
Shared Interests Quotes

There are 434 quotes

"Finding someone who shares interests with you is a really great way to start a relationship."
"A number of people who'd be interested in reading along with you a book they wouldn't normally read, but because you're helping guide them there."
"Look for people outside of your network that have common interests and alignment."
"I'm excited that I'm not the only one that geeks out about this kind of stuff."
"We all come together because we have this one love of movies and that's awesome."
"Sometimes those are the best relationships because not only do you get to spend time together and find common ground, but you also still have your own things."
"There's a very predictable set of circumstances in which the interests of men and women depart from an evolutionary perspective with the qualification that that also occurs within the context of shared interests okay."
"We never thought there were so many people out there who shared our vision, our desire for a game like this."
"You'll be led to people who share your passion and want to work with you to make things happen."
"We're all nerds. We're all just geeking out."
"The little friendships that I always see made in each community and stuff and all that kind of stuff is really cool people connecting over something that they equally enjoy."
"You have enough in common to be able to spend more time together."
"The FF didn't team up because they had superpowers. They did it on the back of a shared love of adventure, discovery, answering important questions for the sake of bettering their fellow man and all that jazz."
"These communities have grown up around this topic of uncovering the thing and that gives a sense of community."
"We're talking about parenting, we naturally connect on so many levels."
"It's really awesome when I read comments and you guys are into some of the same stuff that I am."
"If you're a sports fan, then you'll know how much fun it is when you meet someone who likes that sport as much as you do."
"The FGC is much bigger than top players. Your fighting game community or the community of people that have grown to love the same thing around you for years..."
"A lot of us may be older, a lot of us may be guys, but we still love this show and the people who make it."
"You don't have to find a girl who's outdoorsy, but you have to find somebody who respects your passions."
"Being around people that like the same thing."
"Life is about sharing love it's about doing things that you love with other people who feel the same way."
"You find someone as excited about it as you are, and there's that camaraderie, a brotherhood."
"Shared interests and passions create intellectual stimulation and bonding. Explore activities together that you both enjoy."
"If there's a game out there that you love there are others that love it too."
"Get yourself someone who gets excited to see Venus every evening."
"Yeah we enjoy watching those kinds of movies together."
"I want this channel to be a community where people come together over their love of history."
"We are all here because we love fallout and we love talking about fallout."
"I just love nerding out about this stuff and I love that there's so many other people out there like you that love nerding out about it with me."
"Their shared love of sports, really basketball specifically."
"Hater: Bringing people together through mutual dislikes."
"What a coincidence? It's like we all have the same favorite things."
"Super Mario Galaxy simply rules and I've come to realize that we both love it equally. That's beautiful, Scott."
"There's something magical about finding someone else that knows about the thing that you know about."
"I think we should make a chef's garden, a chef's garden just for us."
"Finding something that you both like engenders this connection."
"Find a community of people who are doing your thing."
"Intimacy not just being physical or sex but also spending time doing things that you share in common, that's going to be really important."
"People are getting along, people are encouraging each other, it doesn't matter our background, it doesn't matter our political beliefs or religious beliefs or ideas about the world, we are connected because of our common interest which is English."
"Getting to share that with people who are like-minded and who have the passion as well you know that's probably my favorite thing about training honestly."
"Making friends beyond proximity... people who share interests with you."
"I care about others that care about the same thing I do."
"Any movie nerd can relate to wanting to hang out with like-minded peers..."
"We're like this, dumb BMX definitely brought us together." - Kevin Ferroz on family bonding
"That's the power of this community and what I love about it is that we all come from different nationalities, different backgrounds, different beliefs, different political viewpoints but we all love history and that's why we're here."
"There was something magical that happened when communities of people with shared interests came together." - Jason Titus
"Find what you really love to do, go pursue it, and you’ll inevitably meet some amazing people who share similar passions to you."
"Sneaker culture is a community, not just a culture."
"No matter what it is you love, you now have a place to interact with others who also share those similar interests like sword art online."
"It's amazing to see such a diverse group of people get together to share their love of watches."
"Every once in a while we look at property together."
