
Social Response Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"I think the most moral thing that you can do with the Balenciaga situation is for the entire world to do this."
"One of my big fears at the moment is that the left and the right, the whole political mainstream, just kept on failing and now are surprised that people with sometimes quite radical, and often very unpleasant, answers are doing so well."
"When humans see children being exploited, abused in these horrifying ways, the overwhelming majority of humans have a natural anger and sadness response because we want to protect children."
"It's really sad, my heart goes out to those families."
"We were there to clean up the mess... to support families, to start moving forward on gun control in real ways."
"What kind of happened is that yesterday when she was beefing... a lot of people were saying, 'Where's Kisha?'"
"We are heartbroken and angry that Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted."
"Cowardice is met not with some sort of conciliatory approval by those who are seeking a concession. Cowardice is met with abject humiliation."
"Women have the right to express their sexuality and share their bodies however they choose, but they cannot choose how people respond to said sexuality."
"Have some sympathy for the people that are upset."
"When the people have no bread, they eat the rich."
"Surprisingly, there has been overwhelming support."
"They say they're going to repeal Prohibition. Well, what'll you do then? I think I'll have a drink."
"This has caused quite rightly quite a lot of outrage because it's seemed as deeply sexist the government in this case have responded to that backlash by pulling the ad."
"I think it's amazing that people are responding positively right I really I I really did show this because I wanted my son to see that it's okay to show emotion."
"Don't go send this family any hate, honestly, I think that they're trying their best."
"The reality is the first person wasn't like hey wait what are you doing, the first person was like hell yeah."
"I just thought of another idea, I'm gonna try to use my nomad vehicle to just plow through the raid."
"Racism will always be there unfortunately, but how we choose to respond to it is really important."
"It's been good to see that people are expressing outrage, anger, condemnation."
"When there is a wave of hate that begins to cascade over a part of the world, we need to build an opposing wave of love."
"Populism is a reaction of a powerless majority against Elites."
"Why did they abandon their [expletive] police station?"
"All we can do is be glad that more and more people are pushing back against this kind of nonsense and laugh at the nonsense while we do it." - Speaker
"Repeat offenders of the mask policy will be asked to leave the premises. America uncanceled?"
"With a virus wreaking havoc on our impulse control, we literally have no choice but to punish those who have wronged us."
"They're making themselves look very foolish and you can tell it's not playing very well with the public."
"After Columbine we were shocked, after Sandy Hook we said no more, after Parkland we were outraged, but after you've all day nothing has happened."
"So you start saying Christ is King, and when people object to what you're saying, you say, 'Oh, this person's got a problem with saying Christ is King.'"
"Looks like the people are taking matters into their own hands."
"What are they saying? Like the hell with this black-owned business? Is that what they're saying?"
"The reaction of the world of the Resistance was impressive. Many protests."
"Most people fear that with a not guilty verdict the riots will get very bad."
"This is not a laughing matter. Okay, the actual anger and outrage here is pretty [ __ ] justified."
"I got cancelled by white people but got so many supports by a lot of other white people and also by black people."
"I'm disappointed in both the way that black men and black women are reacting to Kevin Samuels's death."
"A strike in response to the Milwaukee Police shooting of Jacob Blake... LeBron James was prepared to abandon the season."
"We have been harassed and harangued enough, and we finally made t-shirts."
"Obviously, my whole life is a reaction to hostility and to intolerance, and everything that I do is about blurring the lines of intolerance, blurring the lines of what's acceptable. Providing options."
"Nobody wants to hear the answers to these questions right now."
"I found it extraordinary that after Sandy Hook... America was incapable of coming together and finding a unified response."
"They're making y'all react and respond to get sucked back into politics."
"Many Russians have discarded clothing with a 'Z' on it."
"Sickle mode is one of the biggest records on the radio because we're reacting to everything that's going on in the world."
"It's a warning to say now we know we've all seen it and know what we have to do."
"People respond to authenticity, they don't respond to you just doing what everyone else is doing."
"I don't think people are wrong by being bothered by any of that, but it's interesting."
"All of them should have jumped on his ass and gave him a nice ass whipping. We stand complacent, that's all it is."
"If the police allow a precinct to be taken and burned down, how can you say that the reaction would have been different?"
"As you begin to improve a particular area of your life, there will be some people who will hate on you because they are not comfortable with the evolved version of you."
"Up in arms - People are up in arms about the new policy. They're protesting."
"It's time... this is it... oh got it... can you tell me what people are saying with regard to that?"
"You're not making black women jealous, you're grossing us out."
"It's time to punch back against these assholes."
"Enough with the thoughts and prayers already"
"The pushback against cancel culture is working, and that is good."
"If you don't stand for anything, who is supposed to respond to that?"
"There's no excuse at all. I don't want to hear nobody talking about I wonder what she said I wonder what she did that made him do that."
"I wouldn't have even known this was a thing if not for all the people freaking out about it."
"If these were all white girls, can you imagine the response from our society?"
"This is exactly the type of response that this behavior should generate, and I hope that more cities across America will take a page from the Social Circle handbook."
"Every few days or weeks, something comes over the news: a child is lost... and our natural response is, 'Find him! Find him!'"
"Rap and hip-hop emerged as a direct response to the rampant economic and political inequality of the post-1960 Civil Rights era."
"I've learned a lot about how people respond to things, what sorts of things are enraging, what sorts of things are interesting."
"Local public health has a critical role to play in anticipating and responding to human-made Public Health threats resulting from social injustice."
"It was really just kind of a human response to the idea that mutants were consolidating in a singular location."
"The way that people respond to you the best is being kind, being maternal."