
Symbolic Representation Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Anyone can wear the mask. You can wear the mask."
"The DreamWorks logo isn't just a logo that comes before the movie, the boy on the moon is literally God in Universe."
"Don't forget that amidst the bad, there's always good. Where light is cast, shadows are indeed created, shadows where Batman is hiding."
"Our wedding garment is made up of many linen threads, every thread is one righteous act."
"Mary is the place of manifestation for the whole thing."
"The universal symbol of our movement is the red umbrella."
"Red-headed female characters have also taken on positive symbolic associations embodying qualities like bravery, passion, and independence."
"Spider-Man isn't just a hero; he's a symbol."
"V turns himself and specifically his mask into a symbol of true incorruptible justice."
"He's a five-foot king, a nuke or an earl at least."
"The days where this needs to be stigmatized and ridiculed are long over."
"He's not on the inside, he's just a mascot. He's not on the inside, he is not on the inside."
"Symbolic labels give us power over concepts."
"She who was powerful, she is depicted as a lion-headed woman."
"The baggy green isn't a myth, it's a real symbol of exceptionalism."
"What makes an iconic moment in sport? When individuals achieve something so symbolic, so representative of a struggle."
"Believe me, his opponent likes to use that power himself, but the beating of the chest, mfcr."
"The Iron Throne symbolizes the dangers of power."
"CinemaSins is an easy synecdoche for poor media literacy."
"The bracelet captured public imagination and became a ubiquitous symbol of concern for POWs and MIAs."
"He's an avatar for America, so I mean, that's kind of a powerful symbol."
"He's a Chrysler, Fiat, guess what? You see him three times, you see him, you know, at birth once when he's in his teenage years and then when he suddenly appears at 30 ready to take on his mantle and save the world."
"This devilish little figure here means that there was a sample in closing certain toxicity."
"He was now the mockingjay, right? He was the sign of the resistance."
"He is here! The eagle has come, we are saved!"
"A sun figure opposing a Capricorn established leader."
"Tony Stark's journey through the MCU is symbolized by his hand holding a glass of alcohol."
"The birth of Jesus represents a sunrise in human darkness."
"Marie's story fascinates us as a symbol of class conflict, a woman in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"He knows the power of the person that this button belongs to."
"The symbol of this country is the Statue of Liberty, not Donald Trump's pathetic attempt to build a wall."
"The Super Saiyan transformation is a symbol of being your own torch in your darkest hour and that you need to be your own hero."
"He's managed to intuit and to understand a very important symbolic pattern about how the world works."
"It's symbolic power can kind of affirm and represent just about any kind of religion or philosophy."
"The Sun shot seems to convey three things: astronomical change, leading into hell, and blood being spilled."
"This little girl is the perfect representation of the innocence of Ryloth."
"Bernie will die but return tomorrow multiplied ten thousand fold."
"The Black-Briar family wields great power, aptly named after the black rose - a classic symbol of death."
"A symbol of hope for Humanity and an icon of humanity's raw, unbridled strength to our enemies, intentional or not, Mjolnir has become the face of the Spartans and the UNSC military."
"A lot of my affection for Giorno is like this, it's not just who he is but what he represents."
"Locals often refer to it simply as the Dexter Graves Statue of Death."
"United States of Smash may just be a punch on paper, but there's a lot of weight behind it."
"May the shield of Truth protect you, may The Sword of Justice judge, let the pen be mightier than the sword."
"Stop settling for the bare minimum. Push for more."
"Darkness is good. Dick Cheney, Darth Vader, Satan. That's power."
"He was the chosen one destined to be a great warrior, a symbol of strength and power."
"The Wado Ichimonji becoming Zoro's grave marker."
"We have ourselves a flag, ladies and gentlemen!"
"The loser does not get to build statues or fly their flag."
"This transformation happening over the metal music in the background is symbolic and darkly beautiful."
"Without recognition of the empire, the very English cup of tea is just a cup of milk and hot water."
"Paul Verhoeven saw Robocop as like the ultimate American Jesus figure."
