
Wildlife Photography Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"I think the best wildlife photographers love their subjects."
"This photo was interesting because it was taken back in 2007 by a hunter known as Rick Jacobs."
"If all artists have a muse, Tom Mangelsen's is this 22-year-old female grizzly bear."
"Photographing those Pokémon helps us learn more about them and their ecosystem."
"An amazing camera capture here shows a massive mountain lion cornered on the top of a snowy boulder."
"That's the biggest hippo I've ever seen at the closest range I've ever seen. I've got just the photograph I wanted and live to tell the tale."
"Elephant seal captured giving big hug to photographer: unexpected cuddles in South Georgia."
"The powerful image of a tiger hugging an ancient Manchurian fir tree in a remote Siberian forest has won one of the world's most important photography prizes."
"The Z8 is absolutely essential for me as a wildlife photographer."
"Great white shark leaps at seal, captured in breathtaking photos."
"The best way to get flight shots is to find birds that are engaged in predictable repeatable behaviors."
"I think this trail cam photo shows a genuine photograph of a Bigfoot."
"The Sony A1, this is our pick for the best camera of the year. We've been shooting them side by side for wildlife, I love it."
"Unlike people, trail cameras are brutally honest when it comes to capturing incidents that are unbelievable, from terrifying incidents to unusual encounters."
"The biggest highlights for the session for me were the fish, just absolutely stunning carp after stunning carp."
"Wildlife photography is a sacred thing; you do not alter your wildlife images."
"I used to be a wildlife photographer."
"You put a camera there, you get pictures of them, but you hunt there, you will never see him."
"Armed with this knowledge, you're going to go out there and enjoy Wildlife photography as much as I do."
"The Canon R5 absolutely is still an amazing wildlife camera."
"The Z8 is our first pick for wildlife between these three cameras."
"I'm there to follow the bears. When we find the bears, we get the gear ready and then we start shooting. That's the fun part. That's when the adrenaline rushes, that's when the blood pumps in your veins. That's when you feel alive."
"Now, if you want to get into all the details of wildlife photography, that's a whole 'nother topic. But if you really get into wildlife photography, it's just like hunting when you start to learn all about your cartridges and rifles and ballistics."
"My goal was to photograph a Grizzly during my trip here and through waiting out a thunderstorm I was finally able to do so."
"An irresponsible student with an unhealthy obsession for wildlife photography."
"I honestly believe and hope that at the end of this video you'll have a better idea of what gear you could possibly buy to get into Wildlife photography."
"I honestly have no doubt that if you do suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, or any of those sort of mental health conditions, I honestly, truly believe that wildlife photography or any sort of photography or creative pursuit is definitely a great benefit to us."
"You know, if you're a person who loves to photograph wildlife and you're a bit on a budget, I mean, I think this lens is going to be your dream lens."
"A time traveling wildlife photographer? I'm telling you, it's a movie!"
"I think it's a perfect presentation of this really interesting portrait of this bird."
"I believe that the very most important categories for wildlife photography, the R3 won most of things like autofocus speed and high ISO noise handling are just more important than price or video capabilities when you're talking about how it performs as a wildlife camera."
"You want the owl to blend in with the tree, but also make the subject stand out a little bit more."
"It's a perfect lens for birders and you can also throw on the teleconverters, of course."
"For wildlife, for the sharpest possible images, I would recommend using an aperture between 7.1 and 9."
"With wildlife, we want the fastest shutter speeds we can get."
"Love seeing those elephants, tuskers, and I hope to have got a vulture in flight."
"The feather detail is great on this guy, the head looks good."
"Hey folks, thanks for hitting play on my inaugural bird and wildlife photography vlog."
"What I would call more rapid vlogs that get right to the point of the skills, technique, thought process behind creating wildlife images."
"Capturing these incredible acts on film is all about being in the right place at the right time."
"The R6 is a great wildlife photography camera; it's a great choice."
"The tracking system works so well for my wildlife action work, I'm going to go ahead and call it a game-changer for wildlife action shooters."
"The A1 really is a potent wildlife camera; it checks all the boxes and simply gets the job done."
"If you can get to an animal's level, you'll find that you have a better shot."
"Just awesome, I just love the log, I love the pose, the details excellent."
"Good luck with your wildlife photography."
"If you want the best of both worlds and you don't have a mirrorless, then get this; it's absolutely the best budget wildlife lens around."
"The most popular Wildlife photography tripod that is made by far."
"I'm a pilot, I'm a violinist, and I'm a photographer of sorts. I love animal wildlife photography especially."
