
Encounters Quotes

There are 407 quotes

"All things considered, that encounter went pretty well, and it ended excellently."
"You can only meet somebody for the first time one time."
"With the mind of no mind, you meet everyone as if for the first time."
"Some people come into our life as blessings, some come into your life as lessons."
"It is rare indeed when a person has the good fortune to meet a saint."
"Recognize and appreciate every person who crosses your path."
"Life is a constant flow of meaningful encounters."
"Space Random Encounters are going to be a feature of Starfield."
"Even the ego part of it... people... genuinely have encountered these things."
"Year after year, people continue to report encounters with something we don't have answers for."
"Sometimes, a growling stomach leads to unexpected encounters."
"We mustn't be dismissive of these encounters when we hear of them or when we experience them ourselves."
"To encounter someone means that you see them somewhere."
"Go out and date, have fun, but you're going to bump into somebody really big this year."
"This moves from Close Encounters of the Third Kind to a close encounter of the fourth plane."
"It opened up that dialogue. It allowed people to start talking about their encounters."
"It's crazy the fear you feel when you see something you simply cannot explain."
"Wow, so they keep going on this road trip and you know what they encounter? Well, if this is a road trip movie, I'm gonna assume they encounter bikers of some kind."
"I'm just saying, as far as first contact goes, at least that went better than the last one."
"This literal giant stood before me, it was at least half the height of the 50-foot pine trees."
"Each one of my preceding encounters have had some level psychic aspect to them."
"New insights and inspiration leading to sudden trips or unexpected encounters."
"Oh my goodness I forgot to catch our encounter from route 4."
"Giant footsteps in the astral mist: encounters with the unknown."
"There are just so many damn cool and largely underrated encounters that we can get."
"Unexplained Close Encounters are far more numerous than required for any physical survey of the earth."
"Krauser's role in RE4 culminates in intense encounters that test Leon's skills and resolve."
"Months passed by, and so did negative millions of encounters somehow."
"Before facing off against Tate and Liza, we can get a ton of new encounters."
"When you encounter people who are really at the virtuosity."
"The Jewish person that has crossed your path is not an accident."
"I don't know if I want to see the giant snake."
"When you follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, you will never know who you're going to meet."
"Maybe people really are encountering the spectral Hellhound in the wild."
"You're about to meet someone new when you're not expecting it."
"Whether or not you believe that aliens or extraterrestrial life exists, there are a ton of people who say that they have been abducted by an alien or have had close encounters."
"Everything in life happens for a reason. Everyone we meet has a purpose in our journey."
"Everybody we encounter is not an accident."
"We always know we're going to see cool cars but we never know much about the people we're going to meet."
"I've seen ghosts a couple of times, and it's usually on the edge of waking and sleeping."
"He had met these two people... and he went on to tell that he had partied with these guys."
"These are five allegedly real encounters with humanoid creatures."
"We're outside the tattoo shop, and this apparently is the richest guy in the city."
"There was this tall, hairy thing... it looked similar to a person, but there was hair covering its entire body."
"I've been fishing with brown bears, had black bears say hi as they walk by my camp, mountain lions stalk us and then leave, it doesn't rattle me until I see a cow moose alone."
"I'm only 23 and I'm a very social person, so I've seen a lot of things and I've encountered many strange people."
"Everyone I cross paths with is a teacher in that moment."
"One of the cool things about staying at a Boondocker's Welcome is you never know who you might run into."
"I kind of just have to keep doing it a lot and you have to not be afraid of being rejected by people you have to not be afraid that maybe every once in a while an encounter is going to go bad."
"I had an amazing cab driver here in New York City a cab driver he was smiling and whistling clearly in a brilliant mood."
"Remember, we never miss anything that we are meant to come across or to be involved with."
"I had more encounters like that than I can ever than I can remember in a very short period of time."
"thanks again justin and that's it for tonight everyone remember if you've had an encounter shoot me an email my email address is wes at sasquatch chronicles"
"To be at the grocery store, the hardware shop. People come up and they say, 'You know, I've got a story for you.'"
