
Hiding Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"Your friend, the Jedi... He served me well during the Clone Wars and has lived in hiding since the Emperor's purge."
"Curled up in there, somehow managed to close the box up well enough and then quietly waited in anxiety for the train to come and just like, listen to it approaching."
"He's in the room, look at me, this is where I'm hiding, this is safe."
"But the choice is, what'd you gonna do, hide out forever?"
"Okay melon I'm in my hiding spot all right Sonny I'm in my hiding spot all right for my first question can you just tell me where you are?"
"I'm inside of a science glass vial so I'm probably hidden in a place where they conduct a lot of Science and laboratory work and cool things with experiments and clones."
"You think you could hide from me? There's no way you can hide from me."
"Sauron fled into Middle Earth and hid himself away."
"He's hiding from reporters, he's hiding in the basement." - Chris Wallace
"You're so hidden, you're going to win for sure."
"This time melon, don't let me find you so easy man, I don't want to see you sticking out of a TV screen again."
"He ran into the hotel convenience Lobby to hide from me."
"You can do whatever you want, honestly, you can just hide inside the houses, you can hide inside a theme park, a church, a high school, so many places to go and hide."
"I'm invincible, the cops can't find me 'cause I'm in a closet. They don't know how to open doors!"
"That was so close, I know you're here somewhere."
"It don't do you no good to build a shelter if they find you. You're not hiding." - Brian Garrett
"That spot was so good, it was like hiding in plain sight."
"I'm sorry, you will never find this. That sounds bad, but my fruit is in such a Godly spot, you got no chance."
"How does one go about living? Hiding, mainly like this."
"I quickly covered the window back up and wondered if the person had seen me."
"I've got the kids Easter jelly beans that I've been hiding from them"
"We're hiding here, we're hiding here."
"The very act of hiding is an admission that I know better."
"But I saw you guys get blown up in the ice cream truck!" "Oh, we hid in the freezer with the ice cream!"
"Sad is in the thin leaflet you hide behind the brighter covers."
"I knew he couldn't run. I knew that my crippled leg wouldn't carry me if I were to attempt escape from the long-legged beast. So instead, I chose to hide."
"I think that rubbed out inside this box somewhere."
"I took the ring of keys, put them inside my jacket, and then went and threw them into some bushes some distance away."
"I'm going to hide in the teddy bear."
"In the end, the truth reveals itself, no matter how well it's hidden."
"I'm not going home. I'm going in a cupboard."
"The fixies do everything they can to hide from humans. They are afraid that if humans discovered fixies, they would hunt them down and capture them."
"That's why the fixies are very smart to hide from humans."
"That was supposed to be the greatest hiding spot of all time, and you found me."
"We're hiding from you. Poltergeist Poltergeist."
"Wow, you're a genius at hiding snacks."
"We need eight feet to hide the car."
"To the southern water tribe near Wolf's Cove. That's the last place I think the Fire Nation would look for us."
"You truly are Mr. Incredible. Freaking the probe by hiding under the boat of another."
"I thought I had the best hiding spot. I had to itch myself so bad."
"This fake rock is waterproof and has a compartment in the bottom for you to store your keys without anyone knowing"
"Peekabooing right from up under the top."
"Our fourth child hides from time to time and does not appear."
"The best place to hide is smack in the middle."
"I'm gonna hide in the waterslide."
"I grabbed my blanket and threw it over myself. I hid there, telling myself that this was just a dream, but it's nothing more than some terrifying nightmare."
"It made me a little more concerned, thinking that somebody was possibly hiding from me now."
"Man is the warmest place to hide."
"This is my hiding spot. You guys check out this bush, it's literally the perfect color."
"I tried to hide but they wouldn't let me."
"He wonders how she can be so skilled at hiding her Aura even after Awakening so recently."
"You can hide behind engaging those formalities and actually be a terrible person."
"Nobody has seen her anywhere else but home. She's hiding at home."
"You're viewed as somebody who has potential, maybe even star quality, but you're keeping yourself hidden."
"Someone's trying to hide something under the rug or trying to um sweep something out of the rug or they no longer can."
"We figured if you move to Tujunga, you must be hiding from something, so we didn't say anything."
"God is found in a hiding location. You should be hiding."
"No more hiding. Nowhere to run, baby. Nowhere to hide."
"They made it a full year and a half with thousands of people looking for him."
"If you're trying to hide something, don't tell everyone exactly where it's hidden."
"The less stuff they see, the better."
