
Colloquialism Quotes

There are 453 quotes

"What do you think? I think we're dead meat. Real dead meat."
"This is madness, mate, this is absolute madness."
"It's crap to think it's close enough to horseshoes and hand grenades."
"He's like an old piece of furniture now, just leave him be, you know what I mean?"
"The crucial thing you need to understand is that 'no difference' is code for 'it will be all right on the night.'"
"Pipsqueak pipe down, you ain't in no big three."
"Now you gonna get clapped, that's what you get."
"Sometimes you gotta risk it for the biscuit."
"Cardi got the juice, man, and that's just the tea."
"Turnabout is fair play and oh how the turntables turn."
"It would be a shame if thunder struck at the same spot twice."
"It's all going up Milhouse lads, everyone's done it!"
"Just go have a cup of tea, get a sausage roll, just calm your tits."
"You're stealing it, I'm not stealing, you, I just love when they say stealing it, you know what I'm saying, boss?"
"I'm always saying on the regular, just part of my vernacular."
"A slam dunk if that were in fact shown to be the case."
"Everyone's life is chasing the Benjamins, a few for our viewers, a Benjamin is Benjamin Franklin."
"This is chuckle weekend, we've been calling this colloquially chuckle weekend."
"We are technically overdue." - Unknown Speaker
"You're not taking the piss blood, you are actually taking the piss man."
"That's a lot of moolah, that's a lot of dough man, that is pocketville."
"Can somebody bring me a broom? 'Cause we swept it."
"That's my cap, dog, you know, that's my cap man."
"Believability of that yeah yeah it could be again in English in mission fresh out the kitchen."
"We as a people, we have a very tasman to gold, you know what I mean?"
"It's all about the Benjamins, the Franklins if you will."
"I purple you, now what the hell does that mean?"
"Falling ain't got no swag, falling is easy off tongue."
"Don't do that no more over there dressed like Walker Texas Ranger. Don't do that no more, big dawg."
"He's done for, he's actually done for. He's cooked, bro, it's actually cooked."
"Once somebody says, 'I'm cool,' then I'm cool."
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."
"They've been generally speaking, they've been rhinos. You know, and if you want, for lack of a, you know, what other term."
"They're the greatest thing since sliced bread."
"Adios, peace, later dudes, tata for now, hasta la vista, I'm gonna take off, I'm gonna bounce, I'm gonna dip, I gotta go, bye."
"Howdy partner, might I say you're looking fit as a fiddle."
"Welcome to the shop and by shop I mean the cab of Johnny Rev."
"That's what we call a pussy willow, pardon my French."
"I've really gotta take a hard piss real quick."
"It's an absolute joke fam, it's an absolute joke fam do you know what I mean?"
"Let's get into the bread and butter, meat and potatoes, as the Germans say, as regards to what this video is about."
"This dude is such a daddy at this point I'm surprised"
"The bus is cool, huh? It's Yo! The bus is yo!"
"Buckle up, buttercup. You ain't gon' like it."
"Hey, you know what it's a good old phrase you know, look good play good that's sneaky right there."
"Flying by the seat of their pants, dude. That's how they've always been."
"We have a saying back home that if you're coming on, come on..."
"If ifs was fifth, Mitchell, we'd all be drunk."
"Cruise you lose, that's good and by you cruise I mean you."
"Talk about getting caught with your pants down."
"Stranger things have happened though, right?"
"It does require a certain degree of not sucking."
"You can't make this stuff up, but you can't."
"I love it! Well, she already did, but you know what I'm saying."
"It's like a cow's opinion, it just doesn't matter, it's moo."
"My favorite Singlish word is nuboo, 'cause it's so freaking cute."
"That's out towards this town but it's a country mile, so it means it's far away."
"He got him a real good one. He got him a bag of oranges."
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander for [ __ ] sake."
"There's a thousand ways to really skin this cat."
"Say, this is what we call in the history books. Not cool, bro."
