
Community Focus Quotes

There are 373 quotes

"Our intentions have never changed. We make our products for you, our community."
"Makoto's gaze was always fixed on the people of Inazuma, not just because it was her duty but because hers was a gaze full of delight and hope."
"I think people should act locally rather than globally. Look after what's around you, look after the ones close to you."
"We need to move from a me-centric culture to a we-centric culture."
"We can really care about something together; that we do have the ability to shift public focus."
"I've sat here every day for 44 years asking New Yorkers to remember that this is not about me. It's about we."
"This isn't my story, this isn't about my feelings, this is about the people here, this is about a tradition."
"We should be more focused on our Collective well-being raising the standards for people."
"It starts with the people, the people who are living there."
"The local level is key because everything is now at the local level."
"We want people to be here for the one thing that will never change, and that's our mission."
"Gun violence in the black community, I don't think that's spoken about highly enough."
"One of the great things I think and strengths of commander is that it's not focused around tournaments it's not focused around winning."
"We're trying to give power back to the players... Everybody has been given the same mission: find a way that no matter who is on the ecosystem, they feel like they can give their players what they want."
"Charity starts at home, and therefore I make no apologies about being for black people."
"Yesterday was not about me... yesterday was about the collective and the movement."
"It's not about the fame, it's about the community."
"It shows me that this district cares about not only the students learning or academics but their safety as well." - Senior Rachel McCullough
"What makes Cardano really unique and special is not people at the top, it's people at the bottom."
"Keeping the health and safety of employees is a top priority as well as our communities."
"Focus on your tribe, work with other people, collaborate with other people, connect with other people."
"It's very important to them how the community reacts and really giving power back to the community."
"This is a movie created by fans made for fans like it is basically like not a fan film like some dude made it on YouTube but it's a fan film it's a film for the fans"
"We want to start putting more emphasis on the community because I am basically just the face of this, this is a movement, the Bit Squad is a movement and you guys have played a big role."
"I'm staying home for my mother. But everyone, it's not about just you. It's about all of us."
"This struggle is not about everybody, it is about us."
"We put community first because together, we can build a more equitable and just society."
"We lost a renaissance man... he focused on upliftment of our people especially our young people."
"It is a crypto gaming community exclusively focused on crypto gaming."
"A sovereign Network focused on gaming brought to you by the Merit Circle."
"Thank you so much for watching The Real News Network where we lift up the voices, stories, and struggles that you care about most."
"One of the reasons why I like OnePlus so much is how much they care for the community and how much they listen to us."
"You're trying to make the game fun for the majority of players."
"It was a really, really important weekend. The eyes of the entire wrestling world were cast upon AEW."
"Bitcoin has proven itself to be resilient and safe... I don't see this action as something that is threatening the future of bitcoin."
"Under my administration, we're fighting for Main Street, not Wall Street."
"We need to focus on the people now... we're not gonna leave anyone behind."
"Using that kind of solidarity and subsidiarity let's go local first, buy local, pray local, time approach."
"It's not worth it right now. We love football, but there are bigger things at stake."
"When it comes to black lives matter protests, I think that we need to be listening to black communities."
"Our number one priority is making sure that our community knows that we're working for them."
"We're always working in the best interest of the community."
"The only community I give a [ __ ] about are you guys."
"We are going to make 'Destiny' for people who love 'Destiny,' period. That is really exciting and invigorating for us as our company and our team."
"Remember, spiritual gifts are others centered. The spiritual gift God has given you is others centered, it's not centered on you, it's not centered on drawing a following or drawing a platform, it's centered on helping others."
"Most of the town center can be designated low traffic."
"For us, it really is about the community... it's all about that connection."
"Focus on others, contribution to your community, to cope with any wobbliness."
"We invest in affordable housing, quality schools, safer streets, growing businesses, and programs that connect people with financial opportunity."
"We support small businesses and enterprises affected by the virus pandemic across the country with a focus on underserved communities."
"A coronation about the people, not just about me, me, me celebrating myself as King Charles."
"Every CEO in America should be focusing on workers, families, and communities, not executive compensation and share prices."
"We're going to build our own businesses, we're going to practice group economics and group politics."
"Sit your ass down and take care of your own people."
"It's not about me. It's about the people who are around me."
"Our full focus is on our players and continuing to make Anthem everything it can be for our community."
"Imagine every black child was taught that if you ain't doing it for the black community, then you ain't doing nothing."
"Black America needs to be loud, needs to be clear, needs to speak up."
"Everything is for the people everything depends on the people."
"All the cards are on the table. I'm more focused on just making sure whatever we do next, whether it's a platform move or not, that it's the right decision for the community."
"We live in a really great country with amazing people."
"All of the spiritual gifts in first Corinthians 12 are others focused, never self-focused."
"I hope this is kind of a kick in the butt to be like okay maybe we shouldn't focus so much on these commands maybe we should work a bit more on survival and you know getting that long-awaited mod API updated and ready to go."