"If you think professional wildlife photographers nail a crisp, perfectly sharp image every time, then don't worry, their memory cards are full of soft and completely out of focus shots that no one else ever gets to see."
"We're going to have an office hours... we're going to be shooting a lot of wildlife."
"If you are a serious wildlife photographer who prefers to travel light, this camera is definitely for you."
"Get out there, enjoy your wildlifeatory, go make some cracking images."
"Let's talk about what this firmware update did specifically for wildlife photographers."
"Using a photography blind, especially if used properly and correctly, can be a great way to get that picture of the animal you've been wanting to photograph for so long now."
"Be prepared to practice a whole lot of patience when using a photography blind."
"I'm always looking to enhance my camouflage and try new methods of remaining hidden from the animals that I photograph."
"They may not suit high-end wildlife photographers but for the rest of us, open up a world that until now was literally out of reach."
"Mount them on an R5 or an R6 and you've got a seriously impressive setup for wildlife photography."
"Macro wildlife photography is the idea of photographing amphibians and snakes, insects and spiders - all the things that mostly people find to be misunderstood."
"For wildlife photography, you're probably shooting a lot of burst frames, a lot of continuous motion stuff."
"If you're looking for a wildlife and sports camera that performs unlike anything else on the market, the a9 Mark 2 is exactly that product."
"A good choice for this type of photography is like a mid-telephoto lens; if you're close enough, then something like a 300 millimeter lens is absolutely ideal."
"Capturing a great bird in flight image can be one of the most satisfying feelings in photography."
"Now this is a river otter, and I find them super striking, very handsome to photograph."
"Be patient. I'm not good at it, maybe you are. Maybe you're going to be an awesome wildlife photographer because you are patient."
"Binoculars can be invaluable to wildlife photographers."
"I'm very happy with this detailed shot of an African lion."
"I'm Andrew Avery, professional photographer and specialist safari guide for wildlife and landscape photography from South Africa."
"There's no guarantee when it comes to wildlife photography, but there are a few things you could do to help your odds."
"Every single wildlife photographer, whether it's a hobbyist, amateur, professional, all alike, they always say, 'I would do it all over again; they never regret it.'"
"Wildlife can never be guaranteed and this is one of the appeals of photographing animals."
"Being a good wildlife photographer is more than just mastering focus, exposure, and composition; it's relying on intuition, good old gut feeling."
"It's actually quite a nice picture of this kudu on top of the termite mound."
"What a great example of studying behavior, being patient, not being disruptive, and then getting an incredible image out of it."
"Once we get close and we get set up, really two things can happen: we either try to force the moment, which I would argue is a bad thing because you're creating an artificial scenario, or you be patient and you sit there and wait, and then you can actually get natural behavior."
"Green sea turtle surfacing for air, well damn, that is a close shot, well done."
"Wildlife photography can be the most rewarding thing you ever do in your life."
"It is a stunning picture, look at the size of the beak, so much bigger than the other vulture beaks that we see."
"This is what we love about lions when they get playful like this in a really good light."
"We're at the mercy of the animals that we're photographing; we're not in a studio, we can't control the scenario."
"A red fox and a butterfly. You will never find a human's composure more solid than a nature photographer who lands a shot like this."
"You do not need the best gear to enjoy wildlife photography."
"Picking up wildlife photography... has given me a genuine sense of purpose."
"Wildlife photography is addictive."
"Wildlife photography in general is a game of patience."
"That's absolutely critical for success at wildlife photography."
"It's so nice when she kind of looks up like that; it's that quintessential sort of leopard shot."
"I was hoping I might get some photographs of lion cubs playing in golden light."
"Isn't that beautiful? Here we have a very postcard picturesque leopard pose for you."
"I'm going to share with you today secrets, tips, and tricks that I have been able to fine-tune to make the most of my wildlife photography experience."
"It gives you the best chance of getting special, incredible photographs of wildlife in all your favorite areas."
"Photography is about being very patient and very quiet and hoping that the whales let you into their world."
"Isn't this the most beautiful picture, male lion in the mist? You can't ask for anything better than that."
"Look at that, spectacular mist and a male lion."
"It is my absolute pleasure to introduce wildlife photographer and presenter, this is Hamza Yassin."
"It's a really challenging shoot, but that's what I actually live for, that's what I love to do as a wildlife photographer."
"It's the best camera I've ever used for tracking a flying bird."
"It's like my dream shot to get a leopard silhouette in a Marula tree."