
Religious Conflict Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"You pound and pound and pound a people because of their religion... and they will turn on you."
"The essence of a possession is a person going into a trance and a demonic sounding voice coming out of them attacking the people, attacking religion, usually using very crude and violent language."
"The whole idea about putting so much religion on the Israeli side and on the Muslim side...it's the reason why this conflict is getting worse."
"In the 16th century, there emerges a new Christian denomination. Latin Christianity, already separated from the Orthodox Church of the East, splits once more into Catholics and Protestants. And in the name of Christ, they go to war against each other in the bloodiest conflict that Europe has ever known."
"Fighting magic is from the highest form of fighting for the sake of Allah."
"The fundamental presuppositions of this worldview are at odds not only with biblical Christianity, they're at odds with basic rational thinking."
"They see a Christian and they want to pounce on me and play."
"It is telling that it took years before Luther is actually excommunicated even though from relatively the very beginning it was clear that Luther was driving a hard edge against the Catholic Magisterium."
"There is a religious war going on in this country. It is a cultural war as critical to the kind of nation we shall be as the cold war itself."
"Paul violently opposed the church, he tried to destroy it."
"Paul persecuted the Christians because there was an expectation of what a Jewish Messiah would be."
"The devil is alive, we are in a fight tonight."
"They came to believe that it was necessary to fight for what was right when quash became insolent towards God and rejected his gracious purpose."
"The Jesus movement was really going against Rome. I think that's what was probably most threatening in the eyes of the priesthood."
"Satan will always follow the same pattern he tries to redefine who God is redefine who Jesus is redefine who the holy spirit is redefine who the church is."
"We have to stand with tradition against this novelty that was being literally just shot down the throats of priests and laypeople and bishops all across the world with the apparent blessing of the Pope."
"This was a religious affair, they said. The war of faith had begun at last."
"Well, their hatred is nothing new; the elites have always despised Christianity."
"The Lord's gonna judge that soul. Wokism says no, we're gonna judge a whole people group and sort of paint with a broad brushstroke."
"Catholicism ruined Protestantism for me... I just can't go back... It kind of feels like an ex and I never stayed friends with my exes."
"You cannot have the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons, you cannot have the table of the Lord and the table of the devil."
"After a 51-day siege in Waco, Texas, the Branch Davidian compound is a blazing inferno."
"The body of Christ is torn apart, what could be worse than that?"
"It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday Sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced."
"The victory at Las Navas de Tolosa proved decisive. The Almohad menace to the Christian kingdoms was ended."
"It's governmental so it stays the same always God versus government yes and Prophets versus politicians wow that's Daniel that's Elijah every Prophet is God versus government politician versus prophet."
"The Catholic Church lost Britain over a doctrinal issue."
"The fact that it happens so so much of the time unnecessarily based on religious conflict in the world... that has animated me in making the noises I make."
"Aliens existence would be more than a slice of humble pie for the fragile human ego especially if you like really love the Bible."
"Hindus are being slow-cooked and Kerala is a laboratory where this is all being done."
"He was a famous heretic who was burned at the stake."
"I think if it is because I've always struggled with the church."
"Just as many Christians fought back against Payne and deism, many others may feel oppressed by Christianity."
"It is not for a good work that we're going to stone you but for blasphemy because you are being a man make yourself God."
"The battle of Armageddon is predicted to be the grand finale, the ultimate showdown in human history."
"Bismarck chose to harass, disadvantage and insult Catholics"
"If a Muslim view of Jesus is that he was just a prophet and the Christian view is that he is co-equal with God and died, those two things are now in conflict."
"Fight them until there's no fitna." - Abdullah ibn Umar
"Communism is satanic and it wants to go to war with God and the followers of Jesus Christ."
"2018 saw most religious hate crime, most deaths in decade."
"Tragically, Muslims have faced a surge in communal violence in recent years."
"It's no coincidence...almost every scientific advance has been made in the teeth of religious opposition of one form or another."
"Evolution becomes the most potent weapon for destroying the Christian faith."
"If they're gonna murder us then we have to stop doing what we're doing and that is just the worst thing you can do in the in the face of Islam because it's just what they want us to do is submit."
"Do you think for one moment that the Buddha people will allow that and not start the war themselves?"
"There's a spiritual warfare going on...we're not wrestling against flesh and blood."
"The true Holy Spirit will take you back to what Jesus said. The spirit of antichrist is going to bookend you every time."
"The Dome of the Rock and the proposed Third Temple are two significant religious and historical sites in Jerusalem that have been sources of conflict and debate for many years."
"Hitler hated Christianity, wanted to destroy the church... he was in fact an atheist."
"For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom."
"I decided to return to my atheism, and God had other ideas."
"He finds war intoxicating, at last, he's battling for his faith against a godless enemy."
"Defeat the Protestant Reformation and prevent it from happening as much as you can."
"If Islam is the truth, then why does Islam persecute us?"
