
Zoom Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"We have a weekly Zoom call where we talk about making money, cryptocurrency, real estate investing, all that stuff."
"I'm so sick of Zoom. There's no memories being made virtually."
"Everyone's switching to Zoom, I mean everyone's on Zoom, Zoom's the hot thing right now."
"Integrate Zoom meetings directly into Google Calendar."
"Zoom isn't going away, it's only getting started."
"This lens can help me zoom in and reach out and grab those details from a distance."
"If you're somebody who spends a lot of time on Zoom, having a setup that really looks good, looks professional, sounds good, really helps you stand out and just look and sound awesome."
"So, let's zoom to the layer and there is your catchment."
"The ultra is famous for its zoom capabilities."
"Look, we've all been using Zoom for a little while now, and we've all seen it, right? People's styles and things that are happening during the meeting, oh the oopsies and mistakes that people are making."
"Even though Zoom is digital, it's not all that different than real-life meetings."
"Showing your face is always turned off during your Zoom meeting... it is so helpful to have that face-to-face interaction."
"You're treating Zoom meetings as less formal... you want to look professional, come in with an agenda, be prepared."
"Camcorders have a zoom, these things don't have zooms, and even if they did it's a manual zoom, you have to go with your hand, these things you just push a button and it zooms in and zooms out and it's silent."
"18 top tips every Zoom host and moderator must know and review prior to their event."
"Spotlight is the most important feature for hosts and co-hosts."
"Sharing your screen in Zoom is a must-know skill."
"What was your favorite tip amongst all of my Zoom screen sharing tips today?"
"Zoom in with [+], zoom out with [-]."
"Now you should know exactly how to use ecam live with zoom so you can look more professional, you can stand out and give yourself an instant credibility and confidence boost."
"So the upshot is you can't do live collaboration in Zoom but you can use other strategies."
"You can zoom in and out using different methods."
"Babies and pets showing up on Zoom has been one of my favorite things."
"How far do you want me to zoom? Just [__] it all the way."
"Tristram Shapiro said he was mortified after a mishap on Zoom."
"Don't mix up the focus with the zoom."
"Pixel 7 Pro allows you to zoom in further than ever to 30x zoom."
"There is something I love about super res zoom."
"The New River Zoom brought to you by... Zoom."
"You won't see a difference if we reset the zoom here again."
"With the 8 megapixel sensors you can digitally zoom way in and read text and faces from far away."
"What if we want to zoom into somewhere and then Zoom to another spot and then Zoom to a third spot and then Zoom back out this definitely gets a little bit more involved but I promise it's still easy."
"This is like the best part of Zoom when it glitches."
"We were worried about some of the quality of the surfaces, so they very kindly had a conversation with me over Zoom, which was amazing."
"Once you get used to Zoom life, everything else looks like effort. But the effort will lead to better results. We just don't predict how much we need it."
"I said, 'How many of y'all when you do your zooms, your son comes up? Do you walk past your son as he's in school with his thing and you walk past with the shirt on and the taco stain?'"
"With breakout rooms, you can split your Zoom meeting into smaller groups."
"Don't forget to grab the download of the PDF of getting set up with your virtual cam into Zoom."
"This is how you get your virtual camera loaded into your zoom call."
"...because you're zoomed in so close so you're going to have to take multiple rows of images at least two and sometimes three."
"800 millimeter equivalent is an amazing zoom. A lot of times when I was out photographing, that allowed me to just stay back, stay from a distance, and I would often photograph birds without actually getting into their circle of fear."
"Your Zoom classes are about to get much more interesting."
"It's really difficult as you said, like I was generally they want to look into your eye you can't really do that on Zoom, you know exactly."
"You can get up to 120 times zoom with this sucker."
"if you wanted to zoom in some crazy distance like 30 times samsung's is going to be somewhat usable the iphones is going to look like a water painting."
"I just did a corporate gig last week for a law firm. And I'll leave you with this, dude. You ever on a Zoom where people are drunk?"
"How do you zoom the screen in on a Windows machine?"
"I'm actually very excited to zoom with you guys tonight."
