
Gaming Skill Quotes

There are 252 quotes

"Mortal Kombat's combo system was the first time for me to ever be like, holy [ __ ], if I'm very skillful then I can actually dominate."
"ZywOo doubles up through it. He doesn't see smokes. What is happening, ZywOo!"
"We're seeing a really high-level game here; you would never know these guys are pugs."
"I'm amazing at video games, thank you very much."
"Oh, and he got the cone ramp, and that's GG!"
"I started my channel to flex how good I was at Splinter Cell right like I wanted to show how I'm good you know I want a team I want to be able to play this."
"A skip that truly should not have been possible."
"Klaus with the triple, plenty of time to clean up."
"If you give him all the units, all the tech, all the upgrades, there's almost nobody better than him as Protoss."
"Playing on the hardest difficulty with fists only made me a parrying god. The story isn't about the god of war, oh no, it's about me, the god of parrying."
"You feel like a sniping pro when you play it."
"The skill ceiling on Assassin's Creed 1 is staggeringly high."
"This is amazing, immaculate pocket right here."
"Look at Shroud play 24/7. Shroud has the best cross replacement I've ever seen."
"Staying competitive in the meta requires a good player to constantly level up their skills."
"He must be literally the best player in the world, beating people who literally have infinite ammo ARs."
"If you're a true demomane, you will hit those pipes no matter what because it's all about the muscle memory."
"He's been saying all week that he wants revenge on those that have wronged him. Here's an idea, Prime Minister. If he really wants to hit them where it hurts, he should tighten the rules on tax avoidance."
"Four excellence in a row your boys doing it."
"I have never seen someone play Pathfinder like this. By far the best Pathfinder I've ever seen."
"I'm not saying that I'm the greatest 2k player of all time, but I am saying that y'all better start making your lockdown defenders."
"Okay, then turn around, get ball, perfect, there we go, that's how it's done baby."
"I'm the best player in the world plays them I think this is probably the I think the highest I've put by left on tier list."
"That's a good deck when you can only lose to yourself."
"This is incredible. I know, and you didn't think I was good at this game."
"Slide canceling is the most important movement... it makes you faster and a harder target to hit."
"Learn to slide cancel... learning to slide cancel will really help you become a better player."
"Video poker is a game of skill, so if you know how to play your hands properly, you will do better."
"What a mechanical gifted player! But it's gonna be huge for Team Mia, no Layla and that's gonna be a little bit of a winning Factor."
"This build is really subjective in the right hands it's gonna be able to wipe out entire servers or win entire last and game modes on by itself."
"Did you see Ziggs cancel Mike with your W? I did. I'm a boss."
"Fastest gamer in the west, you ain't even seen it yet."
"This guy's a monster bro, look at this, this guy's a monster."
"How does Vice actually get the kill before the rocket comes off? That's game sense right there."
"The most amazing trick I've ever seen, I think, is Yoshi's Island 100% 5-4 skip."
"He could memorize every secret, zoom through rooms with no problem, get an S Plus perfect rank, get a world record, and perform better than cheaters all on a 10 FPS potato laptop."
"The ability to SS on AR11 OD11 like this is absurd."
"It's way more impressive to have outstanding farm and move around the map properly."
"Counter-Strike is a true expression of FPS skill."
"Faker showcasing his proficiency on the champion."
"I've been able to get good at a wide variety of games across a lot of different genres."
"Charging your arrow, hopping around a corner to shoot, and then instantly lunging the other way with Hanzo, it lets you instantly shoot an arrow without the enemy having time to react."
"Look at just how smooth and how fast that underwater movement is with the diddy jet pack."
"Microing mutalisks with the magic box is really gratifying in Starcraft 1, so the victory feels earned."
"He immediately just spirals underneath the ball again as if he took off perfectly and then flip resets over his head."
"Oh that's so smooth how he's able to release that nature bow and just miss the tree by it like a couple pixels."
"True Craze with the headshot onto Poppy right now. Oh my goodness, somebody stop this man!"
