
Ethical Judgment Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Alcoholism is never right. It's never right."
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."
"You can tell where people's real principles lie by which principles they are willing to violate in pursuit of those primary principles."
"Everything that's illegal is not necessarily immoral."
"We absolutely can identify what is or isn't legal without looking up the specific statute... the idea that you need to be a lawyer to know right from wrong, illegal from legal, is downright preposterous."
"Whether you kill someone fast or you kill someone slow, if you are killing them because you don't like what they say, that is a final judgment on the state rather than on the victim of the state."
"The overwhelming narrative should be Charles shouldn't have done this, full stop, because doing this is a crime in some cases."
"If you're a moral human being, this is a moral conflict."
"What China's leaders did is a crime against humanity."
"There's nothing you could do there's a greater sin rather other than actually killing children."
"That is a disciplined application of the use of deadly force. It all didn't seem right and like I said earlier just because you can doesn't mean you have to."
"This is evil. It is pure evil. It is selfishness. It is egotism."
"There's nothing wrong with acknowledging my shitty behavior and saying it is shitty behavior."
"I have no sympathy for bad faith actors people that intentionally spread misinformation."
"Good that you do doesn't wear off and the sin is not forgotten."
"I don't think they would [ __ ] anybody like that."
"A person's name shouldn't mean that something is more right or wrong."
"None of this excuses anything that Gus Johnson has done and I don't understand why anybody is acting like it does."
"If a culture and a culture if it's okay to hit your [] kids that's a [] culture and that's all there is to it."
"That's honestly like one of the worst things you could do."
"I think it's crazy how the government was spying on the whole world without permission. I think Edward Snowden did the right thing in reporting what the government was doing."
"Anyone who expends time and energy and money to make the world crappier is just not worthy of my respect."
"There's nothing you can show me that would justify that action."
"The person who kills the individual intentionally is a more evil person, a more corrupt person, a less virtuous person."
"What Putin is doing is wrong and it's deeply complicated."
"Putin invaded, he was wrong, he's losing the influence war."
"Being racist makes you a bad person in the same way that hating anyone makes you a bad person."
"You cannot determine right from wrong without God."
"We see the difference between right and wrong."
"The Iraq War demonstrated that regime change is always fundamentally evil and will always fail."
"Would you treat a murderer because they speak well and dress in a suit?"
"Your sense of right, wrong, fair, and unfair will always be tragically skewed."
"Sniffing someone in the service industry is always chaotic evil."
"The punishment was not commensurate with the magnitude of the wrong."
"It's okay when the good guys do it, right? They thought they were doing just right for themselves."
"If you're using moral judgment, you're acting as a moral agent."
"Two wrongs don't make a right and two war crimes definitely don't make a right."
"No matter where you stand on the political spectrum, you're going to be repulsed by these fact patterns."
"What they did was categorically wrong... murder is murder."
"Western civilization today, it seems so obvious that if slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong."
"That's a moral obligation. If you're capable of understanding the world, you have a moral obligation to become rational. I don't see how you become rational hoarding gold. Even if it works, you're a jerk."
"It's the same type of mentality that justifies genocide."
"That was such treachery and such a betrayal of anything that is decent."
"There's no neutrality, it's really just right or wrong."
"Anyone who would harm an animal is automatically a monster in my book."
"If we're talking about the most evil person on the planet you can make a pretty good case for Kissinger."
"It reflects poorly... it reflects poorly on the character of our country."
"I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously it's just a chore like any other."
"That's not neutral, that's not okay, it's awful."
"I think it's interesting because there's a sound position here where you can I think agree with the rules as they are but also agree that sometimes there are circumstances where it makes sense to break a rule."
"Napalm in babies is bad. Starving the poor is wicked. Buying and selling each other is depraved. There is in the world such a thing as evil altogether."
"You're not a human being if you're defending that."
"Every single word you could throw at it, it should be criminal."
"It's our conscience that tells us murder is wrong."
"I can never imagine like going to these extents right to knowingly mislead people for so long is just not only unacceptable but it's just it's unbelievable that people have the ability mentally to do that."
"MLM is evil. It's not an accident, it's calculated evil."
"Just because you did a good deed doesn't make you a good person."
"Is it warranted? We should hold people accountable to the things that they actually do."
"Sin is causing harm, so if someone is being harmed in a situation there's a problem there."
"A sociopath is often described as someone with little or no conscience I'll leave it to the psychologists to decide whether homes fits the clinical profile but there's no question that her moral compass was badly Askew."
"The Ten Commandments are part of the standard for which mankind will be judged at the Last Judgement."
"Everything that genshin does is at the end of the day a business decision, and the only way for me to judge whether genshin is right or wrong for doing these types of business decisions is whether or not that it's ultimately successful for them."
"You can be guilty of both sins, but the punishment for the sins of omission are looked at differently than the sins of commission."
"His actions only satisfy his selfish need for payback rather than solve the actual problem."
"If you work in the AI industry and you are not spending most of your time worried about AI safety then you're a bad person."
"The worst sin of all is the sin of ingratitude."
"To sit here and think that you're above anyone, to sit here and mock and laugh... You are a fascist, a Despicable sub-human."
"Just because he's the main character doesn't mean that Jordan Bford is a good guy."
"That's evil. It's the same here with the 5600 you on the 5500. Yes, we call this evil."
"There's nothing morally wrong with boobs, are just inappropriate for minors. Gambling, however, actively ruins millions of lives and contributes to depression, addiction, substance abuse, and suicide."
"You cannot infer someone's moral worth by the level of accomplishment."
