
Systemic Reform Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Let's reform the whole system root and branch and save ourselves and them all of this unnecessary grief."
"Our responsibility... is to do three things very clearly: clearly present the Undisputed facts, craft legislation to reform this chaos, and ensure it is never allowed to happen again."
"We need a new system, a new society, a demand that was once impossible but now an imperative necessity."
"If we are going to create a financial system in this country that works for all Americans, we have got to stop financial institutions from ripping off the American people."
"Together with your help, we can shine that big beautiful Spotlight of accountability and transparency down upon our system."
"We're at this point because of the pressure the people put on the system to force it to change."
"We want to shine that big beautiful spotlight of transparency and accountability back down upon that system."
"It's really hard for me to imagine reform of this system as opposed to a rebuild."
"So in order to create a world beyond fossil capitalism, beyond colonialism, and racism, we must also dismantle the patriarchy."
"It's an incredibly difficult system to reform, it's an incredibly difficult system to upend."
"You can't have a police department that is demonized by the community."
"The key to out-competing China is, in short, to fix our system so that it once again yields better outcomes and greater prosperity than China's."
"True justice would be if Floyd was alive and the whole system has to be reformed."
"Together we can shine that big beautiful spotlight of accountability and transparency back down upon that very system."
"We gotta fix our systems, friends. I mean, we've kind of just so moved along on top of them trying to protect what we had against the concerted relentless effort by too many on the other side to rip away what we did have."
"It's the system itself that needs to change."
"This man could have died in his own bed and he decided, 'I am going to have the biggest public execution on the face of the planet just to flex on the world government and launch an era of piracy.' Absolute mad lad."
"This precedent-setting moment in history where we can finally...change or at least put pressure to reform or improve this system." - (No specific name mentioned)
"The only way we're going to get the economy to work for everybody."
"We need reform on a national scale both in policy and education to address these heinous crimes."
"What we need to do is change the perverse incentive structures that produce these recurrent epidemics of accounting control fraud that are driving our crises."
"We need to talk about institutional change to how we envision policing."
"The only way that this works is if we as a community come together and try to fix this morally bankrupt system."
"In the US, rather than investing in a quality education for every child and quality mental, physical, and behavioral health care for every person, instead we're just going to have the criminal justice system handle all the young people we fail."
"Hopefully, we could see some change when it comes to the whole system reform."
"The system has to be completely excised because we've allowed this to metastasize for decades."
"Three years is not compared to the rest of your life, three years is like a flash in the pan, it's like a wink."
"We really need to put the health back into health care."
"We need a new system focused on the well-being of people."
"We're going to shine that big beautiful spotlight of accountability and transparency back down upon that very system."
"The two-party system itself is becoming an impediment for the flowering of American democracy."
"There is no reform or transformation that can fix this. We have to start over."
"What we really need to be doing as a collective is shifting our focus into trying to make it a more equitable system overall."
"Changing the foundational system that determines our social outcomes could make combating climate change much easier."
"Once we get all this stuff on blockchain, the two-party system is just a big farce."
"It's not this policeman or that policeman... the whole idea is that there's something in the police training, in the system itself, that needs to be overhauled."
"The answer is to try to fix the system to be more inclusive."
"Democrats and Republicans are willing to make sure this never happens again."
"Transparency is the only answer. It is our only hope of ending this VIP system of justice."
"Stay tuned, thank you so much. Thank you for your support, and let's make sure that we all do our part to fix this fatal system and help them better themselves. #unbroken #betteryourself."
"The lies and deceptions need to be revealed, our complete medical system needs to be dismantled."
"Someone has got to stand up to these people... the Constitution is the solution."
"We need to change the system from top to bottom; this is a red line."
"The only way to create a system that espouses and embraces equality and justice is to recognize its flaws and confront them."
"Saturn in Pisces signals a need for restructuring medical systems, exposing malpractices, and regulating pharmaceutical industries."
"Fixing the system would be much faster than blaming everybody individually."
"We need to tear the whole system down and reconstruct it."
"Once the voters' sentiment changes and we're on board with getting rid of politicians, that's the major tipping point."
"Every leader should prioritize changing the system for Africa's future."
"How can arrests occur prior to removing corruption from the DOJ and FBI?"
"Concrete actions we can take to reform and improve the system."
"The only way to really combat this is you need students who've been improperly accused... eventually the schools will realize we can't sustain this."
"We have to root out the bad apples, including both in the police force and the gang members."
"We need to put fire in the tail of people to change the whole system, not just part of the system."
"We need fundamental change at a much higher level to really stave off the climate crisis that we are in."
"We need fundamental systemic reform."
"People want real systemic change."
"This is not about trying to reform a system for the sake of reform, it's about understanding that this is actually a much smarter way to do the business of creating healthy communities."
"There is no reform for a system built upon the oppression of a lower class."
"This is not a film that sees conspiracies, it's not a film that mongers fear, it's not a film that blames bankers or politicians. It's a film that questions the systems we've created and suggests ways to reform them."
"The whole system needs to be completely reorganized."