"Black holes are amazing at hiding information."
"Another option for hiding your preps is to spread them out over multiple locations."
"Before he was arrested in July 2020, she had been hiding out for a year in a one million dollar rural New Hampshire country house that was paid for in cash."
"But I just remember being like, 'Oh God, I hope they didn't see. I hope they didn't see me.'"
"You were in our bag, bro. Really good of a hiding spot, bro."
"Most of this is going to end up getting covered up."
"Truly go into a form of witness protection."
"They just hide but you can recognize them by their deeds."
"If you hide, people aren't gonna see that skateboarding. They're not gonna see what skateboarding is."
"What I feel is that you did it and you're trying to hide it."
"I feel like they thought I was at the same hiding place as bin Laden and I come out and they're like dude have you heard about... kovid?"
"When the police finally arrived, they found the man hiding in the restroom, crouched in a stall like some sort of trapped animal."
"The best place to hide anything was the most obvious."
"I think it's a really great way to hide all your cords."
"I hid it in the one place she wouldn't think to look - in a bank."
"It's hard to find these birds, especially as small as they are. They'll bury themselves in the grass and just hunker down."
"One of the popular things about this gecko is that they can actually live with other types of animals because of how small they are, how hearty they are, and quite frankly how good they are at hiding."
"You can't hide from the truth. If you know the truth, then you know, you can accept it."
"Where would I hide my most precious stuff? Definitely 100% underneath the bed."
"You can run but you can't hide sis."
"Hiding like a turtle in a shell is not living at all. A true warrior must have heroic courage."
"'You can't hide in there forever.' 'The lock was on the inside.'"
"Of course, both of these strats rely on the assumption that this freakshow doesn’t have some kind of extraordinary sensory perception that would allow it to sus out our hiding spot right off the bat."
"Uncertainty is I don't know because knowing is where people hide."
"If I would have known, I would have been hiding."
"That's some good rapping, I mean if you're gonna hide it for eternity, you'd probably put it in a place where the average looter wouldn't think to look."
"You can't hiding is a great short-term strategy and it's a terrible long-term strategy."
"Confrontation brings transformation. You don't have to run and you don't have to hide anymore."
"Indiana Jones hides in the lead-line refrigerator to shield himself."
"The best place to hide is right out in the open."
"He was hiding like a coward, knowing he was not strong enough."
"This [__] guy looks weak because he ran his [__] mouth off and then was hiding behind the shank."
"They simply can't say hiding my pain is going to be the end of me."
"No, it’s not easy to hide the truth, but sometimes it can be even harder to find it."
"This would leave him only one place to hide back in Paradise Hill."
"The treasures of Santiago shrine were put into hiding because of the English."
"Camouflage is hiding. I didn't look. Nobody sees. I didn't challenge rep. I really didn't."
"I got a hundred to make myself a fort, to make myself so camouflaged, so in disguise that no one will ever find me, ever."
"Maybe you should hide in plain sight."
"How long is hiding in the bush for a while? Are we talking hours, days, or weeks?"
"Fear and shame is what brings us into hiding."
"I just love that... Hoffman continues how he's hiding in plain sight."
"I already have this massive fridge and this slide I've been hiding in a place I knew shutters would never find."
"Concealment is withholding or hiding."
"I was afraid, I was naked, and then I hid."
"Hello! That was a good spot, Aaliyah. How did you fit under there?"
"I heard you in the garden, but I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid myself."
"So I went out with that Bible and was hiding that Bible under the tomatoes of our neighbor so that it got out of the place, you see?"
"You can see some players hiding, some players are scared."
"First up tonight: If I don't want my husband to know I've been shopping, I hide what I've bought in the washing machine as there's no chance he'll ever look in there. David Stead."
"She was hiding in a shadow under a tree."
"Those imbeciles will never be able to find me."
"If he can find you, boom, you failed."
"There's still an argument to be made about simply hiding your gold, spreading it out at a minimum."
"I ran back to my room, closed the door, and hid under my bed."
"We have to hide since there's no way we can run back to our parents fast enough."
"Leadership in the shadows means different things to different people. For me, it means I was hiding in the shadows of publicity for most of my adult life."
"I'm gonna pop a balloon into where I want a hide to be."
"Hide your kids hide your wife moon in the sun are snatching up everybody up in here."
"I can see how it would be easy to hide a small ship in this labyrinth."
"You gotta start hiding your snacks. That's the only way, like a squirrel."