"Essentially they are the most important aspect the fans and the amateurs - why poker is as successful as and it's you know watched on TV as it is today."
"Hip-hop puts a spotlight on street urban communities."
"Optimize for the collective group, not just for yourself."
"We should get back to focusing on neighborhoods and being a good neighbor."
"So stepping away from it being a game and looking at it as an example of how to make a small simple Community focused MMORPG it's absolutely bloody fantastic."
"It's not about us, it's about making the world more equitable."
"I felt like I have thought enough about myself throughout my whole life and it was time to go and to think about 'we' rather than 'me'." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
"City of Heroes is back, engaging players in a slower-paced, community-driven experience."
"Charity starts at home, let's take care of our own first and foremost."
"Our democracy is wounded... But the heart of America is not government. The center of America is the neighborhoods where 330 million Americans are raising their kids."
"The African concept of success is collective."
"The less people talked about politics and the more they talked about dogs and kids and baseball and everything else the better off we'd be."
"As a family and as your Oklahoma City mayor, I will put people over politics."
"We're changing lives in-house because we're focused on changing lives out there."
"Democrats are more likely to deliver on the issues that are important to our community."
"The collective good is more important than individual success and endeavor."
"We all have come together, and it's not about us. It's about the kids, and we're not two separate teams; we're one."
"We need to put our focus on the people who are actively harming us and the people who are actively enabling them."
"When we talk about Medicare for all... we pay special attention to those communities that have been hardest hit by our disastrous health care system."
"I'm doing this for the people, kicking the boss right off the top and giving them a sequel."
"Hashtag B1 means you put your community first, hashtag B1 means that we can solve our own problems."
"We need to stop worshiping what other people have and start paying attention to what we can have together."
"We have to start focusing on the least and the last."
"Master Duel specifically is tailored towards the people who want the full-on TCG/OCG experience."
"Politicians don't have feelings they have interest and until we make him do better when going get better so I don't I don't put my hope in politicians I put my faith in the people."
"The way he moves forward is crucial, we need to see his campaign more aggressively show us they're serious about black voters."
"The goal is to be black first, solving our own problems, and putting our community first."
"We're going to operate with integrity and we're going to do what's best for the children in our community."
"Blockchain games are just being built different, they're being built with the community in mind."
"We should have more people-centered streets... more vibrancy and dynamism... it's not a thoroughfare."
"We can't go wrong by keeping people at the center."
"#B1 means we put our community first, solving our own problems." - Dr. Boyce Watkins
"It's about putting the well-being of our people ahead of partisan politics."
"We've advocated constructively, I hope, for positive populism, pro-worker, profamily, pro-community, pro-America."
"This is a platform talking about the disparity of our culture and our community."
"Not one bit of this is for me. It's for everybody on the planet."
"We're creating a society that actually gives a shit about people."
"It makes me happy to know that somewhere out there they're thinking of the little people."
"I hope we care about black issues when it's not done by a white police officer."
"This isn't about me, this isn't about my generation, this is about our."
"Our seniors remain our most vulnerable population."
"When we play ourselves out back to the lights, we'll have stories to tell and we'll represent people that need talked about."
"Our focus should be on the black community and doing everything we can to be part of the solution."
"We will achieve a swift, full, and complete recovery for Hispanic Americans."
"We got more problems right next to our own house that we need to fix."
"She's charismatic enough to lead. She has Agrabah's best interests at heart."
"We need to start electing leaders who think outside the box and prioritize our own people's skills and talents."
"I'm finally doing something for the culture it's authentic I'm doing it for us."
"Elections are ultimately about improving people's lives."
"It is time to begin the journey back from a culture of AI to a culture of we."
"We can build a trickle-up economy from our people, our families, and communities up."
"Public banks are mandated to serve the people."
"We are fully formed owned ourselves free human beings doing what we need to do for our people out of love."
"We Democrats need to make public safety a central issue."
"I'm all about the community, alright? You can go to some other person who's done a review. They may or may not care about the community. I care about the community."
"The safety of Richmond's residents and First Responders was top of mind."
"Absolutely it matters when anybody goes missing."
"Focus on the people, it will help everything change for the better."
"It's not about you, it's about the charities, it's about the causes, it's about the people."
"I appreciate that brother, shout out to Mr. and Mrs. Coleman."
"I want to be a governor for all people no matter what you look like where you come from who you love or who you pray to."
"With the laser focus on hard work, looking out for his people, and pushing the envelope, Colin is leaving his mark on the culture."
"We need to start with the community and build from there."
"Here's the guy that really cares about decentralization, really cares about his fellow man."
"The legacy I want to leave is a city that's working for us and our families."
"Absolutely essential that we have spaces where we can Center Black Voices black concerns and uplift the black perspective."
"I would vote for a black party that's why in the power nomics book... delivers the most to black people in america."
