
Linux Quotes

There are 681 quotes

"You need to learn Linux if you're really serious about your career."
"Foundational skills like programming and Linux, I think are just becoming more and more important."
"You love tech right and with Linux, you're really getting in, it feels good to use that command line and really have complete control."
"Having a computer that supports Linux, that you can run Windows on, and Linux is really really good."
"We came into it wanting to support mainstream adoption of Linux."
"It was against this backdrop that the open-source operating system Linux was unceremoniously released in 1991."
"For the last 3 years, Linux users with AMD GPUs have not had support for 4K 120 Hz through HDMI 2.1 because the HDMI Forum restricted public access to its specifications."
"Let AMD implement HDMI 2.1 on Linux because Linux shouldn't have a disadvantage because of your DRM."
"If you're one of those people that are going to spend a lot of time, especially if you're a Linux tinker, you're going to spend a lot of time digging through config files and editing config files, maybe you want to investigate Vim."
"It's very important that we learn how to use a terminal in Linux."
"The Linux community really did respond to us putting it on there."
"There is no perfect Linux, but once you find one that works for you and once you land on the right distribution for your needs, that's when you'll become very loyal to it."
"Linux is great especially for older PCs because you're able to run anything pretty much on it."
"Linux is this giant system where you pick and choose what you want."
"You see, Linux is fundamentally different. How it handles device drivers... it's all just kind of there as a whole."
"Overall, having all that control with Linux is well worth while."
"I personally believe once Linux gets enough users a lot of these proprietary programs on Windows will move over to Linux."
"One of the things that makes Linux such a popular operating system is its ability to be customized. If we strip away some of the fancy features like say, a graphical interface, we can run it on low power devices."
"Embedded Linux boards go way beyond just being a replacement for a personal computer. It can be found running things like networking gear and lightweight servers."
"If it's your first time using Linux, glad to have you here."
"The world's first consumer-level, ARM-based Linux tablet."
"Bottles is a fantastic first step to get more Windows programs on Linux. Wine has always been a pretty amazing project but all that manual configuration and trial and error process just doesn't scream user-friendly or reliable."
"Linux is important to focus on for the future of gaming and the future of desktop."
"The big difference between all the Linux distributions is just the package manager, the desktop environment, and what kernel you're running."
"You don't necessarily have to be a nerd to use Linux."
"If you're really considering switching to Linux, let me go ahead and welcome you aboard."
"Linux is free as in cost, and free as in freedom."
"Customization is king on Linux; you can swap out anything."
"Linux is more secure than Windows, and Linux desktop users don't even run anti-viruses."
"On Linux, you have central repositories of software, curated by your Linux distribution."
"Linux correctly administered will just go on forever."
"Positive attitude will get you very far in the Linux community."
"Some entrenched users of proprietary systems feel threatened by Linux... Linux generally doesn't need it, doesn't want it. No thank you."
"Enable Steam Play for all other titles to run every Windows game on Linux."
"Linux can improve your programming workflow."
"Linux comes with a ton of powerful programming tools pre-installed."
"Linux is almost built for automation of tasks."
"Linux actually provides you with useful error messages."
"You can pretty much customize anything on Linux."
"I frankly will never switch back... I am a Linux user, I am a Linux main at this point."
"Valve has done a great job hiding sort of the guts of Linux from the average person... it really is just a system you fire up."
"Linux will become an absolute Mainstay staple."
"You get the full Windows desktop user experience, but the computing world is opened to the entirety of everything that can be done with the Linux kernel."
"Linux is my main daily driver because I'm so productive."
"When switching operating systems, Linux excels because of how it does the games."
"Linux Mint will happily boot on a UEFI machine that does not have secure boot enabled."
"Linux Mint: a very relaxed, very fluid, very cohesive form of computing."
"Linux week: pushing boundaries, exploring new territories."
"Transitioning to Linux: a delightful journey of discovery."
"Linux Mint: making the switch feels natural."
"Happy 25th birthday, Linux! Here's to a quarter-century of progress."
"Linux adventures: exploring new tools and possibilities."
"Linux and productivity: a seamless integration for everyday tasks."
