
Crime Investigation Quotes

There are 305 quotes

"By investigating smaller crimes, you might unveil someone that's doing an extremely large amount of smaller crimes."
"I don't know if this is him trying to appear like a concerned neighbor, or if it's just him realizing that The Jig Is up."
"A $440,000 reward was offered to anybody who could provide information that aided in the arrest of Garrett's killer."
"We will be collecting all the evidence; we will be working with all international institutions relevant to bring to identify and bring those responsible for these crimes to account."
"In the court of law, if you don't have caught red-handed on video tape or something of the crime, what you do is you build up a bunch of points of evidence, line items of evidence at this place at this time."
"Please turn your focus toward the unidentified victims and other potentially unknown victims in this case."
"Because these are fruits of a crime. If there's a crime, this is important to prove that a crime was committed."
"The families and the police began to suspect that Foul Play might have been involved."
"It is essential that the National Crime Agency launch investigations into any place where credible allegations of grooming gangs have been made."
"Can technology really see the truth locked in the murderer's memory?"
"The NYPD trying to find who murdered a New York mother of two."
"It is crucial to separate fact from fiction and rely on verified information to understand the full extent of Epstein's crimes."
"How does one person do this alone without waking up his family?"
"Investigators had finally uncovered evidence that could link a suspect to the murder."
"The least reliable people in a crime are the witnesses... the memory can be fallible."
"The stories on 72-hours are true. The detectives and forensic scientists are the ones who actually worked on it."
"Did she just manage to pull this entire thing off and somehow not get a single bit of his DNA or blood on her?"
"Investigators became sure that he'd been watching the house days maybe even weeks before the abduction."
"It could still be a number of different things until the investigation bears out the motive."
"Meanwhile law enforcement is bewildered and Bamboozled which is weird because um there are a few cameras in the white house you would figure that this would be a pretty easy crime to actually solve."
"Investigators began to dig up the grounds of the farm and as they did, they uncovered more and more bodies."
"The murder weapon was already broken prior to the murder."
"A forensic scientist, though, found Nathan's DNA on Denise's gear shift, which was interesting since Nathan had said during his initial interview that he had not driven her car in over a year."
"The way that crime scene was handled... was shameful."
"Now they had DNA confirmation, but what had gone on that night that led to such a frenzied attack and the murder of a man he'd never met."
"A relentless investigation exposed his brutal crime."
"The Boulder Police did not distinguish themselves in this case."
"Though it may only take a small amount of poison to kill these toxic chemicals leave a telltale trail only forensic science can trace and with it the silent killers come to light and their heinous crimes become all too clear."
"A crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved, a whodunit, a scattering of clues to be deciphered by clever detective work and the power of science."
"Conversations go both ways, and often times, that meant killers had questions for him."
"Fingers started pointing at Tim as a suspect."
"Tim's strange voicemail messages raised suspicion."
"Christopher McCowen's DNA matched the crime scene."
"McCowen had a criminal history and restraining orders against him."
"Detectives concluded that 'it seemed that it was more like an assassination,' shedding light on the targeted nature of the crime."
"The stab wounds were very symmetrical, almost methodical."
"You've got to get the blood, you've got to get it to the crime scene uncompromised."
"You expand the perimeter of the search as large as you can maintain control over it."
"Hannibal Lecter is so popular that some investigators have misinterpreted evidence surrounding murder cases because they assumed the killer would follow the pattern of Lecter."
"He left in the Atteros' car. The circumstances surrounding the crimes didn't immediately scream serial killer."
"Investigators pieced together the burglars' intricate plan to breach the vault."
"Agents showed the jewelry to Ruth Mayer's husband, who confirmed it was stolen from their home."
"It's just mind-blowing to think how small of a window there was for this person to murder Missy and then escape."
"It was as though Melanie was helping detectives solve her own case."
"As long as that gun's on that line, it fits with what you're saying, your mathematics is saying."
"The police initially stated that crime and third-party negligence could not be ruled out."
"The brutality of a triple homicide in Anchorage tested the medal of even the most seasoned investigators."
"Detectives knew that every possible piece of physical evidence was potentially invaluable."
"Would Honduras be up to the challenge of investigating this murder in a professional way and taking it wherever it might lead?"
