
Spouse Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"Work-life balance is crucial, but having a spouse who believes in and supports what you do makes finding that balance a lot easier."
"If my wife is pleased, I'm going to have a happy home."
"Can you not appreciate the fact that your spouse... they have sacrificed so much?"
"Let's go ahead and take a look at how your future spouse is going to love you."
"They're going to create a safe emotional space for you to be just that, without any judgment."
"They're going to bring out all of those beautiful parts within you."
"He has a 10 out of 10 wife, she's beautiful, she's smart, she's charming, she's lovely."
"Your future spouse is incredibly kind, the kindness of this person I can't even put it in words."
"If you want to protect the assets for your spouse when you're gone, the only way you can do that is through a Will and not through a Revocable Living Trust."
"It's going to be so easy to connect with your future spouse emotionally."
"Your future spouse is going to have a very healing presence as well."
"Seeing men stare at his wife, he thinks of how beautiful she is."
"You love your spouse the best when you love God the most."
"You have to know your rights and the rights of your spouse."
"One of the best investments for us is our spouse."
"Your spouse is so willing to walk with you through this fire, through this pain."
"Your future spouse had to grow tremendously. I see this is more related to their mental state."
"Is that you?" "Yeah, honey." "I didn't mean to wake you." "You didn't."
"Your travel plans are gonna be made decision by your spouse, the way you communicate and who you communicate with, whether in person or online is going to be made that decision by your spouse."
"Spouse will be taking care of your enemies, Spouse will take on the responsibility of all your enemies, enemy shows up, she's the one or he's the One's gonna open the door first."
"Let's see how long before my husband notices that I took his phone."
"Meet my husband, when he's staring at me because he thinks I'm pretty. What, you got something to say?"
"Your future spouse is like the sun making other people feel warm uplifted positive you know their energy it just shines through and people want to be a part of it."
"Your parents will appreciate the positive effect your future spouse has on you."
"Your future spouse is someone who will not doubt your connection."
"Your future spouse is gonna have like so many creative ideas as to how to pursue you. They have a very beautiful playful energy."
"Your future spouse is someone who improves their clients' lives, either financially or mentally. They naturally like to help others."
"Your future spouse is going to see you as partner material pretty early on in the relationship."
"Your future spouse's first impression of you is that you are a champion. They're actually viewing you as a champion."
"Your future spouse will actually come into your life and they will really give you this feeling of, you truly feel like you're appreciated for who you are."
"You will travel to a lot of places with your future spouse. There is a strong energy of traveling to different places with your future spouse. You will witness different worlds, different cultures with your future spouse, and it's pretty romantic as well."
"Relationships, not just your spouse, but everything, it's discipline. You have to become a disciple."
"He just lit up when he talked about his wife."
"Your future spouse is going to be very protective of you."
"Your future spouse is very emotionally intelligent... knowing how to support someone else... emotionally intelligent when it comes to knowing how to comfort someone else."
"Am I the [__] if my wife's a chef and I don't want to pay to go eat somewhere knowing that she could make food just as good if not better?"
"You've got yourself a great husband."
"My wife, y'all, she's here. I can't, I don't even have words like the power that that woman carries."
"Your future spouse craves your decisive nature."
"Your relationship with your spouse is going to be the most important thing. It just is, no doubt."
"People understand innately that you would make a great spouse."
"Your wife will be highly intellectual."
"Your support system is everything, and your biggest support is going to be your spouse."
"My husband, he's not changed. He is probably the most unjudgmental person and he always sees the best in people."
"Your spouse is not God and they are never going to be able to fulfill and fill up the void inside of you that only God can fill."
"You cannot be relying on your spouse to fulfill you because you're setting yourself up for disaster."
"Knowing what brings your spouse Joy is just a huge thing to know throughout the week."
"Your future spouse could be a natural born leader or someone who is a great leader like Naturally Speaking."
"Your future spouse has shown that difference is actually a superpower because it allows us to stand out."
"My wife won't allow it, she's wise."