"I feel like I'm more Christian in my mind, but Islam's in my heart. It's just a hard thing because you can't be fully Muslim but pray to Jesus." - Mister Latoya
"Enemy attestation: The story has been spread among the Jews to this day."
"I think it's okay to allow people to see the wrestle between honoring God and honoring you."
"Realize that Satan's plan has always been trying to mix the holy with the unholy and call it holy."
"The ongoing and bitter fight between the holy angels dedicated to God and the angels of darkness aligned with Satan."
"Satan has been empowering his children to build kingdoms, while Jesus offers us the keys to the kingdom of heaven."
"We are at war with Islamic fundamentalism because the fundamentals of Islam really are a problem."
"It's hard to call my brother in Christ a literal satanic priest."
"Satanic powers are real, they shield their existence with rituals, but God reveals the faces of the perpetrators."
"The divisive nature of Christianity breaks my heart."
"They hate God and because you hate God, you're going to do everything you can to shut the mouths of anybody who stands up for God."
"Satan has done a good job of divide and conquer, enticing our counterparts."
"Freedom from tyranny, that's pretty much the average American's view on the Revolution."
"Every spirit that confesseth not that Christ is come in the flesh is Antichrist."
"This is on one side and on the other side the anti-hindu elements constantly defaming constantly spreading violence spreading hate speech inciting um misfaith."
"The most wars fought on Earth have been over religious beliefs."
"Jezebel is one of the greatest assassins for a prophet. She uses seduction to ultimately kill the prophet."
"You have broken the unity of the Ummah." - Sahaba to the Hada Jets
"You will grow. Ask your questions, offend us, don't worry about it."
"The attack on the Bible is coming next, the Bible is next, mark my words."
"The dragon of the anti-church has been unleashed against priests."
"There are few greater ironies in history than the fact that the fate of Eastern Christendom should have been sealed by men who fought under the banner of the cross." - John Julius Norwich
"It's really battling for the soul of the church."
"There's a war against God's chosen, and it's an all-out spiritual battle."
"Henry the fourth was originally Protestant which was obviously a problem in the minds of many French people at that time being a strongly Catholic country."
"Hail Jesus Christ and you'd pick it up and kiss it right and trample the crucifix if a cardinal handed you a baseball bat and said smash this statue of Mary or throw this bible into a fire you would say no I resist you right."
"There's been no religion that has brought more war and unbelief and animosity towards the Jew than the church."
"Babylon wins... How can Babylon rise in a Christian Nation? How can churches fail and anti-God institutions win?"
"It exposes the enemy of Christ just because there's one enemy to Christ and it is Satan."
"There is never justification for schism ever."
"Some of my Ukrainian pastors who are calling out Russian pastors for not speaking out against war... nobody wants this war."
"The history of most of the wars of the world is quarrels over whose invisible friend was more powerful."
"It's hard to remain a Christian if you believe Jesus was a liar and a false prophet."
"You cannot be a Christian and vote Democrat in this nation. They are god denying demons that butcher babies and hate this nation."
"The ones who are schismatics and heretics are those who wound and crucify the mystical body of Christ, not those who defend it by denouncing the executioners!"
"Lucifer wanted to use serp worship that did not belong to him and that will never belong to him."
"It's a hostile takeover of the Catholic church and faithful Catholics must resist."
"Don't tell me I enjoy standing against the Pope like some kind of a psycho."
"Saint Athanasius was not among them; he refused to bow to Arianism and was exiled five times by his enemies who were entrenched in the church hierarchy."
"After centuries of differences, the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches excommunicated each other, effectively splitting into separate churches."
"We're now living in the final confrontation between the gospel and the anti-gospel, between the church and the anti-church, between Christ and the antichrist."
"I have been accused of creating confusion and division in the church through my testimony."
"It's pretty tough to be a Christian and claim your Bible as your source for truth but every time you open it up it's tweaking you out."
"Amen, anyone that says three separate and distinct, you're a liar, that's a lie."
"In the end, Elizabeth and Mary, along with their brother Edward and The Six Wives of Henry VII, were victims of their father's determination to have a son, a mindless policy that set in motion decades of religious descent, misery, and persecution."
"The greatest ongoing attack from the beginning of time is the attack that Satan and his cohorts have against the Bible."
"Good. Christ said I come not to bring peace on earth. I came to bring a sword."
"A false religion will appear which will be opposed to the unity of god and his church."
"We'd rather burn down the churches and get rid of the Catholics attached to tradition."
"Satan has one goal he wants to destroy Israel because God made a sovereign election of Israel and a Satan can destroy them all it ruins God's plan."
"We take this measure as a last resort to respond to the accumulating harm caused by Pope Francis's words and actions over several years."
"The rise of the cult of icons in the 6th and 7th centuries marked the central problem of the iconoclast controversy."
"I don't believe that a young Muslim boy being beaten up in the name of love jihad because he loves a Hindu girl is dharmic."
"The lyrics might be fine but the source...are either apostates."
"There is only truth so how can two groups that claim to be inspired by the Holy Spirit hold different things."
