
Counting Quotes

There are 248 quotes

"Counting, I guess, is a pretty simple affair conceptually, but it's a topic that can also get to be pretty tricky."
"They have one, two, three, four or five potential starters."
"Human beings as they evolved over time discovered certain behaviors that were useful and not."
"We found 19 red items in total. I think I guessed around 17 so I was close but we smashed that out of the park."
"Now everybody counts and of course they have ten."
"Count function in PHP counts how many elements are inside the array."
"One, two, buckle my shoe, three, four, knock at the door, five, six, pick up sticks, seven, eight, lay them straight, nine, ten, a big fat hen."
"There's like four of them, there is one, two."
"Stay calm, keep counting. All will be well. We're so glad you're with us today."
"In order to count, we should know what the numbers are."
"Thirty-four, thirty-five, almost three dozen."
"I already counted 197.3 colors. That's pretty cool."
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Zoe wins! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!"
"1 2 3 4 5 6, no it's 1 2 3 4 5 6."
"No no no no no, no no no no that's ten."
"Am I gonna have to go down the slide? No, I need five girls, but now I only have four."
"If you need to count them, be sure and don't count what's on the hook and count down, this would be the first stitch here, the first chain and this would be the next one and the next one so you go one two three four and all the way down until you make sure you have enough."
"I even forgot about Chips. I kept on counting the days, though. Even though I had forgotten why. 988. That's how many sunrises passed until the day that I woke up to barking."
"We all have an intuitive idea of what it means to count something."
"What I love about counting is just how easy it seems."
"It's like one thousand, it's thirty-one thousand, four thousand. Okay."
"Merely counting doesn't give you a good picture of productivity."
"Move the chips forward to count them."
"Bailey are you still counting the nuggets yeah that's six."
"One, two, three ... Two, three, four, five ..."
Everyone in the chat is like, "Sich doesn't even know how to count days of the week."
"we've only raised half I counted the money for more times just to be sure"
"Look at you, did you, yeah, every single, every single one. It's a threesome, didn't count but you know I'll take it, 100 is 100, no matter what you shake it, right? Bye, everyone, we'll see you next week before game club, get on board, the old board."
"Vegas still remains a great place to count."
"I've lost count by the way I think it's two pinks and two blues at the end of the day."
"So, if I keep adding a half without ever stopping, I get to infinity. That you can. It's like if you keep counting forever."
"That's amazing. One, two, three. Wow."
"That's the real issue here. They just can't count."
"It's always a good idea to check your stitch count because one time I didn't and all went a bit wrong and I couldn't figure out why."
"I think I've got five TikToks, or is it six?"
"Why are you mad? All he knows is how to count."
"One two three, you see they moved apart."
"Just think, Granny," she called after a while, "I've made one, two, three, four, five friends. Pretty good for so soon."
"I started it on 40 count something."
"Let's count it out finally, oh my gosh."
"I know one, two, three, four, five. Hey, Timmy T top will vouch for that gas station food, it was pretty good."
"That's like 20 Yachts, they all count."
"You better learn how to count, play card game with us, don't be rude"
"Eighteen, nineteen, two thousand."
"It's a very small probability, but it is large enough that we can actually create numbers that we can count."
"Okay you're keeping you're counting how many times, wait wait four times yeah it's been three."
"Forgiveness is not about keeping score; forgiveness is learning to lose count."
"I tried it and my board just hit the ground, flipped, and I landed on it. And it counted, it counted, no."
"The children i was working with they knew they knew how to count."
"No one wants to sit around counting things, that makes it boring."
"Maybe I'll be able to count to one thousand. I've currently learned all of the numbers up to a hundred in Babel which in theory means that I can count to 999 in German."
"And lift. And two. And three. And four. And five. And six. And seven. And eight."
"And last but not least is this little number counter here."
"I'm counting everything food drink air I'm counting everything if it's got calories I'm counting it I don't care what everyone says there's no rules I'm making my own rules look at me I am the size of a human."
"No more than eight, so how many cards does everybody have right now?"
"23, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, and 101, 102, 103. I forgot. And a hundred and new look."
"All good engineers start counting from zero."
"If you want to count everything, so cells, it doesn't matter if they've got text or numbers in them or weird symbols, if you want to count everything, you would use counta which stands for count all."
"Starting position counting from the top in mace, the row. Six."
"I'm the second, you're the second, alright, and you guys are the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and uh, how are you? Thousands."
"His death counted as Paul's death legally."
"And why is it 256? Step rule of counting again. There's actually eight bits to represent the red channel."
"So, I'm gonna do 68. 2, 3, 4, 5, 65, 66, 67, 68."
"We've got five cubes, one, two, three, four, five."
