
Self-assuredness Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"My biggest turn-on is confidence, like someone who's not afraid of who they are."
"This person is very confident, very grounded, they know what they want."
"I was gonna casually beat everybody, you know, that's how I am."
"He's going about his life with the total hubris and self-assurance that he is the master of his own destiny."
"I'm a boss [], I'm very confident, not cocky, confident. I have my [] together."
"I deserve it. I'm basically unstoppable now, so I could do whatever I want."
"I aspire to be that level of unbothered and focus on what I'm doing."
"I was born ready. God practically brought me into this world with all of my physical and mental attributes maxed out. Intelligence being at the forefront."
"Why can't people just admit that I'm right about everything?"
"I'm a hero, damn it! Screw you all and your peasant village."
"Capricorn, spirit is saying that you know already what to do. You're like the king energy. You've been through it and you know what the best decision is for you."
"You feel sharp, in your element, like you've got it."
"You know what you want, and you have what you want."
"I like a man with confidence in himself."
"Look how confident they are in themselves."
"Because I'm a cool guy with cool hair."
"Go big or go home. Yeah, we should do it. Hey, 160. We're not KSI. Look, we're in KSI. We don't need attention. We need him, not us."
"I'm the one man in the world who can do it."
"You have a very strong presence, but you don't feel the need to prove anything."
"She knows what she likes she knows what she like and when she decides on that that's what she is."
"Let's just take the best 12, the best two, the best four. Like, there's a self-assuredness there."
"I'm in my 70s now, long past caring about what others think of me. I'm not sure I ever did."
"Secure people show up, stand firm in who they are, and don't let others push them around."
"She had no self-doubt and made no fumbling gestures as she took what she considered to be her righteous place in the world."
"He was comfortable in his own skin."
"A man that had his father in his life doesn't seek approval from anybody."
"She didn't care what anybody else thought. She didn't care how they looked at her."
"If you're confident, you are that [ __ ] period."
"I'm one of a kind I don't think nobody else does it the way I do it I'm confident I want to hunt it and that's for confidence yeah that's for confidence but you know some people say that's cocky yeah that's not cocky that's confidence"
"I'm at the point of my life like I don't even give a [__] about [__]. Can't nobody tell me [__] about nothing."
"People get upset that you're secure in yourself."
"...but that also shows how self-assured you are if you're willing to do that."
"I just don't care if people have something to say."
"It always faced them and with interesting confidence never an ounce of fear."
"You step in confidence with a lot of things that you do."
"Don't be the guy, 'Oh, I get pressured from these [__].' No, Lucas is the [__] dude. You don't have to say it, but I know like, my energy speaks for itself, bro."
"You seem to be getting attention all the time. You don't really care about attention."
"I'm feeling very cocky about myself."
"He's got a lot of confidence to go with it."
"You just own it, whatever they got going on there, they own it."
"I'm already the best and I'm okay with that."
"I'm the level-headed guy. You know, on the ice pick, the ice tray, the ice cube. The Iceman."
"You don't have to agree with me, you don't even have to like me, but one thing you cannot do is humble me."
"Confidence is like quiet, it's like a sure thing, you're just like, you don't feel like you have to prove yourself."
"Women who are confident have crystallized clarity around their desires."
"I feel great, like no one can tell me nothing."
"When somebody really is powerful, they don't need to assert their power because they just are powerful."
"When you increase your confidence, you become more self-assured."
"These are for people who are comfortable enough in themselves that they don't need to show off."
"She's just fully comfortable and seated in her power."
"I'm the man when I walk into a room."
"An alpha male is confident, sure of himself and his opinions without compromising his values and goals."
"I'm terrific, I got an answer for everything."
"I'm the most confident person in the world."
"She did not care at all what people would think of her."
"When you are powerful, you don't need to tell people, you just are."
"You don't get it still, I am the one."
"This is the queen of abundance; she has it all, and she knows it."
"I just like things that are really comfortable but still casual but still something that I feel put together in."
"Love is just flowing so lovely and naturally and free in your life, and it's because you are so grounded in who you are and you're just being authentically you."
"You're just sitting here in your power, and that's going to lead to happiness."