
Home Life Quotes

There are 411 quotes

"Time to break out the fancy cookware, this one's gonna get hot."
"I am a natural homebody. I love being home, I love chilling, I love relaxing."
"I'm going to stay home, and we're going to cook some nice home-cooked meals that are going to be healthier, by the way."
"A good mattress and a good wife, it's mostly the good wife but the mattress helps."
"I'm a homebody, and I would say I'm an introvert, so I do just love nights like this where the baby's asleep."
"It scares me that it's starting to feel normal to just be stuck at home."
"We finally get our own bedroom. It's such a nice thing."
"This is your home, where you live, and it doesn't need to be picture perfect."
"Your home is your castle, and if you can't get peace at home, you can't get it nowhere."
"Being at home has been the best blessing outside of salvation that I have ever received."
"My family supported me a lot. My mom prepared good meals for me while my dad helped me with hard math problems."
"Home is different. Home is generally less chaotic."
"Into the nation's living rooms and kitchens came bright new materials, man-made fabrics, and labor-saving devices."
"The kitchen became the heart and center of the meaning of home."
"Our favorite thing in my house is canceling plans."
"For a lot of people, staying home with your pets all day is the best part about it."
"Keep your mind at home; it can accomplish more there than anywhere else."
"He's the kids' best friend, so on Saturday I walked into the living room and I found my six-year-old curled up on the walrus with a blanket sleeping."
"I love coming home to a cozy home, a cozy environment."
"Raising your kids at home and being home with your kids, there's nothing wrong with that either." - Ben
"If Lance could keep one room clean in my house, I would gladly give you a tour."
"If you ain't got peace at home, you ain't got peace nowhere."
"I now have my own home, I live in, I have a studio here, and that has just drastically improved the quality of everything around this channel."
"The smell of Vicky making breakfast downstairs made things a little bit more tolerable."
"Venus in your fourth house intensifies the sense of inner peace and inner calm."
"First parents are like, 'Yay, go play your game of Sorry in the basement with your friends. Dinner's at six.'"
"Lessons every home should have: a marmalade day and a bath."
"A milk frother or steamer... just so easy... makes life so much easier."
"Stay at home even if you have to smoke leaves."
"They want to feel like they have a stable home and foundation with you."
"Home sweet home, I guess. Considering everything that happened, it's impressive how ordinary it turned out."
"That's where the fun happens, that's the relaxing zone, it's the entertainment area."
"Good job to everybody because you have been at home for the most part and you've been fighting with your partner, I don't know what's up with that."
"Cut yourself a break. It's not realistic your house is not going to look perfect all the time especially if you live in it constantly."
"Charity begins at home, you can't help somebody else before you help the people around you."
"Healing your soul in that area, Chariklo is bringing some healing regards to your home and private life."
"Living at this house, we don't know what's going to happen in the next 30 seconds."
"Canning frozen food feels like one of my cheat codes."
"If there is a lady in the home she is to be treated like a queen."
"The only good thing that's come out of this virus is my wife is cooking."
"Lovers, friends, and companion animals are all at home in your life right now."
"Your home situation will get completely figured out. You will actually find yourself feeling very at peace."
"Everything else in your life comes together once your home situation is figured out."
"I think everyone should take advantage of this time they're spending at home to focus on the things that they haven't been able to focus on because they've been so busy... their families, their close friends, their relationships."
"Day 40, I cleared yet another one of these towers, and when I got home, it was flooring time."
"Kids come first. The father and mother ensure the mother is home."
"Love Can flourish in the home, close to home, in the nest single people who are sages can meet somebody from the same ancestral line of you."
"Now if I stay home, I'm like I'm too comfortable."
"This person does want stability with you. They want a marriage with you or something happy and stable basically in a home situation."
"I feel happy here I like having my space together now."
"I love being at home. I love time with family."
"Someone sees you like home, there's something to do with a home, a family, about the creature comforts of home."