"I agree... that if he does not... if he allows Fanny to stay... it's cowering... it's cowardice."
"Discernment is simply the process, if you will, of distinguishing truth from error and right from wrong."
"This is still a sick individual, and what they've done goes beyond far than just hacking databases or facilitating the sale of illegal information. That's honestly, in my opinion, like 10 steps below the CP charges."
"The ends do not justify the means; evil manipulative actions are never justified."
"The Jedi were completely in the wrong for doing this."
"What is technically legal does not mean it is morally correct."
"It would be irresponsible almost beyond words, pure nihilism."
"I actually respect Diamond for realizing how disgusting that was."
"If you take the fear of punishment away, even you could admit that everything this is is just evil. It's monstrous."
"Not all losers are groomers, but all groomers are losers."
"I can't think of anything more immoral than that."
"I don't think you can violate someone else's rights until they violated and we you got it you got to go by that standard."
"There is arguably nothing more selfish than taking your own life."
"That would be considered wrong in some way is ridiculous."
"Hurting a child is not as good a thing as giving a beggar bread."
"Why do you draw the distinction based on the path rather than the intent? Like jokes are one thing but if someone is trying to attack you why does it matter their path, their goal should be the red flag not the way they achieve that goal."
"Dismissing harmful actions because they were normal for the time doesn't make them less harmful."
"He is a racist, he is a con man, and he is a cheat."
"There are good Jews and bad Jews, good Muslims and bad Muslims, good Christians and bad Christians."
"I don't hate rich people I don't hate poor people I despise dishonest people."
"I feel like if there's a time and place for cancel culture it's probably for a sexual assaulter."
"It's just extremely self-serving to me and borderline gross."
"Voting for President Trump was a moral imperative."
"You shouldn't create arbitrary criteria to judge other people on whenever you don't live up to that criteria yourself."
"Medical tyranny is to me one of the most evil things out there."
"Being grateful for the good they've done doesn't mean we can't hold them accountable when they fail us."
"Let's judge people on their merits and their ideas."
"It's not the kind of thing good people do. Not even bad people trying to live like good ones."
"Spurgeon said that discernment is the ability to know the difference between what's right and what's almost right."
"It's almost like you can think both of these people were [ __ ] bags okay you could think Osama Bin Laden was like a scumbag who deserved to die and the American government is a shitty force of evil around the world."
"Just because something is normal doesn't mean it's okay."
"Right is right, wrong is wrong. They took a chance on something, it backfired."
"How bad is that to do? That's bad, that's bad, that's bad."
"All of this information suggests it's just so undemocratic."
"It's bribery. It's really simple. Everybody knows what bribery is."
"Criticizing Israel because it's Israel, as opposed to criticizing all the Jews as Jews, that's not anti-Semitic."
"I don't think he's crazy. I think he's perfectly rational, but he doesn't care about human liberty or about human life."
"We have to pass this new forign a package... Russia is evil he's evil."
"Anyone claiming a 9-year-old can consent to a 53-year-old is sick or deluded."
"Morals aren't objective, but if you're a sane human being, you can point wrong from right."
"There are some people out there who are straight up evil."
"These people should be ashamed of themselves and they should be in jail for what they're doing."
"There's really no justification for taking another person's life."
"Honoring the heritage of your ancestors is not an excuse for idolizing their sinful actions."
"It's adversarial to every ounce of decency. It is complete, a complete opposite of humanity. It is depraved indifference." - Rashad Richie
"I think to cheat at something you have some sort of issue."
"The moral disaster surrounding Herod's actions."
"He justifies voting for a proven white supremacist."
"What we did in Ukraine wasn't just wrong, Clayton, it was a crime."
"Appreciating the small things is not only good for manifesting but just good for your soul."
"Does that mean it's wrong that I feel that... it's coming from a good place because I care."
"Dishonesty, deception, bearing false witness, these are sins."
"I want you to know that I know. I saw you and I think that you're disgusting."
"Nobody would contextualize this for other mass experiments or even mass evils visited upon a particular demographic. They would not say, 'Well, you know, they made a sacrifice for the greater good.'" - Rashad Richard
"Perhaps the thing that Caleb did that Dempsey accused him of is put humanity back in its cage."
"You don't want to see that. Absolutely disgusting. There should be red cards for these, I think, because that's cheating. It is, yeah. He's literally cheating."
"I think the Unit 731 stuff was worse than a lot of the Nazi stuff."
"Children should be allowed to grow up to think for themselves and decide their own opinions."
"Nothing will bring us peace and joy, they stole our entire lives in that one instance."
"This is unethical. You cannot be doing something like this."
"He can be blamed for making that punishment wildly disproportionate to the crimes."
"It's obvious what he did was wrong... There's no way to defend that." - Don Bacon
"Not only is that inhumane, not only is that cruel, but it's just plain wrong."
"If you're publicly shaming people for making the correct decision... you're an [__]."
"If you want to cut through all the media spin and the hype, you just have to ask yourself what's the moral thing to do here, who's in the right morally."
"Cyclist is in the right, would I have done that? And I'm a good person."
"That's beyond messed up. That's too much. I don't know if it's just me, but that's way crossing the line."
"You have impeccable moral judgment."
"If you don't support Medicare for All during a pandemic, then I think that that's borderline psychopathic behavior."
"Judgment means discerning right from wrong, good from evil, and correcting it."
"There's no sort of nearer right, further from right, really; it's right or wrong."
"Yes, slavery is immoral. This is something that seems really, really bad to me."
"I don't judge people for however they live their lives... I do get judgmental when someone's doing harm to somebody else."