
Tracking Quotes

There are 1111 quotes

"Tracking it worldwide, you're not losing your wallet."
"Avril is koisan and the koisan historically are known to be among the best trackers in the world."
"You can track all these different pages on your website and include them as conversions."
"Tracking should be a temporary thing... Knowing that an unprocessed diet makes fat loss so much easier can be a good guiding tool for people who aren't tracking."
"The movies have shown that you can track through hyperspace."
"There's no way to track it ever again. Why exactly is this allowed?"
"In the hands of the right spellcaster, this could be useful in tracking him down."
"We need two more units that pursue, and I'm going to get them to do the tracking rather than the ramming because we'll actually follow them."
"I think those are minimum targets for me now, and I think we are on track."
"When you get clear with what you desire out of your life, the doors will shift, the doors will literally slam open, and that is the power of honoring your desires and your heart."
"Where did she go? They could fairly straightforwardly track her movements."
"It was moving through a slow patch of rocky hilly forest like it was running on a track."
"It's just kinda fun to track this stuff, I don't know why guys I think I have a problem."
"It's designed to make our workouts productive and easy to track."
"Hazel is the glitch in the code and that's why she popped up on amelia's tracker every time they pass through a new car."
"Whatever does happen, I'll look forward to tracking it with you guys here on the program."
"I've got footprints everywhere, definitely signs of activity."
"Follow the money flow. That's what it's all about."
"Track your spending, it's literally the most important step for creating a realistic budget."
"Bin Laden was on the US’ radar now - but where was he?"
"We are going to focus on object detection and tracking." - Bruce Tannenbaum
"Your phone knows not only where you live but also where you work, where your favorite supermarket is, and other places you visit frequently."
"Everything that comes from the sea is documented and recorded."
"No matter how deep the bush, Private Donut always finds his man."
"Be so thorough, like you can attach it to your pets."
"Achievements and trophies are such a fascinating concept introduced as a way of tracking certain accomplishments within a game ever since."
"It keeps me in the frame of mind to know where I currently am with my planning system."
"Someone is literally tracking us throughout New Mexico, it's crazy."
"The AirTags... tracking is awesome, price is also really, really good. So these honestly go in amazing."
"Altoholic... for keeping track of a variety of things across all your different alts."
"Apparently they're putting something in my body. Must be a way to track me. That's kind of cool actually."
"I like tracking stuff like this and just writing down affirmations."
"The tracker perk allows you to faintly track footprint trails of enemies."
"Carrying a phone in your pocket is enough for your movements to be memorialized."
"A tracking shot physically moves the camera through a scene, typically following a subject."
"They added individual leaderboards for every set in the game."
"The best way to collect these different product ideas are inside of the product tracker."
"Keep a trading journal to track your performance and behavior."
"You can't track it exactly, you can't know what you're getting exactly."
"Basically, the game keeps track of checkpoints pretty commonly on the course and it lets you skip like a certain number."
"The real-time tracking picks up texture as well."
"He quickly followed her to the meeting place with great skill."
"The Rift automatically defaults to IMU rotational tracking, a seamless transition."
"Just start from day one. Just track that [ __ ] because if you leave it till like two three years down the road, it's just such a nightmare."
"VR got popularized in the consumer market because they got the tracking down perfectly."
"Here you can get an idea of how responsive the tracking is. This is much better than my previous grinder."
"Your smartphone tracks you in so many ways, it knows what stores you're going into, who you're speaking to, what you buy—everything."
"There's a good reason to actually know the female games buck max weight if you were to see a female gunsmoke track that says 205 to 240 you have a guaranteed really big diamond female worth knowing that those tracks are worth following"
"You're better at tracking junglers than most Challenger players."
"I've been tracking the subjects as they come and go throughout the years."
"Even people have said 'Wow just tracking even if you're not using the coaching portion of it which I would tell anybody it's the coaching portion is worth it alone.'"
"One of the things that really impressed me was its ability to track."
"This is just kind of a manual orbit, but you can do this like, say, you're piloting and you're trying to track an object or a person riding a bike."