"Moving into the house is a bit of a game changer."
"They are the shine of the house and we are so proud."
"We're moving into a new apartment with the little gallery! Oh, the bubbles, I'm so excited!"
"You come in the house, as soon as you put your phone down, you make that peanut butter jelly sandwich before you even finish heating up your ramen noodles."
"I am bored in the house and I'm in the house bored."
"It's just very surreal it really is still remember vividly as if it was yesterday moving into this home."
"You don't need a crazy holiday, just hang out at home."
"Everything you're doing about your home life property in real estate is going to be very prosperous abundant and lucky."
"I hope you've enjoyed this video all about what we have been eating in lockdown today."
"For the next couple of days, the newlyweds got to enjoy being husband and wife for the first time inside of their dream home."
"The pandemic was a wake-up call for everybody because no matter what people thought of themselves when they were at home, who was there with you?"
"This two-year phase for Taurus is a very positive one for their mental happiness and also happiness at home."
"Let's just snuggle and make bread." - Cristine
"It's exactly the same and he knows how to look after you like you know what I mean he's a home bird he loves it at home."
"That's what the Queen of Pentacles wants, a home that has love and comfort and peace of mind and good food and time to cook that food."
"Start cooking at home more cooking from scratch making a lot at the beginning of the week where you have food for the rest of the week."
"Our house is just a puppy fest at the moment."
"Our house is a bit of a disaster, so here we go."
"I mean, I feel like a place that's never perfectly decorated but you know what it is what it is."
"I built those beds just in time, oh, look at em! They're so cute, I love you guys I love you guys."
"The goodbye is scary and we're locked in our home but now we have big microphones so you can relax."
"If you're home and miserable, that's one, not to be right."
"You're feeling appreciated, you're feeling good, you're feeling loved, and you are probably feeling grateful for the home life that you have."
"Revitalize the foundation of your life by setting intentions to manifest greatness in your home, family, and relationships."
"I'm pretty helpful around the house, I would say."
"What if they are ahead of you? Well then great, we were challenged."
"Your home life affects your happiness, relationships, and even your health, so it's essential to take action steps to bring about a peaceful, safe, and happy environment."
"I'm gonna make his doors invisible and I might actually put extra doors in his house so when he goes in he just keeps on opening doors."
"Imagine coming home to your cat snuggled up with its head on a pillow and its body underneath the blankets."
"Our homes are supposed to be places of refuge where we feel safe and secure."
"In our old age and now it'll basically be let's just rotate among the rooms in our house because covet's never going away."
"I really do believe it's the heart of the home."
"For some people, Saturn transits through the fourth, there can be surmountable difficulties in terms of your home."
"I'm impressed with the number of people who want to be naked. Not having to hold in your farts and no one to judge you when you let one rip."
"You're finding yourself very content in your home."
"Your overall contentment in the heart, goodness in the heart, peace in the home."
"When I start frying up green tomatoes and when I start bringing in my harvest, do you know how much sweeter that experience is going to be?"
"I'm waking up at my house, my sister, her husband, and their two kids are staying with us."
"Nobody can tell if your house is a mess they don't know where you are"
"I just jumped off the bed and I looked at the screen and that's when I saw our little jelly bean."
"There's a new beginning in finances and your home, with a gift coming in."
"The most important work that you will ever do is within the four walls of your own home."
"Improvements and work in your home, family, and personal life."
"It's nice to be able to just come home and the groceries are there."
"Everyone knows what it's like staying at home, wanting to learn new things, self-improvement."
"I'm cooking at home more, and it's been successful."
"Your family won't even know you stopped buying the store stuff."
"Never take for granted if you live at home with your family who loves you."
"Grab a tea, get comfy, and let's show you some more bits."
"I've been spending so much time with my family after everything this past month, so I feel like I'm gone for like two, three days at a time and every time I come back, there's just some sort of [___] that's going on."
