
Family Roles Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"I grew up in a household in which my father worked and my mother stayed at home... I regarded both working and staying at home as means to take care of themselves, support their own interests and responsibilities."
"The golden child and scapegoat dynamic... is to divide and conquer."
"Colombia is like the popular Uncle who does all the talking. Peru is in the kitchen making the best food while Ecuador is reading a book quietly."
"Let's talk about the role of families, the role of fathers in kids' lives, and just culture in general."
"Josh has the perfect personality to be the baker in the family because he is much more precise."
"Capture the joy... assign [family members] a role to be the picture taker... capture the beauty of the moments together because you'll be really disappointed if you don't have those afterwards."
"Firstborns are likelier to be CEOs, they are likelier to be senators, they are likelier to be astronauts and they are likelier to be earn more than other kids are."
"I think women are more inclined to want to child rear, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that."
"I want to see more men be the head of the household and step up you know in all aspects, don't just step up when it's time to [ __ ]"
"What kind of grandmother are you? What kind of father are you? What kind of brother are you?"
"In every family, there is that pillar, that person who is holding it in prayer."
"Your person desires to be the best version of themselves, like a good provider or a family figure."
"The most important role... is the stay-at-home mom or stay-at-home Dad."
"She was a child, she was a granddaughter, and she was a niece."
"We need to place more value on the shit that our aunties and uncles have been doing to police ourselves."
"He's always been such a good support to me, really such a good husband and a good father."
"Family, we're the ones who got to delegate, get that money and the power, never be fed, stick to co-sign, three. What did he say? Create, educate, the same, bar back, you."
"We're the oldest children of course we like to fix everyone else's problems but our own."
"You're assuming being a housewife has no economic value. Who is taking care of the kids so the breadwinner can be out there winning bread?"
"You know this is far gone from when I was a kid in the 60s, Father Knows Best, and the husband came home, the wife was wiping her hands on the apron, and she had kids."
"Appreciate your wife, thank her for the little things she does, for mothering the children, for cooking a great dinner, for cleaning the house really well or whatever."
"The father is the spiritual leader of the family: the Prophet, the Priest, and the King."
"I'm Papa Dave when I'm at home with the grandbabies or I'm my wife's husband when I'm at home. I'm not Dave Ramsey because when I get there nobody cares."
"Being the chameleon in the family is a disservice to discovering your authentic self."
"Shout out to the stay-at-home dads and to the dads that step up."
"The male figure is very much needed, but it has to be the right one."
"The husband is the head of the family but the wife is the neck that turns the head."
"Dads are so incredibly crucial to the healthy formation of the individual, families, and community."
"I thought he was gonna say best man. He said, 'Will you attend as my father?'"
"He was such a central part of the family, and you know, often people talk about how the queen was head of the firm and he was head of the family."
"Jazz is everything you could possibly want in an older sibling–and being a good support system is pretty darn heroic on its own."
"Barbara was more of a mother to him than an aunt."
"A loving father, good husband, emotionally available, stable."
"The family is the first place that education happens."
"Big guy has a conflict, twins need a father figure for the night -- Don't sweat it, sis. I got the old XY chromosome."
"The more the man becomes capable, the more it unlocks capabilities for everyone in their household."
"More than a dad for us because he stand for us as a dad where our father should be standing there."
"You're too young to be a grandmother, come on!"
"At the end of the day, don't forget, you are a wonderful mother, you are a wonderful wife, you're a wonderful spouse."
"You are more than good enough for your children, for your partner, as a daughter or a son, any and all in between."
"Transition from mom to grandma...now you're K Mama."
"He's a real dad and he's a real grandpa. Papa is incredible at what he does, he's amazing, he's awesome."
"Wonderful, now you've given me an heir and a spare, my work is done."
"An ESDJ family member will make sure that you're up on time, you're eating right, and just going about life in a good and well-structured way."
"In my culture when you have like a bonus mom... it's a title of love and concern and respect."
"I'm focused on my grind, my journey. I know I'm a good person, a good father, a good husband. I work hard. I'm honest."
"You've been working your butt off being super dad, super husband, super human, and you deserve to be treated like a king."
"I think married at-home mothers are not just the core of a successful free society, I think in some sense married at-home mothers are the guarantors and creators of a truly human life."
"Being unhappy because you are more worried about your career than your duty as a spouse and a parent is just very sad indeed."
"When family members over 50 take on unpaid caregiving roles, they'll lose on average over $300,000 in Lost income and benefits."
"There's a lot of black men also gay black men that step up and raise their children and are there for them and I wanted people to see that."
"Keep pushing, that breakthrough is right around the corner."
"My mom's a doctor and my dad was a househusband."
"Being a stay-at-home parent was considered bad, nowadays it's definitively not as bad as it used to be and it continues to get better every year."
"I still consider myself the best dad in America and the best husband slash Beyonce slash longtime boyfriend / father of your kids / baby daddy / step daddy / everything I'm all be above."