"We were all witnessing the crowning of a raw flashy and unbreakable fighter with the confidence, swagger, and ability to back up that strikingly zealous self-assurance."
"Westmoreland remains the goat symbol of the country's most mournful misadventure abroad ever."
"Bitcoin is the closest thing to an indestructible symbolic structure we've ever had."
"These three here are kind of like the holy trinity, like god itself."
"Juju's jersey was hanging behind the fantasy Reaper, a foreshadowing of things to come."
"Setting is often considered to be a character, metaphor, or symbol in its own right."
"The black woman is the mother of all living things."
"We need something that everyone in this town can get behind. We need a symbol, something that appeals to the best in each and every one of us."
"The one thing that stayed the same with Rudy was he was wearing his brother's necklace around his neck." - A symbol of unwavering connection and the enduring bond of family, even in the face of adversity.
"The only thing that could tear down the house of the dragon was the dragon itself."
"Beginning tonight, King's Landing will learn to fear the color gold."
"Red black and green is a marketing thing now."
"Paul is symbolic of somebody who eventually it could be Paul it could have been another child at some point but somebody who's going to really test the limits of this system."
"The stone pillars of Göbekli Tepe, carved with an impressive array of reliefs and symbols, are among the earliest known examples of narrative art, offering profound insights into the prehistoric mind."
"A man representing Jesus's enemies gets his body."
"Consider the behavior we just witnessed as symbolic of a deeper and more insidious problem."
"It's much more understandable why these ribbons exist."
"These ground-breaking machines became symbols of liberation for millions and secured themselves a lasting legacy."
"Daenerys will become the symbol of hope in season 8."
"Every woman wears an invisible crown on her head and should hold it high so the crown does not fall."
"Actions often speak even louder than words... the grass has this upward trajectory."
"One of the best things about the Phoenix is... rebirth."
"We've just got the second seat, yeah, this is so, it's such a short reminder."
"The hermit's always holding the lantern here the the lantern is actually replaced by a an old-fashioned hourglass but but I would say the important thing here is that you could shine a light on how putting focus on a deadline for instance."
"Considering the eerie imagery we have of him and his statues, it makes sense for the writers to utilize him."
"Glowing like a sunset, a red sword was raised in the hand of a blue-eyed king who cast no shadow."
"Many of you will recognize this as the shape of the star of david' but its true name is the star tetrahedron which Maps perfectly over the fruit of life."
"The serpent may not be our destroyer but our deliverer or possibly both."
"It sort of feels like we're at a wedding here between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin." - Evoking imagery to describe a perceived close relationship.
"They want you to believe that this flag represents slavery."
"Unity is a new beginning and Arno will reflect that new beginning."
"It's not about the suit, but the man inside the suit."
"Forget the layoff, forget the age, forget his previous performances, this was Captain America, people."
"If there ever were a place today that could be considered Babylon, it would be New York City."
"What was intended to be a symbol of America's strength and resilience is now a painful reminder of its hubris."
"I'm not a Democrat because I love the donkey logo or I just think the Democrats a great team."
"The cape: treated as another character, defining mood and journey."
"The Ouroboros symbolizes the cyclic nature of the universe."
"I could afford to paint the entire empire in marketplaces."
"I think he's a manifestation of our dissatisfaction with the political system."
"A mark by definition is a symbol. So you're taking it in the hand, the forehead, you know, the right side of their body."
"It's an upward seeking arrow and three hashes on it. Up seeking arrow for us stands for loyalty and Justice."
"Wine symbolizes life, vitality, gratitude, and joy."
"The Straw Hat flag it carries a lot of weight."
"Keys represent function; they initiate action."
"It's hard to walk on water when you're stranded on a desert planet, but that does not stop Trigun from having its own Jesus, Vash H. Stampede."
"The legendary geekowot montage which is coming up next."
"It is death incarnate, dwelling in the very temple of life."
"Lady Liberty was created as a Beacon of Hope and strength for immigrants."
"The symbol of the witch has endured over centuries as a representation of female empowerment."
"Good rides on the frail shoulders of the hundred and eight year old mother Abigail; the worst nightmares of evil are embodied in a man with a lethal smile and unspeakable powers."