"We end up talking hoops. We love talking film."
"Just entertaining those interests while spending time with me helped me and my friends bond."
"I feel really grateful being in a position where I can talk about the things that I love to an audience who you know cares about the same nerdy stuff because we're all just uh draw we're all beautiful nerds."
"We're building just a community of like-minded people."
"Despite what interests you have, despite what your beliefs are, there's someone or something out there that thinks the same way that you do."
"If you have a kiddo who absolutely adores cars like I do, you will be riding this quite a bit."
"I want to have a platform for people to connect over similar interests. I wanted a channel to be talking about music, you know, and music and all these other interests that I've always had."
"We may be different but at the same time we're alike, we all love puppies, cheesy romcoms, and raspberry ice cream."
"It could be also that the two of you have a strong shared connection to nature."
"I never want to take for granted the fact that we can bond over something we both love and learn and grow together shooting."
"When you're into so many hobbies with someone, it just makes it that much easier to become closer to them."
"We do have shared economic interests... we can all come out ahead together on specific issues."
"Stay safe, everyone... let's be film fans together."
"You both love to just chat about your thoughts and ideas."
"Compilation games: tend to stick to the ones that you know, so it's cool to have him come over and show me some hidden gems."
"I feel like we work on this together, I feel like we're both it's kind of we've got this thing in common."
"To me, it shows you that people are hungry for things that connect them to like-minded people."
"Just leave it at that. May not be in love, but you both have a very shared interest behind the 3D energy."
"Even friendships, ones that have been tattered, can be repaired with time and sharing new passions with one another... redemption in one another."
"I found my people that could go through and enjoy hearing all of this stuff."
"Who wouldn't want to talk with like-minded people that have similar interests?"
"I hope we can be a better Community than this. I would love to see the vtubers content as we have many similar interests."
"On Wall Street Silver and the Reddit community, they find camaraderie and other people who think the same way they do."
"Because it was something that we cared about and we enjoyed doing together."
"It feels really good to connect with other people who appreciate the same stuff you do."
"It's one of those things where you know when there's a thing you love and someone else gets to experience it and you're like, 'Oh yeah, they love it too.' It's that kind of excitement for me."
"Watermelon, Penelope's favorite, Lincoln's favorite, all the kids love watermelon."
"You might decide to join a group of people in a community who have similar interests and goals."
"Miara and the late Gianna Bryant had a close friendship and also shared a mutual love for basketball."
"You meet people with common interests and commonalities and you become friends."
"I love it. I love really lemony things. Me too."
"The things that light you both up are similar."
"The community grows as all circles overlap; shared interests unite us all."
"Every single one of you in this chat have an origin story that pointed you towards this community or maybe you're somewhere in the middle."
"You're going to be healed by meeting people who do care about the things you care about."
"Let's start using our voice in a different way... we have to engage people in conversation on subjects that we have in common."
"This present is really because I'm hoping that our love for Pokémon is going to grow old together."
"When you're relating with an investor on that level over something that we can both bond over like culinary or music, it's just deepening a relationship."
"Aminos communities are super active with thousands of members who all love the same thing, in this case Zootopia."
"The best way to get people to have better attitudes, even to the extent that that's the goal... is to try to collaborate with people around shared interests and to build movements based on solidarity for those shared interests."
"Their enjoyment of it doesn't take away your enjoyment of it."
"This is us. This is just everything that we love, everything that we've talked about for many many years."
"The community of people that share the same passion, oh my goodness is what it's all about to me."
"The relationship between China and Russia is a relationship without limits, recognizing the threats they face and their shared interests."
"I love that Eric will do crafts with me... he's always down to do a craft like always."
"My friend circle is mostly people I met over the internet, just people that enjoy the dumber things in life."
"You are reaching more people like-minded individuals that have similar interests in you."
"Fam, if you have all these types of ideas that you want to get out, it's so easy to have a conversation with the same like interest."
"I think people have a whole lot of really valid reasons... it's just the way that people with aligned interests."
"I am rarely worried about getting anything when I'm working in the dirt."