"The father held authority over the child, but it would be the mother who would be the primary caregiver."
"I'm pretty excited because we have Sims, like, we can have our kids be the flower pal and ring bearer once they're aged up."
"Great! We found King Finger, Queen Finger, Princess Finger, and Prince Finger!"
"He's come such a long way...a loving goofball, caring grandfather."
"You're the dad I didn't have, the great uncle, the big brother."
"Just because you become a parent doesn't mean you stop being a husband or a wife."
"People really undervalue the stay-at-home mom."
"It's our duty as Anderson's to be a thorn in his side."
"Single fathers or they're married to their spouses who don't feel an ability to be able to have tangible hands-on."
"What's your dream in life? To be an awesome husband."
"There's levels to it, you know? We're great athletes, but can you be a great father? Can you be a great husband or wife?"
"Imagine two men: one making millions but absent, the other making less but present."
"I'm so impressed with how much you've been raising him like you've done an amazing job."
"I want you to now see me as your son not just a son-in-law."
"What does it mean to be a member of a family?"
"My son do not need a daddy, his daddy is there."
"He's a good dad, he's a really good dad, he ain't a stepdad, he's a dad."
"Sometimes there's other emotions other than laughter."
"That's what my dad taught me - to be an anchor to the family."
"In Parenthood it should be 50/50 now of course they're gonna be off days where someone's 80 and the other ones 20 but the bottom line is you're both parents and you're both making the decisions."
"Women in this family are not seen as important or privileged as men."
"My mom likes being a grandma and a great grandma."
"We're going to be taking some turns parenting."
"There's now a clear divide in the royal family, the workers and the shirkers, the heavy lifters and the grifters."
"You can't just ignore him, he is also your husband."
"Life goals right here. You can be the baddest alpha male around, but if your daughter tells you you're a princess, you're a [ __ ] princess."
"The family... are the primary educator for their child."
"The job of any cool aunt is to present to you an option for how you can live."
"How do you go from running the family to going back home?"
"Your dad knows how to separate being a dad and a coach."
"I wanna do that. I wanna be a Von Trap kid or whatever."
"The hardest thing we go through in life is watching our parents struggle because they're your rocks, they're your idols, they're your source of power."
"It's not about as a woman I've got my own money I can protect myself; it's about whether your child needs their father."
"Krista was a stay-at-home mom earlier in the marriage taking care of their two sons, Mitchell and Chandler Halderson."
"I'm her hero right now, and that will change."
"He just expected the milk to basically come."
"I chased being a father, I chased being the leader of my home, I chased being the great husband to my wife."
"Just because you choose to be a wife and a mother does not mean you cannot still be the same professional kind of woman you thought you would be."
"It's actually better for my life especially with all the craziness with the pandemic and with school to have one parent who stays home and one parent who is the major earner."
"You can't be a good mom and be a shitty wife."
"This family is set apart to help restore God's blessings to the rest of everybody else."
"If someone says flowers, oh my god, she's gonna be like the perfect older sister."
"People now look to the state to do things... previously the domain of the family."
"Poor mom, she's worked her shopping dad. She really did."
"Being a dad is an honor. Being papa is priceless."
"If you have to say you're the man of the house you already lost."
"Because once you're a big brother, you're always a big brother. It doesn't matter how gigantic your little sister gets or whether or not she's a pig."
"He's kind of the big brother... the responsible one, the protector."
"Stay on them just because they made it to the NBA and have more money doesn't mean you stop parenting."
"I feel like his mom now that we live together."
"I won't have birthdays. Her father will never get to walk her down the aisle." - Tara
"You can decide what kind of dad, father, whatever you want to be."
"Women should be allowed to make the choice to stay home with their children."
"I was the younger brother and the older brother."
"As long as the man takes that manhood stand, takes that position as the leader and the spiritual head of the household, that's the point that I was trying to make."
"The next generation needs a blessing that means they need parents or surrogate family to provide."
"Families are what built the backbone of our economy."
"Christmas in our family, you're Mrs. Christmas."
"The individual or the family: What is the basic unit of society?"
"Many women have spoken on this floor, but this is an issue for fathers, sons, brothers."
"My son and daughter will always be my son and daughter; they will not always be my children."
"Some man are just made to be stepdads everyone has a ro in their life in it that's it like that's just how it is like it's not even a bad thing"
"I'm the oldest brother and I see you."
"Why is it so much harder... to be an agent of God's mercy... outside my home than it is... to be that to my husband and my children?"
"The eldest one is to be responsible for glass."
"The family has to have a mother and a father because the father teaches the Rough and Tumble teaches the how to integrate your aggression teaches you where the limits are of your physical Comfort."
"Being a good wife is very important to me and a good mother and a good worker, and being all of those things together is not easy, so I'm basically a ticking time bomb."
"Elsa who was 6 years older than I was parent sister and friend all wrapped into one."
"I feel like an older sister living my older sister fantasy that I never got to have."