"...how many do I have uh one 2 three four five s two tract after that no problem."
"Someone should count these for us, you might, someone's already counted 627, you're welcome, 30 minutes of time. Damn, what is that? What is all that anyway?"
"I counted to 20 and started reciting the elements of the periodic table to center myself."
"Now, if we look at all of these, boy, there's a lot of selections. Let me count. I think there's about six."
"This reminds me those of you who follow me on Instagram, I thought this was so funny all of us count on our fingers really differently."
"Think about how weird the teachers were who would count and start with their thumb, one, two, three, four, and I used to be like how the [ __ ] are they keeping that pinky down?"
"She knew her letters, she knew a number recognition, she would count to 20 with varying accuracy."
"Can some pigeons count? They can probably say at least count to one."
"Let's count eleven cards down and see."
"I said six could come, but I count nine."
"Counting is so much fun and you can do it all sorts of ways."
"Mr. Snake, Mr. Snake, I did not go to school, I don't know how to count. I have all these yams here but I do not know how many yams I have. Can you please help me count my yams?"
"Remember when you had to count? Look at the [ __ ] terrible days when you actually had to count."
"I'll count in my head, one, two, like to my cadence."
"We've got Jimmy, so that makes six of us."
"And while we were reading, we were able to count up our little counter 6108 times."
"Quite a few greens we've done it on how many do you think they're probably about nine right yeah."
"We count each other's stars. Love you."
"Macro counting can give an edge that calorie counting can't."
"And here's 10, good switching to that other side."
"There's even a game where you count Pebbles on the beach."
"Oh, but what do I count? Whatever you want. How about dinosaurs?"
"So, 55 is what we're keeping. Now, I'm just going to go ahead and count to see how many we are decluttering."
"Can just a single model count? The answer is no, it seems to do four every time, even though I've asked for three. Mixture of experts, can it count to three? Um, yes, most of the time."
"I am Two, how do you do? One, two, one, two, one, two, there's so much Two can do!"
"I am Four, have you met me before? I'm one more than three as a member of the Square Club."
"Okay, so here I have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fourteen."
"I love the counter function, it's so diverse."
"You're going to have a stitch count now of 37."
"If you do not have a good method of counting fast rhythms or complex rhythms, you are making things very difficult for yourself."
"Hold it hold it I only count three where's the fourth."
"One astros, two astros, a third astros."
"Every lap counts here, every lap counts."
"Sharp looked at them, counted them, loved them."
"We use numbers for counting and writing, but did you know we can also count actual things we see every day?"
"It really comes down to a fundamental structure of counting."
"How many integers satisfy that inequality? At this point, you don't really need a number line, you can literally just count on your fingers how many integers are in that range."
"So, basically, what today's video is about is trying to address that question: when we say counting set series, what exactly is that?"
"Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three."
"Each figure contains shapes that have corners that can be counted consecutively."
"There are 14 squares that can be identified in this picture."
"You know that I am called the count because I really love to count."
"Last count, official count is 73. I counted myself."
"How many of them let PI of X be the number of primes less than or equal to X."
"That is why, when the Elves bound the Dwarves in a line one behind the other and counted them, they never found or counted the Hobbit."
"It's a great tactial way to practice counting and color recognition."
"Can count to ten or more things; can draw a person with at least six body parts."
"There are three types of people: those that can count, and those that can't."
"One potato, two potato, three potato, four, five potato, six potato, seven potato more!"
"To calculate the number of triangles in the last box, you need to add 6 plus 10 which would be equal to sixteen triangles."
"Pop back into bed and count up how many kisses your mummy gives you every day."
"So GCS is so simple, I'm just going to be counting; please guys, count your pulse for two minutes."
"Five little bunnies sitting on the floor, one hopped away and then there were four."
"That's 1,095 days... 1,096, there is a leap year."
"I have 19 plastic mugs out of which all but seven were lost. How many mugs do I have now?"
"Count your blessings, it's easy when you know how."
"There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done."
"Mother duck said Quack, quack, quack, quack, But only four little ducks came back"
"It counts how many bounces you have."
"All right, now the rocket booster is all fixed. There we go, okay, now let's count all of the colored pieces."
"This is a circuit of inanimate objects that can count."
"You realize that you could just go on counting for eternity."
"Cross stitchers are people who count."
"One, two, five!" "Three, sir!" "Three!"
"It would take 57 days to count to 5 million by seconds, but it would take 155 years to count to 5 billion."
"A dozen dozen is a gross, and a dozen gross is a great gross."
"The top number of a fraction is the numerator, how many parts we are talking about."
"Personally, my preferences will be a one measure counting."
"Who's counting when you're in love, right?"