"This guy's cracked bro, what the frick come on now!"
"He's a lane God, with an absolutely unparalleled understanding of level difference changes and specific matchups."
"He is, in my opinion, the greatest Goldeneye player of all time."
"This is the evidence of skill it's just a game dude."
"Once you like an MMO, you passively become good at it and once you become good at there's a need for high-end content."
"Dude he's working cameras though by the looks of it oh yeah look at this oh that was sick that was freaking cool."
"With no utility, with no help, just walks in and headshots two players. It's not supposed to be that easy."
"That's a skill fighting game player all around."
"I'm actually a god. That was first try. I'm actually insane."
"He's responsible for a ton of the big skips that we have."
"He's like the pinnacle of skill cap, if you main Riven you will always be able to snowball."
"He's extremely intimidating, maintaining over 85% win rate."
"If you manage to beat this thing without taking a hit, well then you're a god among men."
"Clean, that was perfect crosshair placement."
"Sheik is such a high skill cap character because the micro spacing of sheik is so ridiculous."
"I might actually be the best chain of Hades player going."
"Dan has all the belts for a reason... he plays this game really well."
"Shroud, shroudy going rowdy and a Red Bull clutch."
"Janna is a god-like player always knowing what play he can make and still be safe even when he's at one hp."
"Skins do not equal skill after all." - Totalbiscuit
"He's a natural, isn't he? The dropper minigame, let's go play mob drop!"
"That's big brain, dude! I'm using my 6 brain, man."
"You really picked the most incompetent GTA player to watch a series of, didn't you guys?"
"What a nice slide too, that was sick as hell!"
"He immediately started to play the game at a high level."
"That's a pro play there, James. That's big brain."
"Of course i'm talking about the ever impersonated Jason 'Bolo' Doty, a living breathing aimbot whose twitchy lean intensive playstyle hasn't just become the envy of siegers everywhere but for many the end goal."
"I only died two times total in 16 and a half minutes of BattleBlock Theater."
"I'm so good at Minecraft, ladies and gentlemen."
"Justin took this idea of beating players with mechanical ability to another level."
"GG! Win a match without reloading and I technically defeated all the gods."
"This punch and charge is awesome and if you know the timing, you will feel so cool doing this consistently."
"Dream is freaking brilliant. This is insane!"
"High IQ players might truly be the elite Among Us."
"Yu-Gi-Oh as a game of who misplays the least."
"User defending is critical to becoming decent at the game."
"I'm just so goddamn good at Yu-Gi-Oh, there's just no nothing."
"If you're a skilled player, you're going to beat someone who's not a skilled player like nine times out of ten."
"Device just going to stay tucked inside of C. He's been spotted and he will find one kill, but that activates Device who is... That's the beauty of Device, so damn good. He makes it look easy."
"Scump could have been you know top five AR like all these players if you know how to play the map you know how to play the game. Yeah, it's really not all that different for the ones that are really talented."
"The moves of these two, it's pretty impressive, man."
"Some great moves there from Beyond, no doubt."
"That was a turn three kill through graveyard hate."
"Misco actually an insane hiding spot, I want you to know that."
"Cloud can go toe-to-toe with Sephiroth... he's really good."
"Blue played well, blue was the higher elo player."
"This Joan the maid person is so creative and so good with economy."
"Thank God. How did I do that? I'm a god gamer!"
"I think that Alfari has been, like, so far and away the best top laner that it's not even funny, like, he's just winning like every single lane."
"Humanoid's laning is probably the best in the league."
"Best crosshair placement in the world is literally when they fall into your headshot."
"Oh my god 2v1 oh my god this guy he's too good"
"Your point-and-click aim could be amazing but if you never give yourself the chance to have accurate shots it effectively renders your great aim useless."
"You did it! That's my favorite skip, even though I'm terrible at Gaius. Here's five bucks for each attempt it took."
"You got the skip again. That was really good."
