
Artistic Dedication Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"Every note that she sings now, in English or French, every note she plays on the piano, I now understand came through nothing but sheer determination, diligence, and will."
"Life is hard enough without the tacked on baggage of being an artist, yet often artists aren't able to see life without their art."
"There are many albums that stood the test of time because the artist that made them, put their life into making them. Heart, soul, patience, personal experience, and a lot of musical ability."
"I will die for the art, for what I believe in."
"To me, drawing is more than that. It's a way of life."
"There's so much thought, care, and purpose put into this film."
"I don't know if there's ever been a time I've wanted to give up on art or not, just because it has always been a constant in my life."
"Anna Pavlova refused, saying, 'If I can't dance, I'd rather be dead.'"
"John Lennon’s public life was dedicated to art and to the promotion of peace."
"Why not make it good? Why not put in a hundred percent? Why not really try? Why not do it for the sake of doing it, not for money, not for fame, for the sake of the glory of the art, to perfect the experience."
"It bottles my mind that they redrew this amount of frames."
"Unbelievable animation quality... every single frame is redrawn."
"His dedication to his craft and perseverance in the face of adversity showcase his resilience as an actor."
"His dedication to his craft and his contributions to the arts are admired by those who appreciate nuanced performances and thoughtful storytelling."
"And I think that's when, that's the beauty of diving into a character again and again and again."
"Stay motivated, stay inspired, and never stop creating."
"If I never sold a book and I died at age hundred and five and I had written a hundred unpublished novels, I was a bigger success."
"This is my craft, this is what I was born to do."
"Miyazaki was putting everything that he had into Dark Souls 1."
"Art is something that you would really fight for if you love it, even if your message is misunderstood."
"I made it my life mission as a fifth grader to be the best artist that I can be."
"Should you not offer God the absolute best writing and performing you can? Able offered the best he had to God."
"This ain't even about the money no more, it's for the love, it's for the culture."
"You only got one time to put it out but you got all the time in the world... take all the time you can and put the love into it."
"We work, we write, we never stop. This is our purpose."
"Each drawing is a part of that, and for me, it doesn't feel like I'm doing the same drawing over and over."
"What we have here is Suda 51's love letter to the medium."
"But if you're drawing for you, you're going to put the time and the focus and the energy into it."
"I do want to make other things but I'm just content to keep this up because there's so much more to tell."
"Frost goes just as if not harder for the culture than any of his pure blood peers."
"Everything you see on screen was designed and handmade from scratch exclusively for these movies."
"It's like a band's first album and the director's first film, they thought about it for a long time and really put their heart and soul in it."
"Continue to do it even when you have the other work that you are doing. Don't lose sight of that vision." - Vanessa Lemen
"This movie was clearly crafted with so much love and care."
"Brando was preoccupied with capturing the unique essence of each character."
"You've got to work twice as hard, that's right. Your paintings are beautiful."
"It wasn't just about making money or fame or recognition, although it was a real labor of love."
"It's all about keeping the music alive. That is what we're all about."
"Just focus on making the best movies you can, and don't be distracted by what anybody else is doing."
"I just care about rhymes and [expletive] that emanates from mine."
"These films are made by writer directors... that wanted to push past what people would expect from these films and deliver something truly unique to them as filmmakers."
"I feel like he looks like sick while he paints."
"Money will come, that's fine. I just need to be really good at my art."
"I think people deserve more than just a show... they deserve commitment."
"Perfecting a craft is not always about having the world see it, sometimes it's enough to know you were able to accomplish it."
"I'm happier when I do sit down and do the work and go, you know what, I'm going to do really good drawing and work really hard."
"He had become an artist in the purest sense."
"This movie feels like a passion project for the people making them."
"It's really cool. You can definitely tell there's a lot of passion put into these songs."
"To paint something absolutely perfect, he had to understand how nature was done. He was obsessed with that."
"You walk into perfection, and that's how you could picture Chris's mind. With Chris, he's all in. If he likes something, he's gonna be obsessed." - Unknown speaker
"You can clearly tell that a lot of love was put into these games."