"Linux gaming has gotten so much better over the years."
"The Linux challenge like really revealed to me that it's not there but it's not that far, you know?"
"Adding users is easy, adding groups is easy... Linux users groups and permissions is a lot simpler than in the Windows world."
"Linux has been my daily driver for pushing ten years now."
"Windows is getting a new Linux kernel to better run Linux programs under windows."
"Linux has completely dominated the server market."
"A lot of viewers contacted me to say that for them, the iPad-Pi combo was a great gateway into learning more about Linux and coding."
"This is a beautiful Linux distribution. I would highly recommend you check it out."
"The entire Linux system, or pretty much most of it, all of the settings are contained in text files."
"Linux 5.17 has arrived, this includes a patch for a variation of the Spectre security vulnerability."
"I started feeling good in Linux and the cloud and I got on a contract where we're deploying containers to kubernetes that took me months and months to figure out."
"Activating AUR and selecting a long-term support kernel are crucial for Arch Linux."
"Pac-man is the tool you need in Arch for system updates and package management."
"Manually configuring a kernel is often seen as the most difficult procedure a Linux user ever has to perform. Nothing is less true."
"Every time there's a kernel upgrade, I need to run this command here, which is emerge --ask @module-rebuild to rebuild the kernel modules."
"Linux might actually give you access to more resources to transcode because it can be a much lighter weight operating system."
"Linux based handheld devices come in any shape and size."
"They officially support Linux and you will get to have more ports at the same time on the device."
"Linux is the largest community-driven software project."
"Tuxedo Computers makes laptops and desktops that ship with Linux pre-installed."
"If you want a Linux distribution that is 100% focused on the Linux desktop, then if your choice is between Mint and Ubuntu, clearly Mint should be your choice."
"This may be just initial first impressions, the best-looking Linux desktop I've ever seen."
"Choosing your distribution is a crucial step in your move to Linux."
"If Linux as it exists today existed in 1995, we wouldn't even be talking about Windows and OS X."
"If you need a new computer and you want to run Linux, click the link in the description below and buy yourself something from Tuxedo."
"I think us in the Linux community we really do these Windows users a disservice..."
"Gaming on Linux is becoming more viable than ever before."
"Because it is based on Linux and all of these little apps that you're going to see are all approved, you can't get a virus."
"It's a rock-solid OS even Linux users recommend."
"Linux comes in many flavors or distributions or distros, so there are many distributions or distros of Linux that I'd recommend."
"The official win for number crunching primes of performance goes today to Linux."
"You don't have to memorize Linux commands."
"The magic happens when it comes to the Linux operating system."
"An app is typically the package manager for Debian based distributions."
"Most people who have used Linux have seen the root directory, but not everybody understands what the directories are used for."
"Where's Program Files? Where's the directory that Linux is installed in? How do you find anything? Let me explain."
"Mac users who have explored their hard drives might find Linux a little more familiar."
"This layout for the most part is outlined in the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard or FHS, which defines the structure and layout."
"Now you've probably heard of the word Linux; it's the kernel that's used at the heart of the Android operating system."
"Linux isn't a version of Unix; it's a clone of Unix, or today they like to call it unix-like."
"I'm going to go ahead and go into my Linux instance."
"A backdoor was discovered hidden in a common Linux utility, and it could have infected millions of devices."
"Under the hood, Ubuntu 244 is based on Linux kernel 6.8 and has many improvements to increase security."
"Most printers work just fine in Linux and it works so easily that's one of the coolest things about the hardware support."
"There are plenty of things that you can only do on Linux and not on these other operating systems."
"Ultimate portability: you can literally grab your hard drive or SSD from your computer, plug it into another completely different PC, and still enjoy a fully functional install with all your files, applications, and configs."
"On Linux, all major desktop environments let you change how your system looks or works."
"On Linux, you can apply updates without rebooting your computer."
"Just like that, within just a few seconds, I am running a full version of Linux on a Windows PC booted off a Ventoy disk."
"I love producing Linux related content for you, but I can't do it alone."
"Fedora is the embodiment of everything I enjoy about Linux: constant improvements and innovation."
