
User-centric Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Our intentions have never changed. We make our products for you, our community."
"Long-term and user-centric metrics versus short-term, operational, and more transactional metrics. You probably want to optimize on the first one more than anything else."
"It's just quarter our strategy is putting the gamer at the center of everything that we do."
"The best version of the internet, the best version of that metaverse is human. It's you."
"User stories are an agile software development project management tools it provides the team with simple natural language explanations of one or more features written from the end user's perspective."
"Each of the design decisions that the Linux Mint team have made... seems to have the user, the end users interests in mind."
"Remember the goal in life isn't to satisfy us because we're guessing about the future. The goal in life is to satisfy you, 'cause you're the customer who uses our products and services."
"It's about making a product, getting it into users' hands, and creating some value for them."
"Design thinking is actually understanding ends users' needs and discovering their real problems."
"Decentralized identity puts the user in the center of that picture."
"Every SEO driven page should be built to serve the user first."
"Design sprints prioritize the user, putting their needs front and center."
"This is all about what the people need, not about trying to fit them around a process."
"Start at the End is about how to create products and services that people will actually use."
"It's cool to see how they started, the story behind it, and how it's all done. It's also cool to see that they give a [__] about the end user."
"It's a user centric world and we must design for it."
"Investors don't invent the future. Something happened in the last 15 years where investors became influencers and founders stopped building companies for their users."
"For me now as a more mature UX designer, I'll push back on all these things because I know my life is really hard if I'm not really sure who I'm designing for."
"We build products that we want for ourselves too."
"In web3, people get so excited about the technical problem that they forget about the actual user problem."
"We win with technology when we win the hearts of our users."
"Our user doesn't care what model was used to give them the answer. Our user just wants the best answer."
"sprint participants make sure the design challenge is always focused on the user and their needs"
"Build something that people will actually use."
"Overall the whole chassis is really built for the shooter."
"The real solution is often like how does it solve a problem for the end users."
"Design thinking is a process used to solve complex problems in a user-centric way."
"It's critical then to design around the user, very user-centric design."
"We are 100% focused on the users."
"When doing projects, it's really important to think about who the end user is, how are they hoping to grow their business, and what metrics might be relevant to them."
"Focus on the product's needs and user feedback."
"The idea of mobile first is that you start with all the goods, like the stuff that people actually care about."
"Is the idea desirable? Does it solve the user problem you're focusing on?"
"A professional tool should adapt to the user."
"User centric design is going to be essential for us to make sure that as we start to bring in all these different tools and platforms we're doing it with the user in mind."
"The brand name doesn't drive the brand; what drives the brand is the designs that relate to the end user."
"This empowers users in making decisions."
"Valuable software in the hands of users... let's optimize for that."
"It's best for the user, it's best for the authority, and it's best for the website as a whole."
"Design and development teams assume that their users think and act like they do; they end up designing for themselves rather than their users."
"So they've got a better chance of collaborating and making a product that is more user-friendly to a wider audience."
"There's nothing better than designing products and features with the user at the center of our design."
"The whole purpose of the relational model... is that we're allowing the user to specify the answer that they want but not necessarily how to compute it."
"The metaverse puts people at the center of technology and is more than a mobile app."
"Having an open-source tool ensures that it keeps getting better and is always in line with users' needs and requirements."
"It puts the user back in the middle of the picture instead of having data that you own being manipulated without knowing where."
"Embrace the future, add features that people want."
"If technology doesn't work for people, it doesn't work."
"It is not a description of a computer program ever; it's a description of the user and the user's problems."
"Requirements should only express user need, and it's the responsibility of your development teams to figure out how to solve the problems that these needs pose."
"User stories are written from the perspective of the end user."
"Our planner works across all those apps to fulfill your needs based on the application that you feel is best for you."
"Optimize for the end user experience without ever bothering the end user with frequent app updates."
"We have a set of operating principles, the first of those is to be users first."
"Consider all your users when building and designing."
"Focus on user needs, turns out, is universally useful."
"When you understand the end user, you can build a product for that end user."
"Serves as a user-centric intelligent agent."
"Just do whatever is best for your users."
"Federation really starts with the user and their device."
"Developers create and innovate using an iterative design process that is user-focused."
"A map that adapts to what you do, a map built for you."
"Focus on user needs... turns out that's quite a good thing to do."
"The IT model of the enterprise has become a lot more user-led."
"Writing for real people means the primary goal for text is to support user journeys."
"The more utility and thought is put into the end user, the more valuable the content is."
"Your users don't care about Windows, they don't care about Linux, they don't care about Unix, they don't really care about Mac. They care about solutions."
"Built from the perspective of people who have to use this product on the plant floor and really have to make it work."
"We're taking a user and usage centric approach to requirement specification."
"The technology adapts to what the user is doing."
"Value is a subjective thing, so let the users define what that value is."
"It's the only browser that puts you first."
"Sometimes the best design—people won't even notice it. It will just work and get out the way."
"Taking advantage of sessions, we now have the ability to store information that just pertains to the current user."
"Talk to your users, find out what tools they need to make their jobs better, and then deliver them to them."
"You're creating a safety net for yourself by making sure that things are always working for the users."
"Your customer wants the easiest possible path to adoption."
"If you had three wishes to make this better for you, what would you do?"
"It's meant to be something like an app store where you as an expert for whatever domain can create dashboards which are relevant to many people."
"Designing for inclusion is designing for everybody."
"What matters most is user experience."
"We want to make Edge great for you, regardless of the platforms or the devices that you use."
"We need those experiences that are built on those platforms to be centered on people."
"They have what I call a learner-first experience."
"Developers should think about user first."
"By putting users first, you can validate your ideas and inform your product's direction."
"You just make good websites for the user, the rest is my problem."
"User experience is what matters most."