
Liturgy Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Liturgy is not about participation; it's about a certain kind of participation. There's only one person who knows whether or not each participant in the mass, including the lay and the celebrant, is actually participating and it has nothing to do with the volume of their voice."
"The Roman Canon is superior. It is one of the greatest written prayers ever composed by men, maybe the greatest."
"In the Mass, all persons of the Trinity are present in the Eucharist... it's the divine activity of loving eternally."
"The Bible was written to be read at the mass."
"The liturgy ultimately forms the priest's identity by focusing on God and directing his orientation towards Him."
"These liturgical practices are not just practices, they are reality."
"The grandeur of the Roman mass requires that the old form had to be retained."
"That's what I'm talking about. Consistency and the work and the originality. That's what we do."
"Unfortunately, many Bishops who restricted traditional Latin Mass are on the losing side of history."
"Is the liturgy a stable space for our lives? Because we need that as humans."
"Let us return to celebrate the traditional holy liturgy worthily and to pray with the words of the saints."
"The Liturgy, the structure of the services, was brilliantly handled."
"The longer something's in the Liturgy, the more it's the will of God."
"Active participation... is really the whole thing, this is the whole principle."
"The Catholic mass steps to restore the centrality of God in the Liturgy by Bishop athanasius Schneider available now in bookstores everywhere and online including ewtn's catalog thank you Bishop you are welcome God bless you."
"When we say in our liturgy that we believe that this is the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ given for the remission of sins, eternal life for those who partake in Him, it expresses what we believe."
"The Church does have the power and authority we think not just to stamp on demons and scorpions and do exorcisms, but also to make decisions about liturgy and how we're supposed to worship."
"The traditional Mass 'directs the entire tension of both priest and faithful towards the mystery.'"
"The Liturgy is Jesus' own self gift, his perfect worship."
"Every liturgical celebration, because it is an action of Christ the priest and of his body which is the church, is a sacred action surpassing all others."
"The Liturgy makes the church present and manifests her as the visible sign of the communion in Christ between God and Men."
"The Liturgy is not meant to be dry, it's not meant to be empty, it's not simply going through the motions."
"The conscious, active, and fruitful participation of everyone means you and I understand what is happening in this particular liturgy and we're participating in it in whatever way we possibly can."
"There's a romano melodious very famous sixth-century liturgical poet."
"Paul VI wanted the Liturgy to be more accessible to Modern Man."
"The Liturgy is the locus of divine revelation."
"The point here is that this early liturgical banquet meant so much to the early christians because every time they celebrated it they recalled and were reassured that jesus actually came in the flesh."
"I think we need to restore a lot of that sense of awe and wonder to our liturgy, and unless we do, we're never going to get any more priests."
"Every church has a sort of liturgy, but very, you know, not much in the way of any kind of sacramental anything, the Bible and the Holy Spirit."
"The Novus Ordo is no longer good enough. Every single locality and indigenous people has to have its own particular liturgy. So, there's nothing Roman, nothing Latin, nothing universal. We're going to take the fragile clay and shatter it until we have dust, no more form."
"The Liturgy is indispensably important in how we're shaped to transform the world. It's not like a little diversion. It's the source and summit of the Christian life."
"The liturgy is a way of receiving that Apostolic truth and transmitting it that it's not just something we do on Sundays that's really like the Beating Heart of the faith."
"The liturgical prayer was not so hard. Like, I always wanted more of that at our parish."
"The Eucharistic liturgy was not compensation for the postponement of the parousia, but a way of celebrating the presence of one who had promised to return."
"I hope that I at age 65 I hope I live to see the day maybe under a future papacy in which a real reform of the reform of the Catholic liturgy takes place."
"In the future, the traditional rite of Mass must be retained in the Roman Catholic Church as the primary liturgical form for the celebration of Mass."
"The Lamb's supper, consuming the word, the Bible, the Scriptures, Evangelical Protestant, the Sacred Scriptures, the Eucharistic liturgy, the Book of Revelation, the Eucharistic liturgy."