"Anything that helps people to keep track and be held accountable is a good thing."
"Global tracking and positioning with digital money."
"I should be able to track another one down, I know a guy."
"Honestly, the best gains come from it because I'm just keeping track of things."
"This is a great way to not lose track of where you're at."
"Live track allows you to send periodic location fixes to a map page that you have online."
"It's great that it reminds you to exercise and tracks how you're doing."
"I made sure sales were being properly tracked."
"Burnup charts track the amount of work that has been completed, showing the total amount of work needed for a Sprint or project."
"Trackers like an air tag don't stop your bike getting stolen, but by installing this kind of tracking device on your bike you will be able to track it down and get it back."
"Earned value technique is an excellent way to track the project progress against the project plan."
"I'm asking you to track yourself as if you're a valuable commodity because you are."
"Once you start tracking your life, your attention will be focused on the smallest things you're doing right as well as the smallest things you're doing wrong."
"FAA radar had tracked a gigantic object at least 524 feet long, traveling through the sky 50 miles Southeast of Stephenville."
"The measure criminalizes the unauthorized placement of tracking technologies on another person's property without their consent."
"Every year NORAD tracks Santa's path and shows when he'll be in your neighborhood."
"We don't do a good enough job of tracking what ADHD looks like over time."
"You need the basics: you need to be able to track your workout, do your workout, and review it."
"It comes with the tracking included so that your customer and you both have a tracking number."
"It's tracking me very good, but watch what I can do."
"The FAA knows about the exact location of 5,000 planes in the sky but the FRA can't tell you where most trains are or what they contain."
"Food tracking is a method to quantify what we eat more specifically it can allow us to measure how many calories and how much of each macronutrient we are consuming per day."
"I think that most lifting enthusiasts and probably most people conscious about health and fitness in general should track their calories and macros for at least a short period of time at some point in their life."
"The only true indicator we have to know if we are in fact in a surplus, deficit, or at a maintenance is tracking our body weight over time."
"Everybody should keep track of what they spend here and there."
"It's not a weird thing, and it's not that I was tracking him."
"Every time the viewer updates and I see a new frame, I'm really pleased to see that the trackers are still perfectly on that line."
"This new feature allows you to locate your friends in crowded areas with Precision finding."
"Your actions online are being tracked constantly."
"When it comes to actually tracking down your stuff, you just can't deny that the Find My network is bigger than Tile's network."
"...there's no app that has any business for knowing this information so if you turn off this function here they won't even be able to ask you or request you for a permission to track."
"I definitely be keeping it on my radar now, watching the online auctions as well because stuff was going really cheap."
"...if you are into your health and fitness tracking you do get blood oxygen and ECG readings..."
"The 3D tracking on Nikon ZF is phenomenal, making it great for sports, street photography, and following subjects outside."
"How much have we spent so far? Uh, $50."
"Accurate realtime flight tracking."
"Forget the measuring, the tracking, at the beginning. Maybe it can be good to understand how much you're eating, if you're eating enough protein. But don't worry about the fat."
"The quest 3's tracking capabilities defied my expectations with its accuracy and responsiveness."
"I wanted to know what was making those tracks, and that's basically the pursuit I've been following for nearly half a century."
"Maintaining move count ensures accurate tracking of game progress."
"Turns out there was a tracker in the laptop bag and Uncle Buddy got a warrant to search the particular house the laptop had been taken to."
"I wrote down every time I was craving something."
"The backloggery: see every game you own in one place, customize your profile, track your progress, and beat your backlog."
"Super useful features to be able to see where your drone is at all times."
"Keeping track of my low buy challenge."
"data is key you have to keep track of your numbers and by the way if you're paying taxes and you should be you need to be keeping track of your numbers anyway"
"The gimbal opens up the opportunity to do tracking where you can set the camera down and the gimbal on the camera will continue to move and track a subject."
"He has evolved into a new category of tracking in which he does it in real time."
"It's really nice to know where your traffic is coming from."
"Google Tag Manager gives us so much flexibility when it comes to tracking."
