
Company Policy Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"This is the most positive thing I've seen from Valve in a very, very long time."
"CD Projekt boldly answered questions regarding privacy with GOG galaxy 2.0 like, 'Will GOG galaxy 2.0 spy on my computer?' Their response: 'No, we're not in the business of users data.'"
"Let's make some calls to the federal government, let's ask them to freeze the campaign money for Michael Madigan, let's ask him to freeze the campaign money for the state Democrat party because all that corrupt money's coming into it."
"Delta said it will continue blocking middle seats through early January next year."
"Blizzard doesn't understand that not doing anything about a forest fire won't just make it go away."
"It might impact something at some time. We might have to, yeah, exactly. But it won't be because we just decided to take more profit. Actually, our margins are very consistent, pretty much since we started."
"It helps our business, and obviously I don't agree with that."
"Southwestern Advantage should be proactive to prevent these things from happening."
"If you have an issue, give them a call, and you'll immediately talk to a real human being."
"Rockstar's attempt at riding a wrong in this case, a money glitch that was accidentally pushed into the game, was to delete people's accounts and massively ban them."
"Nintendo sometimes likes to Nintendo so you never know."
"They're gonna make it worth your while, that's what Nintendo does."
"Hate has no place at Ulta beauty or our social channels."
"They reneged on that whole thing and we were told that you can only have christmas day that's the only day that it's safe."
"If we are not the type of company that you want to work for then we will give you a four to six month severance package."
"Hopefully apex legends never has to go through something like this again... hopefully this is a lesson well learned for the folks over at respawn."
"Safety first is the number one concern at 1AAuto, always."
"Apple is not gonna slow their roll in terms of safety and security and privacy."
"Disney is never willing to go to uncomfortable."
"Apple search: privacy is our number one priority."
"No kidding. Anyone at Tesla can and should email/talk to anyone else according to what they think is the fastest way to solve a problem for the benefit of the whole company."
"Nintendo will make sure their products live up and more often than not they'll smash the big delay button if that's what they need to make it happen."
"Free lunches no longer provided from Monday."
"Normally we don't hire people from the outside, usually."
"Safety has and always will be the number one priority at Tesla."
"If they stay hands-off and they just make it better than it is because it's already great, then this could be a lifesaver."
"We actually back up everything we say on our website."
"They are gonna be fixing them free of charge."
"Nintendo is notorious for kind of just saying what they need to say."
"Google generally will tell you exactly what they want from you...Apple's closed source and they don't want to tell you almost anything."
"I seriously can't imagine running a company and having that as your policy."
"I explained how I was surprised at some of his comments and that I felt they went against company policy."
"They also, the company she worked for which I believe was Konoko, started a mandatory buddy system for closing shifts."
"I love that this company gives you 12 weeks of leave even if you're the dad or if you are the mom."
"Well, absolutely not. It's against company policy, and even if we could, I wouldn't take it because I don't do this for the money. I do this for the amazing customers like yourself."
"Microtech is one of the few companies that is listening to the consumer."
"Everybody in your company should be aware of the quality policy."
"Always give the customer the benefit of the doubt; it's our policy never to accuse a customer of dishonesty."
"Amazon's always been very selective about what they enforce, but more than anything they care about making their customers happy."
"Internal controls are essential to ensure the company's cash and assets are safe."
"The company pays for a hundred percent of the insurance cost."
"We as a company... check this person's ID or some of their... credibility check and then we give them like a check mark."
"We offer a lifetime satisfaction guarantee. We would not sell you something that we would not want to use ourselves."
"My company is actually closed for the last two weeks of the year, which is really nice because it just means that we get some undivided attention with our families and our loved ones."
"The company had no system for monitoring usage; you could use as much data as you wanted and it was all the same to them."
"Zoho is one of the few companies which have a very nice privacy policy."