
Environmental Philosophy Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"The arrogance of man is thinking nature is in our control and not the other way around."
"Everything is integrated... man did not weave the web of life, he's merely a strand of it."
"Nature is the definition of sustainable and our current way of living is the definition of unsustainable."
"Where there is mass destruction, there is also life. The humans may just need to shift our focus to clearly see."
"In nature, there is nothing resembling equal opportunity."
"Animals are not brethren, they are other nations caught with ourselves in the net of life and time."
"The mechanistic mechanical worldview is the worst possible worldview for living sustainably on the earth, a more holistic worldview of which morphic resonance in part seems to me not only true but essential for our survival."
"They believe that we are on the planet, the land owns us, we don't own the land, the land owns us and that we need to take care of it."
"The idea that we can control nature is so sick."
"The arrogant ambition to 'conquer and transform nature' was bound to fail."
"Every time we put a boundary between nature and ourselves we kill ourselves."
"To consider man apart from nature is to consider the branch apart from the tree."
"Nature doesn't bind to our will, we live in unity with all that is around us."
"Nature has an order, a power to restore balance."
"This is nature at work, creation and destruction go hand in hand."
"Nature can pretty much self-level; it will find the balance."
"Nature is made for us humans. We are not merely a natural part of nature."
"You don't rule in nature, you're part of nature."
"Chief Seattle: 'Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together, all things connect.'"
"Nature itself had been demoted to the level of dull machinery."
"We're all sharing this Earth here and we're all going to be passing by and why not to me I always the concept Live and Let Live."
"There's just so much of this like kind of you know like man can conquer nature type of stuff going on."
"John Muir: When we try to pick anything out by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe."
"Wind is free, my Sun is free, and that'll never change."
"The more closely we can align with nature, the more it will benefit us in the end."
"What we are doing precisely is trying to break apart and instrumentalize and break down into material parts something which actually is alive that we're part of which is the planet itself."
"Nature usually operates with a certain harmony."
"The earth does not belong to the people, the people belong to the earth."
"Nature isn't hierarchical, it just emerges from chaos."
"Perhaps it's beauty that will save the earth."
"We anchor paradise into this temple, and this earth is paradise, and this is the garden of Eden. It's all here; the materials to create paradise are already here."
"We are part of nature and I think we're the best part of nature."
"The Earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the Earth."
"In the age of the anthropocene, we tend to believe despite all available evidence that the world is here for our benefit."
"There is no such thing as a useless life form, no such thing as a pawn."
"The idea of cultivation is exactly the right answer... everyone wins."
"This weird business that we want to bring back nature as though man is not part of nature."
"We must completely rethink our reality that we are a part of Nature."
"Humans and nature are not separate; we're part of nature."
"Nature has made the most perfect creations that can ever be created. You can't surpass nature."
"Nature is not some separate thing, but an intimate part of us."
"Nature is more than a mere economic good."
"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world." - John Muir
"Nature has been thinking about order for a long, long time because nature wants to be efficient."
"We have now given ourselves a sphere of our own, the Anthroposphere."
"Nature has a way of correcting things."
"Biodiversity is the return of individuality, which is immortal and sacred."
"This world is very much about the connection between the human and nature."
"We're all drinking the same water, so therefore we're all the same thing; we are the water."