
Business Planning Quotes

There are 292 quotes

"Don't wait until you're drowning in orders to find the right shipping solution."
"I've been looking into buying adverts, and I'll hopefully be able to get started on it next week."
"Articulating the problem you solve is the first step in writing your business plan."
"Your business plan needs to spell out the points of differentiation for your product or service."
"Your financial forecast is the heart of your business plan."
"Enjoy the process. If you're writing a 60-page business plan, enjoy page four. You're going to get to page 60 eventually, just enjoy page four."
"In the end, brand strategy is really the idea that you set up a bigger goal for a company."
"I went to Seattle with Jeff, literally writing the business plan for the company in the car trip over."
"The last thing you want to do is start a business for a service that there's absolutely no demand for in your area."
"Take action. You know, a lot of people here have the best ideas and you know, you can put the best business plan together but if you don't take action nothing's gonna happen..."
"Stick to the plan, get your LLC, get your checking account, go see Herm and follow through with the plan."
"Get ahead of the curve before the changes are actually implemented."
"What plans do you have for the business over the next five to ten years?"
"Jordan Peterson is a hero; he saved more lives than BLM ever will."
"These business ideas actually don't require a lot of capital, they're easy to start."
"Will that lead to significant growth this year? If not, table it."
"You have such a great solution and you have more plans, more upgrades coming."
"Next important thing is getting that done to get it listed hopefully we can get that in the newspaper."
"We want to make a hundred thousand in net income but we don't really know how much we need to sell to reach that number."
"Every car has a business plan and the videos we intend to shoot with it." - Tim Burton
"You can't blow your marketing load once, and if you blow it too soon and people come and they get a bad first impression then it's twice as expensive for them to come back and give you a second chance."
"So if things go according to plan, which honestly it hasn't so far, we may see a fully assembled Good Company by 2021."
"There's a reason why I think that they might have to expedite their token and airdrop plans in order to compete here."
"Things that have worked historically are likely to continue to work moving into the future."
"We're starting small, so we can put both our production building and the knitter over there."
"You've got to judge it off where the business is going."
"Now it's time to chill for about a year and wipe out these other small guys."
"You should have a business plan if you're gonna go through all the trouble."
"You need to decide the scope of what you're gonna offer as far as services and technology."
"You have to be intelligent about how many units you order."
"You get enough functionality to make a decision on whether you want to progress to a paid plan."
"I really want you to start the new year with a clear and super super simple plan that is also very strategic and it's going to help move the needle forward in your business."
"Always be going back to look at, re-look at, and examine your strategy."
"It's a long-term play right, this is something that's going to take two or three years to play out."
"SpaceX makes it clear that service will improve as the company launches more satellites."
"My life on here I feel like once we have the store everything is going to be a lot more exciting"
"DraftKings management has addressed a clear pathway to profitability."
"It's super important mapping out like all your expenses, your profit, where money's going, money coming in, money coming out."
"The next two quarters are vital for the chef."
"Plan for success, or your business will break."
"The main goal with drop shipping is you want to make sure you have a long-term business model."
"Milton had proved once again that his plans were worth the risk."
"The plan now is to capture 10 percent of the global market within the next seven years."
"They're looking for revenue of $4 billion or more in 2025."
"How to mitigate the startup costs for cooperatives."
"So a solid pro to Google Trends is that you can do market research on a niche, product, or topic and get an understanding if it’s worth your time and effort to pursue."
"I think you look at it as getting to a hundred trucks per month by no later than the first quarter of 2021."
"Our dreams need to be as big as the thing we're building."
"Choosing a business structure opens up a different future with unique twists and turns."
"This is your time to set your intention to create a new business plan or create a new plan for your life."
"Eventually we'll do something with it but for now it's not super critical."
"How are we going to make this like not only a healthy relationship but how are we going to make this like a healthy like uh like business-wise and and long-term goals family?"
"This is fantastic we've now got our permits which means we can start making some shops and we know what we're going to be selling this season and I got to tell you I am excited about the quartz because it's one of my favorite blocks in the game."
"Understanding the strategies on how your business needs to look like on paper."
"A great idea is not sufficient. You need to ensure that you have access to enough capital to get you through those first few months."
"That right there shows you that there's a company that knows what they're doing, that has a plan, and they're executing the plan."
"Promo is not a strategy, y'all. It is not, it is not."
"They know that's where they needed to put the money, and they have now."
"We have some really exciting long-range plans, probably one and a half to two and a half years out."
"That means that those extras that didn't sell in this quarter are probably gonna be in next go hang on a second."
"I've got enough stock to last through the end of the year."
"The only reason their share goes up is if Man United start winning titles. If you build the stadium and you get better brand deals, so you're paying two ways."
"Play to win the season, not just one game. Aim to be the division champ in your niche and play the long game for sustained success."
"It's definitely a smart idea to start saving for your business as soon as you're able to."
"I hope that this has been helpful, and if you're considering making the transition from being a full-time employee to a full-time business owner, this guides you."
"The best compensation plan in the world is the one that you are going to build."
"There wasn’t one recipe to the best strategy."
"The goal is to make it very production heavy."
