
Cultural Education Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"This is definitely one of those movies that everyone needs to be educated about."
"Educating ourselves and others about these tribes is crucial to their survival."
"Instead of getting into the books, they created something called Black History Month."
"We are not having any systematic syllabus or systematic courses to teach our students about what Hinduism is."
"Iceland even has an official elf school in Reykjavik where people can learn about Icelandic elf history and folklore"
"We have the responsibility as a people to educate others that this dress is not to us subservience, this dress is not to us oppression. This is our choice."
"Be proud be loud about it teach your children our history make your children proud of our culture."
"Our country is the country of diversity, and the diversity teaches us to live together."
"We better understand our history, who we are, and how thorough they've always learned from us."
"You contact Sanskrit Bharati and join them, they are looking for students."
"It gives a lot of opportunity for people to actively learn about the origins of a subculture."
"These great books, The Works of the West, they're there for us, to teach us how to be excellent at Being Human."
"I feel like it's gonna be a black history lesson, yes sir."
"Real black history that's never really talked about."
"Learning even the basics of this fascinating and ancient religion gives us an insight into the worldview of over a billion people."
"Many reservations have implemented language immersion programs that bring tribe members together to strengthen the use of their ancestral speech."
"Even nowadays it's very interesting to see people learn more about Ukraine and unfolding the history."
"Every day, you want to teach people your culture."
"I don't think we need to know the entire history of every Native American tribe ever over hundreds and hundreds of years in order to celebrate Thanksgiving."
"We do not do this by whitewashing out the difficult parts of our history."
"We're bringing up a whole generation of children in America who are absorbing and being shamed if they criticize the ideology of Islam."
"Not only is this sort of updating of vintage classics that a lot of people might not even know about but it's also a way to give a historical context."
"Great again I thought this was a great decision to do the Punic Wars people love Rome there's a lot to learn."
"We have to let these kids know what drag is."
"I appreciate all the background info, not just on Haikyuu but the Japanese culture and the anime industry."
"Always try to do your research on why the hijab is so important in Islam."
"Grab your paper and pencils, because Mpisi from the Ndebele Tribe is about to drop some knowledge."
"Maybe then America will know the true history."
"I speak English, and then I'm from Canada, so we teach French in Canada."
"Teaching yourselves how to be better slaves instead of teaching yourselves to be better black folks."
"What a great opportunity there from to learn about United States culture."
"It's like when Aang goes to that school where he gets to see exactly firsthand how the Fire Nation children are raised with this level of propaganda."
"There's so much good to be learned from Native American history."
"Watching the documentary is a nice way to practice your language, but also to learn about the culture of the country."
"Let us know your thoughts on how people in the West can be taught the true history in which Africa and Africans are at the center."
"There's a lot not just to see in the Haunted Mansion but a lot to learn about it culturally."
"Freedom doesn't work that way; Liberty doesn't work that way."
"All of these holidays were actually really fun to learn about."
"I think if you're interested in just good storytelling and learning about a medieval culture it pre-medieval I think you're in good hands with dr. Jackson Crawford."
"Culture is the primary education because it carries your values, your interests, your principles, your ethics."
"If you would like to know more about Berlin be sure to check out the excellent series 16 days in Berlin from our friends at RealTime History."
"African centered education secures our survival as a people."
"Threads, a brand owned by a former teacher and black American freedmen, uses their apparel and more to teach Hidden Truths and black American history."
"It's really important to know about other nations because we all live in the same world."
"If people of our age don't tell young people about Western civilization, who will?"
"It's about learning those other cultures, and I think that's really interesting."
"Introducing people to their history can change how they see their people."
"You come away blown away by this movie; you'll come away wanting to learn more about African history and who you are."
"We will teach our children African language, we will teach them how to live, we will teach them how to defend their families, how to defend themselves."
"What Stieglitz was driving at was a new vision for a modern world, to teach America to see."
"Skate shops should teach history and the culture of this [__]. Share the wealth, teach a kid to skate."
"On a school trip we went to the Sikhism temple and they told us a few things about Sikhism, then they gave us cookies."
"I am a product of the Hawaiian education movement."
"I made a lot of effort to try and make my children understand African cultures or speaking English."
"Epcot is famous for expanding our knowledge of world cultures and inspiring us to look forward to the technological advancements of tomorrow."
"Our mission is to open minds and change lives through the celebration and exploration of African American history and culture."
"Everyone in Alaska thinks it's snow, igloos... They don't know nothing, so let's show them what Alaska really is."
"Educate your children's palates with this taste of Portugal."
"These creatures and tales they're featured in used to teach morality, tribal culture, taboos, creation, and history."
"I never in my life thought I would be sea walking to a black panther history lesson."
"It's important to learn more about other cultures, preserved and cherished."
"Make sure that you are reading books about the great African societies and empires and expose them to their culture."
"The purpose of 'Mexico Me Encanta' is for the little ones to get to know our cultural richness and for the older ones to relive their childhood."
"...literature and art is supposed to take its place in Matthew Arnold's view... to teach Englishmen how to be good Englishmen."
"It goes farther than just teaching you the language; they dabble into the culture and the holidays."
"We're gonna go learn about Cambodia's history and culture at the National Museum."
"Music class teaches history and culture, which are important."
"Pilota is so popular with us that it is even taught in schools."
"What the world looks like prior to our culture was a world in which we prioritized teaching individuals about exactly what happens within our society."
"Jamaica is actually teaching us things that we don't even realize that will give you a proper advantage in the real world."
"In the core of your culture, which is your spiritual system and your educational system, that should create and recreate people so that they're greater than they were the creation before."
"We need to be able to teach what being a black American is to the world."
"We're trying to make videos that are interesting and entertaining, and along the way, hopefully, you can learn more about some other cultures too."
"We wanted to focus on... Black History Month... to teach our students... our leaders today."
"Cultural Literacy that the cartoons that I grew up with... contained our literary history within them."