"I have tracking skills. I'm in a better position to find them."
"The coupons allowed the company to track the success or failure of their marketing initiatives."
"Our people were able to put a location on where the phone call was coming from."
"You're going to see the Tiguan depart the residence at 6:22, it begins collecting Life360 points off the phone, you have a call detail records data, and it goes up to Bradley and then turns around and comes right back to the house."
"The GPS trackers are a good investigative tool when we are trying to identify whether a person or a vehicle is in a particular place at a particular time."
"It ain't gonna track at all so let me get an assistant."
"Consistently tracking your body weight over time to assess trends and make adjustments if necessary."
"Everything that moves through the woods leaves a trail, whether you're a deer or a 13-year-old boy."
"He can track a body through wind and rain."
"The Apple AirTags... I swear by them."
"An Apple AirTag allows you to see where your bag is at all times."
"The cue sends feature is massively useful for tracking."
"Tracking is the icing on the cake when it comes to social media marketing."
"This is the most sophisticated fitness tracking device on Earth."
"Tracking is so popular I don't have to track every single dollar I'm making now because I have these habits in place where it feels wrong to spend money on dumb things."
"Track your calls, just do it in any way you can."
"A UTM code tracks the performance of campaigns."
"This won't stop thieves, but it will make it easier to track the vehicle if it gets stolen."
"I didn't see the dogs, but I did see something tracking them."
"These AirTags are phenomenal for tracking your luggage."
"Fake Spot collects your online shopping history, your location, your browser info, your search history, and they track you with cookies and tracking pixels."
"We don't do that here at Miss Bees. I work for the United States government and we pretty much track everything."
"I don't know because I don't feel like I need to track every one of my movements and [__] like that."
"The alleviation of that pain Point begins when you have actually tracked what you have spent every single 30 days."
"95% of everyone I write about could be alive today if they'd been carrying some type of satellite transponder."
"Track every action that relates to the area of your life you want to improve."
"We're still at it, huh? She's still at it. Put tracking devices on all shipments. It's time we met this. I mean, it kind of does."
"Every time you use that card, just pull up those statements easy peasy easy to track."
"I was already tracking this as a side effect of tracking my much more useful metric."
"Being able to have all of this here that we can all address with a similar number we can all track it in a central set of databases becomes really important."
"But Mr. Zuckerberg, you're in the foothills of creepy. You track people who aren't even Facebook users. You track your own people, your own users, who are your product, even when they're not on Facebook."
"Versioning is just a fancy word that means that we're going to track changes and specifically we're going to take snapshots of these changes."
"All three headsets have Inside Out tracking."
"The quest 3's six external cameras do an excellent job tracking."
"I'm really happy I finally tied the tuna with a pop-up satellite tag. A couple of months from now that tag will rise to the surface and start transmitting data."
"It's really great how many ways this can help you track your fitness."
"Even though you might not realize it pretty much everything that you do on the Internet can be tracked by your internet service provider, your cell company, ad companies, and hackers."
"A corpse in solution is always harder to track down than one in the flesh, no matter how mangled about it might be."
"Tracking your spending down to the dollar you will likely find areas of wasted spending."
"And that basically just allows you to know what you've done day in, day out. So, if you have a really good couple of months, you can see exactly what you've done in that time."
"When you start seeing tracks as big as my hand, you know you got a monster hog."
"Can we track down any of those weird wild wacky and just straight up bizarre stuff that just happens to be on the internet?"
"You got her property which she's tracking and then you've got her freaking ID in picture in your vehicle."
"Recognizing animal tracks is a difficult but useful skill to learn."
"Tracking is perfect when you are vlogging, walking around. You don't need to worry about not being framed."
"guess who feels her period coming while I'm talking and then I checked my little manual paper period tracker because I don't do the digital stuff anymore because you know why and I'm actually like a day late"
"The black dots all indicate where exact Black Panther locations have been reported."
"Pick four or five key metrics to track accurately, not 30 or 50."
"GPS is used in map and find my phone use cases."