"Set business goals. I want this done by this time, that done by that time, set life goals."
"A business plan is a written road map for the firm for marketing, financial, and operating standpoints."
"Think beyond the initial product and think about the brand you're creating and how you can promote it."
"Focusing your data so that it's good and solid and then forming a strategy."
"We feel good about our plans, but safety and security come first."
"99% of the work here is done upfront with research, there's no tricks, there's no gimmicks."
"Tesla has clearly been delayed from their original plan for 1 million robo taxis in 2020."
"We were linked to that casino, so maybe it's a bit low key that we're looking for a CDM."
"I think we have to progress and expect business to be done in January. I think it's going to be a very active January transfer window."
"Planning your monetization strategy... it's more than just content, you guys."
"The fact that they're coming back and saying look we need three years that tells you what's going on."
"Business owners don't plan to fail, they fail to plan."
"You have to have a picture, what does your business look like when it's completed?"
"Your job... is you just have to think, what is it that I'm offering?"
"You're looking for the ones that other big sellers are not really concentrated on."
"So here's how you enter the market: figure out what you're going to sell."
"Building a business plan: the foundation of success."
"Get really clear with yourself about the type of business you want to build. Each decision will have a big impact on how you run your business."
"It's really useful to be able to create a forecast to give you some idea of how your numbers are going to look in the future."
"Starting a business is actually a step-by-step process, and if you follow those steps, then actually things can become a lot more manageable."
"I'm actually planning on starting a laser tag business, an outdoor one. And the guns that I have, they look pretty cool."
"The accumulation of Ether as working capital may have already started."
"Last thing you want to do is start a business broke."
"What are you going to do with your business when you don't want to work here anymore?"
"You have to kind of know where your audience lives before you even start."
"Don't just think about it – have a business plan before starting a clothing brand."
"We expect to be there in the first quarter of next year, early in 2021." - Jack
"Our near-term pricing strategy considers a long-term view on per vehicle profitability."
"They want to make sure that they are investing into something that can grow over time."
"If your goal this year is to achieve a hundred thousand dollars, five hundred thousand dollars, a million dollars in revenue, whatever it is, this strategic plan can do exactly that."
"Get clear on your vision right now before you start the business."
"All you need is that motivation to want to start a business and once you're motivated, then your brain starts thinking ways on how you can afford your new venture."
"Stick to one strategy and make it work for you."
"The beauty of this pricing structure is that it makes calculating your revenue and what you need to achieve your goals, very simple."
"Building a thesis around where the attention is going to come from."
"Have a strategy outlined, test, and tweak as necessary."
"One of the big assets of the Daniel thing is that the agenda is very obvious."
"I just wonder if they have a phone on their roadmap."
"So basically you can use this as a template for your own store; so kind of look at it and see what you can do."
"We have exciting plans for the future of the destiny franchise."
"If we come in around analyst expectation, they won't really have to change their forecasts; I'd probably have to lower mine for the next couple of quarters."
"If you have a mindset like mine, you're thinking several years out with companies."
"You've got to know who your ideal customer is and you got to go deep enough to understand what are their desires, what are their goals, and what are their needs."
"The product should also be timeless and not go obsolete."
"Financial discipline is very, very important. Going into business goes beyond just having a plan, a plan is very important, it's very crucial."
"We're kind of planning, 'Hey, let's maybe start a business.' Like, maybe we should open up a jet engine repair, right?"
"So I submitted 46 applications and business plans to the Tony Elumelu Foundation."
"Decide what kind of business entity you're going to run this under... consult with a professional."
"As a planner, I might not need to know what it's doing, but maybe I actually want to know."
"This shows how dynamic IBP is, happening automatically."
"If you buy more than you can chew, you will rob yourself of all of the fun of creating your own business in the beginning."
"A credible plan based upon a predictable organization that allows us to make promises to our customers."
"Making sure from an intake that we're validating that the thing that we're determining to or deciding to do actually does align with our strategy."
"...he has a vision for this business as well so it is more of a joint effort in a team..."
"If you don't know what's in your business plan, it's not really going to look very favorable."
"I don't know why people complicate this so much I don't know why people get so confused like how do I get to 10 grand a month like you just reverse engineer the maps."
"Creating your compensation plan is like creating the right melody."
"To build a successful business, you need a good business plan; a carefully thought-out, step-by-step guide to launch, develop, and expand."
"We need to be nailing down the basics a bit better first. There's no sense being ignorant about it, need to nail things down a bit better where we are and how we're doing it before we start thinking about expanding."
"Choosing the right business entity is important because if you select the wrong entity, then you may end up putting your personal assets at risk or paying more taxes than you actually need to."
"I always aim for a 85 to 90% gross margin and 40 to 50% net margin."
"You got to have a succession plan."
"We need to define our core values and our mission."
"I realized we had a real passion for Brewing... how about we get this on paper and see if we could really pull this off."
"The business case sets out a clear definition for success."
"If you want to make over six figures... or maybe your goal is to work part-time and make fifty thousand dollars a year... you need to nail down your pricing and get really clear on how much you need to be charging in order to hit those big goals."
