
Consumer Safety Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"It's in their best interest to make it safer to game on PC, to reduce the risk of buying PC games."
"Ford has an issue with high voltage battery main contractors and it's asking dealers to stop deliveries of the Mach-E 2021 and 2022."
"High standards may be arbitrary when it comes to taste, texture and presentation. But consumers should always have high standards when it comes to safety."
"He’s gonna help me. Thank y’all, y’all got me help from the FDA."
"There is some sort of contaminant. The facility that this was all cooked, done, prepared, processed, whatever, it all needs to be shut down and thoroughly investigated."
"Consumer safety is our highest priority, and we have taken immediate steps to stop production and distribution of the product and conduct a root cause investigation, which is ongoing."
"We don't have to be eating these cheap chemical synthetic colors which honestly they don't know the long-term side effects."
"Quality and safety are our top concern and really matter."
"The stress of worrying about it constantly was maybe just as bad as the ingredients in the products."
"Always buy from a reputable source, by buying from a reputable source, you alleviate like 99% of that concern right away."
"The bracelets were found to contain dangerous levels of lead."
"You never know when a company's gonna do a recall and tell you, 'Hey, look, this thing's burning houses down.'"
"The EMS example is a gigantic red flag for taking food supplements. The patients that took the tryptophane ended up having their lives ruined, many of them died because the contaminant was never identified."
"Read the warning labels, talk to your doctor, and do some research before you commit to a pill, any pill," she said.
"Regulation is coming more and more... if you want widespread adoption of people using crypto... there needs to be safety."
"We want to be that brand that is there for you, creating the best products on the market to allow you to comfortably conceal whatever it is that you're willing to carry to stay safe."
"It's just ridiculous and infuriating to me that Herbalife would knowingly put lives at risk that way."
"It will give you peace of mind and it'll allow you to check for hidden nasties and things that you really don't want with your new purchase."
"Asbestos ends up in makeup because of poor regulations involving cosmetic grade talc."
"I think it warrants a recall. And I assure you that’s not hyperbole."
"Hydroquinone is safe, but a lot of dermatologists advocate its removal from the over-the-counter market."
"It's just the Wild West out here. I mean, they literally could be putting anything in there."
"The EU does better and they have much better regulations. They actually require that a product be tested before it's put in the market."
"As Toyota proved to the world in 2009, you’d be wrong to assume so when they announced the recall of almost four million Toyota and Lexus cars."
"These giant websites should be held accountable for what is being sold on their site."
"In recent years researchers have been grabbing thousands of different supplements off the shelf, and testing them to see what's inside."
"If your product goes to the point where you're recommending that a person goes to the dermatologist as a reaction to the way that your product performed on them, that's a problem."
"Our focus is going to remain on pushing this industry to be more transparent more compliant and more safe for everybody."
"This was reported there's many reports and they're commonly being imported I say that it's volunteer."
"Fake cosmetics can put consumers in serious danger," Rachel Jones emphasized.
"We've proved today that out of the test samples we've got, the fake Nutribullet is unsafe."
"Research your products... make sure your product has either all those ingredients or doesn't have any harmful ingredients."
"MMS is a dangerous chemical that under no circumstances should ever be consumed."
"Every chassis we produce is designed specific for the bodybuilder and what really fits into their body structure but also what is best for the retail consumer."
"When you start to look at what's being allowed here in the US and what is banned in all of Europe, all of Russia, all of China, all of Japan... you understand that we're being poisoned."
"Some of the products, especially electrical products, obviously not tested and not as safe as the ones that should be on the UK market."
"Keeping consumers safe is an important part of an HCA's job."
"The best way to keep consumers safe from fires is to try to prevent fires from starting."
"So much of the engineering behind consumer products is about making things foolproof."
"We're going to destroy them and look at it under a microscope because I ain't puttin' that on my face, hell no."
"I would just address the concerns that are going on because if there's concerns of quality control, I want to make sure that people know that you can use my product and nothing bad is going to happen."
"Critics of potency caps argue that we should instead give up on arbitrary limits and just make sure companies properly test, label, and market their products."