"Sophie succumbing to her injuries meant this was no longer an assault investigation, this was a major murder inquiry."
"People are getting kidnapped, killed or worse. I had to get to the bottom of this."
"Forensic scientists were able to determine that the carpet fibers found on Jessica's body were consistent with the carpet fibers in James Crowe's apartment and in his automobile."
"The garbage bags in Crow's home had the same striations and offset overlaps as the bag with Jessica's body."
"Anonymous investigators could track the stolen funds."
"When a crime occurs unseen by human eyes, investigators can invoke an electronic witness."
"Then the police tried to identify the second male whose DNA had been found on Helen's coat."
"When you get clear with what you desire out of your life, the doors will shift, the doors will literally slam open, and that is the power of honoring your desires and your heart."
"These documents and more provide substantial support for the government's determination that there was no crime."
"It was a moment of joy for detectives because they had finally made a discovery that had evaded them for more than 10 years."
"Was this proof that Darcy Frackenpole was in Kibby's vehicle?"
"The carpet fibers weren't just similar, they were identical."
"This extremely strange and seemingly nonsensical twist in the investigation took the detectives down a rabbit hole."
"And who in their right minds would find someone tied to a tree and set alight then conclude that it was evident that the person had done this to themselves?"
"At this point, there's also talk of potential blood spatter on Alex Murdaugh's clothes."
"I can't imagine that two women with the same name would be murdered within three days of each other."
"They were able to find bodily fluid male semen... a match to McCurley."
"This man had also made contact with at least two of the parents of missing girls, it might have even been three but it was definitely the mother of Amber Schwartz Garcia whose name was Kim, and the mother of Michaela Garrett who is Sharon."
"It almost made the case more confusing and more interesting."
"It's very creepy to know that one of the victims, Kaylee, is on the phone at 2:52 A.M, and the timeline says the murders at 3 A.M. Could someone have been watching?" - Dr. Joy Crossing
"For any unsolved crime, the answer could always be in the file."
"I guess one of my fears might be that we never would catch them, you know, which would is entirely possible."
"They officially named a suspect in kylan and Crystal's murders and that suspect was a 45 year old man named Adam Pinkessowitz."
"Autopsy results revealed otherwise. Of course, the injuries on and around the victim's neck were consistent with her intentionally being choked."
"When someone was murdered in the 19th century, investigators did something unusual."
"Corruption and to find the killer of an innocent woman."
"Law enforcement tends to blame intimate partners in these types of cases."
"I wish they would come forward and explain themselves and if you're not a suspect at least come forward and say what you've seen."
"This is no longer a missing person's investigation. It's a murder."
"Inspector Cherrill finally had a bit of evidence to work with, a fingerprint of the killer, but now began the laborious task of going through all the records in Scotland Yard in the hope of finding a match."
"I really, really hope this case is solved one day because I want to see the kind of person that could be behind this."
"Identifying the vehicle publicly would be extremely helpful."
"I can't tell you how relieved I am to announce his capture. This is a case that I investigated for Crime Watch Daily three years ago and it is a case that haunted me because of the details and the level of abuse in this family."
"According to Lindsay's phone records and GPS coordinates, lo and behold, Theon Sampson's phone pings to the very same location at the same time."
"By simply answering that phone he confirmed that that is his phone that's the number that pinged where Lindsay made a 9-1-1 call and now it's connected to him."
"Bottom line is I think this is going to be a solved case eventually."
"That car is going to eventually give off some type of evidence that's going to be used against him."
"Let's just interrogate the wife, how'd your father die?"
"You can eat well on a budget; don't be intimidated into buying expensive."
"The FBI realized they were dealing with a serial bomber, one that was passionate about his craft."
"Doorbell cameras and home security cameras have really changed murder investigations for the good."
"The DNA matched. It was the connection they needed."
"I instinctively knew I had a second murder on my hands."
"You put it all together, and it was very obvious to me that this was a murder case."
"At that moment, everyone was sure that this case was the work of a brutal serial killer."
"Examiners were conclusively able to link these portions of tape by matching the torn ends, the fibers, and the glue."
"Joanne had been shot once with a 22 caliber bullet and beaten 19 times with a blunt object."
"When the plot is murdered, investigators must piece together the real story from a tangle of seemingly unrelated clues."
