
Interpersonal Interactions Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"People are nicer in person than they are online."
"You let somebody speak long enough, and they'll tell you everything you need to know."
"Cognitive kindness is about bringing generosity and caring to how we treat one another's thinking."
"Shelving your agenda means that when you're dealing with somebody who's upset or sad or frustrated or scared, you take your desire... and you put them on the shelf."
"The simple practical answer is you have to pause ask and then react to the situation."
"It's not how you were born that bothers me, it's everything you've done since then."
"All I'm trying to say is, why don't you just be considerate of the people around you?"
"Quick! Act normal! Your crush is coming, act normal."
"If you don't got money, don't [ __ ] talk to me."
"When you actually really receive a compliment from somebody... you're actually allowing that person to feel seen as well."
"Oh, you pose no scratch to me, my friend. I just want to make that clear to you in case you felt bored or foolish."
"How can I have fun and delight the person in front of me?"
"I think personality is like very very important."
"Your questions should be honest, and if you ask people questions and really listen, they will untangle themselves."
"It's been from beginning to end Michael, you are welcome."
"You're being paranoid. Don't call me paranoid, it makes me paranoid."
"You know what, sometimes Blue is, um, really bad at talking to people. And I feel like I've learned that when this happens, we just gotta leave, you know?"
"Laughter is a very effective way to break someone's frame."
"I like being the guy that just brings some better energy."
"Just be a good person, leave them with an impression like 'Oh okay I feel.'"
"This isn't how you talk to somebody about their problems."
"You can tell a lot about people based on how they fight."
"Everybody's an expert in something that you're not, and you can learn something from every person." - James Gurney
"I don't want to fight, but I'm not going to be punked while we're in here either."
"I tend to point out other people's mistakes."
"He was incredibly affable with me when I forgot my ticket."
"Listen up, girls, if the hottest guy in your school is flirting with you, there's a very strong possibility that he just wants to make fun of you." - Kate
"When angry, it's easy to become aggressive towards others."
"Making people feel like they were the most important person in the room."
"I'm a good person, but I get very snappy when I don't want to be around anybody anymore."
"Most people are looking for somebody to approve of us while we are shaking their hands."
"I think they're actually letting me know that I have a purpose. They're trying to let me know that I play a role in their happiness or in their life, right?"
"A man who is kind to you and rude to a waiter is not a kind man."
"For the girl, and honestly for the guy too, you have an out but if it goes well you have an end to keep hanging out."
"You never know what is going on in someone's life... Treat everyone with love and kindness."
"Everyone always likes Amethyst because she's so polite and very sweet."
"Ultimately I think it should be handled with compassion."
"I see value in anything you decide to touch... have a difficult conversation."
"People have to be careful what type of energy they put out towards others because again they might receive that same energy back towards them."
"If you can't control people, then control your reaction to them."
"Now is not a good time to take things personally."
"It's like you're actually just going into some office and just having to like talk to people and shit."
"You have an incredible aura and energy, honestly, I'm not just saying that."
"Some person is going to say something to you that might not be true."
"Don't start a fight, you just do not know who you're dealing with."
"He's always in 'don't be brazen with me' mode."
"Who talks [expletive]? I don't wake your [expletive] up."
"Your first impression may be the last impression that you ever have with that person."
"I like group hug when you can choose who you're hugging."
"Gaslighting happens on so many levels... you don't realize how often we undermine somebody's opinions, thoughts, feelings."
"Treat people with respect that they're smart."
"I mean, it's not like a personal attack, I just said her car has really bright headlights."
"Keeping your voice low, keeping your words slow."
"Be indiscriminately friendly to every single person that you meet."
"The more you show these folks respect, the more likely it is that you're going to get out of a ticket at the end of the day."
"It is amazing what happens when you carry love and confidence into interactions with others."
"Love your personality, always brightens my day."
"We never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet."
"That's why I always say greet people with a smile even if they're being mean."
"I've done this in the past where I was engaging with somebody and they proved me wrong and I just kept going and going and going."
"The only thing you accomplish when telling someone they're short is just making them mad."
"You have one time to make a great first impression."
"It's just wrong and it's kind of off-putting."
"It takes the rudeness of a person and removes it."
"The relationship isn't what happened that what each person is but what happens between the two people."
"He's the sweetest, nicest person ever when you meet him." - 10 out of 10
"She was 100 trying to milk you for the free upgrade dude."
"View every encounter as spiritual, discern everybody."
"I appreciate that about Brandon and other people. It's like, hey, I know you're convinced, I want to know why you're convinced."
"Thank you for reminding me that people can be kind."
"I love doing it and I think one of the things that I love about it is that you have these incredible encounters with people."
"Don't rush, don't ramble, don't talk over them. Pause, listen, breathe, smile."
"Don't hit people guys, come on, don't do that."
"Subtext is the hidden current flowing underneath our daily conversations and actions."
"There is a way to approach this... don't argue with people directly, just ask them questions."
"If you fully judge someone and have like a different opinion of them because of your sign please [ __ ] off please."
"If you treat a woman like a celebrity, she's going to treat you like a fan."
"Wear a smile on your face because it's hard for people to give you negative energy."
"Never argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."
"You can't just scare people like that. That's low, dude."
"Love is the energy that you bring to people you encounter in this day, no matter what's gone on for you in the past."
"Real-life interactions are very, very, very important."
"Meeting her and interacting with her and her being so open to me and so like willing to like get to know me and wanting to you know, know a part of my life I think that that's beautiful."
"Find someone you really like, then don't be a [jerk]."
"Take a deep breath, step back, and try not to trigger anyone."