The liturgy is primarily not something which we do but something which our Lord does. It is an action of Christ, an "actio Christi," but an action with which His mystical body, the Church, is able to unite itself.
"The liturgy of the Catholic Church has meaning and significance only insofar as it is directed to Almighty God."
"I loved the music and the liturgy."
"But in the end my understanding of how things worked was that the priest was important but the personality of the specific man wearing the vestments disappeared and was veiled by not only the vestments but by the very words of the Liturgy itself."
"The Liturgy is the expression of the church, how the church praises, how the church believes."
"Liturgy allows access to the highest ideals not only noetically, but also physically."
"The Liturgy is designed to allow us to find the right point on the scale to encounter God."
"Because the fruit of the liturgy is service to the church's unity."
"The Bible's not about the Bible, the icons are not about the icons, the Liturgy's not about the Liturgy, theology's not about theology. It's about God."
"In the worship service of heaven, there is a permanent liturgy that remains unchanged from the Old Testament to the New Testament."
"The traditional mass is the once and future mass."
"The traditional liturgy inculcates an atmosphere of utmost reverence for the most holy Eucharist."
"The traditional liturgy has great power to throw us headlong into a new world of tremendous meaning and mystery."
"Liturgical silence is a radical and essential disposition. It is a conversion of heart."
"There is no true silence in the liturgy if we are not with all our heart turned toward the Lord."
"The interest that the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite elicits among the young, in particular, who never lived it as an ordinary form, manifests a thirst for languages that are not more of the same."
"The liturgy ultimately plays a great role. They're all coming together in the worship of God."
"The liturgy can accomplish reverence, which is the battleground for true belief."
"The mass is based upon the liturgy of Heaven, which is a New Covenant Passover based upon the Passover meal."
"All of those things that allow you to speak with passion about your faith in Christ, your love of the Church, the beauty of the liturgy, all of those things came from the Catholic Church, and all of those things find their proper home in the Catholic Church."
"The liturgy is the Church; every mass celebrated in the traditional spirit is immeasurably more important than every word of every pope."
"The liturgical expression is fulfilling the will of God."
"Liturgical expression is not a democracy; it's God's way."
"The liturgy matters, it's not optional. It's literally what God wants from you."
"The Eucharist is the center of literally the liturgy, the life of the church because it's God himself who is actually present there physically dwelling with us among us even within us when we do the communion."
"Nothing stands in the way of that project of restoration... let's restore the liturgy, let's have a traditional Mass in every parish because the Pope now says it's our right."
"To just destroy that cycle of readings is to destroy the liturgical homeland. That was a catastrophic blunder."
"The liturgical reform is really at the beginning of the beginning."
"The liturgical worship of the Orthodox Church is in complete and total continuity with the worship of the earliest Christians."
"The liturgies used in the Orthodox church are the development of the action of the belief and faith through the centuries."
"Orthodox worship is the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil the Great."
"There's nothing more exciting than having God open your heart in the Liturgy. There's nothing more awesome than encountering God in prayer."
"...this is a liturgical image, an image of the cosmos, an image of yourself, an image of everything."
"The liturgy in Anglicanism is deeply cherished, shaping beliefs and fostering a sense of reverence and tradition."
"Liturgy and worship in Anglicanism affect beliefs and contribute to the propagation of God's Kingdom on Earth."
"Every liturgical celebration... is a sacred action surpassing all others."
"Holy Mother Church desires to undertake with great care a general restoration of the Liturgy itself."
"The sacrifice of the mass is the New Testament according to the New Testament."
"The sacred image was allowable in church and in the liturgy, precisely because of what the church said about Jesus Christ."
"While there's something that seems very African about this chant, it's actually one of the oldest liturgies in existence."
"The liturgy is something which we receive as a gift from the church; it's not something that we make for ourselves."
"The celebration of the Liturgy should correspond to the genius and culture of the different peoples."
"The Liturgy itself generates cultures and shapes them."
