
Work From Home Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"He was raised by parents who came to early adulthood in the 1960s... he now works full-time from home for part-time income... He loves it, whereas working retail made him want to drink too much."
"Even if you work from home, getting fully dressed...we mentally prepare ourselves for the day and say, 'Okay, I'm ready to be productive and get the things that I need to done.'"
"It really will be interesting to see how many companies realize, 'Wow, actually working from home made us more productive.'"
"We do have high-paying opportunities, and I do have some very entry-level friendly work-from-home opportunities."
"Remember to take care of your mental health when you work at home."
"If you can work from home and cut out social contacts, that seems intrinsically wise and ethical."
"Are you tired of watching video after video hoping to find something practical about work from home jobs that you can start right now?"
"Hopefully this is going to be the last video you need to watch on this topic."
"I'm gonna try to give you more value than anything that you have watched on this topic on YouTube."
"Literally everything that you would need to know in order to get started with a work from home job you should get in this video today."
"This is about jobs that you will be doing as a one person gig, so like I like to call it Me Inc."
"What makes a good work from home job in my opinion is one that allows you to differentiate, to find your niche."
"Becoming a transcriber is a great opportunity if you're a stay-at-home mom and it's definitely something worth looking into because you can make good money while getting paid to type."
"If the work from home model is truly more efficient, then there's also fewer reason for businesses to buy large properties."
"Normally I will buy lunch out one day a week when I'm working, but I decided since I'm home already working it's just quick for me to throw a chicken Caesar salad together."
"It is almost kind of nice to be able to establish a consistent and predictable workflow at home right now."
"You could make money using your cell phone or your laptop and be in your PJs while you're doing it."
"It's perfect for anybody that works from home."
"It's totally possible for you to start and scale an Etsy business that brings in consistent revenue and that could allow you to work from home on your terms."
"This is one of the best parts of my day, especially being alone working from home."
"I love having a home office...seriously seriously dreamy."
"Another really important point to mention is that if you're working from home to set expectations with those people that live with you whether it's your spouse your children or maybe your parents."
"Square announces permanent work from home policy again."
"While she's been doing the Kelly Clarkson show from home, River and Remington occasionally joined their mother. Previously, Clarkson shared that her son had developmental struggles, and he's still working with his speech therapist via zoom."
"Now you're working from home more than ever, you want to make sure that you're productive, you're comfortable, and you're not getting any muscle tension."
"Hybrid work is here to stay. Having a dedicated workspace at home matters more than ever."
"Thank you so much for joining me in another video. Make sure you subscribe, and I'll see you guys next time. Happy work from home. Bye."
"I have plenty of videos for you guys to see. Kind of like a day in the life of a work-at-home mom."
"That's for three days a week we're not talking five." - Highlights a shift in office work expectations.
"You know, when players do leave us they tend to leave to clubs often in higher divisions."
"Every family has different Dynamics and different needs and just because you work from home doesn't make you a better parent."
"Everything is changing and that does make a house more valuable if you work out of it. It really does."
"Being snowed in is fun if you work from home."
"I think it's great for people who want to earn a living at home, become their own different type of influencer."
"This is a dedicated office space where my husband works when he's working from home."
"I feel like a true mom working from home when I have the dogs running around in the background. You know, like on the news interviews where they're like working from their home office now, and then the kids run in. I have this happening behind me."
"Being able to do all those things like regular people do and being able to monetize it and make money from it and also work from home, that's a huge blessing."
"Working from home allowed me to make enough money without dealing with people too much, boosting my confidence."
"I only stay at home because I work from home. I'm not unemployed. I have a job. I'm actually pretty busy."
"Imagine making six figures from home."
"You can make money right from home."
"So this is where Justin's working he works from home so he doesn't have to live in the back of a van but I'm leaving him here alone for the next month and a half while I go on my trip so he's gonna have to hold the house down."
"I feel like your work from home setup is always going to be changing depending on what you can afford at the time what you need in your life what your career looks like at the time."
"The beauty of this is that you can do this from home you can do this from anywhere in the world and so I think this is really a great opportunity."
"The obvious things are, like, getting to work from home, like, getting to take care of people you love, getting to do cool work opportunities."
"I'm speaking for the people that work from home in a basement and because you're brilliant, you're able to become a millionaire faster than your parents were."
"I've been working from home for almost a year now."
"If you have like a work from home area... I've just been obsessed with it, so dumb, but I love it."
"Earn very quickly, work from home of course, and there's no sales or gimmicks or like commission based stuff or anything like that."
"Easiest way to make extra money safe from home? Do online work."
"For sure, working from home really suits me."
"So much of the way that the world is shifting in this day and age is to working from home obviously, and so food photography is a great thing that you can do right in the comfort of your own kitchen."
"A cruel irony of Australia's fight against COVID-19 is that while most of us have at times been forced to work from home to keep the community safe, some of our most vulnerable have never been in more danger."
"...it is the most comfortable thing that I have ever worn. I'm working from home all day and it does not feel like I am wearing a bra, but it has the comfort and support and hug that wearing a bra should feel like."
"I think it's time to upgrade my headphone situation after working from home for two and a half years."
"Make ten thousand dollars a month from your home. Who doesn't want to make ten thousand dollars a month from your home? I do."
"I feel really lucky that I have my own little home office."
"I enjoy the flexibility and freedom that comes from working from home."
"There is no reason to be having DoorDash when you work at home. Period."
"...if you work from home and you're in reach of a good, reliable, affordable public transportation option, maybe you could save yourself a lot of time and money by ditching your car completely."
