
Cellular Function Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"Thyroid hormones increase the size and number of mitochondria, often nicknamed the powerhouse of the cell."
"The way I think about it is that you have a range of cells with varying degrees of metabolic health."
"The tumor cell on the other hand pretty much functions without oxygen... so this is referred to as fermentation."
"Chronic disease occurs when you don't have enough voltage to make new cells."
"These proteins are very, very crucial because we're going to take some of these proteins and move them towards the Golgi apparatus."
"Hydrogen sulfide is a key cellular messenger in the body that helps modulate or control inflammation."
"Glutathione, one of the most essential molecules for helping the body fight off illness and prevent premature aging."
"Glutathione is really the master antioxidant within mitochondria."
"All the cells in our body, including the nerve cells, the neurons, require the electrolytes in order to function properly." - Andrew Huberman
"So sickness is lack of optimal cell function that's it that's cancer that's diabetes that's heart disease that's that's schizophrenia it's every disease on the planet health is optimal cell function sickness is lack of optimal cell function."
"Methylene blue works at the molecular level in mitochondria, improving energy production."
"Epithelial tissues: Cells on a mission, always on the move."
"Chemical exfoliating is better than physical scrubs."
"So when your mitochondria are not working, you are not turning chemical energy into motor energy properly."
"Glucose transporter type 4 expression in the membrane is insulin dependent."
"So if your body has to make 100 times more replacement proteins and then have to deal with all of that, it's going to fail."
"As your muscle cells grow, new nuclei come in to help out."
"Golgi bodies: where proteins bud off for use outside the cell."
"The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Don't forget that. The mitochondria is the powerhouse."
"Cytotoxic T-cells actively eat up cells with abnormal antigens, preventing viral spread."
"Optimal nourishment means optimal cellular performance."
"Mitochondria are our energy powerhouses as they produce up to 95% of the energy our body uses to function properly from the food we eat and the air we breathe it literally helps increase the cellular energy or ATP."
"For cells to function and for biochemistry to move forward you have to have engines, machinery that produces energy and information to direct that energy in a way that's useful."
"Adaptogens may not impact cortisol levels directly but help other cells respond to cortisol better."
"They prevent killer T cells from spinning out of control."
"Mitochondria... the PowerHouse of the cell but it's so much more than that."
"Every cell in our body makes it, every cell synthesizes it, every cell wall is made up to some degree of cholesterol."
"Metabolism is really the process that our cells use to extract energy from food and from within our body to power up and fuel all of the functions."
"Absolutely and I think a lot of people have probably heard of the term mitochondria but they are like the spark plugs of ourselves."
"There's a lot of potassium in the cells; there's very little potassium outside of the cells."
"What thyroid hormones are doing: they enter into every cell in the body, bind with special type of receptors which are transcription factors, and alter the genomic expression of the cell."
"Melatonin blocks lipid peroxidation."
"Melatonin blocks mitochondrial apoptosis."
"Mitochondrial peptides have a central role in regulating mitochondrial function."
"You can take all the thyroid meds you want, but if you're functionally thyroid deficient at the cellular level, it doesn't matter."
"Insulin is like a key that opens the door to the cell so glucose can go inside."
"Iodine is central to overall cellular energy production, metabolic rate, growth, and development."
"The ATP synthase is an amazing molecular machine that converts the energy stored in a proton gradient into chemical energy stored in the bond of ATP. It's an essential part of our energy metabolism, ensuring that we have the energy we need to power our cells and stay alive."
"But it's everything that I've done to support the introduction of benfotiamine and B1 into my cells with all the other Bs that I've been taking, all the other minerals that I've been taking, which has enabled me to be able to maximally use benfotiamine, for example."
"Every cell in your body is looking for work. They gotta have work to stay alive. It's a job; that's their agenda."
"Learn how every part of a cell works. It's important to understand the basics. Dive into the deep end and let the information wash over you."
"Every single cell in everybody's body needs iodine."
"The Golgi apparatus modifies and secretes proteins."
"By aggregating across many locations of the same cell, you now have enough information to talk about transcription factors that might be commonly active in one cell versus another cell."
"One way of looking at aging is how capable is the cell at replicating when needed and then, independent of replicating itself, how capable is the cell at cleaning house."
"Betaine helps balance fluid levels inside and outside of cells."
"We're going to allow your cells to hear the beautiful sounds of your fat burning hormones."
"The powerhouse of the cell is responsible for generating all the ATP that a cell needs."
"It's very unlikely you're going to get cancer if you can keep that organel healthy."
"Reduction of glucose... reduces signaling through the mammalian target of rapamycin, known as mTOR, which usually promotes cellular growth and protein production within a cell."
"The mitochondria has a double membrane."
"Intermittent fasting has the perks of autophagy, it's the cellular cleanup helps keep our cells functioning at the highest capacity."
"ATP works to power the entire cell."
"Every cell in your body needs sugar in order to properly function."
"Our bodies consist of billions of cells that are almost entirely specialized for particular functions."
"Without cholesterol, the cell membrane would disintegrate and all your cells would disintegrate, and you would be instantly dead."
"ATP is actually the best known nucleotide, the energy currency of the cell."
"The mitochondrial efficiency is life, this is the power plant of the cell."
"Increase your potassium intake; while sodium sucks water into cells, potassium pumps it out."
"Resveratrol... decreases the oxidative stress while improving the function and the growth of new healthy mitochondria."
"The sodium potassium pump is the transporter which makes sure to maintain higher concentrations of sodium in the extracellular space."
"While the frog is frozen, its cells stop communicating but they continue functioning individually thanks to a syrupy anti-freeze in their blood made from glucose and glycogen."
"What was important for the nuclear localization is actually the nuclear localization signal."