"The crypts represent the past and the dead... coming back to haunt the living."
"The shield is a great symbol of hope, but it's really about the person behind it." - Sam
"We're the students of new Hope's Peak Academy, the symbol of hope."
"Under which flag does this fleet sail? The Stars and Stripes or swastikas?"
"A stone tablet imbued with the essence of all creation."
"The stones represent all of her past problems and they seem to keep piling on top of her."
"The spiral is the sign of the eternal creative force at work in the universe."
"Rising to the challenge again and again is why you guys are the symbols of hope."
"David Blaine simply represents the magicians from ancient Egypt... but he is actually performing a sign that is pointing people to what is about to transpire..."
"There is no religion in images but a mimicry of religion."
"She needs her dragon, her bull, and her lion. Just like the Super Bowl, look at Yolanda Adams' dress."
"The red woman herself represents ultimate intensity in your passionate zealous like faith."
"Shanks's animal resemblance is a lion. Luffy, Shanks's successor, rides around in a ship with a giant lion on the front of it."
"Any little mark like that, the audience gets the idea."
"The Sabes see us as beings of light. We carry auras on us that they can see. A clan of Sabes can have an aura to itself as well. Green represents forests, blue represents water, gold represents respect and nobility."
"Africa is the rejected stone that will project Christ."
"The enduring allure of the Palmyra Wolves symbolizes our fascination with the unknown and the power of folklore in shaping our perception of the world."
"The sword of Victory, the sword of truth, the sword of clarity."
"He's the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs."
"A ship of war changed into an angel of mercy."
"They're not nukes. All right, not everyone wants a ring. Having a ring is a curse. Everyone knows this." - Rings: not nukes, cursed.
"Peacocks are one of God's mystic animals, created to represent the living creatures closest to the Father's throne."
"God's hand is upon Elijah... God approves by sending the little cloud from the sea."
"Director's commentary confirms the dough is a presence of Rachel guiding Max."
"I do have to go with Kali, why? Badass! Look at her!"
"At the hour of her third death she will usher in our humming."
"It kind of serves as the mascot of the franchise."
"A fortress named Gusto Swath, or The Angry Forest, whose symbol is a maple tree - a symbol that perfectly illustrates the agony that the great green expanses must go through on a daily basis."
"Big Brother isn't so much a character as it is a symbolic representation."
"The sword represents an individual person, guided by the hand of God, capable of tremendous things particularly in the fight against evil."
"He remained a symbol against the elites and for the 'common man'."
"It talks about how the tree is scarred... but it's back and it's alive... representation of our spirits."
"You see a broken window it means that there's something else wrong."
"A grand trine in earth means we're basically putting up a mold for how you're going to pour cement."
"I always imagine with South Node eclipses; that ring of fire, or the redness of the Moon creating a pretty little gateway, and things just disappear through that gateway, temporarily."
"The weirwood face kind of represents the king is what I'm saying."
"Invisibility essentially becomes a symbol of how power corrupts."
"Anybody could be Rorschach. That was the point of the mask."
"It's the last Bastion of freedom in the United States."
"Teams and organizations are better when they've got symbols and they stand for something."
"So when you represent S and K in that way, then the nodes of your trees are applications."
"Okay, there's those two again, those are the bunnies."
"The power of representing rules symbolically really can't be expressed enough."
"Iconic relating to or of the nature of an icon regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of great respect and reverence."
"In this sense, Jaws is the physical embodiment of Chief Brody’s fear of the demons under the water."
"The crystal sphere in Jesus's left hand... the cintamani stone, the wish-fulfilling crystal sphere of Tibetan Buddhism."
"Italy occupies a fascinating place in the world of The Sopranos, and David Chase communicates a great deal symbolically with it."
"The 4,500 light bulbs each represent one of the villages that was destroyed during the Anfal genocide, and the 182,000 pieces of glass each represent one of the people that were killed during this genocide."
"Noah was a symbol of virtue and obedience."
"A potent symbology that was sure to persuade All Might that if he were to retire, everything would be okay."
"Captain America is a symbol more than he is a single man."