"To calculate NPV, we first estimate cash flows, which include estimates of sales, variable costs, fixed costs, and other revenues and cost estimations."
"Think about the market you're in because that's going to dictate a lot of your strategy as well."
"Being able to look ahead and forecast what your cash is going to do in your business is an exercise that every single business owner should be doing."
"Really start building my ecosystem the right way."
"You need to have a business continuity plan to deal with that."
"Figure out what your business needs to run every day to hit those profitability numbers."
"Awareness on sustainability impacts can be used to manage risk and to build more sound business continuity plans."
"Planning plays an important role in the success of a project."
"The most important thing we have to understand about a market analysis is how to profile the point of entry into the market."
"Figure out what type of business you're going to have."
"I do believe you can make these into a business model."
"I'm hoping that this time next year, we can find and acquire a building to build a bar and do stuff."
"By taking pre-orders, you can continue selling your products when they are out of stock, allowing customers to buy them with the expectation of receiving the product at a future date."
"You just need to find the right roads and the right intersections to put your Starbucks location at."
"I've created a SMART goal by saying I know what it is that we're trying to achieve, I know how we're going to measure it, I believe it's attainable, it's relevant to our business, and here's the timeline it's going to take us to get there."
"The lease is negotiable, so I actually really liked that one."
"Strategy maps are about focus and choice."
"If you do a good job planning your model, making a strong plan, and asking good questions, you will already be way ahead of what most people are doing."
"We want to forecast our order volume for staffing."
"Goals are nothing but actionable items to fulfill your business objectives."
"Developing an unconstrained demand plan is all about driving growth of the business."
"Doing things for free forever is not a viable business plan."
"Integrated Business Planning is the business planning process for the post-recession era, extending the principles of Sales and Operations Planning."
"Plan, adapt, evolve. You need to plan for changes and emergencies to happen."
"We had a CEO of the company and SVP of supply chain that were very supportive and really wanted to see S&OP or integrated business planning implemented."
"Predictable profits by knowing a customer's LTV businesses can predict future revenue and cash flow."
"Get lots and lots of quotes for your product and your shipping, that way you can be really confident that you understand how much your landed cost is."
"Investors will rely heavily on your business plan to evaluate the feasibility of your business before funding it."
"Entrepreneurs and business owners should be planning for a point in their career to have a liquidity day."
"I can't help wondering what's the company going to do next."
"Before you look into how to start a real estate brokerage, you should consider why you want to."
"Before you write another line of code, make sure you have an answer for each of these questions: How much is it going to cost to make the game? How much money is the game going to make? And when's that going to happen?"
"Putting a business in a trust can be a phenomenal idea."
"Outlining your goals for the business is the biggest thing."
"What type of clients do I want? What type of life do I want? What do I want out of this business that I'm starting?"
"I'm going to open a treat shop, I have spoons and cones and all the yummy things I need."
"To make a million dollars in that business, you would need to make three grand a day."
"Key inputs would include the sales forecast and other operating and financial planning data."
"Breakeven is the point at which we make zero profit, zero loss."
"Both strategy and connection are equally important."
"You don't need to build out a whole business plan, but you need to know what problem you're solving."
"In one year, you can build a million dollar business by having four products at 25 sales a day at a $30 price point."
"That's why you always want to confirm your ideas with data."
"Notion is an amazing tool; I use it for everything, so why not use it for freelance business?"
"Map out the steps that the buyer goes through to buy the product, not the way we want to sell it to them."
"We're going to keep hiring and we're going to figure out winter services."
"I'm gonna try and cover the very high level all the startup items and costs specifically when it comes to running a physical plant shop."
"Stop thinking about business ideas and start with education."
"With our future fleet plan resolved, we are focused on ensuring we are ready to return to operation."
"Plan early, it takes about a year from putting a business on the market to achieving a sale."
"This is going to be great for me on multiple levels, on a business level and on a personal level."
"A company's free cash flow is typically projected for a period of five years."
"A business model is defined as a plan for the successful operation of a business, identifying sources of revenue, the target customer base, products, and details of any financing."
"Understand where you are, understand where you need to get to, and then work with our team to implement the right kind of technology to support you."
"The executive summary is more important than the conclusion; it's more important than any other aspect of the business plan."
"I will sit down with you to obtain a full brief of the business objectives."
"You want to determine your business requirements and this means learning the ins and outs of the financial part of your business."
"Once you know your break-even point, then you can figure out how much revenue you're going to have to generate on average per month to cover the costs of your equipment."
"Know your cost, figure out your break-even point, and then do your homework on your market to see if you have business."
"We're getting more granular with our targeting, more calibrated with our approach."
"Strategy is all about the importance of 'why'."
"Be realistic about not only your processing time, how long it takes you to make each item, but also how long it would take for you to make each item, package it, and ship it to be delivered to the customer."
"Marketing is not an event; it's an ongoing process."
"The rocks, the pebbles, and the sand... Identify what the rocks are in your business, place the pebbles around that, and then whatever's left over, the sand can fill in the spaces."
"SWOT analysis looks at external events... opportunities and threats... and then you have strengths and weaknesses."
"How many days it takes to start a business is important to know when you're trying to start a business in a country."