
Art Theory Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The art world would have to contend with the notion that the source of the original creation is only a small part of what makes something original, what makes something art."
"Color is overrated and underrated a lot of people think that's all you need to know with art...but it'll help you stop making huge errors that could otherwise ruin a scene."
"All art is communication and interpretation, and if we only stick to the obvious stuff then video games will be unable to portray more complex ideas to us."
"All of society is a game we're just collectively agreeing to play, and art is a part of that. So it's hard to really say this is or isn't art when nothing really is."
"Color is very important in media... color theory plays a crucial role in telling stories... setting tone... representing character."
"Art moves towards abstraction while retaining its recognizability."
"The purpose of art is to lay bare the questions that have been concealed by the answers." - James Baldwin
"Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible." - Paul Klee
"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." - Thomas Merton
"The whole idea of art is actually transporting people and showing a page which should transform their mind."
"The Apollonian principle of art prevails in plastic arts, associated with the visual, the figurative, and the imaginary."
"Color theory is often thought of as an artistic slot machine where one can just pull the lever and get decisions out without any artistic inputs."
"The collapse of the opposition between high and low art ultimately leads to a reintegration, blurring the lines between them."
"A straw wrong case has been made that the Mona Lisa could be a self-portrait of Da Vinci himself."
"So again, that's just like those complementary colors, really making each other's distinct characteristics stand out."
"What is the purpose of collage? Collage brings together images, colors, forms, textures, and text that might all start out as separate, individual entities, but come together to explore their overlapping, often otherwise unseen commonalities."
"Beware neat theories of composition. The artist's feeling for composition, like the artist's feeling for proportion, is a highly personal thing." - Robert Beverly Hale
"There is in all fins a pattern that is part of our universe. It has symmetry, elegance, and grace. These qualities you find always in that the true artist captures."
"Complementary colors are going to usually make your painting more pleasant to look at."
"He's rejecting that there is art, but he's radically redefining what art is."
"These fundamentals aren't dry and boring and academic. They're what make a painting work."
"Duchamp is the person who's changed the way we think about what art can be."
"Aesthetics is like the philosophy of art."
"Typically warm colors will come forward and cool colors will move back in your coloring scene. That's a good rule of thumb."
"Expressionism takes emotions or feelings that are within us and pushes them out into the world so that they're visible."
"If photography takes over image making, what is a painting? Is a painting about the image or is it painting about the paint, the actual contact with the surface?"
"The reality of flux, to keep art an open, incomplete situation, to get at the rapture of seeing."
"Color harmony must rest ultimately on intentional playing upon the human soul."
"A perfect fake lacks what Walter Benjamin called the 'aura of the original'—its unique existence in historical time and space."
"We're talking here about the language of value shapes, focusing on the dichotomy between light and shadow."
"The only way of expressing emotion in the form of art is by finding an 'objective correlative'; in other words, a set of objects, a situation, a chain of events which shall be the formula of that particular emotion."
"The language of painting is abstract."
"Color is broken into three different elements: hue, value, chroma."
"Value is all about the lightness and darkness of a color, not about the color itself."
"There is this broad continuum between something that is totally abstract, having no images at all, to something that is semi-abstract."
"Color and value are relative; they are interdependent to one another."
"He's interested in the pictorial idea, that what the Spanish call 'idea de expresar algo' or a dialogue."
"Creating an art theory for game worlds."
"All art that we've looked at has involved concept."
"The shadows are where the light goes to gain energy."
"My choices of where to put which colors is not random; I'm using the classic rule of atmospheric perspective."
"The relevance of art may have more to do with the way we think about structure now than anything that happened in between."
"In art, this theoretical knowledge must go hand in hand with practice."
"The painting is basically flat and it's about the flatness of the surface that you're painting on."
"Composition is painting has the following definition: The significant ordering of graphic, plastic or iconic visual signs."
"If you think about value as being related to shadow and light, it's more fluid."
"He's rethinking how artwork functions and how we might immerse people."
"This is the basis for pretty much all modern composition."
"Realism is about the effect, the impression of light and shadow in form."
"It's about abstraction and representation, and how they competed, were frenemies, they co-mingled."