"Our bodies are designed to withstand the onslaught of new viruses and new bacteria."
"Boundaries... it's a very fine-tuned recognition of where boundaries are and what is and is not okay."
"I'm the real deal. I got a lot going on for me."
"Everyone going above and beyond. Everyone's been so incredibly nice, very kind, very sweet."
"It's less about the words, more about the vibe."
"Kindness is something that comes from a position of strength and normalcy. Nice guys always have an element of deception."
"I typically am a little guarded... But you made me feel completely comfortable so I thank you for your empathy."
"I don't want to just get caught up in words, he also seems to know what's going on. Thomas seemed to be pretty intense."
"Every interaction, every situation, every experience, every little moment... an opportunity to establish or tear down that security."
"Every person you pass is a well of powerfully valuable resources."
"Be tentative with how you're open to people, take time."
"I think you could be an [asshole] and be nice."
"He clearly didn't know how to read the room."
"The only thing you can control is yourself. You cannot control anyone else's actions."
"Honestly just going on dates and having conversations... it'll build itself if the guy is worthwhile."
"Questioning somebody's motivations is always a healthy thing."
"People won't remember the words you said but they'll remember the way you make them feel."
"If you're communicating with people, it's really easy to sort out what they mean by just asking them."
"Don't assume; bring conversation into the mix."
"You're in a position where you value yourself, know your worth, and if somebody denies you, you don't take it personally anymore."
"It just feels like you're just tapping me like that."
"Soldiers don't get to disrespect you you don't have to be mean to them right."
"But they can still self-reflect while flaming someone or blaming someone else. You can do both at the same time."
"There's people that know how to ask it and there's people that know how to go about it without it coming off rude."
"Your smile, your hug, your encouraging word could be the very thing that someone needs in their life."
"Why would you waste your energy typing something out to somebody that it doesn't affect me?"
"Always ask for consent, take no for an answer."
"You're showing me a lot of personality in here."
"You can learn something from anyone if you are willing to listen."
"That's the thing, you know who you're dealing with."
"Make sure that you're an active listener, and that you're being heard."
"The best thing to do sometimes with those people is not to give them the time of day."
"I have firmly declined with a smile every time."
"The most fulfilling things I've experienced have truly been the human interactions."
"Assume good intent and try to draw it out of people."
"Be careful with how you're talking to other people and how you're talking to yourself."
"You're one of those people where someone may be in a grumpy mood, but the second they see you, you uplift their spirit."
"They're not getting anything out of you, no reaction."
"Teach your sons to squeeze the hell out of another boy's hand."
"Make sure you're doing it in a respectful and mannered way."
"You sit there and you go, this is stupid, why is this person ruining my day?"
"LTG's toxicity wasn't just reserved for the trolls as he would berate and insult anyone and everyone around him."
"You are on this time constraint thing, you do have to stop to people and oblige a conversation sometimes."
"Sometimes it's the smallest little gesture that can go a really long way."
"Have more conversations, real conversations."
"It's more fun when you throw a little sass back."
"You are such a naturally warm person that your natural warmness shone through!"
"She's funny she knows how to lighten the mood."
"It's better to be accidentally rude to somebody with good intentions than to give the benefit of the doubt to an absolute psycho."
"What you guys doing that L I don't know what nothing you're doing something strange I can see it all your face no I'm not."
"You meet someone for the first time, they show you so much love and respect."
"You can't control what other people do or say and how they respond you can only control how you respond and show up in that situation."
"Good chicken is good chicken, and you wouldn't have got under my skin telling me you don't know me."
"Trust is a two-way street, difficult to earn and easy to break."
"Just understand that no matter what happens in your day, try to come in here and at least treat a couple people nice."
"We're going to get a teeny tiny bit of a community feel going on here."
"Be nice guys like for real... if you could just be nice for a little bit that would be amazing."
"Of course, the way it all played out, had we known that this would be the impact, of course we all stop and shake your hand."
"Quality... is about the quality of connections."
"I treat people the way they treat me. If they want to extend a hand, I'll extend a hand. If they want to argue, I'll argue."
"Sometimes the power gets to their head and they try and manipulate whoever they're talking to."
"Everything in life is based on communication. Period. Whether it's your relationship with your child, whether it's a relationship with a friend, a co-worker, your other half, it is based on communication."
"Don't leave them hanging around on a Saturday night."
"It's okay to be kind to people, it's okay to be respectful, it's okay to have manners, but you don't need to be overly friendly and overly nice as a woman."
"Just ask and you shall be given, because if you handle somebody, guess what? You never know how they did it."
"It's really about trying to not just use words like love or hate or abuse but really get up in there."
"Just be nice people because you have had a hard time defending, haven't you buddy?"
"You're not my Discord. You're not the creature I fell in love with."
"Whatever you tell her there is a ruthless calculator going off in her head."
"Don't get in the way of other people's Karma."
"The best scenario is that no one stamps on your stamps at all."
"You can't make me mad, baby. You can't make me mad."
"It's almost like you are teaching someone how to treat you."
"A kiss would be better, thanks," he said, crossing his arms.
"It doesn't cost you anything to be nice to people."
"Each day that people that you meet on your path are either a student or a teacher."
"People will approach you more, animals will approach you more, babies smile at you. Energetic magnetism occurs Beyond any scope of reason or rationality, barring rivalry, many interactions become of a more positive nature."
"This would be particularly useful maybe in times of difficult interpersonal interactions."
"You really have to watch who you engage with."
"Without being harsh to people, without getting triggered or allowing our emotions or triggers to control us."
"Always look to see how your partner treats other people, not just you. It's a great indication of their character."