"The Liturgy... brings the gift of Heaven and Earth kissing, Right Time and Eternity touching."
"The essence and the substance of the prayers has been maintained in the Novus Ordo, the new form of the mass."
"It was like coming home. I came in and it was completely unexpected. I never in my wildest dreams thought that what I might have been yearning for was a more transcendent experience that connects to liturgy."
"There's a power there in the liturgy from the prayer book itself, powerfully written, beautifully written."
"The backbone of Orthodox worship is the Book of Psalms. It's everywhere in the daily offices of the hours, in The Vespers, in the mountains."
"The transitional area is the area of religious liturgy but it's also the area of the arts."
"Liturgy... signifies that at the service there are no passive spectators; there are only active participants."
"Christ is always present in his church, especially in her liturgical celebrations."
"In the earthly liturgy we share in a foretaste of that heavenly liturgy which is celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem toward which we journey as pilgrims."
"The Liturgy is the participation of the people of God in the work of God."
"The liturgy is just the worship of heaven on earth."
"When you enter liturgy, you truly are in heaven."
"Let's continue making the Divine Liturgy the central heart of everything; that's the life-giving source from which everything else comes."
"The Divine Liturgy being our source and inspiration, the core of our faith."
"There is a growing sense that we need to recover a sense of the Sacred not just in the Liturgy but in the general living of our lives."
"Lord, be with you and with your spirit."
"Let us go in the peace of Christ, thanks be to God."
"The fact that the council started with the liturgy was a very positive sign because in this way the primacy of God was self-evident."
"Setting the Roman Missal, having it prepared before Mass, you're assisting the priest and the holy people of God in celebrating our most important prayer, the Mass."
"Liturgy is something human beings make up, but it's a kind of enticement of the divine."
"Communion with the Holy Trinity and fraternal communion are inseparably the fruit of the spirit in the liturgy."
"The Liturgy is the memorial of the mystery of salvation."
"The symbol... indicates that the material so cited is read throughout the liturgical year of the Orthodox Church."
"It has a Latin-English translation of the ordinary or the canon of the mass."
"I think the Reformation was certainly a word based movement, but it's also a recovery of biblical liturgy and worship."
"Go in the peace of Christ, the Mass is ended."
"The idea of the liturgy is that they're not the dead but they live; the saints live to God."
"The precepts of the church are set in the context of a moral life bound to and nourished by liturgical life."
"The church follows a Liturgical Calendar; churches often have ornate elements including statues, stained glass, and candles, and priests wear special garments."
"When liturgy is done in accordance with the truth, with the good, it's beautiful, it's integral."
"In the epiclesis, the church asks the Father to send his Holy Spirit on the bread and wine so that by his power they may become the body and blood of Jesus Christ."
"The liturgical celebration of the Eucharist unfolds according to a fundamental structure which has been preserved throughout the centuries down to our own day."
"Every liturgical celebration is a representation of the Cross."
"We actually have historic apostolic liturgies, and that's what we do in the Orthodox Church."
"Heavenly liturgy is officiated and everything in the Bible happens in and through and on account of that heavenly sanctuary."
"I want them to have liturgical stability; I want them to have absolute rock certainty, solid ground."
"There's a peace and a security and a warmth in the liturgy you feel that you don't find anywhere else."
"The teachings of the councils and the liturgy are just as important as the Bible."
"The altar is a place where heaven is opened up; it does not close off the church but opens it up and leads it to the eternal liturgy."
"Eastern Orthodoxy expresses itself through the prayers and liturgy."
"Creation itself is actually a giant liturgical pattern."
"There's a mutual interiority which is accomplished in the divine liturgy."
"Liturgy is a way of understanding the real structure of reality."
"Calling on the name of the Lord in prayer and in liturgy, that's the way the world really works."
"The living the liturgical rhythm and life of the church to achieve theosis so that they have a good resurrection."
"The Liturgy is supposed to hit every heart."
"Everything about the liturgy is bringing us back toward paradise, toward the Holy of Holies."