"Simple with the reverse ridiculous pistol clutch I've seen, I couldn't even register the second frag with another one to make the terrorist squad safe."
"Simple with the 4k on the deagle that's why he buys the deagle this guy is something special."
"You'll be rewarded with the skill to carry more games than you'd ever be able to playing another assassin and I can promise you that."
"It is essentially up to Diana to make the mistake."
"I think it's good. I think it's got more skill shots than World of Warcraft does."
"You want to see him on these high mobility, high action heroes, doing fast things, doing them so well it blows your mind."
"Echo is consistently played at a challenger level season in season out across all differing servers."
"It's fine. Easy. How does he do it? How does he do it? Answer me that, chat. How does he do it?"
"By the end of 2012, mango reasserted himself as a dominant melee player."
"With the right timing, you can perfectly parry a Guardian's laser back at them."
"It actually increases the skill gap because the game doesn't have to do as much of the work for you."
"The creme-de-la-creme, the amuse-bouche, the ménage à trois as it were: Genji’s bullet deflection."
"If that is not damn good jungling then I don't know what is."
"Simple finds one, he finds two, this time he finds three."
"Muscle memory will assist in finding the right timings to jump and cancel the height for a high plunge attack."
"It really makes you appreciate how strong Trainer Cynthia is by catching this dangerous Pokemon and building its trust in order for it to obey her every command."
"Triori, because he gives you that long shot ability, I would say he deserves to go into an A plus."
"I have taken out two entire Pokemon and I haven't even taken a hit yet."
"Gamers be sweaty but I like divine gameplay, examples: you're playing through the fire and flames on Guitar Hero, that's a sweaty exercise."
"I think one of the biggest points of skill in vanilla WoW is it's more about knowledge and preparation."
"He's got the streaks, he's got the clutch, and he played that perfectly."
"I'm actually cracked at Fortnite, oh my god!"
"Sonic Fox makes Berserker Slash look so much better... they're just built differently."
"Literally, I'm the best in the game, oh my gosh."
"Kindred Mains know like exactly where the marks go every single time, it's kind of weird."
"Y'all making this list was very hard because I feel like if you're just simply better than the other person skill wise, then any character on this list can beat any character on this list."
"It's honestly mind-blowing how much of an x factor that really comes through the pixel perfect flash on this scatter is absolutely crazy."
"Black tiger definitely showing us how to do it."
"I was able to be confident even in soloqueue when the players were better than me."
"Boom, managing to hit more headshots in the very clutchest situations."
"That dude's stacked, but I'm good at the game. That's me, Sammy Green, the best player worldwide."
"Save, saved. Almost punished. So good at video game."
"Understanding what you can do, when you can do it, and why you can do it is absolutely massive in this game."
"Miracle stepping back in, picks up the double kill."
"I literally feel like Tfue in Tfue's Fortnite prime when the default skin was his thing, I feel cracked bro."
"Virgil only has one style as opposed to Dante's six but one style is all the man really needs because he excels in just about everything else."
"With elven accuracy combined with making four attacks through flurry of blows, combined with having advantage on all those, that feels pretty good."
"These guys are literally playing like a tier one pro team, I'm not even kidding, these guys got to be an underrated duo."
"The game's easy. It's not my fault I'm so good."
"Shy just like popped off in every aspect possible here."
"Tipper's optimization is literally the difference between a good and a great Annie player."
"That ladies and gentlemen right there is the power of hyper tapping."
"I mean I've put years of my life into these games so you guys are about to see some of the best 2D Sonic gameplay in your lives."
"I love games that give me a difficult boss that feels satisfying to overcome with skill."
"You press E and you dodge it 100 times out of 100."
"He just got knocked off, and Calm with the most casual goal you're gonna see from him all day. Lux in the series when GG's, and that's gonna be him back to winning ways in the show match scene."
"XQC is great. Some of his shatter blocks are just so impressive."
"Wow okay, did I just get through that entire phase without getting hit?"