"Some killers are skilled at removing any trace of themselves from a crime scene, but nature has its own way of leaving clues behind."
"A lot more than bloodstain pattern analysis tonight."
"Consider the commitment and, quite frankly, the strength required to manually strangle someone, even strangle with a ligature."
"The only physical evidence... didn't seem to fit."
"There's no way that this gun that was recovered out of that car could have shot this bullet."
"Somebody knows what happened, invariably these things come to the surface."
"He had bruises all over, a few lacerations, and just was generally in pretty bad shape." - Aiden Mattis
"The question was who was behind this in the broad daylight and why."
"The investigation took another sinister turn."
"We tend to find solace in solved cases where the ending is known and the perpetrator faces justice."
"Now police want to find a motive, why had this 21-year-old man seemingly suddenly turned into a child killer?"
"Creighton's job was to make the print on the doorframe distinct without ruining it."
"This killer had gone to great lengths to obliterate any trace of himself from the crime scene."
"Nothing was known to have been taken from the house which ruled out robbery as the motive."
"The brother makes more sense of the case than the suspects they got."
"The investigation into three seemingly unrelated homicides were converging, exposing a trail of murder that led to one serial killer."
"Bitcoin is the first opportunity we've ever had to catch the actual big fish involved in crime."
"We've already got DNA stuff all over the place, fingerprints and stuff."
"The absence of singe marks... strongly suggested that the gun was pointed directly at him."
"In an Ideal World if you know that a crime has been committed inside of a house, do you prefer to seize that and prevent people from going into a scene right at the very get-go? Yes, why is that?"
"The game is set in the 1920s, which is awesome in itself because some of my favorite cases to cover are older cases."
"NCIS special agents were able to quickly expose the deadly violence of a Marine Corps Sergeant."
"In identifying someone, we are simultaneously exonerating everyone else."
"Who would dislike Gabby Petito so desperately in Wyoming, in one of the most isolated places, to wrap their hands around her throat and choke the life out of her?"
"Aiden to choose his name again, the suspect we know that is the one they are calling on right now."
"DNA could come from the skeletal remains and we believe that it is going to come from the skeletal remains."
"We finally have the person responsible for Jane's death."
"Natalya proudly identified around 30 victims in these photos, naming them and linking their pictures from when they were alive to the other more gruesome pictures."
"So him backing this up onto a computer is how they were able to corroborate or put him in the location of the computer..."
"Had he not backed up that phone you know we might still be here today but we definitely wouldn't have the same level of conclusive evidence here..."
"If the whole case was how did the tail light get broken you've got Reasonable Doubt right there."
"She left her own trail of evidence, her own trail leading right to the defendant."
"Sometimes these cold cases can sit without progress for years, only to be solved in the most unbelievable ways."
"The resolution of Carol Sue Clayber's murder case is a poignant reminder of the unsolved mysteries that still linger."
"When you have what might be suspected to be homicide, historically, you start looking at who the people that know the person are."
"Biggest L for this year was voting for Biden, that's about it."
"They were quickly identified... having circulated their description they came forward voluntarily."
"We were all wondering, you know, are these people ever going to get caught?"
"More cameras, the better when it comes to true crime."
"We have here is an interchange of materials: the paint from the victim's bicycle was on the suspect's car; the plating from the suspect's car is on the victim's bicycle."
"If those samples were re-tested with new technology, maybe Alicia's attacker's days of freedom might be numbered."
"Members of Jolane's family strongly believe that the man who was with her is responsible for her death."
"Justice is incomplete if someone involved in a crime has successfully evaded being held accountable for their actions."
"We have not ruled out potential charges for the person or persons responsible for these deaths."
"Proving a crime requires proving the state of mind and overt action."
"Suspicion lingered in the air, a whisper that this gruesome find might be Mr. George Bailey."
"It's an unsolved murder that requires us to set any of these biases aside."
"They started to see a pattern of the double initials plus the letter of the place that they were dropped."
"It's factual that the bodies have been found, but those bodies have been brought in from another location."
"When you have DNA evidence, it's really the golden ticket in most cases."
"I found the most impressive thing about Noreen was, going into it not knowing anything about the crime, she was able to describe to me the crime scene."
