
Holistic Well-being Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Diet, feeling of togetherness, resting one day a week, being able to turn things off, and belief in a lot of these things like fresh air, exercise, getting outside."
"If you don't have your mind right, then everything else is not going to fall into place."
"Health, happiness, productivity...covers everything. You can tie everything into that."
"If you do the first three pillars right, happiness comes automatically."
"Fulfillment in career, relationships, and health."
"We claim our birthright of health and prosperity, of beauty and of joy."
"Gut health is just important for your overall well-being. That's your energy, that's your stress levels, that's your lack of nutrition, that's your physical inactivity. It's everything."
"Clutter goes beyond physical space - there's mental clutter, emotional clutter, relationship clutter, and time clutter."
"All your abundance is near, physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological."
"Lose your spiritual life; don't lose your finances, don't lose your relationships, don't lose your courage. Everything that started that journey should arrive also."
"Miracles are available, increase is available, healing is available, and joy is available in the name of Jesus."
"It's super interesting how I didn't realize how the gut was so important to everything in your body."
"God will soon restore your health, relationships, and finances."
"Something as primal as what you put in your mouth every day affects all of those things."
"How I prioritize things right now is your and mine mental health, emotional health, physical health, along with the relationships that we have."
"Take care of yourself. Mental health, physical health, it's important."
"Exercise in your mind is exactly what the underlap is doing which to me is just as important as going out for a walk or going to the gym."
"Just don't give up on yourself don't give up on your relationships don't give up on your body on your health on your children on your home on your life on your Deen."
"Manifesting your own destiny includes health, wealth, peace of mind, and family."
"Protect your fruit - your spirituality, peace, family, children, business, savings, energy."
"Mental wealth suggests that if we get our mind right, everything else comes up."
"And in particular because we weren't really really in depth it's how do you ask your partner and your partner ask you how are you doing mentally physically emotionally spiritually and financially you're you're in your relationship."
"Remember, if you improve your physical health, you're automatically going to improve everything else."
"I declare blessings, victory from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet."
"Prioritizing your mental, physical, and emotional health is the most important thing you can do."
"Protecting yourself mentally, emotionally, spiritually."
"You cannot buy a healthy body with all the money in the world, but you can have health through riches of the mind."
"You may need to first take some rest... spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally."
"You can have all three of those things at the same damn time, that still does not mean that you will have mental health."
"I think I'm at the top of my game right now mentally, spiritually, everything."
"Exercise becomes not just a physical experience for you but it is a mental experience."
"You got to eat right and you got to think right."
"What must have happened in regard to your health, mental and physical, your relationships, personal professional, your career, your finances, your spiritual life, your general levels of happiness?"
"Your life isn't just a life of physical integrity or of emotional equilibrium or of psychological balance. It's a life of spiritual flourishing."
"Sleep is the superordinate node that if you manipulate it... everything else... can start to come into place."
"Things between you both romantically, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, they can be good."
"The gospel at its best deals with the whole man, not only his soul but his body. Not only the spiritual well-being but his material well-being."
"Being healthy, having mental peace, inner peace, it's everything."
"Health is wealth, where you are both on a health journey which then leads you to a wealthy journey."
"Islam came to preserve five things: religion, intellect, wealth, lineage, and life."
"How do you feel in your mind and how has it affected every other area of your life?"
"Money does buy happiness... you need to build yourself from a physical, mental, and financial point of view."
"It's going to make you feel better physically and maybe even mentally and emotionally as well."
"Your health is Paramount it is Paramount to your freedom to your ability to protect yourself to protect your family to be there for your family to your mental well-being literally everything."
"Feed your spirit, not just your body."
"You still know what's the most honorable, desirable service to others holistic state to be in and think to do in that moment."
"If you're constantly stressing yourself out, you're going to feel it in your gut and you're going to feel it in your whole body."
"God desires a holy people who will also be a healthy people and a happy people."
"Not only just physically, spiritually too."
"We have a responsibility to lead this new category and build it into the most effective place for holistic well-being."
"If you're really doing good spiritually... then what happens with me spiritually, it affects what's going on with me emotionally, relationally, financially, professionally."
"Body, mind, soul, and spirit have teamed up to make you a well of abundance and joy."
"I'm also on a health and fitness journey, and my focus is getting back on track with my health, my fitness, mentally, physically, all around the board."
"Healthy, wealthy, happiness go together, all of that go together."
"Create more sacred space in your schedule, in your home, your mind, your lungs, and in your heart."
"It is well with my soul, it is well in my home, it is well in my finances, it is well in my body, it is well in my family."