"Speed running is about a combination of skill and knowledge, and who knows it better than the guy who made it?"
"It's life, I'm good at Skyblock dude, I'm the trials of yikels."
"Tricky beautifully played by him and also just chalking that mental, I think really redeeming himself after a really bad performance in the previous map."
"Honestly, snake better than Pros I swear to God."
"Knowing how to control a weapon's recoil could give players a significant Edge turning it into a skill of rewards like bragging rights and more game wins."
"If anyone tells you you're bad at this game, tell them no, you just need upgrades."
"They're trash at the game but they still play like this."
"That was a good snipe, what? You sniped someone from all that far?"
"You're so good at the game, you love to see it."
"Launching forward off the ladder with a deagle into an instant headshot."
"The best players in this game don't have to think about what they're doing and why. It's instinctual, it's through experience."
"Either I am just really good at this, viewers, or this map is really easy."
"It feels so good when you time a Dodge perfectly."
"What makes Caps insane is he plays every style really well he can roam he can scale he can play early game he just need some of his mind right."
"I'm the king of misplays right now, that's for sure, and I'm the king of M plays you already do that nope that was a good one good everyone liked that one."
"Razor leaf to catch normal get up... so much purpose in his staggers."
"I actually think this shortcut is really really cool for that reason because it means you already have to be very skilled Mario Kart 64 player."
"If you leap around this fast, attack this fast and kill things this fast, basically nothing ever has a chance."
"The communication and the skill that it takes for a team of guardians to execute that encounter, it's still like top tier for me."
"A great player can make any Legend look S-tier."
"I'm talking about, dude, I'm talking about. I got Pro Gamer reflexes."
"The most impressive one-second time save you'll ever see in your life."
"You weren't accounting for my masterful control."
"Our two controller Champs are just Unstoppable."
"I'm instantly cracked at it and snagged buckets of thumbs up from all my homies on Pokegram."
"That secret drone skip was awesome! Who needs the Force when you have speed running? Halo hype and good luck with the run, Covert Muffin!"
"Wow, 4,000 damage, apparently all you need to ace the M60."
"If the difference between winning and losing is a few stray pellets, you need to stop blaming your gun and start playing better."
"Zachray has established himself as one of smash's greatest phenoms but not by pigeonholing himself; instead, he is endlessly adaptable, constantly mutating Smash Ultimate's wild card."
"The timing for that hovering he just did is extremely precise."
"That trick is honestly as difficult to do as it looks."
"Yone's W is a very powerful trading tool. It allows him to deal damage while also shielding himself, and players are definitely struggling to play around it."
"I'm gonna prove that I still have it on console."
"I just headshot the man no you can't blame them overhead shine you can only headshot Samantha."
"Move over scream, there's a new headshot machine - Bit's the man."
"I'm a master at Crash Bandicoot... confident that I can beat all these three games."
"What can I say? I'm just a natural gaming talent."
"That was hard to deny. If you've ever played this game, you know exactly what it feels like to hit the one deag, but watching someone gun down an entire tier one team with the deagle in mere seconds remains something truly special."
"The skill ceiling of duplicate really shows max level Overwatch skill."
"He's just got that real positioning. Very nice shot here to kick things off from AmaNEk, catches Rez out wide in the open."
"Some of the best Mouse control movement I think I can remember in a long time. It is absolutely high fidelity."
"Beasty obviously was showing some incredible micro, very good timings, and excellent decision making."
"He's literally dodging three goblins at once like it's nothing."
"Beautiful Counter-Strike showing how much skill this young man has, unbelievably good."
"I'm rooting for her, I love that girl, and she's literally an insane Fortnite player."
"Tweek, hands down the most proficient player."
"I think if you're able to unlock reflection kick, you might be able to just become the strongest person in the server."
"I actually pulled off that 1v2, how am I alive?"
"Good winstons on Dorado are a joy to behold you can essentially become an omnipotent guerrilla deity."
"Full of aces, full of plays, full of LAN CS."