"If you want to be a painter, you have to be a great painter or nothing."
"Honestly, what motivates me is perfecting my craft. I might never reach it, I probably will never reach perfection, never-ending, but you know, see, you know already, man."
"Each frame has more love and care put into it than most anime get in an entire season."
"I know people know I can rap, but it's more so like I'm trying to be ... People knowing I can rap doesn't just do it for me."
"I really care about my craft and this album and the music of itself."
"It's that thing of, it's so hard to make a good movie, and you don't work any less hard on the movies that aren't good."
"Dedication to the art continues to earn admiration and affection from audiences."
"They put love care and attention into the individual movies."
"The disciple had worked tirelessly in preparation for the exhibition creating a piece of work that she was overwhelmingly proud of."
"We're so grateful for great talents who want to spend their time and sweat and love with these characters."
"We really put our hearts into this, and we hope that you guys recognize that."
"Maybe he's just an artist, faithful to the art form he loves."
"The illusionists reveal shades of gray as their lives unravel, showing that they've both gone too far for their art."
"I've been sculpting every single day ever since."
"Purposeful and feeling alive. When things are in congruence, when you're doing something that you say yes to, a hell yes to in your art and you move towards it, it's powerful."
"We're stuck there at a deliberate choice, mainly because the experience that we want to give to artists, we want it to be literally the best that we can possibly make."
"We have to be as committed to the art of funding our work as we are to the art of executing it."
"My passion for making these artworks as great as I can, they're at an all-time high."
"It reminds me to be madly in love with the work and the work only."
"So, after working on the song for nearly 12 hours straight, here is the finished beat. Enjoy!"
"Artist block isn't an option when painting is your livelihood. Even in tough times, the love for art keeps me going."
"A determined artist giving everything they've got."
"Those folks are some of the hardest working, like the people that have been doing a gig or like an act or like a specific kind of like art performance kind of thing for like sometimes even decades."
"If you can do anything else, do it. If you can't, then you're an artist and you have to find a way to make a living."
"I spent years painting that, now you shouldn't have fought my death grip."
"It was always about the music and it was never about the fame or the accolades."
"You can tell a lot of work was put into this animation."
"I think the bigger picture is no matter what facet of songwriting you're focused on in this particular season, just make a commitment to yourself to approach it every single day."
"You guys did a fantastic job thank you so much for dedicating it to me I love this community and when people dedicate stuff like this to me just beautiful works of art I love it"
"Classical music played by dedicated, highly trained musicians."
"Never let it be said that I don't suffer for my art."
"It's a testament to the band's passion and the fans' loyalty."
"Be consistent... create artwork that you're excited about... stay true to you."
"This is easily one of the best cosplays we've ever seen and we applaud her for her dedication."
"Christian Bale, celebrated for his enduring impact on the film industry and his commitment to his craft."
"A lot of really big artists out there just did the work and kept trying."
"Harnessing the creative stallion is a lifelong mission."
"I'm mate and I've been dancing professionally for 12 years and I'm currently a principal dancer with American Contemporary Ballet."
"It shows that, I think when you spend effort into doing something and when you truly believe in the art that you create, I think people can sense it."
"It's very difficult physically and mentally to record and I'm going to keep building because that's what I love."
"Lin-Manuel said, 'We worked a very long time to make the very best piece of theater possible.'"
"Stay true to the craft; share what makes this art form evolve and grow."
"After dedicating his life to tribal and dedicating days to his design Leo puts needle to skin his savage and twisted tribal starts to become one with canvas."
"So, just keep on practicing, don't give up. I've probably sculpted hundreds of heads and I still have a lot to learn."
"For true creators, putting a piece of their soul into every character is just how the process goes."
"Persevere and never give up on your craft and your dreams because if you believe in something, fight for as long as it takes to achieve your goals."
"...you should be so excited about your story and making your comic that not doing it feels like torture."
"I still love acting more than I've ever loved acting."
"This page was made by an artist who cared about the final product in the game."
"I am [ __ ] juiced up to get back to the drawing board very inspired."
"It's all about serving the song, you know?"
