
Depth Of Field Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"When we shoot landscape, we look for a larger depth of field wherein we want everything in focus."
"Using a small F number for a small depth of field is a really powerful way of directing the viewer's eye."
"Depth of field is just the amount of stuff that's in focus in front of and behind the point that you actually focus the camera on."
"In a landscape, you actually want a big depth of field because everything is interesting and you want the viewer's eye to be able to travel everywhere in the scene."
"Aperture is incredibly easy: if you use a smaller F number, you get a smaller depth of field; if you use a larger F number, you get a larger depth of field."
"I want depth of field. I want things to be sharp."
"Create stunning bokeh with a shallow depth of field."
"Unreal's exceptional bokeh depth of field also works in tandem with the dynamic camera to create something rather impressive."
"The advantage of using a DSLR is that we have full control over our exposure our framing and we can also create that shallow depth of field or blurry background effect."
"This camera produces very high quality photos with very good detail and terrific depth of field blur."
"The depth of field capabilities of the iPhone 7 Plus camera are stunning."
"If you increase your aperture, you will generate depth of field."
"Just in cases where I needed more depth of field... when you're shooting Milky Way photos, it's a whole lot better to go to that range from f1.4 to f2.8."
"We are trying to achieve an artistic effect that cannot be done with default depth of field or textured depth of field."
"The depth of field coming from this camera, simply spectacular."
"Use an aperture of f11 and above for a larger depth of field."
"So what I want you to think about is how much is that worth to you, like what will you put up with to retain that extra depth of field, that shallow depth of field, or is it even a benefit for you?"
"Focus stacking begins with an understanding of depth of field."
"One is when you're filming stuff in miniature, your depth of field gets really, really shallow."
"Some of these lenses will go pretty close to the subject, so shooting at the minimum Focus distance with the maximum aperture will make you some really quite considerable blur in the background of a shot."
"Depth of field becomes larger when focusing on a subject at a considerable distance from your focal plane - and then depth of field becomes smaller when focusing at or near the lens's minimum focusing distance."
"Depth of field is huge - you see how the bird is all in focus while the background falls out of focus."
"When it comes to landscape work i use focus stacking for just about all my landscape work the possibility of getting full depth of field images without losing sharpness due to diffraction is a fantastic option."
"You're going to get the most blurry depth of field, blurry background out of any of the other lens options, directly from Canon."
"The lower the f-stop number is, the bigger your aperture is and the more blurred out your background's going to be."
"Think of your working distance as a balance between depth of field and resolution."
"It creates amazing shallow depth of field."
"It's almost like it does behave like a 58 2.0 except it's a 1.2, so you have narrow depth of field."
"With focus stacking, you can get that deep depth of field where everything is sharp from the front of the image to the back of the image."
"That's a creative use of depth of field to draw your attention to something that me, as the photographer, deem interesting."
"Look at the transition here from the front of that flower through the stem, even at f8 it's really smooth."
"F11 is the fine balance between extended depth of field and really sharp image quality and texture."
"You can achieve the same shallow depth of field on Super 35 cameras like full-frame cameras. The only difference is field of view."
"Looks pretty interesting with the depth of field."
"Wide angles, long depth of field; telephoto lenses, really shallow depth of field and blurry backgrounds."
"People have an innate sense for what proper depth of field looks like."
"We're going to do some optically correct kind of Z depth defocus."
"It's going to get excellent low light performance and very shallow depth of field which is unusual for a smartphone."
"That's what I love, honestly, you shoot at 1.8, 85 millimeter, and you can really like peek on one thing."
"It creates the illusion of depth by making the foreground in focus while the background stays out of focus."
"When you're using ultra-wide angle lenses... we can see that we have a really good depth of field even wide open."
"You still want to have that shallow depth of field and just have everything cool, subtle, and smooth."
"Understanding depth of field will help give you more creative control over your photography."