"This is one of just many memorable encounters with her following her death and since my grandmother and grandfather have passed, they accompany her now in our dreams."
"There was a couple of bad moments in there met some of my most would go over them but some of the most amazing dangerous scary interesting people I've ever met were in Ford."
"...they've been known to approach people in their human form."
"But the fact that so many of them happened, I really believe that there were some actual Jersey Devil encounters during this time."
"I met some wonderful people along the way."
"Be sure to send us your true sea monster encounters or other true scary stories."
"People have seen them all around here, and the encounters keep coming."
"In early February, an intriguing tip came my way hinting at a series of astonishing encounters with none other than Bigfoot in Elk County."
"You meet some of the most successful, prominent men, right?"
"Your fan encounters would be at the Arenas or inside the arenas."
"I saw the locust. I mean cockroach today. It was on the ceiling of the cabin next to one of the emergency lights."
"I've had my fair share of like weird stuff that happens."
"For some of you, you will unexpectedly cross paths with someone significant, maybe for the third time, or in unexpected places."
"It's a very common thing to find Bigfoot encounters and missing dog and people reports in the same area."
"After this encounter with Nicodemus, who is the elite of the elite in first-century culture, he has another encounter where he discusses theology with someone that we would call probably the lowest of the low on their social demographic continuum, and y'all know her."
"Moving back to your hometown and like runs into the carpenter."
"Encounters refer to visits to hospitals or clinics, categorized into different classes like ambulatory, emergency, inpatient, etc."
"People have seen things. You can probably ask anyone in town who has been living here or works here, and they have seen something. They can't deny it."
"I've met people from many different worlds."
"Encounters with Jesus always leaves you with this overwhelming peace."
"We may run into a few people as well."
"These are some of the most Terrifying Military UFO Encounters in history."
"There are two ways to receive the power of God: directly from God through encounters and through impartation. Impartation is a transference of possibilities."
"Who knows who or what might end up at my tent door next time."
"Goodnight's encounter with Cynthia was not the last time he would cross paths with Parkers and make history."
"I'm a major skeptic of literally everything. I rely on evidence and occasionally will accept reports of encounters with credible people."
"It just feels like they're gonna be like no one you have met yet or no one you have come came across yet."
"Real fairies, real encounters that took people like you and I by surprise."
"...people are starting to experience and encounter some downright disturbing things while out camping with their friends and family."
"The wildest encounters I usually face involve some overly excited park tourist... or a child losing their baseball in a thicket."
"I do believe that UFOs and aliens exist. I've seen things and I've heard things that can't be explained."
"A man meets a lot of folks, time to time."
"...I fully believe in the Paranormal and I've had my fair share of encounters with spirits but there's a specific well entity I guess you would call it that I've seen throughout the past 3 years."
"If you have had a Bigfoot encounter and would like to talk about it one day here on the Channel please contact me at Sasquatch Theory at outlook.com."
"People who have claimed to encounter the devil or other demonic possessions."
"You could meet them through work."
"The Doctor zips around in space and time so much that they would definitely run into some familiar faces now and again."
"Perhaps it's no surprise then that following some absolutely brutal encounters... there was also an undeniable chemistry between the pair."
"Be polite and respectful, that person sitting close to you may actually be an angel sent to bless you."
"I can look out the window and I'll see a mountain lion trot by."
"I remember the so I met with Jeff and they said, 'Oh, there's the show.'"
"...encountering strangers was a very dangerous experience. They were highly likely to murder you, or to steal your cows, or to take your wife."
"I do feel like with that past life card you are definitely sent here to encounter particular people um to be inspiration to them it's almost like a messenger is what I'm hearing."
"It is so rare some of these people only ever see a celebrity one time in their life that's correct."
"alma he is stronger than when he um encountered alpha one in uh in canon like when they had their fight."
"The man who Alexander had met at Erfurt was a changing one to the man he had engaged with at Tilsit a year and a half earlier."
"Be prepared to meet lots of interesting figures and to discover how they're all connected."