"Everyone speaks very highly of your connection with your future spouse."
"Your spouse is like an angel to you."
"My husband, Matthew Welch, inspires me."
"The smartest decision I've ever made was marrying Matthew Welch."
"They believe in destiny; your future spouse believes in destiny, that's what you're gonna notice here."
"Your future spouse is like the king of the jungle."
"Your future spouse might ask you out by dancing with you or by buying you a drink."
"Your future spouse sees you as someone they want to nurture and care for."
"Your future spouse will help you become more courageous."
"Our idea of a perfect spouse... made perfect in our imperfections."
"who else has a spouse that really really loves halloween"
"Do I think that when you are looking for a spouse you're looking for compatibility? Yes. But do I also believe you are compatible with multiple people in the world? Yes."
"Never treat your spouse like the source or the enemy."
"For me, you know, my wife, my wife and what she had done for me throughout my entire career, she was a soundboard for me, right? She was someone that I looked to for advice, to just kick me in the ass if I needed it."
"The fabric band isn't my favorite, but my wife loves it."
"As far as I'm concerned her husband should be nominated for Saint Hood."
"Admire your spouse, admire your wife."
"Admiration from one's spouse fills a special space in our hearts."
"Melissa, my wife, is the more impressive person in our marriage."
"The grace that has been given to me through Christ should have such an enormous impact on me that I want to give that same grace to my spouse."
"Of course, I love seeing my husband happy."
"My most important priority in my life is my wife."
"My wife is the most beautiful person I've ever seen on Earth."
"Nick just finished his last cricket game of the season undefeated. I'm pretty stoked about it just because I get my husband back."
"Valentine's is about your love for each other and how you picked a day to do something special for your spouse."
"The surviving spouse will inherit the entire estate."
"Why does my wife look this pretty today?"
"Your future spouse does go for those nurturing, motherly types."
"Can we just take a moment to appreciate how beautiful my wife is? My wife."
"I cannot change my spouse... But I can influence my spouse."
"The only things that matter when you're looking for a spouse are her heart for you and her heart for god. Everything else is style, and style changes."
"Your spouse should be your best friend."
"Every person will realize that all he wanted was a righteous spouse to live with for the rest of his life."
"God's going to do some things for you through your spouse that he will only do through your spouse. You can't cut out the middleman."
"I hear my wife's voice in dreams most nights."
"Your future spouse is gonna be a very spiritual man, a very spiritual woman."
"My wife is something, isn't she? I mean, that's just awesome."
"Your future spouse will feel like there's something very, very dreamy about you."
"You're gonna fall in love with your future spouse because of their wisdom."
"If something bad happens to one spouse and they leave a note like this, the other spouse is going to look guilty no matter what."
"'That's my wife,' uh, 'she was coming. She comes in to check on me here in the small closet that I work in sometimes just to make sure, you know, I'm still alive.'"
"This person carries a lot of wisdom with them. I definitely feel like your spouse is like the teacher, the guide, the mentor."
"I thank God for my wife and I'm grateful for her."
"Oh, my wife left me in the truck while they go grocery shopping, but I'm feeling mischievous. So, they've got about four minutes before I start barking at strangers in the Trader Joe's parking lot."
"Having a spouse can make you a better person."
"Even if I didn't live to that break even point, if I wait to 70 and I pass away, that's what my spouse is going to get."
"Soon after I heard my husband's disgusted laughter."
"Why your spouse is doing what they're doing isn't nearly as important as what you need to do in order to implement changes."
"Create a reading club between yourself and your wife."
"What was their standard of beauty? Their spouse."
"Your spouse must be receiving their benefits and so you can't get spousal benefits if your spouse has not begun their own benefits."
"There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of my wife."
"Listen to your wife, she'll save your life."
"You're always at your best when you're having fun with your spouse."
"As long as it's not an unbearable scent for my wife... that's the only actual opinion I care about with my fragrance."
"I love how independent my wife is."
"Jamaican food a lot it's because my wife really loved me."
