
Cataclysm Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"We've likely witnessed forms of cataclysm and then the way that we preserve that knowledge is through stories and oral traditions."
"Science is now backing up the truth that's encased in these legends and these religions and the truth of the Younger Dryas cataclysm."
"I think that it's very likely that many of these objects and structures came from a time before the cataclysm, from a civilization of high capability that was almost entirely wiped out and is today lost to us."
"Greek mythology contains stories of cataclysmic events and cycles of destruction and rebirth, providing insight into their understanding of the world's end."
"When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And believe me, he's winding up."
"Cataclysms could explain why we have such a mysterious past."
"It's taken some cataclysmic event to turn things around historically."
"Ilúvatar intervenes... a great chasm opened in the sea... and the world was shaken."
"If our own narrow-mindedness ended up causing a cataclysm more serious than anything we have ever experienced in our past, let's hope that open-mindedness prevails."
"The Earth's history has been one of episodic and periodic catastrophe, continuously erasing the memory of what happened prior."
"As we descended, we came across ancient Zonai statues, evidence of A Lost Civilization."
"A phoenix reset cataclysm is perfectly described and dated to happen in 2040."
"It was a fabled society of immense wealth, knowledge, and power, and of course, hubris, and it met a sudden end in a world-shaping cataclysm."
"Mount St. Helens turned day to night and cast an ashy shadow around the globe."
"The very fabric of reality is going to be torn apart."
"Humans were doing spectacular things in a cataclysmic event called the Younger Dryas."
"I think the cataclysm is coming straight at us, I think there's nothing we can do about it."
"His power cataclysm is incredibly potent, capable of leveling buildings, destroying miraculous, and causing harm to other people."
"The vast oscillations which carried Plato's continent beneath the sea may again bring it with all its buried treasures to the light."
"Who will say in the presence of all the facts here enumerated that the submergence of Atlantis in some great world-shaking Cataclysm is either impossible or improbable?"
"A new gravitational order will come when the moon crashes into Earth."
"The earth had disappeared, the sun had cooled and hardened."
"All activity would cease, there would be complete darkness."
"But some believe that the most monumental discovery may actually help prevent the predicted cataclysm."
"The elements shall melt with fent heat."
"There will be a swallowing of Earth in the Eastern and Western regions."
"If a star collides with our own Sun, it will be a global cataclysm that will leave no chance of survival to anything."
"That's the end of the world. But nothing else really is."
"We're coming closer to understanding the cataclysmic times and events at the end of the last ice age."
"Indescribable unusually large hailstones featuring a kute cataclysm myth."
"What is surprising is the remarkable consistency with which Traditions from every part of the globe speak not only of cataclysmic events but also of very specific warnings given to certain selected wise or good or pure humans in advance of the impending cataclysm."
"A cataclysm that continues to impact Russia, Ukraine, and the world profoundly."
"The stars quaked with the cataclysmic eruption of psychic energy marking the opening of The Great Rift."
"Every hundred million years or so, the world gets a cosmic cleansing."
"Plato wrote of a devastating cataclysm that destroyed the great civilization of Atlantis."
"It would take a cataclysmic event to usher in what we see in the Bible as far as a one world government."
"The anticipation builds to a crescendo that will, without doubt, shake the foundations of the world as we know it."
"His interpreters say he believed that a cataclysmic end of the world was certain. That our annihilation would come by the same force that created the Earth."
"So, the very title of 'Song of Ice and Fire' is referencing cataclysms. It's inspired by a poem about global cataclysms."
"The apocalypse or the end of everything."
"The object appears out of nowhere and destroys that tower just outside Project Manhattan."
"The Collision was so catastrophic that it nearly annihilated the young Earth."
"...witnessing the rumbling is like coming face to face with an apocalypse a cataclysmic event poised to end the world."
"It's the end of the world, might as well tell you."
"He's shifting tectonic plates like can he actually have an all-out battle without destroying the world? It's worse than an earthquake."
"The second world was devastated by a flood and only land life was killed, not marine life or vegetation."
"The skies are ready to burst and the Earth to split…"
"Black holes might obliterate the universe itself."
"God shook the Earth and destroyed it completely."
"Rather than destroying his children, he destroyed the Earth age."
"The Anchorage War and the cataclysm shook Tanaris, leaving their indelible marks."
"The Valley of the Watchers led to Uldum, unveiled by the cataclysm."
"This birth of Slanesh is just an apocalyptic event that leaves the material Universe scarred."
"If you break through the Earth's crust now you'll release forces you never dreamed could exist!"
"Volcanoes were going off, the Fountains of the great deep broke open."
"He's going to be able to set the heavens ablaze."
"We're going to have another cataclysm that will restore balance."
"There's some hot lava going into that ocean, it's a damn breaking, the floodgates are open."
"The entire world seemed to move, almost like the planet itself was tearing in two."
"The mere fact that we have billions of well-preserved remains of all different kinds of plants and animals all over the earth is in and of itself a testimony to the global flood."
"There was a somewhat advanced civilization back in that period of time that was wiped out by that event."
"The absence of dinosaur fossils above this layer can mean only one thing: they were wiped out by a sudden cataclysmic event 66 million years ago."
"The lake roared in; a vast steam leaped up white in the sudden dark under the moon."
"The idea of a recurring cataclysm is an important element we find in other mythical and historical traditions around the world."
"The sky will split and the planets will shift, balls of jade will drop, and existence will stop."
"The war of Wrath ensues, a cataclysmic and destructive war that sinks the lands of Beleriand beneath the sea."
"Telling them all about the incoming cataclysm will help save the lives of many others."
"The doom was a cataclysm such as the world had never seen."
"The Earth fall cataclysm wiped out ancient civilizations, paving the way for new cultures to emerge from the ashes."
"These changes resulted in what some saw as the gods taking revenge on the faithless people with what is described as a cataclysm of gigantic proportions."
"The fountains of the great deep burst apart and the floodgates of the sky broke open."
"A prophet announces the eminence of the end of the world in a cataclysm which will destroy everything, then the ancestors will return or some other liberating power will appear, bringing all the goods the people desire and ushering in a reign of eternal bliss."
"It is then prophesied that one day the fifth cycle will end with famines and earthquakes."
"It would be a day of darkness and fire, and of cataclysmic events."
"250 years ago, a great cataclysm occurred, the world was filled with and burned with fire."
"After the great destruction... that was where the Great Waters came in and flooded out the old order."
"'The Sun will rise in the West, and the oceans will thunder across the land. You will see the sword of God in the heavens and despair.'"
"A truly cataclysmic impact event."
"The entire planet would have turned into a raging Inferno, a kind of planetary hellscape."
"The world serpent will come lunging from the ocean, dragging the tides in and flooding the world."
"The Brotherhood of Makuta was about to undergo a major change that would prove cataclysmic to the rest of the universe."