"There's no better way to communicate with another person than to tell them exactly how you feel."
"They don't want you to know how the sausage is made."
"Let's put it that way, you know what I mean?"
"Words are defined by how they're used colloquially, not objectively."
"It's a piece of cake folks. It's a piece of cake."
"I think we're getting that bread today folks."
"Stop with 'have a blessed day.' Are you an ordained minister? No? Then shut the [ __ ] up."
"I mean, gotta risk it for the biscuit."
"I thought he was the best thing since sliced bread."
"Yeah, you could have bought the farm there man walking around that corner."
"He's a beast, dude. He's the freaking beast."
"I will catch you guys on the flip."
"What's up slap dicks, that's probably my favorite."
"Pop your clogs - It means to die."
"The heart want what it wants bro."
"I don't know if it was worth $5, but it's pretty [__] good."
"Catch you later's still a cool phrase, isn't it?"
"But yeah, y'all, I'm about to take an everything shower."
"I ain't looking for a handout but can I get a hello gummies and some true colors?"
"I just can't get out of you know that's [__] jeez."
"Ain't no way, and I just was like."
"I love you, like, come on, bro, I did get that, real talk."
"Colloquialisms and slang are also commonly used in most languages."
"This [ __ ] right here is crazy, like dead ass, you're crazy."
"I'll tell you what though, that alien is a hoe. Everybody can get it."
"That [ __ ] just talked me into loving her with this other [ __ ] he's bad as [ __ ]."
"Literally, oh my God, but she's one thick one, girl."
"You my bro as big as the Super Bowl."
"Wildstyle, If you don't get your "uncle at the family reunion, the ribs almost done," looking ass up outta here."
"Yeah, you right, the five-footer."
"We're freezing our nuts and tits off and that's it for us today."
"I just said, 'You know what, it's calm, innit? Take the loose screw, screw loose, innit? Man's gonna run with it, you get it?'"
"It's my favorite around the colon though, you know what I'm saying?"
"I was about to risk it for the biscuit."
"Damn, she bad as hell! That's crazy!"
"You're just as much of a gobshy as the rest of us are."
"Yo, uh, [ __ ] hey, go bang J P, go bang the Nutty Professor one."
"that is like something I was going to say my grandma would have"
"Yeah it's like, it's like this, yeah."
"...there's got to be a deal it's like bailey said let's do a deal where we just hang out and shoot the [ __ ]."
"That's a lot of greenbacks, you know what I'm saying?"
"If you're talking about time, you can also use the term 'yonks,' like I haven't seen you in yonks."
"And if they wanna... uh-uh... get some yash, then he wants some yash!"
"You just have a fat ass [ __ ] head."
"Damn, her ass is touching her knees. You see that?"
"You just gotta chill your panties."
"I ain't going to lie this right here is just crazy."
"I just think that's the bee's knees."
"Y'all, it's not hard. People overthink it sometimes. You just go 'y'all'."
"Listen Linda, I ain't gonna have the Holy Ghost out here on the front porch."
"That's a little grody, that's nasty."
"People do cool [__] I can say that, huh?"
"Either one of these solutions is less than a Chinaman's choice."
"Alright Mick I didn't go gaffer all right mate"
"Everything just sounds more good right, more gooder."
"I'm jealous of people they get to use y'all it's such an easy way to like address something."
"Ain't nobody got time for that, am I right?"
"Yo, damn, that soaks it right up. Mhm, you probably could shove a couple of those in there. You know, ran out of tampons. Jesus Christ, a couple of these bad boys in there."
"you know what I'm saying homey like exhibit says for sure"
"Y'all treat a [ __ ] good I like that I'm sure that [ __ ] like a [ __ ]."
"Oh yeah, a bit sort of a bit gay."
"Skeletons just been [__] just been in jail you know how to you know how to reunion before y'all got locked up."
"You're so [ __ ] cool! You are so [ __ ] cool! You are so stupid, you're so [ __ ] cool too!"
"Sh*t's fire as f***, I don't have to get into it."