"Delaying benefits can be crucial for ensuring a surviving spouse has enough income."
"Make decisions that make sense for you and your spouse's long-term financial security."
"Morgan's unique I'm gonna boast about my wife here because here's the awesome part about being in gymnastics."
"You're evaluating is this this spouse and father and husband that I want to commit my life to."
"My favorite walking partner in the world is my wife."
"Your God ordained spouse wants to spend the rest of their lives with you, they recognize that there is no one else in the world that they would rather do things with."
"It's a beautiful thing when your spouse is interested in your interests."
"Beauty is natural. Actually, Allah put beauty in us. Why? To make us beautiful for our spouses and to get this bond with the non-natural bond."
"There was her 26-year-old husband with his toothy smile, green eyes, and strong sturdy build."
"What you will find extremely sexy about your future spouse is the way that they smell, their scent."
"If you get my wife to think you're a legend, then you're extra cool."
"My wife is amazing. She's a great woman."
"I pray the Rosary every day for my husband."
"The first thing I'm going to do is take my wife out to dinner."
"If you die prematurely, then 100% of that RIF value rolls over on a tax-deferred basis into a tax-deferred account to your spouse."
"You know how sometimes your spouse tells you to do something and you're like, 'Yeah, yeah, we'll see,' and then somebody else makes the same suggestion and you're like, 'Oh, that's a great idea.'"
"Aren't I lucky to have such a beautiful wife?"
"Spouse is a good person, spouse is supporting you, is a blessing to you."
"Are you looking for a good man who's fearing of Allah, who's going to fulfill the rights of his wife?"
"If you're not using your full personal allowance, it's a good idea to transfer some of it over to your partner or spouse."
"Criteria for choosing a spouse should include whether this person brings you closer to Allah."
"It's awesome, that's a courtesy of my wife Lyn, she is the best."
"It isn't my fault my wife is the most gorgeous woman on the planet."
"They're not stuck; your future spouse is very free."
"Your future spouse is just like you."
"Your future spouse is definitely spiritual."
"Now he knows the end is near, and it seems as if he's only worried about one thing when it comes to his capture: his wife."
"That right there is the best wife in the whole wide world."
"I'm just going to buy stuff for my wife."
"I want to thank my lovely wife Julia for coming with me... you can just take one look at her and know how difficult that must be."
"We could be missing out on a great potential future spouse because we're not willing to get to know someone we're not initially attracted to."
"When you're out in public, what you say about your spouse... I'm going to make sure my king looks like a [king]."
"Thank you all, I want to thank my wife."
"I think the best way to meet a spouse is being in relationship environments where you can get to know people."
"You are the best wife in the world."
"Learn and look for ways and things to appreciate in the person that you chose to be your spouse."
"The spouse will be very responsible, spiritual, and very intelligent."
"If you have passed away, wouldn't you want your spouse to find happiness?"
"I just want the best for my future husband."
"I'm so proud of my wife; this is something she talked about since I first met her."
"She was the wife of Winston Churchill, one of the greatest prime ministers Britain has ever seen."
"The key is to find a spouse that will not only support but encourage your time away in the woods."
"I always knew I wanted to do this dance for my husband."
"I'm ridiculously proud of my wife."
"My wife's name was Lucille; she got me through."
"Your future spouse is a very bubbly, lively, active individual."
"She's an unbelievable human being and an amazing wife."
"What did you learn about your spouse in this quarantine or this pandemic that you might not have known?"
"Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you."
"Most of the time when there's an attempt on a woman's life, you'll find that her spouse is behind it."
"Thank you, you're the best wife ever."
"Remember to do something nice for your spouse today, remember to do something nice for your partner."
"That's my wife, ladies and gentlemen, that's my wife. Beautiful."
"You must develop the habit of reigning in your negative thoughts and focusing on the positive things about your spouse."
"You are the best wife that anyone could ever have."
"Start accepting your spouse for who they are now, not who you want them to be later."
"I really feel like you have to learn about your spouse, and it's a very personal thing."