
Personal Enlightenment Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"I was just standing there, digging the universe, like I was getting turned onto the unity of everything, and my ego was merging with the great unconscious."
"People can find out and determine the truth for themselves through reasoning and thinking not through believing or disbelieving things"
"You are a beautiful light being, and it's time to realize that."
"Love is the answer, and the way that God is explaining all this is how to tap in."
"Your pain will turn into bliss, your delusions will turn into clear direct knowledge of who you are."
"What guidance am I getting from this knowledge that Allah wants me to have?"
"I am what I am, there's nothing I can do about it, and I'm just going to move forward with that because I found my illumination by the acceptance of who I am."
"Surrender to my goodness and love and mercy and grace, and you will see a light shining forth out of your life that not even the darkness of hell can quench."
"This was a freaking awesome conversation. It unlocked so many understandings that were just kind of on the tip of my brain's tongue."
"The greatest discovery ever is to discover yourself."
"You are the light, you're bringing light to the cycle."
"A chosen one is any being who realizes they are a spiritual being having a human experience."
"All of you are already quantum beings of light."
"You will receive what you are meant to know when you are meant to receive it."
"When the relief comes, it will be beyond your imagination."
"What God whispers to you may sound like thunder to those around you."
"Escape the matrix by questioning everything."
"You're finding peace, you're finding enlightenment, you're really finding yourself."
"It's time for you to be lit up with the fire of the altar."
"There's no time to be scared of the light. It's time to embrace the light we bring into this world."
"Love is the most powerful force within the universe. It is the most powerful force, and the more love you have within you, the greater your light is."
"People gain a sense of meaning when their lives cohere across the three levels of their existence. Finding coherence across levels feels like enlightenment."
"Big change. Loving lights. You're on fire, Kristen!"
"You're going to have the understanding and everything you need to finally come into a place of healing."
"Major illumination happening, which really just sets you free."
"The truth shall set you free in ways that you couldn't possibly imagine."
"Time of great change. Enlightened, refreshed, rejuvenated."
"Coming across Twin Flame information, almost everybody, okay."
"The sun is coming out and is going to make you very clear very quickly about things you've been unclear about for a very long time."
"This portal is the game changer, and you're coming out of the darkness into the light."
"You are about to have a major activation within you, Pisces, shining like the sun."
"The answer to prayer is to come back here, come back to the light, then we no longer keep on feeding all this absurdity that we've made ourselves."
"Sometimes we need to experience the polar opposite of one thing in order to understand the true energy of that thing when we get there it's like you wouldn't know what light was if you never experienced the dark."
"Awaken to your Soul's potential, this is about stepping into your light now."
"There's going to be an awakening, a shocking revelation, a surprising revelation."
"Psychedelics have the potential to enlighten you, to make you a more self-aware human being."
"The end of November is going to bring you an absolutely mind-blowing enlightenment."
"For me Christianity was not a leap into the dark but rather a step into the light."
"Freedom from smallness to awaken and attain to our real nature."
"This is going to be a beautiful enlightening moment in time."
"Seers are able to identify where Heaven already is happening in their life."
"It's the ultimate reason for the coming to that realization is about shedding the jacob marley chains."
"You cannot fathom it's impossible to develop new content fast enough."
"I truly hope and believe and know of a lot of people who have opened their eyes to the lies."
"There's never been a greater time like this in human history. I'm just sharing with you knowledge that is brought to me because I want to help as many human beings as possible free their dome."
"Maybe you're your own guru, and your own higher self can be your guru."
"We're simply saying there's other ways, and through which way more people have walked and activated their Christ Consciousness."
"Let the Sun Shine in, it's about letting the Sun come into your heart space, into your third chakra, becoming that strong beautiful star because the Sun is a star."
"Once you realize it, it has the potential to change your whole life."
"We are in the process of being activated, we're in the process of being lit up."
"The truth shall make you free, and if you seek the truth earnestly, it shall always reveal itself."
"The greatest service is to recognize one's true nature."
"God has shared his love and his light with you and you have a piece of that."
"In a lifetime of learning, I have read and I have studied. I believed but today I have truly seen the force."
"Be your own Guru, be your own light, be your own guide."
"The answer was in you the whole time... The guru's job was to show you that the answer was in you the whole time."
"It will open your life to the riches of what it means to know the living Jesus."
"Cultivate that inner Christ or that inner light within us to go down but have a clear pathway back up."
"You're gonna feel so enlightened, so much stronger."
"Being spiritual is about being aware, conscious."
"The light you're searching for is within you."
"There's endings here for a new beginning... There's been an awakening and enlightenment here."
"Wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy."
"It's so beautiful, it enlightens me so much, the first time in my life to have such vacation when I'm going to sleep in the bed of my dream."
"I just felt extremely free and blissful."
"...the Pilgrim's Progress is a spiritual work, the pilgrim in the title is a spiritual seeker and his progress is the path towards redemption or Enlightenment."
"It's almost enlightened to witness Walter embrace himself so much to the point where he can almost move about the world with a lack of fear."
"Now my eyes have been opened to experience what freedom looks like, and because I feel what freedom looks like, nobody could ever take that from me."
"It takes light to be able to break out of that environment and to master that particular environment."
"Your spiritual enlightenment has to come take first priority."
"The unit of life, him I have seen now, whom I so earnestly desired to see, I met myself."
"The real teaching which is within the inward man has already instructed your spirit."
"This energy can shake up our normal spiritual stagnation and bring about times of rapid growth and understanding."