
Audience Expansion Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Now, adding Yvonne as Batgirl to the series didn't just get it signed up for another season; it also added two new demographics of viewers."
"If you want to grow your channel, try to maximize the number of new people who are stumbling upon it."
"They've carved out a whole new audience and created new NFL fans."
"I'm not ever going to desert my people. But that don't mean I'm not going to make other fans, new fans, or that I'm not going to try to."
"At this point, your focus is on expanding your reach and attracting new audiences to your business."
"Lookalike audiences can significantly magnify your reach for new customers."
"The BBL introduces new audiences, new demographics, new ad revenue."
"I want to be known as the musician who pushes the culture forward in a way that opens the door for a more broader audience for the next generation."
"We think that we have a great opportunity to meaningfully expand the audiences of our biggest franchises."
"It's not ruining your game, you know. It's opening it up to a new audience that probably wants to play but couldn't before."
"They went from having a hardcore game with massive longevity and growing popularity to a more casual game."
"Persona 5 could break into bigger audiences... it is the most accessible title in the series."
"I think putting Halo or Gears on PlayStation is only going to be good for the overall audience."
"This recent state of play from PlayStation initially seemed to be pretty mid, but on the positive side, a whole new demographic will get to enjoy them which is awesome."
"Animation can be taken seriously... transcended their primarily children audiences."
"One interesting byproduct of their success was that Pink Floyd found themselves in the mainstream and were attracting a wider audience than their previous tours."
"Nintendo's switch platform has brought in a mainstream audience."
"It's inspirational, draws a whole new crowd."
"Collabing is definitely a very obvious way to grow your channel. You're literally expanding yourself to somebody else's channel and to completely new viewers."
"Targeting abroad has worked significantly better for me."
"Test worldwide, you'll get cheaper conversions, you'll have bigger audience sizes to work with."
"Make content for the people who already been there while trying to attract new people."
"It actually broadens the audience brilliantly because gamers are obviously a little bit younger than maybe some of the existing Formula One fans."
"Nomura then set out to demolish the notion that Disney games were only for kids by combining the aspects of Final Fantasy and Disney."
"Crowdfunding allows small creators to reach a wider audience."
"Everything I'm trying to do and we're trying to do is to create big moments to move the sport to more people and further distances."
"I'd like to see a world where the games that we make at PlayStation can be enjoyed by many, many tens of millions of people, perhaps hundreds of millions of people." - Jim Ryan
"More people in stories, more people on pay-per-view."
"Being not heterosexual certainly is gonna open up your fan base to a big audience."
"The more people you can reach are the more potential customers that may buy your products."
"Share this network right now with everyone, share the political Beatdown show with everyone right now."
"The goal is just to reach a new audience, to increase the fandom."
"Xenoblade Chronicles X port makes sense for a wider audience."
"He's become a world champion earlier and now he's riding this wave so there's every Bend that he can go deeper and deeper into the casual audience without a doubt."
"The reason they hate is because Marvel and superhero cinema didn't steal movie viewers, it brought comic fans and superhero fans to cinema."
"Instagram's gonna start pushing it beyond your advocates and beyond your circle to people who don't even follow you."
"The Cyber truck will reach a broader audience than a lot of people think."
"He's going to bring the sport to a whole new audience."
"I think the show was an immense success that allowed a new demographic of people to experience the story of One Piece."
"The biggest advantage of social media marketing is that it can lead you to new audiences."
"Once you get that consistent radio play now you got new audiences bro it's up."
"Crossover appeal is what we call the quality that enables a creative work to reach beyond its target demographics."
"It's such a smart thing to do for shows to create this crossover because it creates a bigger fan base."
"Expand your audience. Don't be stuck in the bubble of those who've already bought from you."
"... we're hoping that that'll take open source investigation and our investigations to a much broader audience."
"Recording a song for a Sims game also allows them to reach a potential new audience."
"I want opera to be worldly. I want it to reach a much wider audience than just those people who are sitting in the audience themselves."
"It introduced a lot of people to country music that ordinarily would not listen to country music."
"When you put people of color in shows and on film, it means that there will be more people who will... you're all of a sudden catering to a bigger audience."
"There really needs to be a wider audience for puzzles like this, this is quite stunning and I absolutely loved it."
"It sends a great signal to YouTube, they show my videos to more people, helps me grow my channel, and it's a great way to say thank you to me for taking the time to make these videos."
"Variety has the ability to expand the audience of professional wrestling."
"By giving your audience an easy way to share your blog posts with their social networks, you're essentially opening yourself up to a brand new audience."
"Our main goal is to reach as many people as possible."
"You want to market your stuff to an international audience."
"You're just looking to maybe find a new audience and gain some new eyes that weren't there before."