"This means in the bag we've got 27 red counters, 45 green counters, and of course, we already knew, 36 blue counters."
"Let's count them together. One, two, three, four!"
"Five little speckled frogs sat on a speckled log, eating some most delicious bugs. Yum yum!"
"One little, two little, three little dinosaurs, four little, five little, six little dinosaurs, seven little, eight little, nine little dinosaurs, ten little dinosaurs."
"I counted one, two, three, four, five, six, and then when I counted six, I was like, oh boy, I'm lucid dreaming."
"After only two lessons, you are now able to count over 100 in Norwegian."
"Perfect, just like that, you need six more, count them: five, four, three, two, one."
"I have counted 30 folded pages for my book."
"One two three, your attention's all I need."
"Five little speckled frogs sat on a speckled log."
"How many lights there are?" "Four."
"Now we all know how to count to seven."
"We use a regular expression to dynamically count how many matches of phone numbers there are."
"Sometimes I sit and count all day, but sometimes I get carried away."
"One two three four, one two three four, one two, I love counting whatever the amount."
"Count the objects in a picture accurately and be able to tell which numeral is greater or less than."
"The Sumerians were the first people on earth that we know of to develop the concept of advanced counting."
"Have you tried counting it? It usually works with cash."
"I can count, and guess what, you're all about to see something special."
"In hexadecimal, you start counting at 0 still. You count up to and through 9. But when you want to keep counting higher, you then go to A, B, C, D, E, and F."
"I've been counting the days, bro."
"People from the Ice Age were counting using small marks drawn on cave walls."
"Permutations and combinations are a critical part of counting."
"Count on your fingers right there in the exam venue, who cares, God gave us 10."
"Jack began to count the seconds as his father had taught him, barely reaching eight before an enormous crack of thunder boomed across the sky."
"I'm trying to count as fast as possible; I'll just be one more minute and then I can start serving people. Thank you for your patience."
"Here they come flying out of their hive: one, two, three, four, five."
"I counted every single one of them."
"Five little birds sitting on a tree, one flew away, and then there were four."
"The book of Numbers is named for the Lord's instruction to Moses to number or count all the Israelite males from 20 years old and upward, all that are able to go forth to war."
"When you're counting the number of bracelets made, you would count in whole numbers."
"When we count to 10, we give ourselves time to breathe and find a pattern."
"There are three kinds of mathematicians: those who can count and those who can't."
"This activity is as much if not more about the process and how students recognize how many dots there are than if they actually got the correct number."
"Five little birds sitting on a tree, one flew away, now there are four."
"Counting the days till we get the Torah."
"And, voila, there is my 1, 2, 3, 4."
"Using hexadecimal is just kind of an interesting way of using single symbols now, 0 through F, to count from 0 through 15."
"We've got our cookies, hey how many do we have, look at this, ready? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight, way to go, we have eight cookies."
"Often times as computer scientists, we actually start counting from zero."
"Let's count them... there's six Gokus in total."
"Every time I count to 4, that's 1 bar."
"How many fingers do you have in your hands? In my hands? 10 fingers. Okay, how many fingers in 10 hands? In 10 hands? 100. Good job."
"Count the cars is actually kind of cool."
"It's really simple, one two three four five six seven."
"One, two, buckle my shoe; three, four, shut the door."
"Hooray, hey supers, can you count the tree branches falling?"
"So programmers do not have five fingers. They have four fingers-- zero, one, two, three, and four. Just get used to it, because that's the way programming works."
"10 is the number of fingers on a pair of human hands."
"If you shut your eyes but cannot sleep, count these animals as they bleep."
"I have counted the days since I last saw you."
"These are not things that you necessarily think of as being clocks but in fact they are because they do a regular repeated action that you can count to mark the passage of time."
"Good news, ladies and gentlemen, I have accounted for all the 10 Cubs, all the five females."
"Combinatorics is really just the field that's concerned with counting things."
"Count to 100, count count to 100."
"Freeze, try a pose, we love to count, way to go!"
"You don't realize that counting is a skill until you start doing this."
"If you can count to ten, you can count to a million."
"There's only three types of drummers: the ones that can count and the ones that can't."
"Let's count together, and you can count with us as well."
"Who can count to four? Me! Me! Okay, Natalie, one, two, three, four. Good job, sweetie."
"This simple counting formula has a number of very powerful applications."
"We want to try and find eight cards between the two hands."
"Welcome to Sesame Street, let's learn to count together: one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven. Well done."
"Anytime we're counting anything and we have two conditions, we can use the COUNTIFS function."
"I know it's going to be fun, help me count the vertices, ready? One, two, three, four."
"I counted powers of two when I was a kid instead of sheep."