
Labor Relations Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Even as engineers, even if you feel like ultimately we've got to deal with the people on the floor and we've got to do this weird voting thing to go back and forth, it also grants you as a laborer the ability to haggle back and forth with management up the chain from you."
"Unions and management shouldn't be fighting. It should be a team."
"If all employers of men treated their employees with the same consideration as he does, the American Federation of Labor would have to go out of existence."
"Your employer needs you more than you need your employer. Your employer is stuck where they are and is answerable to corporate if you have a loss in labor. You do not answer to corporate if you no longer work there."
"It's like the whole country is in some kind of Union renegotiation. I don't know who's going to win in the bargaining that's going on right now but right now it seems like workers have the upper hand."
"We believe strongly in collective bargaining."
"The union's got to be about the terms conditions and pensions of its members and an integral part of that is our relationship with the labour party."
"So the reality is that this is not about inflation this is about disciplining labor."
"Better labor relations and international coordination could have improved the stagflation period."
"You've got a power struggle between the people that pay the salaries and the people that agreed to do the work."
"Was wondering what you guys think of Kellogg's firing all the strikers after they rejected their latest offer. Pretty disgusting."
"Ultimately at the end of the day the fighters are both the labor force and the product itself."
"Even with all the unions throwing all their might against Tesla... it didn't really have much of an effect." - Tesla Time News
"Athletes need to be compensated like other workers."
"Every time a player holds an owner over the barrel, side with that player."
"Because he was so mindful of the welfare of his workers, he was stung in 1937 when some of his employees engaged in a sit down strike at the plant."
"The employer-employee relationship is a dance, and without two willing partners that complement and sustain one another, the relationship cannot survive."
"He was an honest person who worked for the everyman and treated his laborers well."
"Closing a unionized store is obvious retaliation, and it's all-out war on the union."
"The most thing that pleases me is the best part of it means we're going to have Labor peace through 2030."
"Schultz's fight to stop a Starbucks barista Uprising... revealed a lot about billionaires."
"Disney and the Teamsters Union have a tentative agreement to assign workers individual undergarments by the Los Angeles Times."
"Workers are not serfs toiling at the whim of the management lords of the manor."
"I do support the arbitration process when it comes to wages and benefits and things of that nature, but there are other parts of it that really just don't make sense."
"The fact that you have this massive disparity between how people feel about unions overall and the level of unionization you actually see in the workplace speaks to a system that is completely rigged in favor of employers and against workers."
"Strikes in the Auto industry are actually not that uncommon, but this time is much much different than previous times and it's making a lot of headlines because of these differences."
"Maybe Ford doesn't need to move factories to find the cheapest labor on Earth maybe it needs to recommit to American workers."
"This is without doubt the most bitter attack brutal attack on hard-working people decent people who have served the company most of them for years and years and years."
"Starbucks is punishing workers for being vocally supportive of unionizing."
"The current social contract: government mediates the relationship between labor and business."
"The UFC's control over incentives and punishments creates a barrier to fighters unionizing."
"So what you have is the situation where the rail industry is doing phenomenally well record-breaking profits but they have been totally obstinate in preventing the unions from getting paid sick time."
"It's like there's two sides to every kind of contract negotiation; why does the media never talk about the manager side, the boss side, the employer side, and their responsibility to offer a fair contract to these striking workers?"
"Marx says that the opposition between laborer and capitalist that exists under the capitalist conditions of private property leads to a contradiction."
"Are NLRB employees weaponizing the agency against American employers to benefit politically connected labor unions?"
"People were seemingly lost sight of in the eagerness to get on terms with large businesses and with the trade unions."
"Data doesn't have a union, and that matters."
"Companies that treat their workers better do better."
"The real enemy is still up there: the bloody masters, the most ruthless, arrogant, and vindictive bosses in contemporary industrial Britain."
"The law aims to encourage healthy labor relations and limit potential conflicts between employees, employers, and labor unions."
"Collective Bargaining is the performance of the mutual obligation of the employer and the representative of the employees to meet at reasonable times and confer in good faith."
"The whole National Labor Relations Act requires actually on both parties the duty to bargain."
"It is simply the duty of collective bargaining to bargain; it is not a duty to reach or get to a concession or an agreement."
"The duty to bargain collectively is simply a duty to bargain; it is not a duty to reach a decision."
"It's a system of industrial peace with a bigger level of Union power."
"Everything was going smooth, there were no union problems, everything was perfect."
"The most important one is workplace norms or fairness."
"A particularly crucial stage is ratification of the labor agreement, which is a process by which union members vote to accept the terms of a negotiated labor agreement."
"Grievance arbitration is a means by which a third party settles disputes arising from difficult or conflicting interpretations of a labor contract."
"The workers remain wage-workers - proletarians. The capitalist relation is not done away with."
"We support and we have faith in the collective bargaining process because the best deals are always the ones that are made at the negotiating table."
"...the best deals are made at the table because bigger paychecks are negotiated at the table because better Labor Relations and long-term stability are created at the table."
"By the sweat of your brow, you shall eat bread. Labor Relations are very important."