"The overwhelming number of encounters we all have are not dangerous."
"I still meet good people and see Good Deeds Done on a daily basis."
"...Nobody shown up here, there's no government agency that's contacted me, there's no Sheriff that shown up to my house saying you're not allowed to talk about this, keep quiet."
"The stranger the encounter, the most believable."
"It's probably the latest I've ever run into deer, mule deer anyway."
"They're still serving politicians and one of the strange things is... I got a message to go and meet a woman, and I ended up meeting two women."
"I felt it pick me up out of my bed, and then it turned around and started to leave the room when my mum stopped it."
"Every move of the spirit, every major move of the spirit, everything in church history has been birthed out of massive encounters."
"It's weird who you miss. It's weird who you meet. And it's definitely weird who you miss."
"If you just pay attention, you'll be amazed how many encounters like that you can have."
"What's the biggest animal you've ever encountered?"
"If you ever shoot down or kill a Bigfoot or a dog man or become injured from a Bigfoot or dogman attack, what should you do? Well, first of all you shouldn't call any law enforcement authorities."
"Sometimes the most profound lessons we learn are those that come from the most unexpected encounters."
"We met your boyfriend Giovanni and he was really sweet shout out you guys it was so cute I love I love running into people in person."
"The universe, god whatever you want to call it puts people in your path."
"I would like to share with you my experience with three ghosts or shadow figures from the years 1993 to 1995."
"Some of my earliest memories involve intense encounters with shadow people, but nothing was as blatant and in your face and outright demonic as this encounter."
"While you're out and about, while you're moving, while you're doing something, that's when you meet this person."
"I wouldn't say anything too strange, but definitely some very interesting encounters."
"You never know who you'll find at a racetrack."
"Absolutely terrifying encounters with unknown creatures seem to be everywhere."
"They could be going to the same coffee shop as you, just at a different time."
"He briskly shook my hand, and the second shocker? I didn't get anything from him."
"Regardless of this, the stories continue to come thick and fast with these strange intruders displaying even more bizarre and unsettling behavior."
"Well, I've seen one several times but I hope to see one close up and and try to build a relationship with something that's not human or partly human."
"If you've had an encounter with a Bigfoot, or if you've just seen or heard or smelled something strange, don't be shy about sharing that."
"Guys, welcome back to our 'I don't work here' where people who aren't employees get mistaken as employees by Karen's."
"Celebrate joy has bosses he comes across."
"Sometimes you come across angels and you never see them again."
"Absolutely mental. See, someone asked on that Q&A, have I had any strange encounters while camping?"
"The stranger you encountered might not just be a passerby but a fallen angel in disguise."
"People like to think it's all in their head because they've only ever encountered spirits in their head."
"Every single human being that you will meet will count in your life because you do not know where you will meet them again."
"There's always more divine appointments than you met."
"Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, he was the most human."
"You always come across that one weird person that's just unbelievable."
"I've had encounters with them before and not just out of the corner of my eye but they were always silent."
"Around the globe, people have reported encounters with huge arachnids."
"Encounters with God are utterly compelling and lifechanging."
"Encounters don't produce fruit. What you do with an encounter produces fruit."
"You know it every time I meet someone new."
"I met so many kind and warm-hearted people along the way."
"It's the sort of thing I just love about working on the Sunshine Coast. You never know who you're going to run into."
"if i ever meet either one of them if i don't get punched or cussed out or preached to about scientology i don't then i was going to consider it a failure"
"But the useful thing is I kept them, and so like 1970, it would be like cut Robert's hair like a rockabilly star. Robert went to a taxi dance, saw the pop art exhibit, met Janis Joplin and I'd look and say you're serious, that's all you have to say? Met Janis Joplin?"
"We've had some really, really super amazing encounters."
"Well i really appreciate my followers and if you have encountered the boggy creek monster or you know a sasquatch please feel free to contact me and i would love to hear about your encounters thank you everyone and take care."
"these encounters are an invitation to another dimension in god"
"...strange encounters similar in nature to stories that are found in other parts of this mysterious region."