"Calcium plays a role inside the cell. That's how your hormone messages get delivered."
"Adenosine triphosphate is the fuel for the cell's functions."
"It's been shown to help improve the immune function and boost like the production of necessary T helper cells."
"The work of a cell includes assembling polymers, membrane transport, moving, and reproducing among other things."
"The sodium potassium pump's overall goal is to move three sodium ions out of the cell and two potassium ions into the cell."
"Transport proteins are responsible for controlling passage across cellular membranes."
"Estrogen is so important for every cell function in our body."
"A healthy cell receives hormones, and when they send a signal to the cell, this cell does its job."
"When we are hydrated, our cells will have more energy, our cells will turn over quickly."
"Our cells will literally help us actually glow from a small micro level."
"Every cell makes a lot of glutathione and superoxide dismutase, these are molecules that swipe up these free radicals."
"The polarized state is caused by potassium efflux."
"Repolarization is caused by potassium efflux."
"The human body is approximately 60% water, of which 2/3 is located within cells and 1/3 is located outside of cells."
"Every single cell in the human body... has something called a sodium iodine symporter."
"Always remember the matrix is made by the connective tissue cell that lives in that connective tissue."
"The mitochondria absolutely adores red light, it's fascinating how this is working."
"As long as cells are fed and clean, they're going to do their job."
"The sequence of nucleotides in DNA codes for proteins which is key to all the operations that a cell will do."
"The cells have to be attached to this extracellular matrix in order to function."
"Activate the mitochondria, powerhouse of the cell."
"You gotta use your mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell."
"Your cells need energy to do what cells do best."
"Vitamin D receptors are in every single cell in your body; it is that important."
"The mitochondria are little organs within a cell responsible for energy production."
"The mitochondria makes most of our cellular ATP."
"The spinning of ATP synthase helps create ATP, which is a form of usable energy for the cell."
"Proteins are molecules that do things in the cell; they're really amazing."
"Mitochondria, they're the energy producer of the cell."
"ATP drives biochemical activity inside your living cells and is a key building block of DNA and RNA."
"The mitochondria, often labeled as the powerhouse of the cell, provides 95% of the cell's energy needs."
"Cellular respiration is the process of using glucose to create energy."
"The purpose of breathing is to bring in oxygen to fuel cellular function and expel carbon dioxide as a waste product."
"Your muscles and your neurons and the various cells in your body absolutely need these ions to be able to function properly."
"Minerals include calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, and chlorine, all of which are important in cellular functions."
"Organelles and subcellular structures and the interactions among them support cellular function."
"Our needs as organisms actually reflect the needs of our cells."
"The mitochondria are the actual workers; they're the brain."
"And vitamin A is critical for the mitochondria to produce energy for the cells."
"ATP is like the energy currency for our cells."
"The information needed to operate a cell is stored in its DNA."
"Mitochondria... the powerhouses of the cell, the ATP making factories in your cell."
"Mitochondria are sometimes described as the cellular power plants because they generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)."
"Proteins are really the workers of our cell, controlling a lot of our cellular reactions and therefore controlling the expressions of a lot of our traits."
"If you've got ATP in the cell, your cell is running; it's working."
"Potassium determines the electrical voltage of every single cell in our body."
"Proteins and all these interactions really make a huge difference in how our bodies and our cells operate."
"Every cell in the body is within two red blood cell distances away from a capillary."
"They produce glucose, which can then be stored as starch, can be respired, or passed to other organelles in the cell."
"The control of gene expression is important not only for our cells but for the simplest bacterial cells as well."
"The exclusion zones are central for biological function."
"If you ever feel like a screw-up, your cells are fixing 10,000 to 100,000 mistakes a day and they're just carrying on."
"If you keep your muscles healthy, they may actually be sending out signals to improve your other cells' mitochondrial function."
"Protecting our DNA from damage so that cells can continue to function properly and replicate normally."
"Glutathione has important roles in maintaining mitochondrial function, affecting gene expression in the nucleus, and affecting protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum."
"Open probability is highly regulated and forms the most interesting and convenient way to regulate the function of individual ion channels."
"This act protein not only helps the insulin-sensitive cells to take up more glucose, even it helps that glucose to convert into glucose 6-phosphate."
"Mitochondria... that thing's a powerhouse, isn't it?"
"The correct indicator of cell energy is the ratio of ATP to ADP."
"The cell is a precision machine; every organelle has a purpose, every organelle has a function in it, all has to be working in perfect timing basically for everything to work right."
"ATP is the key to the sally port that allows the sodium potassium pump to work properly."
"The cell is like a factory because every part of the cell, every organelle, has their specific function."
"These mitochondria are really important because your cardiac muscles must be able to contract for your entire life."
"Proteins are essential obviously for cellular life, but their structure is essential for their function."
"Since intracellular calcium concentration is linked to muscular contraction of the heart cell, the heart beats more strongly."
"Your mitochondria decide whether a cell gets cancer or doesn't get cancer."
"Every cell in the human body that's ever been studied, whether it's a kidney cell, a liver cell, a brain cell, they all have sodium iodide symporters on the cell membrane."
"Cells go to great lengths to balance the relative numbers of nucleotides they have in them."
"These micronutrients are so critical for our cells to function properly."
"Membranes are the gatekeepers of the cell."
"Cells are doing this because, if they stop doing this, they will burst."
"Contractility is the cell's ability to contract when it is stimulated by an impulse."
"Chemicals are introduced into the body, the intent is usually to make some kind of a biochemical change in cells or maybe many cells in your body such that their function is altered in some way that's helpful to you."
"Proteins have little identity markers on them, in the form of carbohydrates, that tell the cell where this protein's supposed to go."
"Zinc is found in cells throughout the body."