"Don't idolize the individuals and don't forget your community."
"Governments should have a service to community agenda."
"We should be spending our energy on other things, like making people smile and helping."
"We are about people, other people of the book."
"Love people where they're at... resist the urge to be a Torah terrorist."
"We gotta protect black people in Black life before we protect black art."
"There's only one individual that we need to build up and that is City Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj."
"How can we grow, how can we evolve, how do we get this thing right for the little ones?"
"We want somebody in there who cares about us and who's thinking about us and is working for us every day."
"I'm all about lowering corruption, and getting our government just functioning for regular hard-working Texas families again."
"Ali was about holding only to the sport and his people."
"This is not about a church, it's about a city."
"This isn't here to spread hate, this is here to have a good time and maybe learn some stuff."
"I think we need to make this bigger, more of a focal point in the community."
"We don't need black people who agree with each other, but we need black people to put black people first."
"Community is at the heart of everything we built."
"There's still a lot of goodness happening in the space, despite all the bad stuff."
"Being the best isn't what matters most. It's about the community that I'm a part of, what does art mean to me, what does it mean to me to be an artist."
"Black economic empowerment should be our religion."
"I'm in it to do what is best for my community."
"I just want to make tattoos that look cool on locals, old customers, tattoo artists, and tattoo fans."
"It's more of like a community electric vehicle where you can really get anywhere in your whole community."
"When you have a community's concern in front of you, their well-being immediately takes precedence."
"Politics has become such a game to a lot of politicians right, you know they lose sight that this is about real people, and families and kids and communities whose lives are directly impacted."
"We will always put Wisconsin farmers, Wisconsin businesses, and Wisconsin families first."
"We don't actually have to sit here and be negative all the time we're not that platform."
"The so-called Blackman has to start to prep his mind and his spirit."
"Societies are not built on charities; we have to look to us as a collective."
"If your cry is not for the city then you don't qualify for the house."
"There is a Black Agenda here that improves the quality of life for all black people in America."
"You can't think only of yourself and your own personal opinion, but you've got to think about your communal responsibility."
"How about we Center good ideas how about we Center good values or at the very least how about we Center not tearing up while treating minorities like a helpless underclass"
"This is a space for intelligent black people, not scared to death black people. It's time for your brains to start kicking in beloved, not your emotions."
"All politics is local. So that means all politics is retail."
"Solar Punk is rooted in the earth, grounded in communities, and a slow process of growth and nurturing."
"If we're truly going to get to number one, we don't have leaders, we have each other."
"My hope is that we can come together, and stop looking out for ourselves, but look out for everyone else."
"I think the most important part to continue to focus on at the end of the day is we're all in it together and we are a community."
"We will get through this. What happens to football? Who knows. We'll see. But it's secondary right now to people's lives."
"Womanism is about loving the community, establishing meaningful relations in the flesh, not just about sexual desire."
"Pride is not about the glitter in the parade but it is about community."
"We need to change the narrative on our people."
"Movement over money, community over clicks, passion over profit."
"Christ's highest priority is the local church."
"I knew whatever I do it should be something for the dedicated viewers, the fans, the long-term subscribers, the ones who care the most."
"The less people are going to turn to outside services, the more your game becomes less of an activity and more of a place to hang out, relax, and exist together."
"Leadership is about more than just power; it's about serving your people."
"Gardeners for gardeners, everything we do is through that lens."
"Self-care and community... have to be at the forefront."
"Make content for the people who already been there while trying to attract new people."
"Pollution is on the decline, and our focus is to accelerate its decline, particularly in the most at-risk communities."
"I really want to focus on what the city is saying it needs and make sure that I'm meeting those needs."
"I want black people to realize that while we're running around here doing everything for clout... we need to be magnifying our young graduates."
"We should be putting the needs of our people first."
"It makes leaders more accountable to their constituents rather than just saying, 'Oh, well, there's crime, so we're going to add more police.'"
"Give that money to those clubs and to the right places, please please."
"It's necessary that we make note that it has to be collective and community-based."
"I want to make it about the community, about what you guys wanted to see in the portfolio."
"Jen's posts were overwhelmingly holistic and based around the values of love, acceptance, and community."
"It's time for a just transition and it's time to make sure that electric vehicles and those charging stations are inside of our community."
"We don't care about winning, we're here for you guys."
"Eid is a time for community and family. It's a day to enjoy, but also to remember those in need and to continue good habits beyond Ramadan."
"We got caught up in numbers, but they're people. It's about helping."
"It's about the people, it's about helping, it's about you."
"I love this question because I think the way we can restore civility is by pulling people together and not focusing on what divides us from each other."
"You're the inspiration behind this channel and the only reason why I work so hard to put out videos every single week."
"It's not just about us, it's about our community."
"My goal isn't financial, it's to make the best content for the community."
"Actions come from a good place. It's about wanting good things for others, not just for yourself."