"To have someone you care about in your life, be like, 'I'm interested in that thing. I would love to spend some time with you doing that thing.' It's really special."
"So we're both kind of in the same field and we're in a helping field we enjoy helping people and making people feel good that's what we do."
"Music was always the thing we had in common and then with YouTube, it kind of gave us this opportunity."
"Sonic is a way for us to do that through a lens that we all mutually care about and represents the best in all of us."
"It made me so happy to see people with a similar affliction for finding fruit get together and like geek out about it."
"Understand your value and what's unique about you."
"I started reading them because you love them so much. You're incredible."
"They ended up watching the movies together, and they became friends, especially when they bonded over their semicolon tattoos."
"Surround yourself with people that [__] with the same [__] as you."
"Our friendship rested on the solid bedrock that was our mutual love for all things horror and paranormal."
"We all love puppies, cheesy rom-coms, and raspberry ice cream."
"If you think no one else is into what you're into wherever you live, that's not true. There's weirdos out there, man."
"We just found out that the lady that bought the house today is a Saints fan."
"Whenever we plan to do something, we do something that we both like."
"That's what Famous Monsters did. You felt connected. You felt that you weren't alone. That there were other strange kids that enjoyed this spooky stuff just as much."
"I'm trying to find someone who has the same passions as I do so when we're 70 years old singing in our rocking chairs, we can talk about the newest comic or the latest shenanigans."
"It's such a tight-knit community, and when you find someone who's into what you're into, it's a wonderful thing."
"It took me years to build up a community where we actually found a similar interest and started talking with each other."
"Their favorite activity is, I would say, hiking together."
"You get to meet people who really love the kind of things that you do."
"It's nice to find something that Katya and I can do together which is interesting for both of us."
"And it's so hard to like find kindred spirits that are not only into this stuff but they have like genuine insights to share, you know."
"We actually have a conversation because we're talking about something that bonds us in this case it's Batman's The Dark Knight Returns our friendship grows over the course of the next few months."
"It was just cool to be in a room full of those people cuz we actually care and appreciate that stuff."
"No that's because you know me so good like I knew you love Care Bears and you know I love Barbie so thank you Callie now we're going to like twin together and do Tik toks I love it."
"And I don't even know what creators here everyone who loves doing the same thing we do we love the Disney parks."
"It was lovely to be among people that had kind of similar hobbies and a love for Gardens."
"Their shared love for takeout meals seemed to be the only activity holding them together."
"Surround yourself with the people that love doing what you love doing."
"You guys are gonna have, like, this routine of stuff that you guys just both have as an interest, you know, and it's gonna be like, 'Wow, I didn't even know I would find someone who is interested in this.'"
"Me when my wife says we can watch Star Wars again, visible happiness."
"You've instantly got common ground and you instantly have something to talk to them about and that's quite special."
"It's all about bringing people together, creating a home for cigar smokers."
"I know dad's been super excited on this project, a little more so than probably most we've had around the shop here."
"As much as when you, Adam, came onto the channel, and it was like, 'Oh my god, I'm gonna hear Adam talk about wrestling, that's so cool,' I find so much joy in hearing you talk about board games."
"Check Facebook, find local Bronco groups because you're going to meet amazing like-minded people."
"He was definitely quirky and for the most part we spoke about our shared interests."
"We're really lucky to be all passionate about the same stuff that we love."
"I love that you love Broadway stuff, I love it."
"We love all the same stuff down to I have always had this thing ever since I was little I love like little tiny objects and Caleb loves little tiny objects too so our gifts for each other like our birthdays and things it's like little tiny objects"
"It's awesome when you meet people who have like the same passion."
"It means so much to me to have people that are just as excited about something as I am."
"There's no better time than hanging out with people that love doing the same things you love to do."
"We both love turning thrifted things into something new."
"It's a great opportunity and the best way I've found to connect with that community spirit is to talk about books with those closest to us, those we hold dear."
"Snowboarding was one of the sickest things because you would see another one and it was like instantly your homie."
"I like being around people playing games who enjoy games."
"A really big part of my attraction to someone is based on shared interests."
