
Notation Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"And there's a symbol that we use for this number, it's called n factorial."
"Organic chemists love arrows, curved arrows, equilibrium arrows, resonance arrows. This is a retrosynthetic arrow."
"However you write it down, the notation is secondary in importance to the visual you might hold in your head for the process."
"I really like using this dot object notation on my methods, screw the haters."
"It's really not relevant to any of the research questions I have or research interests I have, but I had to underline it and make a note of it just because it's so funny."
"If you're not a person who reads notation, I hope I've successfully demonstrated that it's not something dead which belongs to a bygone era."
"Standard notation is a remarkable cultural achievement universal for all instruments and which transcends spoken language barriers."
"It's a system that just like the medieval chess game we saw at the beginning of this video allows us to reach into the past to understand the ideas of our ancestors."
"Notation will continue to change over the centuries and for my money won't be dying anytime soon."
"Notation allows performers to make choices about how to perform the music rhythmically, a vital aspect of musicality."
"In Quantum Computing, we use bracket notation, which is really just a way to disguise linear algebra."
"She's got a ticket to ride we call those sextuplets six notes six tuplets one two three four four six one."
"Matrices are given a capital letter."
"To avoid letting our notation get too cumbersome, I'll let our interval run simply from zero to one."
"My musical friends will be happy with me here, I'm going to go for 'two crotchets'."
"Reverse Polish notation is much more bare-metal when it comes to working with calculator hardware than algebraic notation is."
"You have to use this notation here."
"Once you know the square names, you can write down the position of each piece."
"Musical notation was the first graph in Western culture."
"To indicate that it has positive spatial curvature, we sometimes write that it has k equal to +1."
"The row vector bra psi is the conjugate transpose of the vector ket psi."
"There's some shorthand notation for grabbing substrings."
"That's kind of like it looks like a uh an a minor seven with a with an e in the bass."
"There's actually a very easy way to rephrase all of this and to perform calculations for specific cases using the direct notation."
"Einstein's great discovery in mathematics: we do not need to write the summation sign."
"Now it's common to let I like to let the capital S be molar solubility this is one of the tricks you can use so that you hopefully won't confuse the Ksp."
"The true test of any notation is usage; having seen τ used throughout this manifesto, you may already be convinced that it serves its role well."
"A good notation can be a teacher unto itself."
"The symbols in APL are not just a notation for mathematics or programming, it's a notation for thinking."
"The mathematical expressions of the Africans became so Advanced that they transcended paper notations."
"Rational numbers have their own boldface letter symbol Q."
"All music sheet is essentially the same."
"It's like an A flat 7 with G flat in the base."
"Slowly and carefully you want to notate the rules in a consistent manner using the same notation each and every time."
"At first, we are going to introduce a parameter we are going to call it t because I'm a physicist and I like to work with letter t."
"To express symbolically that an element belongs to a set, we use this symbol: ∈."
"Now if you ever see the symbol, you know what it means: you're just stacking two chords on top of each other."
"Function notation, being able to plug into a function like the 'f of x' type of notation."
"If you can make quintuples the new 16th notes."
"The sharp symbol raises the pitch of a note by a half step."
"So the sharp and flat symbols... they're maybe a little bit silly, but I think they fit these operations really well."
"We need to call this note C-sharp and not D-flat. Does that make sense?"
"Regular expression notation of Kleene's was seized upon because it was so compact."
"That said we do know what our discount rate is and as usual we write that in decimal form that's going to be 0.2."
"Hovanus's writing was so triatic that he used figured bass notation sometimes as a tool for sketching out his works."
"We can also use scientific notation to take very large decimal numbers and write them in a shorter form."
"It's a great method for very large and very small numbers."
"In order to discover something, you need to invent notation to do it. They are interlinked."
"The finite field of order q will be denoted by GF(q), that stands for Galois Field."
"Happy project managers are project managers who notate everything."
"I'm going to use a hashtag annotation, a pound sign there to annotate that out."
"Set builder notation defines elements as variables with a given rule."
"Every note has a sharp except for B and E."
"I really like this notation because it does simplify things, it looks really nice."
"Big O is a notation used to describe complexity."
"The magnitude or size of a vector is designated using absolute value brackets."
"We'll use a fancy N like this to indicate the set of natural numbers; these are the positive integers starting with 1."
"We have the option to change the notation if we'd rather not play in standard sheet music."
"This notation is something you need to get really, really familiar with."
"Set interval notation... deals with the study of real numbers."
"It's in the key of E flat; it's bass clef instead of treble clef."
"When you take a square root, you've got to put a plus and minus in front of that square root."
"Archimate is an industry standard developed and maintained by the Open Group. It's a graphical notation for creating enterprise architecture models."
"That's JSON, JavaScript Object Notation."
"A key tells you which notes are sharped or flatted in a song."
"The final thing you want to do when you write your first song is we need to put a double bar line at the end of it because that signifies that the song is over."
"It's really notationally intensive."
"Big D to the n of y stands for the derivative of y."
"The idea of scientific notation was developed by Archimedes in the 3rd century B.C.E."
"An exponent is a shorthand notation for the number of times a number is multiplied by itself."
"Negative exponents are shorthand notation for the inverse of the corresponding positive exponents."
"No single notation is perfect; different notations are useful in different contexts."
"Be careful out there; no notation is perfect, but some notations are worse than others."
"If there are small things along the way that are impressive, I'll usually write hashtag perf next to them."
"Whenever you have an infinity or negative infinity, you're going to use the round bracket because it's going to be open."
"Whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, triplets, 16th notes, 30 second notes, dotted notes, two bar phrase."
"This shorthand notation is extremely useful in all of mathematics; it's used everywhere."
"Negative indices... denoted by a bar above the number."
"The symmetry group of a dodecahedron or an icosahedron is star 532 in my notation."
"The first thing you need to learn to be able to solve the Rubik's Cube is the move notation."
"In the complex world, we generally use the notation W equals F of Z."
"A function looks like this: it takes a form of f(x), g(x), or h(x) or something else, but is basically an equation which has x in the expression."
"We can do subscripts and superscripts and Greek letters and other special symbols."
"When a number is touching a parenthesis, it means multiplying."
"Standard form is always a number between 1 and 10 times a power of 10."
"The system of rhythmic notation allows so much variety of rhythm."
"Musical notation began as a way of recording the achievement of the moment, repeating it, and adding to its beauty."
"When you have a negative exponent, remember that base will be brought into the denominator."
"This is the real Schrödinger equation, and notice that I'm using a capital Psi rather than a lowercase or less decorated psi."
"A line segment has a bar on top; a ray has an arrow on top, and that is a really important difference."
"A single dot adds on half of the note; the second dot adds on half of what we just added on."
"Remember the convention sin squared of theta secretly means \( s(\theta) \) quantity squared."
"Standard form has to be a number between 1 and 10 but not including 10."
"If you have the vector components f of X, we can rewrite this as equal to the scalar component multiplied by the unit vector I."
"The beauty of the cycle notation is that you can very quickly see things like this."
"The derivative of y with respect to x is y prime."
"Standard form is always a number between one and ten times ten to a power."
"The treble clef is sometimes known as the G clef."
"Notation as a tool for thought allows us to think things we couldn't before."
"There's a lot going on because of some, to me, very neat notation, right, which is there are three implicit loops all going on at the same time plus one explicit loop in the sum."
"We call it a G clef or more commonly a treble clef."
"The lines of the treble clef are E, G, B, D, and F."
"The derivative of y with respect to x can be written as dy by dx."
"Music notes are written on a staff. Each note represents a sound."