
Apollo 11 Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind still makes my hair stand up."
"The Zenith of The Summer of '69 was perhaps the Apollo 11 mission."
"The Apollo 11 mission was the culmination of hard work and hope of hundreds of thousands of people."
"Everyone expected a disaster... even President Richard Nixon himself was ready should the Apollo 11 mission fail."
"The Apollo 11 Mission would forever be one of man's biggest achievements."
"Kennedy's dream did come to pass when the first man on the Moon Neil Armstrong took his first steps in 1969."
"The moon rocks brought back from the Apollo 11 were useful in providing more insight into the moon's composition."
"Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed."
"Tonight we've seen this huge saucer that Apollo 11 captured on film as well as three other potential craft and an extraordinary ornate looking capsule that was possibly abandoned by aliens after crash landing."
"Kennedy's dream was finally realized in July 1969 when Apollo 11 touched down on the lunar surface."
"One-fifth of humanity watched Neil Armstrong's footsteps in 1969."
"When Apollo 11 took off...the entire world was watching."
"Apollo 11 VR experience... it's really nicely produced... it's a great thing to show people that might be skeptical..."
"Michael Collins's significant role in Apollo 11 has cemented his legacy as an esteemed astronaut."
"Everyone remembers what Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin accomplished when Apollo 11 brought those men to the moon."
"Thirty years after Apollo 11 landed on the moon in 1969 a historian discovered a contingency speech written by Nixon's speechwriter William Sapphire which had been prepared in case the astronauts were stranded on the moon."
"Aldo 11 was a black operation. It was off the books. It ran alongside the Apollo 11 Mission."
"These four alone are more complex than the guidance systems on Apollo 11."
"Apollo 11 is a symbol of what a great nation and a great people can do if we work hard together and have strong leaders with vision and determination."
"From the ocean, it's the Apollo 11 spacecraft crew."
"Among the many aspects of the Apollo 11 mission, one mystery that has captured imaginations for years is the curious case of the missing original tapes."
"Who was the first man to step on the moon?"
"Who was the second man to step on the moon?"
"Celebrating 50 years of Apollo 11 landing on the moon is one of the greatest things that ever happened."
"Margaret Hamilton, who took mankind to the moon, is standing beside the codes she created to program the computer systems on the Apollo 11 spacecraft, 1969."
"Liftoff, we have a liftoff, 32 minutes past the hour. Lift up on Apollo 11."
"The weekend of the Apollo 11 moon landing should have cemented the Kennedy's family legacy of public service."
"On July the 20th, 1969, Apollo 11 landed on the moon and promised to open the door to our explanation not only of the moon but also the solar system."
"It's the 48th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11."
"Several years go by, and the soldiers are delighted to hear on the radio about the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969."
"Apollo 11 was being prepared for the first attempt at a landing on the moon."
"Apollo 11 was the first of six successful Moon missions, the result of an unprecedented surge in scientific and engineering activity with remarkable spin-offs."
"The success of the mission paved the way a few months later for Apollo 11, for Neil, Buzz, and Mike going to the moon, landing of humans on the moon, fulfilling President Kennedy's challenge to the nation."
"What was the name of the historic NASA mission that took Neil Armstrong to the moon?"
"She also helped calculate the trajectory for the 1969 Apollo 11 flight to the moon."
"The astronauts on Apollo 11 positioned reflectors on the surface of the moon, and we're going to shoot a laser off one of them."
"Apollo 11 and its crew became the first humans to land and walk on the moon."
"Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin... descended onto the moon's surface in a lunar module."
"Michael Collins... was doing laps around the Moon."
"One step for a man, one giant leap for mankind," was spoken by Neil Armstrong on the moon in '69.
"Apollo 11 is one of the most amazing feats performed by NASA scientists."
"Because the moon landing was July 1969."
"The Apollo 11 mission is famous for putting a man on the moon for the first time."
"Human history was made on July 20th, 1969, when the Apollo 11 astronauts walked on the moon's surface for the first time ever."
"He was the third member of the Apollo 11 team... he's a little more forgotten, maybe a little more unknown, but he's definitely not unimportant."
"This July is the 50th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11."