroughs."
"It's broken down. Well, let's see if you can give it a push then."
"When systems start to break down, we must always return to the simplest solutions."
"I've had a bit of a breakdown, just one of those mornings."
"The number one reason why marriages break: lack of patience."
"Let's break this down, at least one version of it."
"In the economics category, I want to look at broadly two categories: revenue and costs. Within revenue, I would want to look at price and volume. In the cost side, I want to look at our fixed costs and variable costs."
"Relations are breaking down, and that's one of the biggest challenges in our world."
"This is cool because it breaks it down to like this is the stuff that we have to do for lesson one which is like the whole week's worth of lessons."
"The only way to heal from this is you got to feel this. Your breakthrough comes through your breakdown."
"You know I broke a lot of things down to try to separate what's realistic what's not."
"But when the reality of the situation hit me, I'm gonna go home, I'll be honest, I cried, I broke down, you know?"
"The whole point of this is not to say okay, we made twenty four cents on the bond, how do we break it down? We break it down by..."
"We try to unpack them, get them down to the nuts and bolts."
"This show does such a wonderful job at breaking down filmmaking... the nuances of it all."
"I think he breaks just the whole mess down really well."
"Over the next three days, we're going to detail break down this project."
"The social fabric breakdown... in a really compelling way."
"That means in the face of stress, our systems can break down and be unable to compensate."
"When you're dealing with all of these stresses sometimes it breaks you down to the point of where you just give up."
"We took a skill and broke it down into little itty-bitty components that we could get her to do in a way where she could earn reinforcement."
"Something from nothing is fun with its funky little breakdown."
"That after losing her home, her parents, brother, the Avengers, Vision, dying herself, and then losing her child, she finally just loses it, breaking down entirely deciding this reality is not for me."
"Having a really good cry... finally hitting that wall where you maybe kind of have a breakdown and you cry a lot, but then it leads to this really beautiful breakthrough afterwards."
"The task becomes less miserable the more and more you break it down."
"It looks very complex, but if we break it down piece by piece, it should be a little bit more easy to understand."
"To have a breakthrough, you got to have a breakdown."
"This is a dream, we're gonna break it all down and you can see and hear everything that this has to offer."
"Communication is the most important thing, and when there is a breakdown of communication, that's when we start having problems."
"I don't want to argue with you. This ain't working."
"When I fall apart into a million pieces, when I don't know where to go back."
"At the peak of feeling like I was in the middle of nowhere, every single light on the dashboard on my truck lit up then it stalled."
"You get to see this guy who's once calm and collected just break down because there was actually someone else that bested him."