"It's just really cool to have like a community of people who care about music history and want to learn more about it and share stories about it."
"A good career is one place where you can get friends with shared interests."
"That's so awesome that you and your brother have this connection with something you both love and that you get to do together. I love that idea."
"You like Attack on Titan as much as we do."
"Surround yourself with others who are interested in the same thing."
"Just music and the kind of books that we both loved and poetry that we both knew by heart."
"Creating a peaceful Society based on some shared interest is going to be significantly easier."
"We've been able to build this community and make a space where we're all able to comfortably chit chat with each other about our obsessions."
"It's so fun, I think one of my favorite parts about Jason is that he's a candy guy like me."
"We both like movies and we both like food, who likes movies and food, right?"
"I really love listening to music with you and your perspective."
"We're all passionate about the same stuff."
"That was two weeks of just chilling and Jake and I by that time were pretty similar human beings, reading the same books and being super psyched on literature and on film and trying to come up with creative things to skate."
"Car people are the best. There's just something wonderful about people that love cars that brings you together."
"Meeting a woman through a shared hobby or passion is an amazing way to meet someone."
"I bonded with my dad over Star Wars. He took me to all the prequel openings."
"He's literally making a smoothie with my favorite fruit."
"...there's a common language that we speak or maybe a common passion."
"Finding things you like to do together."
"A love and a passion we all share."
"You know, just an example, I came home from the gym and I saw her reading a book by James Baldwin, for example. That would, of course, you know, that's stuff that I would just adore."
"And that, I guess, that's the beginnings of the community aspect of motorcycling, right? It's like being around people that are doing stuff you're doing and you're interested in, either the competition or the sort of camaraderie of it."
"So anyways, a lot of people don't know that we barely know each other, even though we're friends. We became fast friends because we like cars and motorcycles and flames and crazy [__] and stupid stuff and girls and beer and what have you."
"Having friends who love the same character as you is so, so, so important."
"Definitely find something that you enjoy together as a couple."
"Find something that you enjoy together as a couple."
"You help me stick around and do the dumb thing that I like to do."
"They both enjoy boating and they are happy together."
"We've been watching TV together pretty much the entire time we were dating, so... I think one of the better ones I've seen recently, which is what's coming to mind, is 'Watchmen'. If you didn't see 'Watchmen', it's so, so good."
"I feel like you guys just like like a lot of the same things you know you guys are into the same subjects you don't need to explain anything to each other it's like both of you guys just get it."
"what a great time we also met new friends we got to hang out with other people that love star wars just as much as we do and that's what made this event more memorable"
"I always recommend just going to events for things that you are interested in because obviously you're then going to be surrounded by other people who are interested in that."
"You're just kind of walking around living your best life then anything you're into you're always going to find someone that might have same interests as you."
"It's just nice to hear someone else talk about things that you feel so passionate and so excited about and you feel like you get each other."
"Mona relates very well to her grandchildren sharing common interest with all three of them."
"Autistic people tend to bond most easily through shared interests."
"Being in that environment where you all were doing something that you loved, it gave me something in common with people."
"Friendship is always about something besides friends."
"He shows clown is his father right and he said that he shows his dad a lot of Hefner's video and they just they laugh together and have a blast with it."
"Yeah, dude. When I started working with you for LRG stuff, it was so fun because I could go stay with you for the weekend, photos and videos all day. Yeah, it would just be me and you going skating."
"It's just cool that there's just all these random like-minded people all over the world."
"This community is amazing. There are so many of you out there who have rag dolls... You guys are my people."
"Not only would Jessica like this, but I think I would enjoy this as well."
"Common interest is what binds us together."
"I really like Halloween and Halloween season because it's the one time of the year when everyone is really into the things that I am into."
"I have a truck just like that, always borrowing it to move some lumber."
"We met the most awesome people who watch flea market rescue."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, I think like this really interest me and I'm so glad to have found a tribe of people who enjoy the same kind of obscure that I do."
"As much as girls want to go out to eat, I think going to an experience that you both have the same common interest is better."
"That was our first date, and then from then on, we're foodies."