"The babies were able to hide which is cool because now we've got a good colony to start in the new tank."
"I did my job and then I went found a place to hide. I didn't want to die that day."
"You might hide a lot in your shell."
"He was hiding at the Ecuadorian Embassy?"
"I won't hide underneath your projection."
"Oh, and we saw this cute little cat hiding under a car."
"Don't hide away like a hermit crab."
"I want to hide it because I know that's what I just said, you like the fact that it's hidden back there."
"This is the best place to make a secret room."
"Alright, come out. It's easy to tell that the rock you're hiding in is fake," Naruto said.
"I would get phone calls from other people saying, 'Listen, the squad is coming to your housing area to tear it up, to search it. So I'm the officer in the officer's station, I would take my stuff and put it in the ceiling 'cause they had the dogs and all kind of stuff."
"Have you ever put something in a secret place and then completely forgotten where you've put it?"
"They hide their true agendas by expressing feigned concern for the person."
"Went from hiding the kid from the world not hiding the world from his kid."
"They can't hide this anymore, they've been trying to from a queen of Cups."
"I don't know where to go and there's people everywhere so I gotta find a really good hiding spot."
"I think I know the perfect place to hide."
"I'm like the best at hiding so I just need to find a hiding spot where no one will find me."
"So the man who was terrorizing the world with his speeches was living in terror."
"There is absolutely no doubt that he was hiding from the Pakistani authorities."
"Once the US government had what they needed, we knew our life was going to change. We knew that we were going to have to hide for the rest of our lives, and that is like the worst imaginable feeling you can ever have."
"He's hiding it because he's afraid he'll get in trouble."
"...when we feel that way when we have those thoughts that there's something wrong with us our inclination is to hide and to go into the corner you know and like hide from the world."
"This kind of land was bound to be full of caves and warrens, the perfect place for a human to hide for a bit."
"I need the privacy of this place. I know my parents won't be back for months. I need to lie low for a while. No one can know I'm here."
"She's up in the rafters, that means she was probably safe at night."
"Sometimes the best way to hide is right out in the open."
"He works at a fantastic pace, then the Easter Bunny hides the eggs. He's having so much fun."
"Shame is the emotion that makes us all want to hide."
"And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden."
"Hiding isn't the answer," Allen said in a soothing voice.
"I'm gonna have to hide this, oh I love Nutella, I love this stuff so much."
"You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk."
"Black holes might even want to hide, but they do so awfully badly."
"I hid Otto Frank, his family, and four other refugees in a four-story house in Amsterdam."
"If you've been playing hide and go seek this whole time, you win, World hide and go seek champion."
"You want to catch me for my eggs and my magic basket too, but I've been hiding Easter treats since 1682."
"The sort of place really is a perfect hiding place for things of a darker nature, an isolated mountain range with an ancient soul."
"...the kind of hiding you do when you're afraid and you don't want to be found."
"It's a lot of space to live and hide if you were a Bigfoot."
"God walked out in the cool of the day, called Adam by his name; he refused to answer 'cause he's naked and ashamed."
"A member of the German resistance saw them and immediately grabbed them and brought them into hiding."
"I'm a great hider, not even going to lie."
"Let's play hide and seek. We'll all hide and Peppa can find us."
"Here is the beehive but where are all the bees? Hiding away where nobody sees."
"You can't choose a worse hiding spot than this."
"There's loads of hiding places that my mum doesn't know and I can hide in them."
"Top shelf where Mama hides the cookies!"
"I know my daughter would absolutely flip over something like this; she loves to hide things inside of other things."
"Frankly, that sounds like a great place for a dragon to hide out for a while."
"It was really cloudy that night and most people had their curtains drawn, so it was the perfect level of darkness for hiding."
"You've been hiding here for too long."
"A night moth is flying around the room; there it suddenly hides itself, and its wings twitch a little."
"Let me break it down for you: this is a big city, so many places for things to hide."
"I'm hiding behind a Pac-Man machine."
"It was a dark and gloomy night, it was a cold winter's night, and I was hiding in the bushes."
"After six, we can move about, we can talk and laugh and have our supper and read and play games, just as we would at home."
"I expect I should be describing what it feels like to go into hiding. But I really don't know yet myself."
"Every time I hear a creak in the house or a step on the street outside, I'm sure they're coming for us."
"Every idiot stashes their most valuable stuff in the top drawer."
"Rebels... Jewish rebels actually hid down there in the drainage channel."