"Period is not something people talk about much but I feel like there are a lot of benefits to it if one keeps track of it and I hope this period tracker can help me learn more about my body."
"Version notes could be extremely handy in tracking what changes were made from the previous version."
"Or perhaps you work in the accounts department and you want to track all the overdue invoices."
"The key is to track your macros and calories. It teaches you a lot."
"It is fundamental to set up tracking because in this way, you can measure the effectiveness of your campaigns."
"I feel like that's one of the easiest things as a receiver when you see that thing spinning nice and tight. The ability to track it makes it so easy."
"What we do is you pick up the trail, you find some sign you can identify, and you gain a sense of the direction of the trail. At that point, you have to stand back and look at the landscape as a whole and try to figure out where the animal is most likely to have gone."
"...you can track where your luggage is at any time."
"I turned every hanger backwards... By the end of the year, every time I wore something, when I would put it back, I would turn the hanger the other direction."
"Tracking your weight is a really good motivator to keep going."
"What do you mean you don't recognize a tracking number? It's not a tracking number in our system."
"You need to track your progress. It helps you just look back and see how far you've come."
"We're gonna follow up on these tracks just to see where they go."
"We track every deal that we look at, we offer on, wherever it dies in the process."
"My labels are everything to me: my seed source, the date I sowed, the number of seeds I sowed."
"What skills do you need when it comes to tracking a leopard? A lot of patience."
"I love this, there's our translation. That hasn't changed but now we have TCP traffic that's being tracked that it's being used for."
"Track everything on Nike Run Club."
"It's like even though they are in that Runner energy, they still really think of you very fondly. I do feel like they kind of keep track of what you're up to."
"Each individual sow will have its own RFID ear tag which allows us to identify the animal as it walks into the feeding station."
"We don't want conversions taking place that meta aren't able to track."
"Google's dominant Chrome browser will begin actively working to prevent at least using the traditional tracking methodology."
"I absolutely love the fitness capabilities of the Apple Watch. The fitness app makes it super easy to track all of your workouts."
"Having the ability to track how many calories you're burning and what your heart rate is at gives you a really good idea of how far you've come if you use the app for a while to track your workout."
"Google analytics is the best way to track your performance, see your traffic, and the behavior of that traffic on your website."
"Every time someone takes any action inside of our funnel, they are tagged or a tag is removed."
"Track, don't slack. Start by tracking your net worth."
"Let's be honest, these are a must-have when traveling with Nick, Max tracks."
"In terms of everyday wellness tracking, that's a strong point for the Fitbit devices because that's initially what they were designed to do way back in the day."
"Once you get Google tag manager Google analytics 4 all installed on your website, it's actually not too difficult to create events."
"This one shows very clearly the movement of the phone down to the near east side of Madison from the home."
"I'm definitely also trying to get into working out more so I want to use it a lot more for workout tracking all that and just keeping myself motivated with this."
"No rival can beat the dog when it comes to finding the scent of the kill."
"if you're a hunter you've got to know how to track as well"
"We'll come back to this area in the following days to look for a fresher track. For now, we'll finish our loop then head down to even lower elevation to find even less snow, more game, and hopefully more tracks."
"Who's cycle ovulation are you tracking if your wife doesn't have -"
"You can see how much each month contributed."
"It constantly gives off her location to the agents that are following her."
"They would either walk down their quarry or not find them at all."
"I'm tracking it, that's an easy 13 bucks."
"Your ability to set specific measures on your goals and then to keep an accurate record and track your performance each day will assure that you achieve your goals exactly when you have decided to or even before."
"The transformation of defogo's footprints that Simpson had been tracking a few days before."
"It does a really great job with tracking subjects even if they're moving fast."
"I personally love how easy it is to track my shipment from start to finish."
"Now when I've done my stitches, I can use my pencil and I can color in the ones I've worked so I can keep an eye on my place."
"we're always keeping track of what the current Max is and what the current minimum is"
"I'd like to get you to learn how to track, we go putting down the road and here's the deer track going across."
"What is tracked will improve, and what is tracked and written down will improve exponentially."