
Teachers Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Those teachers who died protecting those children in their care."
"Continuous professional development programs for teachers are crucial for improving educational processes and outcomes."
"Building digital competencies is essential, not just for students but for teachers and educators as well."
"I genuinely believe that anyone saying anything negative about teachers... can just literally [expletive] right off."
"In that shooting and other shootings, teachers died...literally shielding the bodies of kids, taking the bullets so the kids wouldn't have to."
"Students at one Michigan school surprised their former teachers."
"Regular people can be heroes. Those teachers can be heroes. They're paid less to be heroes, trained less, armored less. They can be heroes."
"Heartwarming: These 10 teachers absolutely debased themselves on their hands and knees in front of a hollering and hooting drunk crowd of hockey fans to scrounge up one dollar bill to benefit their students' livelihoods."
"It's about finding pieces of information through some person but at other times I am more interested in finding teachers."
"Teachers are standing up for our rights and for the rights of children."
"Nobody is born cool, except of course teachers who treat girls and boys equally."
"My favorite teacher of all time, Mr. Bator."
"The real heroes of the country are the teachers."
"I'm gonna be covering the five best google drive features for teachers."
"My your teachers almost came out."
"There is no shortage of people who are wonderful qualified willing Educators; there is a shortage of teaching jobs that adequately treats compensates and respects skilled professionals such that they would want to be teachers in the first place."
"94% of teachers pay out of their own pockets for classroom supplies. They pay an average of five hundred dollars."
"We've been given so much that we just take it for granted and we should be grateful and we should be making our teachers Heroes."
"What we've shown is that a pretty simple recipe of getting reasonable teachers and using data and trying to change the culture of the building can have big effects on their lives."
"It's mainly for teachers now. All I do actually is for teachers."
"Teachers like Mr. Simmons don’t come around often, and you’re lucky if you’ve had one."
"Teachers are doing the important work."
"She had such an influence on so many people and every time I think about the teachers that have influenced me the most, she's definitely up there on that list."
"Most of my teachers not all of them I had some grouchy teachers too but primarily my teachers were actually very happy and joyful."
"He just loved people who become teachers. That's real on Bill's part: education and teachers."
"Culturally, teachers are held up as heroes and then six weeks later are torn down as villains."
"Teachers should get to park their cars closer to the building."
"If every teacher had the exact same rules for writing, life would be a lot easier."
"Teachers like Mrs. O'Hara, sometimes in our lives we need teachers who change the narrative."
"All of my friends were teachers who were pretty impressed by my academic record, but they were also adults with lives and responsibilities."
"The reason why teachers stay in the classroom is because they love their students."
"Teachers are some of the most helpful people on the planet."
"A big salute and thank you to all the wonderfully dedicated teachers out there."
"Teachers matter. So ask those good questions when you sign up for a course."
"I get that a lot. Whenever I post something that's not at school, I always get, 'I forget teachers have their own lives.'"
"It definitely improved the teachers."
"The teachers forbade her from singing it at school and took it as a challenge to sing it at every opportunity."
"...we've I've had this conversation so many times like with my husband and just various other people that it's just such a shame that teachers are paid so little because they've wanted like the most important jobs out there..."
"Teachers kind of have a big effect on your life."
"Establishing relationships is very important; your teachers want you to succeed, and most of them are willing to help you if you reach out to them."
"Most of these confessions were just like, you know, school beaters and weird teachers, you know, that was nice."
"The grace tsunami covering the planet is not producing teachers but awakeners."
"Teachers are incredible amazing they're the backbone of our society can we please just give teachers a raise can we pay them what they're worth."
"...the quality of our education system cannot exceed the quality of the teachers that we have."
"All of these teachers have given us everything that we know up till now."
"We should show our appreciation for these teachers."
"School teachers are unsung heroes in our society."
"You never forget the teachers who said to you, 'You can do this.'"
"This bag is so much fun, so this would be a great teacher gift."
"Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to the real teachers out there."
"Treat your teachers well; they've dedicated themselves to giving you your education."
"Teachers need our support, anything I can do to help them, I always will."
"The best resources you have are your teachers."
"Teachers are a wonderful blessing on this world."