"I wouldn't really be surprised at all if the Killer is watching your show and commenting because they get off on it." - Ann
"There was no evidence of a struggle, there would have been a lot more bruising and crushing of his body if someone really had just stuffed his body through that pipe."
"The missing parts were removed just enough so that they could drive it to that location. Stay woke."
"Now at this point, the investigators are like, 'This is weird, right?'"
"Stephanie's family was further devastated when the police announced a second arrest in Stephanie's case Vincent's twin brother Marcus."
"It was a sophisticated assassination with a lot of planning."
"Investigators circled back to Jessica's boyfriend, Travis, but found no involvement."
"When a murder is cleverly disguised, investigators must find new ways to see through the deception."
"It was beginning to look like this was a crime of passion."
"The cover-up in many cases is worse than the crime."
"Lab examiners had finally provided investigators with solid proof that the shootings were related."
"The case wouldn't have been solved without forensic evidence."
"Starting with thumbprint... it's one of yours."
"The crime scene DNA sample corresponded to an individual that was 85% sub-Saharan African and 15% Native American."
"The police did find plenty of evidence to arrest Lewis for these particular crimes."
"The evidence pointed towards the murders being committed by somebody very close to Arushi."
"The forensic evidence is crucial in this case."
"The kidnappers hadn't tried to conceal who they were at all, just bare-faced. That means there's not going to be a victim around telling who they are and what they look like. They're going to kill them." - Former Johnson County Sheriff Eddie Boggs
"They're examining whether the crime may have been directed at the star Ballroom as a business or at people connected to the studio."
"Thankfully the victim's fingerprints were still intact."
"Now that search at the Peabody trash transfer station yielded incredible results because it has now been announced that they not only have found trash bags with blood on them but they have found a hatchet a hacksaw a rug and used cleaning supplies."
"Authorities are asking for the public's help for any information they know about the alleged serial killer."
"Could the person in the video actually be a woman?"
"I've reached the page where photos from the scene of each crime had been collected. Oh my god, this reminds me of this really disposable character from hunter hunter who fights with scissors and then he just goes away like he's whatever."
"The hammer from inside the house... tells me that the offender came in through the back."
"A stark reminder of just how effective good police work can be."
"Do you think that there was a reason that the killer sodomized your husband with a banana?"
"Truckers are the foot soldiers who are really carrying us to victory."
"Who had shot the man and why, unraveling the mystery demanded all the ingenuity forensic experts could muster."
"In the 1970s when the FBI's role in addressing serial killers began to grow."
"The timeline to this is so tight... the door dash delivery is there a possibility that the doordash deliverer is an eyeball Witness."
"I knew exactly where the body was even though I didn't report it."
"This hints to the detectives that there may have been issues between Shanti and Dave prior to Shanti's death."
"How does it change the job of the investigators? How does it change the stakes?"
"Scientologists can mobilize thousands of people to write letters, all hitting on the same points."
"If there's a crime, if I've committed a crime, I have to. Okay? When it's suspicious, this is not something that you cannot be somebody."
"Taking her fingerprints and even footprints as well, just so you have those on file."
"The human remains consisting of a male torso located at the early wine road property on July 8, 2021, is Bart Alderson."
"We want to know where those guns are coming from too."
"It does look like she was most likely attacked in the kitchen."
"Investigators had given a name and a face to an anonymous murder victim."
"This poor innocent girl saw the murder with her own eyes."
"I think the bodies of Lalo and Howard will be found by the FBI."
"We will never be able to ascertain for certain if James forced his way into her cabin or was welcomed."
"The burglars were so methodical that they got in and out without being seen or heard."
"Crimes committed by strangers on strangers are the hardest to solve, but the scratches on the bullet, the fingerprint, and the tire tread bore the traces of the killer's guilt."
"The search for a little girl missing in California is now a hunt for a killer."
"So thank you Ed for giving us your time we appreciate you and um you know it's just it's just such a treat to hear all of the ins and outs of crime scene investigation it's just a fascinating thing."
"Police could not identify the woman, but they could identify the murder weapon."
"When Hugh Harlin changed his story, the investigators began to look more closely at him as a possible suspect."
"Insects may be the only witnesses to a crime, but bugs tell no tales. Or do they?"
"For over 20 years the crime remains unsolved."