"Somehow the misuse of 'literally' is passed around like the flu."
"At the end of the day, I holla at y'all later. Peace."
"I mean, Naija's straight up the best."
"But the dead giveaway here from Wisconsin is if you suffer from what I call the 'er, no' factor, right? They're like, 'You guys coming with, or no?'"
"The essentials of the situation are called the Nitti Gritty."
"...it was on like a pot of neck bone."
"He like, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's alright, that, innit? That's brilliant!"
"How you feeling?" "I'm good, you know bro. I'm tired."
"The bee's knees denotes excellence."
"Cream crackered means that someone is ridiculously tired or exhausted."
"He gave me, like, the mother lode."
"Hey, they're gonna smoke that popper."
"Why does that sound familiar? You see what I'm saying, bro? Literally, bro, what the hell?"
"The judge basically as we say in Hebrew threw them from old stairs."
"I'm out right now, you know what I'm saying, like, 'Wow, I'm kinda looking out right now.'"
"Grover is the goat, one might say."
"That's like your bread and butter nowadays."
"I'm losing my shirt right now, I'm definitely losing my [__]."
"You can't unring that Bell, girl."
"Hey y'all! All the Cowboys in Texas gotta say y'all."
"Without a doubt mate, without a doubt."
"You did it, you crazy son of a bee!"
"It's like a kind of shorthand for common, isn't it?"
"She's throwing [__] under the bus."
"'Well now, that's champion! I'm right chuffed with that!'"
"I call it toes, I've heard people call other things."
"Better late than never, you know what I'm saying."
"Let's put a pin in that one, pretty good one."
"Thanks for reminding me. I plum near forgot."
"You can’t ask for nothin' better than that, bruh."
"It's a good barometer of who knows they're onions when they're talking about the game."
"Look at that, it's absolute money."
"That apple jelly man just hits different."
"That back home is what you call a stonker."
"That's spot on, that is, dude, that is spot on."
"Now it's time to get into some Monkey Business."
"Bridg and tunnel is less and less of an insult these days."
"Yo, what's going on bro? This dude looking like he going through it."
"That dog will hunt right there, buddy. That's good!"
"So in Australia, it's called Macca's. Sounds pretty cool."
"Lovely jubbly, time to get comfy."
"Hello darjeelings, what is the tea?"
"We're really gonna get to the meat and potatoes today."
"Cheer up fellas, it all come out in the wash."
"Keep a cool booty, everything is going to be okay."
"Break a leg," Mr. Poe said, meaning good luck on tonight's performance.
"Thanks for saving my bacon back there."
"Benjamin Franklin would say that is dope."
"You're just buttering my biscuits."
"Are you having a giggle mate? I am having a giggle."
"Chewing the fat, that's one of my favorites."
"Oh, thank you, you little bloody ripper."
"Wow, that's amazing man, bob on, yes."
"You're ready to blow this popsicle stand?"
"Hey, the proof is in the pudding, right?"
"We're just north of you, I think we're a little bit friendlier, and we say 'eh' at the end of everything."
"Don't let the bed bugs bite," he said.
"Using your loaf means using your brains, see," Ern grinned.
"Give me the baker's dozen, you know what I'm saying? Like a little extra."
"If the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, y'all be good."
"A work wife is a term spawned from office wife which dates back to the 1930s."
"That's the cat's meow right there."
"He is the goat man, he is the goat."
"You gotta get what fixed, Mr. Edwards? Well, this dad blamed helmet."
"Ain't nothing but a step for a stepper."
"The ultimate goat, one would say."
"It ain't over till the caterpillar sings."
"You know what time it is, wasy time, you better believe it is."
"I didn't fall off the turnip truck when it came through the middle of town."
"Who looks through your windows? A peeping Tom."
"What does a robber say? Stick 'em up!"
"I'll see you next Monday. I mean, damn straight."
"We don't say goodbye here, we say see you."
"Tell the missus I said hi! Schnookums!"