
Undervalued Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"I believe that nostalgia is the number one under-priced thing in human behavior."
"I think ontology is excellent, highly undervalued at the moment."
"Game swap at 37 million dollars market cap is just severely undervalued."
"Maybe they cultivated powers of the human mind that we dismiss and regard as completely unimportant."
"Being a mom is such an underrated job."
"That really is truly valuable work and it is not valued as it should be."
"I love what I do and yes, I'm underpaid so don't let this profession fool you."
"A woman's voice is perhaps one of the greatest undervalued tools that a woman possesses."
"The animation industry has always been undervalued."
"They are the most underpaid, they're the most unappreciated when they literally raise all of us."
"Severely underrated, you should watch this."
"They feel like you don't get paid enough or don't receive enough recognition for all that you do."
"The miners are deeply undervalued."
"Simplicity is an undervalued thing in investing."
"Alfred is definitely the low-key MVP."
"It's effectively like the Porsche 996 of the Ferrari world. It's just kind of unloved because of a few styling cues that they got wrong, but it's a fantastic car, and it's excellently priced."
"State attorneys, public defenders, police officers, teachers give more to our community than they are compensated for."
"Teachers are underpaid, undervalued, and under-resourced 100% across the board."
"Customer support is underappreciated and underfunded."
"Comfort is so important, it's so underrated."
"Storytelling is so important and so underrated."
"Gratitude is so important, underrated, and like having gratitude, it's such an important thing."
"I kind of adore this car I think they're totally under-appreciated in the current market."
"He's one of those ones that's undersold a bit."
"I think it didn't get the appreciation it deserved."
"Reps are so underrated, like you learn one new little thing every time you do something."
"One is that common sense is really undervalued in society."
"I don't really know anything but I would say underrated."
"Kindness is underrated is what I'm trying to say here."
"Jeeps are such an underrated little motor."
"Wisdom and holiness are underrated."
"Water is underrated. Water is slept on."
"Decision-making is the most underappreciated life skill."
"Astaxanthin is possibly one of the most underrated antioxidants."
"The most underused asset in politics today is the common sense of everyday people."
"Platonic relationships never get the hype they deserve in society."
"Sales is very underappreciated as an art, as a science, as the core driver of business."
"I love being needed... I love being a mom... even though I'm undervalued."
"Curiosity is the underrated human trait right now."
"What we've done is we've purchased undervalued securities that have strong tailwinds."
"The company, based on these assumptions, is conservatively very, very conservatively undervalued."
"The stock is worth $43 a share and is only trading at $25."
"The people who actually work do not get recognized."
"Social workers are professionals and do not get enough credit for what they do every day."
"This is the Holy Grail out there in terms of a very undervalued stock right now."
"I think one of the most undervalued investments that we've made is that in the foundations of the business in our operations and distribution strategy."
"Public goods are important, man. So underrated."
"One of the least appreciated books in the standard works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Pearl of Great Price."
"You guys definitely don't get the respect you deserve."
"Communication between the two parties that create that life has been attacked and undervalued."
"Small cap stocks are still the most undervalued, trading at a 24% discount to our fair value."
"The Mercy is the single most undervalued car in the market today."
"It's definitely not the component here that gets the most use, but it really is the heart and soul of the whole thing."
"Overall these companies are clearly solid with great dividends plus we believe that they're trading at a discount right now."
"The movement journal is one of the most underrated and underused journals by the business."
"Power BI is one of the most underappreciated tools that we have in the entire arsenal."
"We don't give enough value to our writing, we don't give enough value to our writers."
"Gold's just super undervalued and it's going to catch up."
"I think it's a little undervalued and I think I can see it coming back, it's always been good."
"I really believe it's criminally undervalued right now; I think this is at least a top 100 project."
"Simplicity is usually the answer but often is grossly overlooked because of its modest demeanor."
"Networking is a massively underrated skill that no one really teaches you how to do."
"You've graced the presence of some people who really didn't know what to do with you."
"I feel like celebrations are so underrated."
"Those are the little progress things that people ignore."
"It's a tool that is slept on by a lot of traders."
"Brookfield Corporation is still undervalued."
"Reading is a lost art, studying, being scholarly is a lost heart."
"Loyalty is one of the most underrated character traits."
"Work ethic is underrated. It's understated as much as a lot of people say it."
"There's few narratives out there that are as undervalued as AI."
"Flat rides are often overlooked by fans of the industry as worthless filler rides, but in reality, they're the bread and butter of most amusement parks."
"Active listening... it's something that we kind of take for granted."
"Ether Bitcoin is severely undervalued."
"Honestly, Ethereum, one of the no-brainer picks right now, I think it's just very heavily undervalued."
"Ethereum right now is very underappreciated."
"Kindness and compassion are never wasted, even if they're not always appreciated."
"Cardio is extremely underrated, and endurance is probably one of the most important skills in most serious situations."
"We underestimating the value of chemistry."
"Ezekiel Tovar... I think he's maybe the most undervalued player because I think he has five category potential in Colorado."
"Mastery of the basics is one of those things that a lot of people don't fully appreciate."
"I think people don't place enough importance on sleep."
"The Jordans are definitely undervalued, I think, on this set."
"Friendships are really beautiful things and I think a lot of people discount friendship."
"Socks are an undervalued piece of equipment because they play such a huge role in regards to the overall comfort that you're going to get out of your shoes."
"You can long the stock that is undervalued and short sell the stock that's trending above its long-term equilibrium value."
"Many of the mining stocks have been beaten down way too much."
"The giving and receiving of kindness is underrated and kind of underrecognized in life."