"I've kept that house together with work and sweat. I've been mother, father, son—everything."
"I want you to be the best man, the best woman, the best mother, the best father."
"People do not see that a modern woman can still be an asset to a family."
"I still call him by his name, but he tells me he dreams about the day I get to call him dad."
"It's hard when someone plays your son and then they grow up."
"I'm a mother before I'm a sister or daughter."
"Black daddies... are very, very, very pivotal part in our family structure."
"I took on the role of cooking and played a more active part in raising the girls."
"She holds down the house, she makes sure the kid is good, homework's done, yeah, house is clean, all that type of stuff."
"She was a perfect daughter, a perfect sister, then she became the perfect mum."
"You're going to take care of me forever 'cause you're my daddy, and that's what daddies do."
"A stay-at-home dad is becoming more common, more acceptable."
"Seeing my parents as grandma and grandpa, like it wasn't the main reason we wanted to have kids but I know I wanted to be like one to help give them that title."
"If they knew what it was like to be a wife, a mother, a lover, a homemaker."
"I like doing Mr. Rabbit's job and I like doing Mrs. Cat's job, but I like doing Daddy's job the best."
"She is definitely my helper as the oldest kid, but I can't believe she's ten years old."
"It's given all kinds of vibes, it's given husband, wife, mom, dad, perfect partner."
"It's the act of fathering, not the act of procreating; it's the act of mothering, not the act of giving birth."
"I'm the uncle and that cool auntie, and that's how I embrace it."
"All black men don't cheat, some black men are providers and good fathers."
"I'm a father of two, I have a beautiful mother, I have a sister who played a lot in raising me."
"Real mothers know that a child's growth is not measured by height or years or grade; it's marked by the progression from mama to mom to mother."
"Parents may fulfill different needs and roles to provide security, stability, and permanency in a child's life."
"The family teaches you responsibility, accountability, and respectability."
"Being the oldest of the bunch, I often played the role of protector when my dad wasn't around."
"She's been my big sister, my mom, my dad, my friend."
"You're a son, you're an uncle, your brother, you're a lot of things to a lot of people."
"You were supposed to be the woman I could look up to and call mommy."
"We are the grandpa and grandson of the group."
"Be a good son, be a good daughter, be a good mother or father to your own kids."
"What families do, what nation states do, and what holds a society together are exchanges between the generations."
"I need to be who my wife needs, I need to be who my kids need, I need to be who my flock needs."
"She's great in an emergency and she's great when you need a shoulder and she's the best wife and mom I know."
"He is a perfect husband and a good father."
"I have tried to be a good provider, a good partner, and a good dad."
"I always tell everybody I wear the pants in my family, but she irons them and lays them out and makes sure that I got them on before I leave the house."
"We're trying to learn how to be fathers, and sons, and members of our community."
"It was very important for Parker and I to figure out a system on how to empower our kids and give them roles in this household."
"In a family, whoever can does what they can, regardless of gender roles."
"She's not just Melissa Lucio, she's an aunt, she's a sister, she's a mom, she's a daughter."
"I don't want you to be my [__], I want you to be my dad."
"I am the man of the house... but she's the queen, so I gotta respect that."
"I'll become a son-in-law in Lisa's family."
"A family unit... mother, father, Jonas the boy, Lily the girl, that's what a family is in this society."
"It's so rare to have a stay-at-home dad."
"It's not a mother's role to look after the kids. It's a parent's role."
"My mom is a scientist and my dad is a singer."
"Just be a husband to your wife, be a father to your children."
"He never tried to take my dad's place; he created his own place."
"You're the perfect husband. I like staying at home with our child; you're the perfect wife too."
"You can see me as a father, and I'll see you like a daughter."
"Being a husband, being a dad are such tremendous privileges for me."
"I will never be old because the old person in my life will always be my mother."
"Women healthy in their mind, in their soul, and their spirit, they're better moms, they're better sisters, they're better friends."
"I am a wife and a mother of three children, one of them is deceased, and four grandchildren, and I relish in all of those roles."
"Perhaps Tilly sees Roland more as an ally than family."
"I'm a mom, I raise our children. That's what moms do."
"Be proud that you're qualified to be a husband and a father."
"The family is often seen as the beginning of socialization."
"It's your job to teach your sons that... I am second and when you have kids, I am third."
"For some, they are mothers, fathers, sons. But to all, they are heroes."
"You're the best husband, father, and man I know."
"Miao miao doesn't have monkey uncle. Uncle Monkey will be Daddy Monkey from now on."
"Honestly, children are not supposed to support parents."
"Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there, or single moms, or grandparents, or aunts, or uncles, whatever."
"We're gonna have my dad's hard, right? Like when I die, no one cares, but a mom? Oh, for sure."
"Parents need to be parents, let your children be children."
"Remember our family, if you are a boy, you still have to help in the kitchen, scrub the bathrooms; if you are a girl and the car needs to be fixed, you have to help Dad and Mom."