"With fast primes like a 50 millimeter, you can blur the background and get beautiful separation without breaking the bank."
"Focus stacking is a technique where you can create more depth of field in your scene."
"For most portrait photos, you want a fairly short depth of field to isolate your subject against the background."
"Knowing how depth of field is calculated will also help you to understand how the other factors affect depth of field."
"As your sensor gets smaller, your depth of field will increase compared to a full frame camera."
"Depth of field is the difference between what's in focus and what's out of focus on an image."
"It's much easier to get a wider, shallower depth of field with a full-frame camera."
"So far, that has been impeccable, even at shallow depth of field."
"The lens gives you the shallow depth of field, the lens gives you the narrow angle of view."
"The standout benefit of the 85 1.2 is of course its much brighter aperture and opportunities for shallower depth of field effects."
"Think of depth of field as getting everything into focus that is at different planes from the camera."
"Now we have this nice out of focus view that adds a whole lot more depth."
"What I'm prioritizing is depth of field; I want the foreground to be sharp as well as the background."
"It's an f2 80 millimeter lens for medium format, so f2, you're going to get insanely shallow depth of field."
"Dragging this guy out at 800 was nice, the compression, the depth of field looked really good at that range."
"The beauty of large format is that you could lay down your depth of field in such a way that you could go from the grass in front of you to the castles."
"With that max aperture of F1.7, you're able to get some really nice looking depth of field."
"Depth of Field applies a blur to areas out-of-focus and is a great way to draw emphasis."
"There's something magical about cranking it wide open and getting that absurdly shallow, razor thin depth of field."
"Hyperfocal focusing is a way for us to get all that depth of field with acceptable sharpness all the way through the frame."
"Aperture controls the depth of field."
"Aperture controls your depth of field, whether you want everything in your image in focus or just the subject in focus and the background out of focus."
"Lenses that are good in low light will have a wide maximum aperture which also provides us with that shallow depth of field and nicely separates the subject from the background."
"The larger apertures give you the same depth of field, so if you're used to shooting at f11 with your full-frame cameras, the equivalent aperture is about F 5.6 for Micro Four Thirds."
"I just love the image and build quality; it's a super fast lens that opens up to f/1.8, which gives us that shallow depth of field."
"We'll be creating a nice depth of field effect and our final result."
"The aperture will govern the amount of sharpness in the picture from the foreground to the background and we call that depth of field."
"Camera is the ticket to all of this depth of field and bokeh and all this."
"Now when the depth of field comes in, it'll look even cooler."
"A little bit of depth of field definitely goes a long way."
"The benefits of working with a shallow depth of field: you will direct the viewer's attention to exactly the point that you want them to look at in this image."
"The depth of field control of this lens is actually really nice."
"Shallow depth of field is not the be-all end-all of the film look; it's part of it, but it's not the only thing."
"It also gives you more creative opportunities as well to get that nice shallow depth of field in the foreground and in the background, just focusing on your subject."
"That will allow the background to be blurred out whilst the subject is still sharp."
"This really denotes what is in focus and what's out of focus."
"That gives us some depth of field now, I want to go rendered, you'll have some depth of field blurring out the other closer areas, which will make it look more realistic."
"At 300 millimeters, you can really really blur out that background, which is obviously an attractive option."
"You can just put the focus on a real small point in the picture and get very nice depth of field."
"It gives you the ability to get some fantastic shallow depth of field."
"We have this nice depth of field angle going on."
"Aperture priority mode allows you to set the amount of depth of field that you want in a photograph."
"Definitely better out of focus foreground elements and slightly out of focus background elements."
"Understanding these depth of field concepts will give you more creative control over your photography."
"When you have a small scene, you're more likely to get that depth of field effect where things in the background and foreground are more out of focus."
"The depth of field looks so much more pleasing on the Lumix."
"It shows all of our camera properties including depth of field that you can check on and you can see that opens our depth of field which really helps to make this cinematic."