"Every encounter is a result of a revelation, and every revelation is a prerequisite of the town you're about to enter."
"But after that, it's like, you're probably wondering what it's like to live up here. I met all types of people. I met John Kasich's wife. I met Jeb Bush's sons. I even met Ted Danson at the diner at the Darkness. I met him at the diner."
"Every encounter transforms us in an unpredictable way."
"Everywhere I go, people keep showing up."
"Every person you meet is either a lesson or a blessing."
"A lot of these reports, right? This is not just Luke making stuff up. This is what you can go through. Decades of these stories, these encounters, these things crashing and them recovering things. It's not a manifestation if you will. It would be impossible to fake all those."
"Any random encounter that you get is not there by accident. It's there to teach you something."
"I have three nights where I have encounters with Jesus. Radical encounters."
"After trent encounters Cthulhu-esque monsters, demon children, and tentacled motel keepers, it's no surprise that he ends up in a psychiatric institution."
"The vast majority of these people have never encountered Christians who really know the Bible."
"Allegedly true encounters with skinwalkers and Wendigos."
"The Sandown Clown encounter in 1973 on the Isle of Wight involved two young children encountering an entity that blended elements of a clown, a robot, and an alien."
"Not only were the two incidents separated by seven years, but the person she had described I hadn't even met yet."
"It just seems like we just randomly have these paranormal encounters every few months."
"I think a lot of times you hear these stories of people being very very scared or shocked or not sure what to do with their encounter, mine was totally the opposite, mine was very pleasant and friendly, almost a curious encounter in a sense."
"We're talking real encounters, the kind that come from the very people we trust to keep us safe, police officers."
"Quick reaction scrambles in the UK led to some interesting encounters."
"There's about 400 experiencers so far I've shared their encounters on my website and I've met well over 500 I can't recall anymore of people who have had Close Encounters with sasquat or and or Star beings."
"At any point on any of those four encounters, I could have been toast, but I walked away from them."
"You never know who you're gonna meet. So, I was actually talking to somebody that was very, very sweet."
"We came across some incredible tales of unexplained encounters."
"We met a lot of awesome people on our last Texas trip."
"Encounters with the unexplained, many experiences today simply be glimpses of this other realm."
"Every day is an adventure, and we've met some amazing people along the way."
"I came away feeling really optimistic about things because because the world's and we're meeting people real people you know and cafes and at the side of the road and Tiny towns in the middle of nowhere and um that was really encouraging."
"We just meet the greatest people."
"More stories to come because more stories are piling in as I'm traveling around and meeting different people."
"We'll always remember the incredible people we've met."
"You meet a lot of lonely souls coming through Gettysburg."
"I've been very lucky to get to meet so many different people and types of people from all walks of life."
"If you have an encounter you would like to share with me personally, please send it to the email below."
"Every time we've had an encounter, you've always tried to uplift me with some form of positivity."
"It does make me very curious as to why we see and experience the things we do during these encounters."
"People come to me who have had encounters with people who are not normal people."
"You never know where or when you'll encounter someone that can change your life."
"You never know when and where life will bring unexpected encounters."
"When we come across each other, it's nothing but respect."
"You just never know who you'll meet in life."
"It's always a breath of fresh air, isn't it? Every time you see him, you feel better."
"You never know who you'll meet on this crazy journey of life."
"The truth to the matter is that a large portion of Sasquatch encounters occur closer to Civilization."
"Every time I meet you for a tour, my smile gets bigger and bigger."
"You just never know who you're going to run into. It's a small world."
"You can have supernatural encounters."
"All I've ever met or encountered, is an experience."
"Learn some of this animal behavior... and combine with e-scouting resources and I guarantee you'll have more encounters."
"Even if you don't love old movies, you probably like meeting famous people."
"I will never tire of meeting lovely people. Them two from Somerset, I don't know your name, but you're really nice."
"I'm just happy that I was able to cross their paths."
"The exercise of the imagination of vicarious encounters with strange people in strange places encourages the reader to believe and understand how everyday knowledge might be used to make sense of a number of situations."