"The best thing living in the longer house is always leftovers at the end of every moot ball."
"I really like being at home with my family. Having a nice house and a nice place to come home to, to spend my downtime is becoming something that I'm attracted to." - "Be smart with your money, but focus on things that give you never-ending joy."
"Enjoy your time at home whether you have to be there or not, whether you think you're legally there or not, have a great day."
"More time at home, more time with family, more time with yourself."
"Just being here, just being in the house, just her being pregnant, it's just my mind has shifted to where I just want to be at home."
"Life at home continues to be really tough for this family."
"I've sat down for two seconds and this one is on my lap literally just sat in my hallway with it half put back together in your ear."
"Every season of life would be greater than the previous, it was the will of God, it's His nature, so it has to be the nature of our home."
"You are raising children, not a clean house."
"So when we when we go back to our families, I'm bringing an energy that is hard to just create when you're at home all the time."
"At the end of the day, we all need to take a deep breath, listen to what everyone, all the officials are saying, hang out in your house for a while, have some fun, spend some time with your loved ones, and things will get better."
"The kitchen to me is really like the heart of my home."
"I don't know, it makes me really happy, like making little mood boards for the living room."
"My kitchen is a far more bearable place to be again. The smellish sausage is seeked out somewhat and my mother has scuttled back off to wherever she came from."
"I just want to be home, I want to be able but after having a baby being at home with him for a year like they want to get out the house."
"I'm content with staying at home playing League of Legends, reading a book, eating a bagel with cream cheese from HEB cheap aisle."
"We never anticipated never thought would really be a part of our home."
"I feel like I always do this when the bread's in the toaster, I open my blinds and make my bed."
"There's always a bunch of disaster happening in this house."
"My home is my castle... very loyal... very detailed journal."
"You're waiting for a happy family life, a happy home life, a happy stable commitment."
"We are back home and it's almost dinner time."
"We're cooking up a storm in the kitchen."
"Stability for me is big, and I got that in my household."
"Imagine yourself coming home after a long day of work, not having to think or worry about what to eat."
"Not everything has to be perfect when you're cooking at home for your friends and family."
"Next week I'm hosting the first dinner party at my house that I've had pretty much since I moved in."
"My house is the Dick Van Dyke Show. The worst thing that happens in my house is I smoke pot in my bathroom in the back."
"I'm a total homebody. If I spent the entire weekend binge-watching reality TV shows with my cat, I would consider that a huge success."
"If your home life is not leading you to be productive or healthy, take care of it so it doesn't become an excuse."
"We ate some candy, we had some delicious burgers. Tonight was great. We just needed a couple of days to just kind of get stuff done around the house and it was nice to have some home vlogs."
"It's great to be able to shift your focus to being a little bit more home-centered."
"That's the perfect life and then you've shared that not everything from the outside perception is what it is in our home."
"...so I think that these are well worth your money... I think that they will really keep you stocked up in your home and that you'll just be equipped to be able to create a beautiful life and it'll just be easy."
"Your greatest joys in your life will be within the walls of your own home."
"The progress has been fantastic but we're craving our home life back."
"You're protective of your fun and your home life."
"Life on the road's pretty crazy, get to go to some cool places like Cerro Gordo, explore the mine, but it doesn't mean the world back home quits turning."
"We're going to have 12 dogs over at the house, be great. I got a huge backyard, just let them go crazy. I like that, it's less creepy."
"No matter what she tries to do to destress, it doesn't change her situation, her home life, or what she's experienced."
"This is honestly like the first time the house has been in order."
"Making healthy food for yourself at home is something that can make your home life and your moments at home, your time at home, feel really cozy and lovely."
"Enrich your home life, fill it with interesting things"
"Start doing the opposite. Normalize being at home with my cat."
"You can't have a perfect house. My house stays sort of messed up."
"Now when I am home, there's also cons of being home all day long because there's just a never-ending mess."
"It's probably good that you can't go to restaurants these days because you're staying home."