"It's rewarding because I really did put everything I had in this movie. All my efforts, all my work, all my values, everything. All of me."
"It felt very important to dedicate the end of the show to this, you know, this masterpiece and to give people a chance to sort of spend time with it."
"I care more about the craft first and yeah, I know if I'm on my team with our music, the bag's gonna come, like, we, everybody wake up, you're chasing a bag every day."
"I really appreciate him and the work he's put in to elevate freestyle rap."
"This song is so beautiful, it shows the love and all the dedication you put in the video."
"The influence kept growing, and I never stopped."
"It's pretty unusual that a book of this magnitude would be written, feature all the artwork of, and be designed and laid out by the same person."
"I have such a passion and love for music that that's never gonna go anywhere."
"Every art is interested in the domain that it covers, and the true artist wants to supersede only those who don't understand the craft."
"When the Athenians built the Parthenon 2500 years ago, one of the stone carvers left a record of his passion."
"If you don't love movies, you should be out of them. I'm not doing movies like I'm fixing a car or waiting in a restaurant. I'm doing movies with love."
"I don't worry about it because if you protect the relationship you have with your work and you know why you're doing what you're doing, everything else kind of follows by the wayside."
"If it's not better and better each time for us, then it's really not worth doing."
"Cacao puts the most effort that I've ever seen in the background work."
"I commend people who really put the art of just effort in their craft."
"The avatar is a piece of 3D artwork created in dedication to her achievements and the positive effect she has had on millions around the globe."
"Thousands of people poured their soul and their heart into the art which is Farscape."
"I paint all the time... it's because I love it. It's the thing that I love to do."
"It really requires you to stay inspired."
"Animation is so hard, people who do this for a living deserve more credit and respect."
"Those people on that stage genuinely love what they do because we don't do it for the money."
"Pouring your heart out into something is the first step towards creating something truly special."
"Whatever you do, do the best you can because the film lives forever."
"I committed to being an artist, it's the only thing I enjoyed doing and I pursued that my whole life, that was my passion."
"I've never ever been satisfied; I just want to keep on painting."
"I'll hold back on crying until after I finish drawing; I can't afford the time right now."
"...great artists will master their materials no matter what."
"It takes a lot of patience... I think that's what it comes from, that higher purpose sense."
"You're living for your art which is great."
"I want to continue honoring my craft, establish my place in the comic book community, and work on creating good things."
"Art is only achieved through perspiration."
"Don't give up, push through the droughts, channel the inevitable disappointments back into your craft, break molds, and think. Create, but most importantly, stay alive and in the meantime, make it about others."
"To continue delivering the quality after that spate of time is absolutely breathtaking."
"When color is this important like it is to me, you can't really miss any part of the equation."
"Hand-drawn animation is just incredible; you can see the love put into every frame."
"His consistent dedication to his craft shone through as he delivered yet another captivating performance."
"I'm not here for the drama, I'm not here for the politics, I'm here for the music."
"It just shows you how far you can come when you focus on your craft and just trying to get it."
"I admit that I am lured by the Temptation of your beauty, but I am compelled by a call whose sweetness is unwavering, pure—the call of my work, that magnificent art they call poetry."
"Pure writers write, painters paint, actors act."
"He's the only guy to have painted covers for every Tarzan novel that Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote."
"Classical piano technique is secondary to nothing."
"Every record I put out has to be the best thing I can do or what's the point of putting it out."
"Nureyev continued to work and choreograph until shortly before his death, leaving a lasting legacy in the world of dance."
"Once I started painting, I painted every day."
"Look at Beethoven, he loved his work, it wasn't even work."
"So much detail, love, and care went into this."
"I appreciate every single song and I know how much talent and how much time has gone into it."
"She really put her blood, sweat, and tears into her songs."
"Shout out to all the artists out there that's putting in work, man, real talk."
"It just puts into perspective how much is put into all of their art."
"The writer's secret is not inspiration, for it is never clear where it comes from. It is his stubbornness, his patience."
"You have to really want to be an artist."
"Be relentless with the love for it, sacrifice everything."
"There was no door that I could not go through when I'm serving someone's dream or when I'm serving the art."