"It's the embodiment of everything I enjoy about Linux: constant improvements and innovation."
"Debian offers a solid experience; it's easy to use, there's plenty of documentation."
"OpenSUSE Tumbleweed is a really good rolling release."
"Tuxedo OS has been super stable for me; it's the best KDE distribution I have ever used."
"If you want a new computer you want to Linux on it and you want to support Linux's development, get yourself a computer from Tuxedo."
"For better privacy, it is best to install Linux on your virtual machines."
"Linux is awesome... it's great, Linux is great."
"Linux can literally revive your old PC."
"Using 'df -h' shows disk space in human-readable format."
"Linux task manager equivalent: 'top' command."
"Easily locate files with the 'find' command."
"Hey, we should talk Linux, it's the operating system that runs the internet."
"Subscribe to Learn Linux TV for the latest in Linux."
"The beauty of Linux [is] tailoring my operating system to look, feel, and function just the way I like it."
"Linux is fast becoming the dominant operating system, at least for those providing internet services."
"When you first start up your Linux system, it'll start System D and System D will go into these directories looking for unit files."
"In Linux, every permission tells a story, and each character matters."
"In Linux, control is in your hands, one permission at a time."
"Linux support was tested with an Ubuntu 23.10 live CD. By default the keyboard, touchpad, camera, speakers, ethernet, and Wi-Fi all worked fine."
"Linux isn't lacking tooling, but simplicity."
"As I was pointing out you know there there are a whole lot of Linux based operating systems out there."
"Pop OS, I like this one as well. Ubuntu-based with a custom GNOME desktop from a Linux company called System76."
"Debian is the source really of many Linux Distros. Ubuntu is based on Debian, and then Debian is there as a thing itself."
"OpenSUSE is a very good one as well, known for flexibility, multiple desktop environments, suitable for both desktop and servers."
"Kali Linux, because that is specifically designed for ethical hackers, network penetration, cyber security professionals."
"Following Red Hat's decision to no longer release the source code for its Distro, then I no longer recommend any Distros that help Red Hat in its goals. So basically, no Red Hat from me."
"Booting from directly from the USB, so many Linux distributions including Ubuntu allow you to boot from a USB and then use Linux from the USB without installing it."
"If you like my work and want to see more videos about Linux and these great command line utilities, subscribe to Dro tube over on Patreon. Peace, guys."
"On Linux, software updates are not as disruptive as they can be in the Windows world."
"There's something about Linux that ideologically spoke to me."
"I can run Minecraft, all my games, even with a C curse Forge Linux port."
"you should join us on the club twit Discord every Saturday afternoon for news analysis and tips to sharpen your Linux skills and then make sure you subscribe to the club twit exclusive Untitled Linux show"
"Linux is going to win eventually."
"The most epic and full-featured release of T2 system development environment Linux ever."
"The fundamentals of Linux, whether you're talking about Kali, Arch, Ubuntu, Parrot, Red Hat, the primary commands are all going to be the same."
"Linux is case sensitive, so a uppercase C and a lowercase C are two different things."
"Linux is different than the other Operating Systems in that it's all open, it's open source, it's open."
"Seriously consider Vert Manager if you're a Linux user and you're using virtual machines."
"If you need a new computer, you want to run Linux, and you want to give your money to a company that actually supports Linux, then click the link in the descrip."
"In the beginning there was the live cd, and it was good."
"Just as Windows and Mac OS are computer operating systems, so too is Linux."
"How do you create a file on a Linux machine? Use the `touch` command."
"If you've heard of Linux before, you've probably heard that it's open."
"Now, if you're like me and you're always doing a bunch of Linux projects and you got to spin up those Linux machines fast and have it always available and possibly public LE node's your front."
"Now we will end up covering what sudo means, but for right now just know, we weren't allowed to use the copy command in this directory."
"Everything, literally everything in Linux is a file."
"One important concept with these Linux shells is the pipe symbol."
"I really like the Linux certifications for that reason because, in the world of Linux, they're probably one of the most popular and well-respected Linux certifications that are out there."