"It's been so convenient for us while we work in the house that it just has turned into this thing that I can't believe a year has gone by."
"I'm very privileged that I can work from home and choose my own hours."
"It's more important than ever to ensure that, when you are working from home, you are able to do so in a way that's comfortable, productive, and allows you to incorporate your own sense of style."
"I began on Etsy in 2015. I had just gotten pregnant with my second child and just wanted to be able to stay home with my babies and make a living while working from home."
"By following the tips in this video and all the other resources I offer, you can successfully work from home with your puppy!"
"I'm blessed to be able to work from home."
"Social distancing, use of masks, working from home if possible, all of these things have been introduced."
"Hopefully one day this will be my sole job and I can work from home and actually earn an income for my family."
"With the great resignation, people don't just want to work from home; they want to start their own businesses from home."
"I'm so excited to have these, and you know I work from home, and this is totally the kind of clothing that I appreciate wearing because it's just comfortable and it feels so light."
"I'm a full-time content creator and I work from home full-time."
"I work from home 90% of the time and I really noticed a difference when I actually get dressed for the day."
"We were very lucky to find such a lovely place and again privileged really to be able to work from home."
"Here we talk all things personal finance and working from home."
"If you're working from home, if you're a student, or if you just like to game a ton, you do need to invest in a nice chair that's going to support your back and body for long periods at a time."
"You know a lot of people assume that because I work from home, I magically have a ton of time to prepare amazing dinners every night."
"Especially if you're busy and working from home, it helps out so much."
"It can be really nice to have a standing desk, especially one that moves from sitting to standing when you're working from home."
"I did not have to leave my house, I did not have to leave my kids to find someone to watch my children, to make this money."
"I could earn money working from home, a revelation that boosted my self-confidence."
"If you work from home or you work at a desk a lot, this is kind of the ideal desk setup to have going for yourself."
"Wearing sweatpants while I'm on my Zoom meeting."
"I genuinely love working from home; it makes me manage my time better."
"Buy a good chair if you are working at home; buy a good chair."
"Buy a good chair if you are working at home."
"It just gives you a little bit of class when you're working from home to write in something that looks like you could have purchased it from a high-end boutique."
"I'm more productive working from home because I have no distractions."
"Feeling unfulfilled by the monotony of a job life, I decided I would try my hand at working from home."
"They're as comfortable as your PJs and their professional style will make you feel like you actually got dressed for the day."
"I'm like the typical Zoom person, I'm wearing a sweater and I'm wearing no pants."
"You can work from home, schedule your own hours, high pay rates, and you get support every step of the way."
"Enjoy the freedom and flexibility of working from home as an independent contractor."
"The pandemic made it so that I could work from home, it eliminated the stress of having to commute for two and a half hours each day."
"Freedom, I get to work from home, I get to be home with my baby."
"My kitchen office is the new normal for me."
"Treat it like an actual job, make a schedule for yourself, get dressed every day, and have a list of things you want to get done."
"This mug warmer is perfect for the winter and just working at home kind of times."
"There's a lot of reasons why a work-from-home environment works."
"If you're thinking about joining any type of work from home business, please do your research and look more into it."
"The benefits were that I learned accounting, learned a skill that would allow me to work from home."
"I love having meetings at home because I can be in my pajamas."
"I like working from home, and well, private transport is much more convenient."
"A week working from home starts now."
"I love it so much; it's so cozy. This is like the ideal working from home outfit; it feels fabulous, but you're just so comfortable as well."
"Maximizing productivity for people, especially with how many people are working from home now."
"In a nutshell, we're healthy, we are able to work from home, so we're incredibly lucky."
"The type of position that allows you to work from home and choose your own schedule is a 1099 contractor role."
"I work from home. I get to work in my underwear every day, more or less. To me, I'm grateful for, and I consider that a vacation."
"Some people say that they get more done at home; they feel like they're more productive."
"Hey, 10 bucks for 20-30 minutes of work, it's not bad; it's like 20 bucks an hour, and you're doing this at the comfort of your home."
"The days just run into each other, you know when you're working from home, you just throw on sweats."
"With a lot of people still working from home, it's worth noting that you can look professional and stylish without compromising on comfort."
"I love being in here, I work from home, so it's nice to have a space that's very calming, a space that really helps me to relax."
"I work from home now... It wasn't important to me when I got this apartment to have a built-in desk but now I'm so thankful that I have this built-in desk to accommodate my two monitors from work."
"If you work from home, or you just need to have a really productive day at home, pro tip: put on shoes."
"I've just been working from home today, hence no makeup, hair's just in a little bit of a clip, having a bit of a comfy day."
"I definitely think it's a work from home desk essential."
"Getting ready for the day has to be one of the biggest things that I have noticed in how productive I am working from home."
"Working at home all the time by yourself is like... after a while, you start making friends with ladybugs."
"This will be the perfect little working from home piece."
"You may be able to work from home and make money effortlessly in your future."
"I think it's a cute option if you need a comfy work-from-home option."
"If you are working from home at the minute and you just want to swan about feeling amazing but still comfortable, then you absolutely need this in your life."
"One of the perks of working from home means constant coffee and biscuit breaks."
"This is a really nice chic casual comfy look, perfect for working from home."
"I'm so glad that I have this because it has made working from home so much more efficient."
"Working from home, I think, is a great potential niche."
"I'm curious to know from you guys, if you were working from home, do you still dress up?"
"Not every single day in a blogger's life is exciting; there's a lot of days at home just doing emails."