"Ascended masters, powerful, loving, and wise spiritual teachers are watching over and guiding you."
"It's Teacher Appreciation Day, I love teachers."
"It's not these programs that are going to teach our kids to read, it's amazing educators across our state that's going to be the catalyst for this change."
"Shout out to all the teachers on summer break having fun."
"You gotta start respecting teachers more because they're just normal people like you and I."
"The most important people in our society... are our teachers."
"The greatest lessons are not found in books, but in the hearts of our teachers."
"Teachers make a huge difference in this world."
"Thank you so much to all the teachers out there for doing everything that you do."
"Remember how important teachers were in our lives?"
Teachers on summer break: "They hate us 'cause they ain't us."
"I think every one of us can call our memories back to a special teacher that took us to a different place in our lives."
"Make good relationships with your teachers."
"If we want the best for our children, we need to do the best for our teachers."
"Let's give a round of applause to all the teachers who are present here."
"I've had a little bit of an epiphany today... the real heroes are the teachers in the schools."
"We teachers can have an impact if we do things right."
"Shout out to our teachers by the way, like really good teachers. I appreciate y'all."
"What are the factors that lead to teacher burnout in elementary schools?"
"We need to learn how to take care of our teachers better."
"Teachers, people who actually impact lives, are getting paid nothing and had to pay 100k to get a degree."
"I love teachers. I owe my teachers everything."
"God bless you to all of you teachers."
"Big up all these teachers putting in the work."
"I appreciate so much what our teachers have done for kids."
"The subjects you were most fond of or not fond of always really depended on the teachers and the experience you had in that subject."
"Teachers can make all the difference with these kids."
"It's really, really nice; it's a little post-it note holder, and I think it would be great for teachers for Christmas."
"Sometimes people don't appreciate how much education teachers have to have and continue to have."
"Wouldn't teachers in education be the backbone of society? That's where everyone starts, right?"
"I think a lot of teachers in most cities in most states don't seem to earn enough."
"Form good relationships with your teachers."
"Go to class, make good connections with your teachers."
"God bless the teachers out there."
"Thank you teachers for everything you do."
"Teachers are the single most important in-school factor in a child's learning achievement."
"Teachers are critical to the success of education; when they are supported, education quality improves."
"First of all, $32,000 is like what some teachers make in our country, so that's like a year's salary for some people."
"I'm still close with a lot of my teachers."
"We can give thanks to our teachers and we also give thanks to those disciples who maintain these places."
"Thousands of teachers put on their red shirts, red outfits yesterday, and they walked out in protest of the low pay and the unfavorable conditions in the classroom."
"Getting that child to school has been so... I just wanted to send a blessing and a thank you to all his teachers over the years."
"Thank you to all those teachers who are teaching at the moment... building a better future for their individual children, for our societies, and for our world."
"In five years, half of our teachers are leaving the teaching profession."
"I'm very grateful for all the OG teachers in my life."
"Shout out to all the teachers, thank you for what you do. I could not do your job."
"Let's help fulfill this wish list that these teachers have sent in to us."
"I'm going to donate these to the teachers at my son's schools."
"I am a firm believer in spoiling teachers, so I really wanted to include the 'Inked Paper/Pencil Gift Card Holder Die'."
"Special shout out to America's teachers who made it through another horrible year."
"You play the right song and these teachers will forget they're on chaperone duty."
"It's always the most raucous celebration for the school teachers, which warms my heart."
"I cried with all my heart as I said my final goodbyes to my teachers."
"Never you underestimate teachers all over your school."
"Teachers make the world a better place."
"Stand up for the teachers... let's be their voice when they need it."
"I have a lot of respect for teachers."
"Teachers are the foundation of our nation."
"In today's classrooms, teachers across the country are facing an increasingly diverse population of students."
"Talk to your teachers; they are super willing to help."
"Teachers... are literal earth angels."
"I believe teachers should be making millions and millions of dollars a year for the contribution that they are making to society."
"Teachers, y'all are the true MVPs."
"I'm gonna go all out next year for the teachers because they're amazing."
"Teachers inspired me to dream big."
"You cannot tell me that teachers don't matter; they absolutely do, and we have to begin respecting and honoring them for the work that they do every day."