"Aramon is a regressive Antichrist Instinct... a complete inversion of everything that is God."
"To collaborate in the destruction of the church is to betray the church and to betray our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Anyone who opposes the gospel is an antichrist."
"The Salem Witch Trials possibly used by churches to compete for followers - dark history indeed."
"There are two predictions: the Jews and the Christians will still exist at the time they will be persecuted."
"The psychology of making the others baby eaters or horrible people possibly why religious wars became so violent."
"God destroys satan's final realm, the idols of materialism."
"Oh yeah, oh yeah, the religious war has begun."
"Sardinia by 1011, faced with increasingly aggressive Christian kingdoms to the north and factionalism tearing through the Muslim kingdoms of the south, the violence would spill out far into the northern Mediterranean."
"When you see the outbreak of religious wars, then know that I am on the way."
"One of the underlining causes of the Crusades was a retaliatory reaction to aggressive middle-eastern expansion."
"Satan tonight regards you as his legitimate property and he bitterly resents any attempt to get you out from under his clutches."
"The forces of evil are radically against God."
"The Sisters set out on a mighty Crusade with the conflicts being known as the Wars of Faith."
"He renounced his recantation he said and then above the mounting hubbub he cried out that the pope was Christ's enemy and antichrist and the mass was an idolatry amidst curses and cheers."
"Jesus came to attack the sovereignty of Satan over man."
"The devil, the synagogue of Satan, is attempting to frame Israelites."
"If there's some disagreements amongst exorcists, the devil wants to insert himself into that discussion to fracture the ministry."
"Deception is going to be the characteristic of that age — deceit. We are in a warfare with Satan, and what is Satan's primary weapon? Deception."
"We are in a warfare with Satan, and what is Satan's primary weapon? Deception."
"When you turn towards Islam, you won't have to pick a fight; they'll pick a fight with you."
"The 30 Years War began in 1618 when the Holy Roman Emperor attempted to impose Catholicism on the Protestant population of Bohemia."
"I just had one of the pastors let us know they have a similar situation where their son, they were like we knew he had a call of God on his life, went to college came back and he let us know that he is gay."
"The death of a king covered up and a country torn between two faiths."
"If they could show the intolerance of Jesus and that He was in conflict with the great rabbis and with them who are living out what the rabbis allowed, they could discredit Him."
"Jesus had always referred to God as his father and the Jews didn't like it... God was not his father in their mind but he always referred to God as father."
"Pharaoh did not desist. He killed his head dresser, his daughter, his wife, and now he turns to anyone who pronounces or declares Islam."
"The battle is between Christ and Satan, not between denominations."
"The enemies of the gospel were and always are most formidable when they are religious."
"...the liturgy Wars have been going on for far too long..."
"But what he has done is now called for a holy war against the Jews, against the Christians, against the secular world, against quite a lot of other Muslims, and now, not many people noticed this, against Hinduism as well."
"Every move of God in the church... when the next move of God begins, those from the old last move of God fight against the new thing God's doing."
"They're the devil the Bible speaks of. So-called Jewish people, they're counterfeits, fakes."
"The Crusades represented the highest good, how could they fail? If Crusaders fought for God, why did the victories go to his enemies?"
"The conflict over the civil constitution of the clergy in July 1790 had radicalized the revolution by introducing an irreconcilable conflict over the church's status."
"...the difference between Catholic and Protestant was not superficial at the time."
"Imagine that he was having to go to war with church leaders over getting the scripture into the hands of the people."
"Even in the Middle Ages, there are some of the faithful who are appalled by the association of war with the abused Son of God who preached love and peace."
"If there is a God, and if God works through religion, how can religions disagree so deeply? Sometimes so violently."
"Persecuted Christians are the collateral damage of the sinner's war against their Creator."
"Parliament would decide what kind of king they would have and to keep it and decide what religion it would have to settle the dispute, so that people wouldn't go on for centuries fighting over whether their country was going to be Protestant or Catholic."
"The Antichrist is described as Waging War against the Saints and persecuting Believers."
"Charles bet his life and the fate of the realm on one expedition, one that would restore his reputation and bring stability to a kingdom now cluttered with heretical movements."
"Islam presents the most significant threat to Christianity and to Christian Europe throughout the entire Middle Ages."
"The Christians had arrived, and they were going to eradicate paganism, wipe off the face of the earth."
"The ideological component that helps facilitate the Crusades is increasingly there in the Latin West."
"Did the Crusades begin as a response or a reaction to Islamic expansion? Clearly yes."
"Jezebel vehemently opposed Elijah's efforts to turn the people of Israel away from the worship of Baal."
"Christians in the West take up arms to fight the Muslims really for two reasons: one is to defend the Christians of the East against Muslim attack, but more than that, it's because they want to reclaim the holy land for Christianity."
"Bermuda was divided between the Anglicans and the Puritans of the sixteen hundreds."
"Would the church dare to storm into the kingdom and into her home with the Judgment Army to arrest Andrea?"