"I enjoy my pets. I enjoy my life. And I enjoy the things I do at my house."
"A bit of a mishmash of a vlog but it's essentially spend the day with me productive Monday Vibes home updates"
"Home life for Libra is about where your heart is, bringing order and discipline."
"Who's happy to have the home life Vlogs back? Because I'm happy to be back."
"I've had the best time being at home because I never really get to be at home this long."
"Good way golden on the weeks I skipped this or don't prioritize creating an intentional environment in my kitchen I find my family tends to eat out more on those weeks."
"It's gonna be all about nesting and having much needed time at home."
"You needn't stand about and stew all day," mother said.
"Love that we usually just hang out in the morning in the backyard."
"...you don't necessarily know what goes on in the home when you aren't physically there."
"She wondered how the hell she had gotten to this place. On the surface, things appeared to be going well. Her job was doing great, but at home, things were becoming awful."
"Victoria, thank you so much. You've done wonders in our house."
"Everyone's stuck in the house and people really depend on the mom to feed them, bathe them, pay the bills."
"You are beginning a new path when it comes to your home life."
"When you get home, you need to unload the groceries. So, in this picture that I found, all the kids are helping unload the groceries."
"I want to be home. I want to be at the soccer games, at the violin recitals."
"Supper was good. We got to enjoy it on the porch again. That is one of my favorite things to do."
"...moms do run the household, the mother is a heartbeat in the home."
"I always been like a family man, you know, and I feel like you need that balance, like you need that at home."
"Your dream bedroom, his nightmare. It talks about thread counts and what your sheet should be like so that he wants to stay in bed and cuddle with you."
"You have a beautiful soul. Your home-cooked meals look so delicious. You have such a beautiful family."
"Nobody cares about that. They're there for you, not for your perfect home."
"Our home continues to be harmonious."
"Enjoying your stitching and time at home."
"Start opening up to new friendships... There's a lot of emphasis on the changing of your home environment."
"Don't worry about it to a certain extent; if you're with the person you love, enjoy doing up your beautiful home, be in the moment."
"When you're in a home, I think the important thing to do is to share and try to get along."
"We have a beautiful home together, and we both work really hard at our relationship."
"I was really looking forward to spending some time at home, but now I've had enough."
"I have never been more happy to be a homebody."
"Whenever I'm home, I got a Traeger out there and that's been like something that's really brought... I just love it, man."
"It's nice to just be able to be in a place where I'm with the kids, not thinking about washing and ironing and cleaning the house."
"The best way to relax after a long day is to catch up with my wife, have dinner, light a candle, make some tea, throw on some TV, and just chill on the couch."
"It's what you do at home that counts."
"I'm going to have some downtime and really enjoy being with my family and being home."
"My wife and I love to come home from work and just get into the pool and chill, have a nice refreshing adult beverage, talk about our day."
"We've got ourselves a whole chicken for dinner and we're pretty excited to give it a go roasting on the cobb grill along with some fresh veggies."
"It's a beautiful day, a beautiful week here at the homestead."
"I want to be home with my kids and watch them grow up."
"Your home is the area we eat in, we sleep in, we play in, we relax in, we laugh in, and it needs to enable us to feel contentment while doing those things."
"We are just loving life in our new home, feeling very settled, really grounded and just wholesome."
"I'm in my homebody stage, and I don't mind it. I think I might actually love it."
"I am enjoying the peace in my home and finally living a good life."
"Any dream misses its mark when the home is neglected."
"William and Kate are determined to build a very happy home life for their children."
"Being overwhelmed doesn't make you a failure, and your messy home is not a reflection of you as a person."
"Wise is the woman who knows the measure of her strength and uses it to enrich the home life."
"I got the circle ice cubes down to a science now, guys."
"I think it's important that she have a stable home life."
"Welcome to the absolute madness of our home."
"I'm quite a normal homebody, I've got dogs, I like watching telly."