"Zoom is actually very forgiving when it comes to green screen, so you don't have to worry too much about the wrinkles and such."
"Make sure that you prep for your Zoom call, check for the microphone, check for the camera, check for the lighting."
"Mute yourself when you're not talking. This applies to meetings when there are a lot of people."
"Turn your camera on when you're meeting with someone on Zoom unless you have otherwise agreed not to beforehand."
"When you zoom in, you get so much texture and detail while still zoomed, which is impressive."
"Make sure you uncheck this box; you don't want Zoom to automatically adjust microphone volume."
"It's now possible to use the original sound if you're running Zoom on your mobile device."
"I presume most of you are reasonably familiar with Zoom, a lot of people are now."
"That allows you to zoom in tighter and show more detail, focusing the viewer's attention on the more interesting parts of the shot."
"You can zoom in from the grid shot... and see how crispy and luxurious and clear it is."
"They execute a warrant on Zoom. How do you not show that? That's good stuff."
"Zoom as a company five years from now, you're gonna look back and say, okay, wow, I got that stock fairly cheap."
"This means that there isn't a quality loss even if you zoom in or take a close-up; it's always perfect."
"It's hard to build trust over Zoom."
"We have live Zoom social hours as well, so instead of being a question and answer session, it's more like a social hour."
"Well, in this video, I'm going to show you everything you need to know to dramatically increase the video quality of your Zoom recordings."
"Telephoto lenses are great for getting closer to your subject, sports, and wildlife photographers use telephoto lenses extensively to zoom in on the subject."
"This camera is sharp at 100 zoom."
"The big deal is the 200 megapixel camera on here and you can zoom 100 times."
"To zoom in and out of the canvas, use the scroll wheel on your mouse."
"Oh, he's world famous. He's become one of the Zoom stars of our generation."
"These things are amazing; there's quite a bit of zoom on them."
"If you want to laugh, get on one of these Zoom sessions."
"The amazingly small angle of view only 5 degrees at the 500 millimeter setting on an FX sensor allows you to zoom into the amazing world of objects that were too far away to be noticed normally."
"Ultimately, for the price of this camera, you can get better image quality in other bodies, but you'd be hard-put to get a camera that offers such a useful zoom range."
"Being able to zoom in from afar is an incredible capability."
"Zoom Escaper is a free web widget that allows users to add fake audio effects to a Zoom call."
"When I click on a state, I want the whole map to zoom into Montana."
"This thing reaches out to 3,000 millimeter optical zoom and it does a great job."
"That's really what this effect is all about, it's about zooming way in and setting your depth of field f-stop very low and getting all of this nice light bokeh and everything."
"The lens is fantastic; it has 24 times optical zoom and covers equivalent of 25 to 600 mm in 35 mm equivalent."
"Zoom worked because it had the lowest barrier to entry for joining a call."
"Now everyone uses one application, so we can all agree on Zoom."
"You can use Zoom's online whiteboard just like a real one."
"The TG6 has enough zoom and close focus ability to shoot subjects that are ridiculously small and easily qualify as super macro."
"Using the wheel button, you can just zoom in and zoom out in your workspace."
"It's so nice to be able to zoom in on areas at the edges of the frame and know that they're going to look great."
"It's terrific, you can hardly even see it there and then to be able to go to that is just crazy."
"It's fantastic to be able to go from that to you know from that all the way up to this which is just beautiful."
"The cameras on this device are great. You got 50 times hybrid zoom, five times optical zoom."
"It's the only lens that I know of where you can quickly go from macro-like shots with a one to two magnification ratio from 50 millimeters all the way out to 400 in just a blink of an eye."
"If you're looking to maximize your zoom range, this may be an interesting lens for you."
"Zoom is right now requiring you to put a password on new meetings, which is a really good thing."
"We can use the detail from the telephoto camera once you reach about 2.5x, so now you're getting benefit from that telephoto camera starting at 2.5, not just starting at five."
"You don't actually lose quality when you zoom in 2x."
"This is my pick for the best zoom capabilities in a digicam."
"Man oh man, is that zoom impressive."