"A Linux administrator downloading an updated version of her Linux distribution the download site shows a link to the ISO and a SHA 256 hash value."
"Linux is preferred for its performance."
"Ubuntu is the most popular flavor of Linux."
"Linux has a graphical user interface."
"Linux commands are often versatile in options and arguments that can modify their behavior, allowing for a wide range of functionality."
"Armed with these fundamentals, you're well on your way to mastering the art of scripting Linux."
"let's take a look at some essential Linux commands for managing directories and files."
"Linux is commonly used in the security industry, and as a security professional, it's likely that you'll interact with the Linux OS."
"Linux is an open-source operating system, meaning anyone can have access to the operating system and the source code."
"Flutter support for Linux desktop apps is rich enough that we can recommend it for developers to use today."
"With Linux, you don't have to restart every time you do anything."
"Whatever you think of Ubuntu nowadays, the immense impact that it has had on the Linux and open source community over the years is undeniable."
"Can it get my seal of approval as a Distro I would recommend for beginners?"
"It's a fantastic first experience with Linux."
"If you want to completely avoid hardware-related problems, you can also just buy a computer that was made to run Linux."
"Overall, it's undeniable what Ubuntu has done for the Linux desktop."
"If you're a developer, you might also be a power user. Linux lets you customize your desktop environment exactly as you like."
"Linux won't force you to update in the middle of your work, nag you with ads in its menu, or make your hardware obsolete by denying it access to the latest OS upgrade."
"Linux is not perfect for everyone, but it's still a better choice for most developers."
"If you're a Linux user this is one of the most Linux-friendly for a brand new laptop just behind I'd say system 76 and Purism and finally raw performance this laptop crushes productivity workloads period."
"Linux is so secure on the desktop these days, just a tiny bit of history before we jump into it because it's always nice to know where this comes from."
"Linux offers choice. There is a Linux distro for every purpose, tailored to the use case you want it for."
"Linux distros will also run on virtually anything, probably with better performance than the OS it came with."
"Just start using it and then open the terminal, make a terminal shortcut, and then use that for some stuff. Just play around, and before you know it, you're pretty good at basic Linux stuff."
"Immutable distros will never replace normal regular Linux distributions they will grow and occupy your space next to them but I think the limitations make them unsuitable for a lot of people."
"If you're looking to buy a new computer and you plan to run Linux on it stop buying devices that were made to support Windows and might or might not work well with Linux buy something that supports Linux out of the box."
"Let's dive in! We'll be installing Arch Linux in this section using the manual method."
"Are the Linux world the only Community where people have an opinion on any and every system component including the init system that starts stuff on your computer?"
"I think it is one of the most gorgeous desktops obviously that we have available on Linux."
"Using nothing more than Linux git Docker and a few other open-source tools, you can achieve very similar results."
"By learning FreeBSD, it made having better Linux."
"Take it easy and just enjoy it. Linux is fun to learn."
"The main reason I choose Arch is because of freedom or autonomy."
"Hopefully in this video, I've encouraged you why you probably shouldn't use Manjaro as a beginner and hopefully saved you some time and some headaches down the road."
"So by now, hopefully I've convinced you why you probably shouldn't be using Manjaro Linux as a beginner."
"Void Linux is a very functional system if you're willing to go through the process."
"Buy a computer that supports Linux natively. Tuxedo sells laptops and desktops that were made to run Linux."
"It's proper to be critical of Linux and to criticize the things that you enjoy because you want them to be better."
"One of the primary reasons why I like Linux so much is because there's so much choice."
"I think one of the reasons why I truly love this whole operating system is because there always seems to be something new and exciting happening."
"Linux challenges me to learn and to try new things."
"One of the most fundamental skills in Linux is using grep to find the material that you're looking for."
"Linux is a foundational skill for hacking, just for anything really these days."
"I firmly believe that if you're not using Linux, you're not a hacker."
"You have to know Linux if you want to be in IT."
"You get access to virtually 100% of the software made for Linux running at Native speeds with a super stable base."
"Linux Basics for Hackers. This is a fantastic book."
"The single nicest thing about Linux has been how it has evolved in ways I hadn't expected."